- Good Fats - Coconut Oil, Carlson's Cod Liver Oil, Flax Seed Oil, Walnut Oil, etc.
- Green vegetable and colorful vegetables like reds and oranges
- Bitter tasting substances instead of sweet substances
- Millet, Buckwheat, Quinoa
- Beet Root, Cabbages, Broccoli
- Home made Yogurt
- Stevia
- Organic Meats and Eggs
- Organic, Non-GMO, Gluten Free, Non-wheat, Non-grain products
- Bone Soup
- Nuts
- Oil Pulling - Oil pulling is a great way of cleaning the teeth. You take a tablespoonful of oil, any kind of cooking oil or coconut oil and swish it around your mouth, sucking and pulling it through you teeth. At the end of 30 minutes you expel it into the toilet and rinse your mouth well with clean water.
- Activated Charcoal - Every medicine chest should have this useful product. It is very inexpensive, used in emergency rooms around the country to neutralize poisons in and outside of the body.
- Brush you teeth with twigs - Break off a small twig from a tree and use the broken end of the twig to message the teeth and gums. Works to clean and strengthen teeth.
- Topperson's - Stops pain related to muscle and joint ache
- Bentonite Clay - Is used topically or internally to absorb toxins
- Strauss Heart Drops . Helps to maintain heart health
- Niacin
- Stops The Sting is the best insect bite and sting medication on the market.
- Miracle Soap - The best natural mild soap for skin conditions and other uses
- Fossil Shell Flour - Gets rid of fleas and other pests without chemicals, nutriates soil
- Sprouts - An excellent way to eat live foods and receive you nutrition
- Chlorella - One of the highest sources of magnesium and antioxidants available
- Spirulina - Green Agae having vitmins, minerals and protein. A complete food
- Oregano Oil (Vulgarus) - An example anti-inflammatory to be used on and in the body
- Coconut Oil- An excellent item for health. Use it for cooking, salads
- Essential Oils - These items are more than just to smell nice. On the body or in the body they can have huge health benefits
- Fermented Foods - Foods like yoghurt, kefir, sauerkraut are all forms of fermented foods
- Himalayan Crystal Salt - This is whole salt containing 84 elements 1 table spoon system, 1 hour before or after eating
- Chaga - Is the number one antioxidant in the world. It is a mushroom that grows on the birch tree. It is very cheap and a great way to counter radiation or other forms of oxidation
- Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar - Use Apple Cider Vinegar to acidify the stomach, digest food and absorb nutrients
- Collodial Silver - This is a substance that uses silver dissolved in the water and is an alternative to antibiotics. Either buy the Collodial Silver already made or buy a machine and make it for yourself. In Canada Collodial Silver is illegal.
- Super Silver Solution - http://thepowermall.com/thecenterforhealth/healthy_bodies/silver.htm
- Fossil Shell Flour (food grade), 1 table spoon on an empty stomach, away from pharmaceuticals for detox of heavy metals, available from the power hour.
- Miracle II Soap
- Curcumen, Tumeric
- Healon - A 15 ml concentrated topical analgesic, accelerates the healing process; good for burns (1st, 2nd and 3rd degree), spider bites (including brown recluse spider), cuts, bruising, any skin irritation. Kills bacteria, gangrene
- Essential Fatty Acids - Omega 3, Omega 6, Omega 9 - Flax Seed Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Nuts
- Polysaccharides
- Hyaluronic Acid
- Alpha Lipoic Acid
- NAC (N-Acetyl L-Cysteine)
- Sulfur (MSM)
- Selenium
- Vitamin E mixed tocopherol (8 forms)
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin B Complex plus
- Vitamin D
- Magnesium
- Zinc picolinate
- Glutamine Powder
- Glycine
- CoQ10
- Lecithin
- Lipase
- Digestive Enzymes
- Fasting
- Use Natural Soap
- Use non-fluoridated tooth paste
- Breathe Deeply
- Walking
- Resistance Exercising
- Think Good Thoughts - Epigenetics
- Meditate On Your Recovery
- Do 10 push ups and 10 sit ups per day
Posted on:
Thursday, September 27th 2012 at 2:00 pm
Written by:
Sayer Ji, FounderWhile we have already spent considerable time indicting the credibility of wheat as a so-called health food, whose secular and religious glorification are unparalleled within the cereal grains, we have not delved deeply enough into the link between grain consumption, particularly wheat, and cardiovascular disease, the #1 cause of death in the Western world.
