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18 January, 2013

You May Be Suffering From A Stress Response Illness? Part 1 of 5 - Serotonin

Prozac, Zoloft and Efexor are just a few of the brand names for commonly used SSRI's.  When these drugs were first introduced in the 1980's they represented a completely different mechanism for dealing with mental health.  It revolutionized the anti-depressant business.  Prior to that time there were two other classes of drugs which are still in use today.  With the introduction of Prozac people became aware of Serotonin.  Most people think of Serotonin as a relaxing or happy hormone.  What some refer to as "Happy Pills".  The idea of manipulating Serotonin as a solution to depression is actually more of a marketing ploy than based on scientific fact.

The Serotonin hypothesis goes along the lines of a supposed chemical imbalance in the brain that is responsible for depression.  The truth is that there is no such thing biochemically speaking as a "chemical imbalance" in the brain.  The fact is that the chemicals in the brain are changing all the time on a second by second basis.  No one has ever seen or detected a chemical imbalance. There is no test or way of measuring such a thing if it did exist.  While it may sound logical to a lay person the notion of a chemical imbalance is more propaganda to help sell drugs.

An interesting website for SSRI testimonies can be found at:

The chemical imbalance theory began when it was noticed that there were certain chemicals that were found in the brain that were lower in people who had depression or the chemicals could be lowered by using tranquilizers specifically Reserpine.  Drug companies used the side effect of Reserpine, that is the effect of lowering certain chemicals in the brain, to create a class of drugs deemed to  benefit depression.  In other words a side effect was turned into a marketable product.  Unfortunately no correlation has ever been shown that low levels of brain chemicals resulted in recovery from depression.  Just because a drug used as a tranquilizer resulted in lower chemicals in the brain does not mean that lowered brain chemicals resulted in lower depression.  No one has ever shown that low Serotonin is linked to depression.  The Serotonin theory of depression is wrong and has never been proven.  Yet millions of people are drugged based on this myth.

In America the anti-depression industry represents an $11 Billion market.   Since 1988 there has been a 400% increase in the use of anti-depressants.  More than one out of ten Americans is taking an anti-depressant.  One out of four women in their 40's and 50's take anti-depressants.  Women are twice as likely to be taking an anti-depressant than men. 

The history of anti-depressant usage is a sad one.  Anti-depressants are relative new.  Their use began around the 1930's.  Before the 1950's anti-depression therapy mostly involved "electro-convulsive" therapy.  That is where the patient's brain is electrically shocked into not being depressed.  The shock would induce seizures.  The idea of inducing seizures as a means of managing mental health actually began in the 1500's and still goes on to this day.  In the 1940's and 50"s Electro Shock (Convulsive) Therapy (ECT) was considered the standard for treating depression.  According to the Journal of American Psychiatric Association, however published in 2001,  that Electro Shock (Convulsive) Therapy is "only marginally effective" than the placebo.  No one really knows why or if shocking the brain really works.

Since the 1950"s the use of pharmaceuticals began. Researchers exploring drugs to treat Tuberculosis noticed that patients who were taking TB medications were experiencing elevation of mood and reduced symptoms of depression.  Prior to specific drugs being designed for anti-depression pharmaceutical companies were recommending tranquilizers and amphetamines.    Psychiatrist know that there are two kinds of depression.  One is associated with mania or excitement and the other is associated with fatigue and lethargy.  The TB drugs worked best with the fatigue and lethargy depression.  If the patient had anxiety or obsessive disorders it was common to prescribe powerful anti-psychotic drugs such as Chlorpromazine.  If the patient had the kind of depression associated with lethargy and fatigue the doctor would prescribe amphetamines. 

Despite all the propaganda about Serotonin being a happy, glee inducing hormone the reality is that Serotonin is involved in far more than just brain chemistry.   Only 5% or less of the Serotonin in your body is found in the brain.  Serotonin is found throughout the body including the blood, the lungs, the liver and the reproductive organs,   Most of the Serotonin in the body is found in the digestive tract;  95% +/- in fact.    Serotonin could be thought of as a digestive emergency hormone.  One of the main roles of Serotonin is to help the digestive tract deal with poisons.  It stimulates digestive contractions.  This is one of the reasons that SSRI's are used as appetite suppressants or weight loss agents.

Serotonin is an "emergency response hormone".  It is involved in helping the body deal with stress; especially digestive stresses such as poisons, circulatory system stress as in bleeding and blood clotting.  It increases blood pressure.  Serotonin is a stress hormone.  Serotonin is a fight or flight hormone.  It keeps the body in a high alert status.  Serotonin sends the complete opposite signal to joy and happiness.  It sends a signal of emergency and panic.  This can have major implications for people suffering from a stress response illnesses such as high blood pressure.  It is thought that it is the impact of the alert and vigilance response caused by Serotonin that can drive some people to suicide and violent behavior.  SSRI's tell the brain, the digestive system and the circulatory system that the body is under threat. In the short term mood may seem to improve with the use of SSRI's.  But in the long run it will manifest in a stress response.

But Serotonin is more than a mood elevating, stress chemical.   Serotonin is a fundamental element in the aging response, the degeneration response, and the death response.  It is associated with the development of nerve tissue in the embryo in the womb, it is involved with the development of nerve tissue in children and the degeneration of nerve tiissue in the elderly.  Serotonin is involved with all living cells in all organisms from algae to fungus to man.  In other words because Serotonin is so fundamental certainly other less dangerous forms of correcting mental disorder should be considered before thinking about Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors.

Serotonin is a regulating substance that is used in the integration of the body with the outside world.  It deals with the perception of that outside world.  In the brain it is produced by the Pineal Gland.  The Pineal Gland is the main structure of consciousness and awareness in the brain.  It was called "the seat of the soul" by the philosopher Descartes. It is the parent substance for Melatonin.   Melatonin is the opposing hormone to Serotonin.  Whereas Serotonin causes intestinal cramping and contractions for example, Melatonin has a relaxing effect. 

Interestingly the digestive tract has cells that are similar to the Pineal Gland.  These awareness cells are called Enterochromaffin cells.  Enterochromaffin cells  make the intestinlal tract aware of their environment and surrounding.  90% of the Serotonin in the body are made by the Enterochromaffin cells. 

Part 2 to be continued...

Blog Editor's Note: This blog is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any medical condition.  If you have any symptom and before taking any supplements consult with your qualified physician. 

Information contained in this article is a summary of a recent program from Naturopathic Pharmacist Ben Fuchs.  You can listen to his one hour syndicated radiio program "The Brightside" Monday through Friday, 8 - 9 AM PST.  Listen Live at or

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