
The statements and products referenced in this blog have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or any other governmental agency. The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. The information in this blog is intended for information purposes only. If you have any diagnosed medical condition we recommend you consult your qualified health care provider with specific questions before using any new dietary supplement.

05 March, 2013

The Naturopathic Process

The Naturopathic Process

According to United Nations sources there are about 15,000 known diseases that affect the human body.  According to Pharmacist Ben Fuchs, Dr. Joel Wallach, Dr. Peter Glidden, Dr. Sherry Rogers and others there is only ONE.  In this article you will learn about the disease process, measures for healing and health and the Divine Design of the Human Body.

The human body is divinely designed by God almighty.  No medicine, drugs, pharmaceuticals, medical procedures or biochemical manipulation can come close.  However, as in all of God’s designs those with evil intent can attempt to confound the natural mechanism towards their goal of profit, confusion, corruption and premature death.

In keeping with His message you have Free Will.  That is the ability to choose between Good and Bad, Right and Wrong, His Word and the Tricks of the other.  This struggle has made the dividing line between all that is good, sacred and holy and those things that are dark, evil and rotten becomes less and less clear.  Thus the purpose of World Health Team.  To clarify the issues concerning the body, provide valuable information and offer solutions so that you can make an informed health choice.

The human body is a self regulating, growing, healing, divinely inspired structure.  It has systems built within to adjust on a millisecond to millisecond basis.  It alerts you when there is something wrong.  It thrives when you get it right.  But, you must feed it correctly.  You must provide the raw materials it needs to function properly.

This is done through food.  What is food?  Rather, what food is not?  All food comes from the Sun.  Without the Sun there would be no food.  Minerals in the soils allow plants to grow.  However, we can not eat the soil per se.  Although, we do eat salt and other vital minerals.  But for the most part we need plants to eat the salt.  Then we either eat the plants or we eat the animals that eat the plants.

Unfortunately, commercial farming and the deliberate poisoning of the soils, the air and the water has meant that the soils are devoid of the 90+ Vitamins and Minerals humans require to be healthy.  I might also add that plants only need 3 minerals to grow, Potassium, Nitrogen and Phosphorus.  Plus, what we call food today did not exist on the earth 100 years ago.  Most of what is offered as food in the supermarket is artificial and not really food at all.  Food can not be manufactured.  It must be natural and it comes from the Sun; not from a factory.

Added to this deadly and unfortunate mix is the desire my some to profit from our need to eat.  Therefore much that is in our environment is toxic to the human body.  Chlorine and Fluoride being put into the water, radioactivity being put into the air and oceans, thousands of chemical waste being incorporated into the containers and foods we are served.  Etc.

What this means is that we the people of the world become nutrient deficient or malnourished and the body begins to breakdown.  We may be putting foods in our mouths but we are literally starving for nutrition.  We are not sick.  We are starving.

But there is one more component to this Triad of evil.  Artificial foods, Toxic environment and the final blow, the medical / pharmaceutical complex.  Could it be that all three of these axis work hand in hand?  Once you become ill, and you will become ill you are forced to accept medications, drugs, treatments and surgeries supposedly to get rid of the sickness.

Let’s be completely honest.  The medical model can not make you unsick.  Only the body can heal itself.  Medicines, drugs, surgeries can not heal you.  There is a difference between setting a broken bone and making an ignorant patient to take blood pressure medicine.  Blood Pressure Medicine can not heal whatever is causing the High Blood Pressure.

What we call sickness or illness or disease is actually a response to something going wrong in the body.  If you  have a cold you may have a fever of a runny nose.  Is the problem the runny nose?  No.  If you have a cut and it bleeds.  Is the problem the blood?  No.  If you have a heart attack and your heart stops, is the problem the stopped heart.  No.  The problem may be your body’s inability to protect itself from a cold virus in which case the real problem may be the compromised immune system.  In the case of a cut that bleeds, obviously the issue may be why the skin is not healing.  And in the case of the heart attack the problem may be impaired circulation to the heart or a bioelectrical breakdown due to a reduction in electrolytes.

The point is that in each and every case a diet deficient in the correct form of nutrition in the right amounts can lead a doctor to believe that the problem is the runny nose, the bleeding and the stopped heart.  It is true that these symptoms have to be dealt with in some cases immediately.  But in the long run if you do not understand the underlying cause you will become sicker and cease to function.  Or may be there will be the opportunity to sell you more drugs and expensive medical procedures.

