Book discussed on today's show: Live Food Juices by H E. Kirschner
Kirschner, in his book "LIVE FOOD JUICES," shares this incredible
account of one familiy's experience with carrot juice: "The first child,
a baby girl, was born in 1951 . . . after two months she was so pale . .
. the doctor ordered an immediate blood count, which revealed . . .
leukemia. She was taken to the hospital, and there, within the space of
five and one-half days was given twenty-five blood transfusions . . .
and died at the age of three months.
"The second
child, a boy, was born in 1953. An examination of the child's blood
revealed the terrifying fact that this second baby was born with
leukemia. . . . The baby's doctor . . . immediately . . . arranged to
have carrot juice [brought] to the hospital each day. . . . During the
first three months of this baby's life, NO OTHER FOOD was allowed. . . .
Today, at the age of five . . . the little fellow is apparently in
perfect health. He also continues to take his daily ration of carrot
"The third
child, a beautiful little girl, was born in 1954. Blood tests made at
the time of the birth showed no evidence of leukemia. The blood count
was normal. This favorable condition was no doubt largely due to the
fact that the mother drank quantities of carrot juice regularly
throughout her pregnancy. Having become enthusiastic 'converts' to the
raw juice therapy, the parents weren't taking any chances, and the third
child was also given nothing but carrot juice for the first three
months after birth. Now, at the age of four she still takes two glasses
of carrot juice per day."
In his book
"Live Food Juices," H. E. Kirschner, M.D., writes: "WHY USE JUICES? Why
not just eat the raw vegetables? If modern research is correct, the
power to break down the cellular structure of raw vegetables, and
assimilate the precious elements they contain, even in the healthiest
individual, is only fractional--not more than 35%, and in the less
healthy, down to 1%."
Kirschner continues: "In the form of juice, these same individuals
assimilate up to 92% of these elements. The juice of the plant, like the
blood of the body, contains all the elements that build and nourish. IT
Charlotte Gerson, healing diabetes, ending self-sabotage on Mental Health Exposed (NaturalNews) The January 16, 2013 episode of Mental Health Exposed features Charlotte Gerson discussing her book, Healing Diabetes the Gerson Way. At age 90, Charlotte is as passionate and feisty as ever, not taking any slack from me or anyone else.... On this episode, Charlotte explains with great simplicity and clarity how diabetes happens and specifically what to do to bring about dramatic changes in 5-11 days using the Gerson method.
Gaia Health - The deaths of children from multiple vaccine doses can only be called carnage. This study demonstrates that giving 5-8 doses instead of 1-4 doses at a time has resulted in an extra 51,750 to 103,500 child deaths in the last 20 years.
Seven amazing health benefits of sunlight
(NaturalNews) An article in the Huffington Post blog a couple of years ago warned readers to avoid all sunlight all the time. The co-founder of the Melanoma Research Alliance and Broadway producer formed this alliance after her own experience with melanoma on the bottom of her foot.
We're in contact with uncontrolled chemicals - In testimony before a Senate subcommittee, Ken Cook spoke passionately about 10 Americans who were found to have more than 200 synthetic chemicals in their blood. The 10 Americans were newborns. "Babies are coming into this world pre-polluted with toxic chemicals," he said. More than 80,000 chemicals are in use today, and most have not been independently tested for safety, regulatory officials say.
The benefits of apple cider vinegar
(NaturalHealth365) We all know the benefits of apple cider vinegar better skin tone, detoxification plus much more. If you haven't tried this old-fashion remedy for better health - get ready for a pleasant surprise.
>> Get your Bragg Apple Vinegar from The Power Mall today!
Kidney disease requires magnesium
(NaturalNews) One of the contraindications for taking magnesium is kidney failure. Unfortunately the public and many doctors think that means magnesium should not be taken by anyone with any degree of kidney disease. That's just not true and I'll explain why.
Parabens Found in Cosmetics Linked to Breast Cancer in UK Study
Intel Hub - The article "Parabens" from states: "A 2004 UK study detected traces of five parabens in the breast cancer tumors of 19 out of 20 women studied (vii). This small study does not prove a causal relationship between parabens and breast cancer, but it is important because it detected the presence of intact parabens - unaltered by the body's metabolism - which is an indication of the chemicals' ability to penetrate skin and remain in breast tissue."