This link, of course, strikes literally to the heart of the seemingly indestructible myth that eating wheat, and more exactly whole wheat (which has more lectin than white, processed wheat flour), is a good thing for human health. Beyond the well over 200 adverse health effects linked to wheat consumption that now exist in the peer-reviewed biomedical literature, we hope to point out in the following article how cardiovascular health is better served by eliminating this uniquely problematic grain from the diet.
It was actually Loren Cordain, Ph.D., author of the Paleo Diet, who (to our knowledge) first pointed out the inherent cardiotoxicity of wheat. In the March 2008 edition of The Paleo Diet Newsletter, Cordain explains in an article titled, "Whole Wheat Heart Attack Part2: The Role of Dietary Lectins," how dietary lectins, as found in wheat, promote the formation of fatty streaks and mature atherosclerotic plaque in the arteries.
First, he explains how dietary lectins, which we like to call "invisible thorns" within many commonly ingested plant foods, and which are designed to fend off microbial and animal predators (among other functions), are capable of gaining entry into the circulatory system:
In order for dietary lectins to be promoters of atherosclerosis, the following physical and physiological processes must occur: 1) must survive cooking and processing; 2) they must survive dig enzymatic degradation; 3) they must bind gut tissue; 4) they must cross gut tissue barrier; 5) they must resist immunological and hepatic (liver) disposal; 6) they must arrive in peripheral circulation intact in physiological concentrations; 7) they must interact with one or more mechanisms known to influence atherosclerosis. The six of these seven steps are known to transpire, as ingested lectins rapidly appear intact in the bloodstream of humans and animals and cross the intestinal barrier in human cultured tissue.Second, he asks the question: "So, we know that dietary lectins can get into the bloodstream of humans and animals, and we know that chronic, low-level inflammation is essential for all facets of atherosclerosis. Is there any evidence that lectins are involved in the progression or acceleration of atherosclerosis? Further, is there any evidence that dietary lectins may promote chronic, low level inflammation in humans?"
In answer, he first discusses the well-known atherosclerosis-promoting effects of peanut lectin, as well as the intriguing fact that atherosclerosis almost always occurs, not just anywhere, but in a specific location of the arteries. Basically, at sites where arteries branch a protective glycocalyx (a wispy, hairy structure whose "slipperiness" reduces turbulent flow) prevents damage that might otherwise be caused by white blood cells attaching to adhesion molecules on the surface of the cells lining the arteries. The attachment of white blood cells and subsequent infiltration of the middle section of the artery -- namely, the intima media -- by them, is what leads to the formation of fatty streaks within the arteries, eventually leading to plaque formation which may obstruct the flow of blood within the narrowing lumen of the artery. Therefore, when the glycocalyx is disturbed, and/or excessive glycocalyx shedding there is induced -- presumably by dietary lectins like wheat lectin -- the resulting increased arterial wall shear stress and inflammation contributes to atherosclerosis.
For a more elaborate and technical explanation of the process, Cordain explains the process below:
Plaques only form in turbulent flow areas along the artery, such as sites where arteries branch (Figure 1, below), but not where blood flow is smooth (laminar flow), such as in small arteries and at non-branching or non-curving sites. Until recently, the mechanisms underlying this phenomenon was poorly understood. Let's again examine the artery cross-section shown in Figure 2 (below) and take a more detailed look at the true structure lining the inside of arteries, the glycocalyx. This wispy, hairy structure is composed of sugars and carbohydrate molecules that form a physical barrier between the red and white blood cells in circulation and the endothelial cell surface, thereby preventing white blood cells from attaching to adhesion molecules. In other words, one of the very first steps in atherosclerosis, the entry of monocytes into the intima, is blocked when the glycocalyx is fully intact17. Only when the glycocalyx mass is reduced can monocytes and T-cells bind adhesion molecules and find their way into the intima. Turbulent flow areas are more susceptible to atherosclerosis because the glycocalyx mass is reduced in these areas18. It is known that high-fat diets (which increase the rate of oxidized LDL formation) cause the glycocalyx size and mass to be reduced 18, as do inflammatory cytokines19. From a physiological perspective, reductions in glycocalyx size and mass in response to injury or inflammation make sense. Shedding of the glycocalyx allows the white blood cells entry to the inflamed tissue from circulation and therefore begins the healing process by first destroying and then taking up the foreign substance.