The human body is like an automobile.  As long as you put gas (petro) in the fuel tank, keep water in the radiator, oil in the engine, air in the tires and the battery charged up you can go.  But if any of these fluids are depleted the car will cease to function.  Cars have light instruments on the dashboard that tell when fluids or low or that a breakdown is imminent.  When a drug is prescribed it is as if the warning lights and instruments were disconnected.  Now the mechanic tells you that the car was fixed when in fact all he did was disconnect the warning lights and instruments.

Medicines work by poisoning the systems of the body so that the symptoms can not be seen or at least appear to be not as bad as they really are.  But the fact is you still have the problem you just don’t see it.  Is that your definition of being healthy?

Today’s populations are becoming fat and ill because they are lacking in nutrition.  To complicate matter more the so called medicines only hide the warning signs of a breakdown in health.  If your car is low on oil and you do not correct the problem sooner or later the engine will cease up.  The same will happen to the human body.

The Naturopathic Process according to Pharmacist Ben Fuchs: There are four key areas that lead to a breakdown in the body:

Suffocation - Poor breathing technique.  You must get oxygen to all the cells of the body by breathing deeply in and out from the belly several times per day.  Move your body by walking casually 30 minutes per day, walking upstairs slowly, pushups and crunches as many as you can do every day.  Move the blood around the body and then rest and relax.

Dehydration - You need to drink clean pure water throughout the day.  Soda Pop and juice are not water.  You need 2 litres of water or 8 glasses per day.  Distilled water from a jug is fine.  Water in plastic bottles is full of chemicals.

Starvation - You must consume natural, organic real whole foods and not fake foods and additives.  Never eat artificial anything.  Do not eat low fat or low sugar.  No soda pop and no sugar free anything.

Toxification - Toxins in your body must be removed.  Drinking water, breathing deeply, avoiding toxic “foods” and taking the proper supplements will help to keep you healthy.

The Triangle of Disease - According to Pharmacist Ben Fuchs the human body heals itself automatically as long as you provide the correct raw materials.   However, when the body begins to breakdown that is a sign that something is getting into to the body and triggering a stress response.  There are three ways that triggers get into the body:

The Digestion / Immunse System - 99% of the time things that will trigger a response will enter the body via the gut.  It is always necessary to identify triggers in every condition by linking foods you may have eaten with digestive symptoms.  Common symptoms are: indigestion, gas, bloating, burping, cramps, diarrhea, constipation, acid reflux, skin disorders, other disorders, etc.  Once identified then you must eliminate those foods from your diet.

The  Thyroid / Lymphatic System - All systems are linked together.  However,  the Lymphatic System is critical and requires body movement to get the fluids to move around the body and not be stagnant.  The Thyroid is critical for functioning of the body, hormone balance and growth.  Failure to take care of the Thyroid can lead to almost every known condition.  Avoid Bromine and Fluoride because they damage the Thyroid.  Protect the Thyroid by supplementing with Iodine in the correct form.

The Adrenal System - The Adrenal Glands are located on the very tops of the Kidneys and produce critical substances having to do with the “Flight or Fight” response.  When out of balance a malfunctioning Adrenal System can cause every kind of condition ranging from Acne to Heart Failure.

In the final analysis what you put in your mouth has everything to do with how healthy you are.  If you are overweight you must look at this condition as a response to something in the Triangle of Disease that has been triggered.    Losing weight is only a matter of avoiding the foods that trigger this response and consuming the foods and supplements that the body requires.  The same is true for every other “disease”.  What are commonly referred to as disease is really a response to a lack of vital nutrition.  If you suffer from obesity, heart problems, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, mental dysfunction, erectile dysfunction, skin problems, hemorrhoids, hair loss, hair growth and so on you are look at the body trying to tell you something.  If left unanswered you can expect the condition to get worse.

World Health Team is here to provide you with critical information so to that you can make informed decisions.  Our information is free and does not advise you and your particular condition.  Before making any medical decision be sure to check with a qualified and knowledgeable health care professional. 

World Health Team is a distributor or Kyani and Youngevity products, the best nutritional products available.

We at World Health Team are pleased to offer two very useful product lines which have been proven to benefit health.  We make no medical claims.  However, scientific data is available which indicates that the products we offer can be helpful.

Order Youngevity Here

Order Kyani Here

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