(NaturalNews) As reported by Army Times and others, Incivek (telaprevir), a popular drug used to treat hepatitis C, has been implicated in causing fatal skin reactions in at least two hepatitis C patients worldwide, and the drug appears to be especially deadly when used in combination with other hepatitis C drugs such as Victrelis (boceprevir).
Psychiatrists mourn 43% decline in use of electroshock therapy
(NaturalNews) From 1993 to 2009, there was a progressive decline in the number of hospitals offering electro-convulsive therapy or "shock treatment." This means roughly 43% fewer psychiatric inpatients are receiving shocks. Some psychiatrists are beside themselves.
(NaturalNews) From 1993 to 2009, there was a progressive decline in the number of hospitals offering electro-convulsive therapy or "shock treatment." This means roughly 43% fewer psychiatric inpatients are receiving shocks. Some psychiatrists are beside themselves.
CEO and product formulator of Topricin Pain Relief and Healing Cream
(an FDA regulated topical biomedicine), LOU PARADISE, details how
Topricin works to relieve pain, children as well as adults. Topricin
was recently awarded a patent for the topical treatment of neuropathy.
[In the spring of 2010 Topricin was awarded yet another patent for the treatment of pain associated with Fibromyalgia.]
[In the spring of 2010 Topricin was awarded yet another patent for the treatment of pain associated with Fibromyalgia.]
The Topricin Story
Topricin is the culmination
of many years of research in the area of regulated natural medicines.
The result is a line of pain relief products for the whole family that
work with no side effects. Their patented topical formula aids in the
healing process by improving blood flow to the injured tissue and
draining toxins and fluids that build up as a result of injury or
painful ailments like arthritis. Unlike m
other over the counter pain relief creams and medications that just
mask symptoms, Topricin stimulates the body's desire to heal the damage
that is causing the pain. Whether for muscle pain, joint pain, soft
tissue pain or injury, Topricin® is often the first treatment that
doctors, chiropractors and physical therapists recommend. An
FDA-regulated over the counter medicine, Topricin® is the leading
natural therapeutic brand.
Other products on the market
contain capsaicin and/or menthol. These ingredients are not pain
relievers, but are instead used to cover up the pain by providing a
secondary, superficial pain at skin-level (characterized by an
uncomfortable burning sensation). This distracts you from the original
pain, without actually helping the injured tissue, and stalls the
healing process. When the product's effects wear off, the original pain
returns. Instead of masking pain symptoms, like other topical pain
products do, Topricin's transdermal micro-dosed medicines go deep to
where the pain originates. Then Topricin stimulates the body's natural
desire to "Heal the Damage That's Causing the Pain", so you experience
real, lasting pain relief.
Topricin vs. Oral Pain Relievers:
Oral pain relievers, like
ibuprofen and acetaminophen (the active ingredients in two very popular
anti-inflammatory brands), are not completely safe. Overuse of these
products is the leading cause of liver and kidney damage in America. As a
result, approximately 20,000 people, in America alone, die from the
side effects of using these oral pain relievers..
Topricin is an all natural,
homeopathic pain reliever. It is completely safe to use, even on babies,
children, pregnant women and the elderly. There are no side effects.
Highly Recommended TPH Products:
Available online "24/7" at or by calling 1-877-817-9829 Mon-Fri, 8 to 4 Central Time.
Lou Paradise - product formulator and CEO
FDA approves crofelemer as first-ever oral botanical 'drug'
(NaturalNews) For the first time in its history, the U.S. Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) has approved an orally-administered herbal
botanical for use as a treatment in medicine.... Many are lauding this
landmark move by the FDA as a positive step forward in the advancement
of natural medicine. But one of the major problems with reclassifying
natural botanicals as "drugs" is that, once approved, these substances
may no longer be freely available as nonproprietary nutrients.
Blog Editor's Note: This blog is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any medical condition. If you have any symptom and before taking any supplements consult with your qualified physician.
Information contained here comes from "The Power Hour" News Blast which can be subscribed to for free at . "The Power Hour with Joyce Riley" is a three-hour syndicated radio broadcast Monday through Friday, 7-10 AM CST. Listen Live at or
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