Common dietary lectins are potent stimulators of inflammatory cytokines in white blood cell cultures20,21. In Figure 3 you can see that lectins from lentils, kidney beans, peas and wheat potently increase the production of inflammatory cytokines (IL-12, IL-2, and INFγ). Wheat lectin (WGA) also stimulates production of two other inflammatory cytokines (TNFα and IL-1β)21 that promote the atherosclerotic process. Consequently, if dietary lectins reach circulation intact, which previous human and animal studies demonstrate1-5, they have a high probability of causing glycocalyx shedding, thereby increasing entry of monocytes into the intima and contributing to the formation of the fatty streak. Because of their potent inflammatory nature, dietary lectins have the potential to promote and accelerate atherosclerosis at all steps of this disease where inflammatory cytokines are operative. You will recall that one of the deadly steps involved in atherosclerosis is the rupturing of the fibrous cap and the formation of a blood clot. Enzymes called matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), secreted by white blood cells and other cells within the plaque, are known to cause collagen and elastic tissue within the fibrous cap to disintegrate.Consequently, any dietary or environmental factor which facilitates synthesis of MMPs is not a good thing for cardiovascular disease patients. Well guess what? Lectins from wheat, WGA22, and lectins from kidney beans, PHA23, cause tissue cultures of white blood cells to increase their production of MMP."
Wheat lectin, also known as Wheat Germ Agglutinin (WGA), is highly selective in what it binds to (the word select and lectin share the same etymological root), and has such a high affinity with certain biomolecules that make up the glycocalyx – n-acetyl-glucosamine and sialic acid – that the problem with lectin-arterial glyocalyx distruption is clear as day. Just as wheat lectins bind to the slippery mucous coat of the glycocalyx in the intestines, contributing to their well-known gastrointestinal toxicity, once they enter into systemic circulation, they may also bind to the slippery glycocalyx lining the arteries, resulting in the damage and subsequent inflammation associated with atherosclerosis.
According to Cordain, another way in which wheat germ agglutinin contributes to the final and fatal step in atherosclerosis, is through its agglutinating effect, i.e. "to cause to adhere, as with glue," which is to say, forming a clot. According to Cordain:
Integral to the formation of clots are platelet cells, which circulate in the bloodstream.Platelets are normally activated when they contact collagen from a damaged blood vessel. WGA directly causes the activation of platelets and potently increases their aggregation (clumping) 24. Hence, the consumption of whole wheat may be integral in the thinning and destruction of the fibrous cap as well as the formation of the fatal clot.The ability of lectins to cause the clumping up of cells in the plasma is well known. The Eat Right For Your Blood Type system, for instance, is based upon ascertaining the agglutinizing effects of different foods on different blood types. If wheat lectin can contribute both to inflammation in the lining of the arteries, and cause clumping up and clotting of the blood, there is little doubt that it can also contribute to the #1 cause of death in the Western world. There is also the possibility that the immune system may respond to the presence of wheat proteins by producing antibodies that cross-react with cardiovascular tissue, causing myocardial inflammation, i.e. myocarditis. Myocardititis was in fact identified to be a potential cause of autoimmune myocardititis in a minority of celiac disease patients.1
Ultimately, the fundamental inflammatory properties of wheat, as well as the adverse endocrine changes associated with grain consumption as a whole, e.g. insulin elevation and resistance, leptin resistance, ghrelin dysregulation, make it unrealistic that wheat will have an overall beneficial effect on cardiovascular health. But, one should consider that many gluten-free alternatives contain potato and rice, both of which also contain lectins which have functional and structural properties resembling that of wheat lectin. These "chitin-binding" lectins, as they are known, are also found in tomato and barley. So what do we eat? A question like this is impossible to answer, generically, but if I were to take a stab at a good place to start, wheat-free is the best way to go, with grain-restricted, if not grain-free, the next best step.
Posted on:
Saturday, September 29th 2012 at 2:00 pm
Written by:
Hema Simondes
There's been quite a buzz recently among athletes
and health enthusiasts, on how to more quickly and easily recover from
acute or chronic inflammation and injury through earthing. The term
'earth' is used often in Europe and equates to what we also call
'ground' here in America.
