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20 January, 2013

You May Be Suffering From A Stress Response Illness? Part 2 of 5 - Serotonin

Increase Serotonin By Eating Sweets?

When the body switches to a Stress Response the whole organism begins to die.  There are two basic responses in the body: 1. fight or flight and 2. growth and repair.  One is death and disease.  The other is life and rebirth.  While Serotonin is associated with happiness and feeling good the reality is that Serotonin is a stress hormone.  It evokes a stress response from the body.  In the short term such a stress response can save your life if you are running from a Saber Tooth Tiger.  But in the long term it can have deadly consequences.

The medical establishment means well by prescribing Serotonin to help people suffering from depression.  However, while the effects of an energized being may seem to be uplifting to the depressed person the true biochemical nature of Serotonin obscures its true function in the body which is to prepare you for flight or fight.  It is interesting to note that alcohol has a similar effect although the mechanism is different.  Alcohol may seem to energize while in fact it is a depressant.  Frequent over use of alcohol can lead to many well known problems ultimately leading to death.

There are digestive tract cells that are very similar to cells in the Pineal Gland and cells of the Adrenal Glands.   They are called Enterochromaffin Cells.  They are related to the Chromaffin Cells of the Adrenal Glands.  These cells are considered to play an important role in the stress system.  The digestive tract has its version of the Chromaffin Cells also called Enterochromaffin Cells.  They are literally digestive stress cells.  In other words there are cells in the digestive tract that are akin to the stress cells found in the Adrenals.  There is a relationship between digestive health and the fight or flight system.  The most important role of these stress cells is to secrete Serotonin.  This is further proof that the digestive tract is connected to Serotonin and further evidence that Serotonin is a stress hormone.

In the book "Potatoes Not Prozac" by Kathleen DesMaisons, PhD.  She makes a case for how the close linkage of digestion is to mental functions and emotions because of imbalances in the brain  .  The author shows how sugar addiction may have less to do with a lack of will power or discipline or motivation and more to do with biochemistry. Some people, she says were born with a body that responds to sugar, alcohol and refined carbohydrates differently than other people. They are sugar sensitive.   Dr. DesMaisons recommends eating lots of potatoes and carbohydrates to help keep the Serotonin levels up.  Sadly, the facts do not support Dr. DesMaisons hypothesis.  Her idea assumes that Serotonin is a "happy" hormone and promotes more joy and bliss.  

Nothing could be further from the truth.  Not only is Serotonin a stress hormone but the last thing a person having an episode of stress and anxiety needs is to eat more potatoes or sugar of any kind.  The classic way to decrease Serotonin response is to raise blood sugar and raise insulin.

The problem is that when you eat a lot of sugar the body stops listening to sugar.  In other words you become diabetic.  Diabetes can cause a decrease in Serotonin.  Plus not only is Serotonin a stress hormone but sugar also places the body into a stress response mode.  The other stress hormones will be secreted such as Histamine, Cortisone and Adrenalin.  Stress hormones have a net breakdown effect on the body.  Long term Serotonin increases regardless of the cause shut down the body's ability to grow and repair.  Long term Serotonin increases cause an emergency stress response.  Stress cells in the body especially the Enterochromaffin Cells in the gut are connected to bacteria overgrowth in the small intestines.

H. pylori which is a bacteria that thrives under conditions of low stomach acid,  When there is H. pylori overgrowth in the digestive tract the body perceives it as an emergency.  The Enterochromaffin secrete more Serotonin causing clotting of the blood, hypertension, decreasing growth and repair and leading to more stress response.  Any health issue, therefore, is possible when Serotonin is involved.  Once the Serotonin level is increased potentially all medical issues can take place in response to the stress hormone.  This has particular relevance to brain health issues such as Depression, Schizophrenia, Autism, which may be affected by the sensitivity of the Enterochormaffin Cells to H. pylori, junk foods, processed foods, and excitotoxins.

The stress cells in the digestive tract also produce Histamine another stress chemical.  (The first anti-depressant drugs were drugs that controlled Histamine.  The connection of depression to stress chemistry has been known for decades. 

 To Be Continued...

Blog Editor's Note: This blog is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any medical condition.  If you have any symptom and before taking any supplements consult with your qualified physician. 

Information contained in this article is a summary of a recent program from Naturopathic Pharmacist Ben Fuchs.  You can listen to his one hour syndicated radiio program "The Brightside" Monday through Friday, 8 - 9 AM PST.  Listen Live at or

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