A 'grounded' human being is someone
who is connected to and receives direct benefit from the infinite free
electron source generated directly from our planet. We're grounded when
we hold the same electrical potential as the Earth's surface.
Electrons are absorbed or discharged via the skin, mainly through our
feet in contact with the ground. This is an ancient and profound yet
hugely common sense principle of well-being that's currently resurging
amidst enthusiastic stories of its success.It's well accepted that electrical systems of our homes or sophisticated electrical equipment must be grounded to function safely and effectively. But how much have we considered the human body as being fundamentally bio-electric in nature, also working more optimally with grounding, and suffering adverse effects from the lack of it?
The universe is all about energy! Simply put, energy is universal information in motion within and around everything. It's very fast moving so we perceive only a very small percentage of it through our five senses;usually, we can notice only its effects (think radio signals, ultrasound, or even love).
Its electrical charge is that spark of life that animates us, and has been well regarded for thousands of years primarily by eastern and indigenous cultures – who've actually studied its properties and called it by many names – Chi, Qi, Ki, Life Force energy, prana, mana, orgone, electrons, Shakti, kundalini, and more.
Our universe is alive due to interactions of energy. All our thoughts including perceptions, beliefs, wants and needs, all our emotions and feelings, our sensations and movements, and our anima or spirit are the outcomes of this essential substrate of energy.
Surrounding and permeating each living thing – from this living, breathing planet down to the smallest single cell organism – is a bio-electromagnetic field. This field is a function of the vitality present in that being. In another's presence you may sense this as radiance or a glow. Or you feel a charge of electricity when approaching someone with whom you share a mutual attraction. We've all felt surprise due to shocks by static electricity;at those moments we're a conductor for that excess charge.
On a much grander scale, the more than 5,000 lightning strikes per minute globally constantly refresh the Earth's almost unlimited supply of free electrons. To illuminate how immensely powerful this force is, a single lightning storm can contain more energy than ten atomic bombs.
All our body's trillions of cells function electrically. Each cell is like a battery;it runs at a specific millivoltage and frequency. Generally speaking, disease is caused when cells have too little voltage and are running at too low a frequency. Ultimately our health depends on the electrical charge maintained within and around our cells and our organ systems.
The body seeks to maintain homeostasis – a state of balance. Unstable, highly reactive free radical molecules (caused by, for example, tobacco smoke, sugars, radiation, and other various forms of pollution) have unpaired or 'stray' electrons so they 'steal' electrons from healthier cells to regain stability. But this causes oxidative damage to those once-healthy cells that then also turn into free radicals, and thus a chain reaction of damage begins. Inflammation, disease and aging are attributed to this free radical damage. Antioxidants help reduce damage from free radical reactions because they donate electrons which neutralize radicals without forming more radicals. The influx of electrons from grounding provides an externally sourced natural antioxidant effect, and gives the body another raw material to heal itself.
A simple voltmeter test offers direct evidence how grounding eliminates excess electrical charge (and thus helps inflammation), by bringing the body into electrical balance with the Earth. For energy-depleted persons, grounding helps by uploading vital electrons, reenergizing the body's electrical state. Its energy continuously works towards our body homeostasis by either delivering or absorbing electrons. Grounding balances us and helps us feel whole again. Who wouldn't want this infinitely huge vital life force on her or his side, available 24/7 towards greater health and a sense of well being?
Our ancestors lived much more closely to the earth on dirt floor dwellings, often slept on the ground perhaps under stars, and worked daily barefoot or shod with minimal foot coverings. There was an awareness and respect for influential cycles of nature and the ebb and flow of life. Seasonal rituals and ceremonies were hallmarks of celebrating Nature.
Remember the barefoot joy you felt running around outside as a child? Where did that joy go? Collectively we're driven almost nonstop to be acquisition motivated by consumerist mentality, constantly pressured by high living costs and economic disparity, and are ill from effects of degraded air, water and genetically and chemically modified, irradiated, pesticide treated foods. Megacorporations trump rights of individuals while depleting precious natural resources. The needs of the many are preempted by and for the wants of a few. We've insulated ourselves from Nature. We live mostly indoors, and walk in synthetic footwear and high heels on asphalt and carpets. We are swimming (drowning?) in an ever-growing and pervasive invisible sea of harmful electromagnetic fields and frequencies (EMF) and radioactive stressors. Face it – we're stressed out!
So tell me – are you communing lovingly with Nature? Do you feel gratitude as She feeds you, quenches your thirst and washes you, clothes you, breathes life into you, soothes your soul with Her beauty, Her breath, Her songs? Do you feel a healthy respect and awe for Her enormous elemental powers of creation, sustenance, and destruction? Do you have a direct, up close and personal relationship with Her? How do you feel Her, touch Her, smell Her, taste Her? When last did you lay your body down on this Earth and exhale a sigh of relief?
Perhaps now in this eleventh hour, after so much worldly suffering, stress and angst, we will personally activate change by taking a step or two – barefoot steps – onto the living earth, to simply be present to the enormous power we stand upon. Such a basic action of a single human being reverberates throughout the entire cosmos. Imagine how we may create a larger shift when we get grounded by the millions.
Here's the easiest way to ground yourself: Go barefoot on Earth – walk, lie down, stand, or sit in a chair with your feet on the ground for awhile each day. You could begin with just twenty minutes daily...longer and more often is even better. On damp earth or at water's edge is best, as moisture enhances conductivity. Our tissues know how to 'soak up' and use these electrons so that, over time, our bodies may recharge and heal.
Why not get started here and now? Getting grounded is readily accessible, and it's free, too. We don't need conductive sandals or earthing products to get grounded, although they can improve our quality of life by helping us stay grounded more often and in all sorts of settings. We do need to get back in touch with Big Mom, our planetary home. Ground your body;invest some time at it and see what happens for you. Make a heartfelt effort, and very soon you shall learn for yourself what this precious gift is that's been offered to you, right under your feet, all along.
Posted on:
Wednesday, October 3rd 2012 at 5:00 am
Written by:
Sayer Ji, FounderThe research was performed at Srinakharinwirot University in Bangkok, Thailand. The administration of curcumin to diabetic rats, whose livers showed the characteristic pathology and destruction of liver tissues and microvasculature, resulted in significant reversal of the condition.
They noted:
Fascinatingly, liver microvasculature in curcumin treated group developed into regenerate and repair into healthy and normal characteristics." They concluded: "These results optimistically demonstrated the potential use of curcumin as a novel therapeutic agent in liver pathology of diabetic rats.Curcumin is actually one of the world's most thoroughly studied and well-characterized natural compounds, with over 5100 references in peer-reviewed publications. Over 1400 of these have been selected for inclusion in our database, and indicate its value in over 500 health conditions. Considering its remarkably wide range of therapeutic benefits, it is not surprising that curcumin has been researched to either prevent or treat, liver disease. For example, you can view 36 studies on curcumin's anti-liver cancer properties here: curcumin liver cancer. Perhaps even more impressive are these 78 studies on curcumin's liver-protective properties: hepatoprotective properties of curcumin. Another 30 studies indicate its profound value in improving liver fibrosis.
There are also a broad range of therapeutic effects relevant to diabetes, as illustrated by the screenshot of the section on our database below.
- NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs)[i]
- Hydrocortisone[ii] (for inflammation)
- Prednisone[iii] (for inflammation)
- Corticosteroids (uveitis)[iv]
- Memantine and Diclofenac[v] (for memory)
- Atorvastain (for inflammation-mediated endothelial dysfunction)[vi]
- Dexamethasone (lung transplantation or injury)[vii] [viii]
- Fluoxetine [Prozac] and imipramine [Tofranil] (depression)[ix]
- Acetylsalicylic acid (Thrombosis and Arthritis)[x]
- Quinidine (myocardial ischemia)[xi]
- Oxaliplatin (Colorectal Cancer)[xii]
- Metformin (Gluconeogenesis/Blood Sugar)[xiii]
We will end with a simple image. Turmeric, the mother plant if you will, which gives rise to the compound curcumin. Do you see how the Earth provides this gift for free? It simply grows out of the ground. There is love in this fact. I hope you can appreciate the profound meaning of this gift.
Posted on:
Sunday, July 29th 2012 at 5:00 am
Written by:
Vic Shayne, Ph.D.