
The statements and products referenced in this blog have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or any other governmental agency. The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. The information in this blog is intended for information purposes only. If you have any diagnosed medical condition we recommend you consult your qualified health care provider with specific questions before using any new dietary supplement.

31 December, 2012

China rejects claims of producing fake medicine for Africa

China rejects claims of producing fake medicine for Africa

Beijing responds to the Guardian's investigation that around one third of anti-malaria treatments were counterfeit
Malaria and antiretroviral drugs at a medical dispensary in Tanzania.
Malaria and antiretroviral drugs at a medical dispensary in Tanzania. Photograph: Alamy
China has denied allegations that it has been exporting huge amounts of counterfeit medication to Africa, threatening public health in east Africa, five days after the Guardian published a front page exposé on the phenomenon.
The official Xinhua news agency said a foreign ministry spokeswoman rejected the accusation, but "called on foreign traders to procure medicines from legitimate companies through standardised channels".

"Spokeswoman Hua Chunying said at a daily press briefing that the accusations are unfounded, noting that co-operation between the Chinese government and African countries has played an important role in improving the healthcare environment for people in Africa," Xinhua reported on Thursday night.

The Guardian article cited experts and NGO reports as saying that up to a third of anti-malarial drugs in Uganda and Tanzania may be fake or substandard, and that the majority of them are manufactured in China and India. The drugs look identical to real ones, and can only be distinguished with lab testing. Aside from malaria drugs, analysis of antibiotics and contraceptives have also turned up fakes. "Some pills contain no active ingredients, some are partial strength and some the wrong formulation entirely," said the article.

The fake medications have led to deaths, prolonged illness and increased drug resistance in areas of east Africa, the article said.

A Chinese foreign ministry official refused to specify which parts of the Guardian article the ministry disputed. She said that the repudiations were aimed at the question of counterfeit drug exports, not the article specifically.
Counterfeit drugs are an endemic and long-running issue in China. According to official statements, Chinese police seized £113m worth of fake pharmaceuticals this July alone and £19m worth last November. Many ingredients were found to be harmful or toxic.

According to Xinhua, the foreign ministry spokeswoman "stressed that China always attaches great importance to drug safety and resolutely cracks down on the manufacture and sale of counterfeit drugs" and defended Beijing's record of providing healthcare aid to African countries.

World Health Team is a distributor of Kyani and Youngevity products to help you reach your particular goals.  We urge you to consider these products whether you are an athlete wishing to improve performance or recovering from injury or chronic disease.  We would also suggest that you avoid foods and ingredients that will delay recovery and slow down your performance.

We at World Health Team are pleased to offer two very useful product lines which have been proven to benefit health.  We make no medical claims.  However, scientific data is available which indicates that the products we offer can be helpful.

Order Youngevity Here

Order Kyani Here

Rest, Relax, Heal and Repair

The key to a long and happy life is to rest, relax, heal and repair.  The human body is a self replicating, healing and growing machine.  Unlike any other body that has gone before it the body can and does heal itself.  It is said that we all have cancer at some point of our lives.  Only our body naturally cures itself and we never even realize that we had the cancer in the first place.

What this means is that the medicines in most cases can not cure us.  Rather one must provide the raw materials necessary to maintain health.  These raw materials are provide through food.  Food that carry the nutrition into the body which is then converted into the life sustaining materials.  However, what if the "food" is devoid of nutrition?  In that case, the body will become deficient in those vital nutrients and the breakdown process begins.  Unless corrected death will ensue by means of a disease.

There is another aspect to the healing process.  The body which is divinely designed actually has two basic operations.  One is to grow and heal and the other is to protect and defend.  Unfortunately, when the body is in the protect and defend mode it can not grow and heal at the same time.  We call the protect and defend mode the "fight" or "flight" mode.  The wisdom of this design is obvious.  If a Saber Tooth Tiger is chasing you it is hardly the time to begin eating and taking in nutrition.  It is hardly the time rest and relax.  It is time to perhaps run or fight.  The body has a "wisdom" all its own.

By the same token, there is a time to repair, grow, heal and even strengthen.  We call this the rest and relax mode.  It is the time to digest or absorb nutrients so that the body can do its work.  Sadly, modern life has created a hostile environment which places the body in a pre-programed fight or flight mode rather than the rest, relax, digest, grow, repair  mode.  As a result the body never really has a chance to recover and rebuild itself.  After some time breakdown or degenerative disease becomes apparent and if not corrected an early death will follow.

Added to this sad state of affairs is the fact that what is called food today is really nothing more than a cocktail of chemicals mimicking food and devoid of adequate nutrition.  What we call food today may look, taste and smell like food.  But in reality they are designed to trick the mind into thinking the body is being fed when in reality the body is being starved, polluted and encouraged to malfunction.

Pharmaceutical drugs and medical procedures can not cure anything.  Only the body can do that if it has the right nutrition.  Still a fortune is being made by some who make their living from offering false solutions to false problems.  Media and advertising promote this fake reality which conveniently leads to the very products that the advertisers are selling.  But if you look at the health statistics you can see the utter devastation this legal approach has caused to our society.

We recommend that the reader has a look at the following sites for statistics: MSG  Cancer  High Blood Pressure  Diabetes  Heart Disease  (please be sure to double check your sources as many agencies have been known to misrepresent facts in order to sway public opinion)

One of the best ways to ward off illness is to access the rest, relax, heal and repair response of the body.  This virtually cost nothing, has no side effects and can be used 24 hours of the day.  This is done through deep abdominal breathing, meditation, daily exercise such as walking, getting lots of rest, staying away from stressful foods and eating foods that encourage relaxation, drinking plenty of clean water, reducing alcohol consumption and avoiding drugs of any kind.

Obesity or weight gain is one sign of physical response to stress.  The body gains weight in anticipation of famine.  By feeding the body correctly with the proper nutrients the body will perceive a nutritious environment as being bountiful and healthy.  Today, 80% of the people are overweight.  Rather than focusing on being overweight we should see obesity as a sign that something is wrong.

This writer has taken an inventory of his life with an eye towards the arrival fight or flight response.  I can just about trace the beginnings of stress with my employment in corporate life which was full of stress, anxiety, alcohol and bad restaurant food.  I had been an athlete playing tennis, golf, softball, cycling sailing, swimming, basketball, hiking and skiing.  But I allowed little time for rest and relaxation. Slowly my body began to suffer the effects.  Three divorces and constant court battles only added to my stress.  Plus the demands of my job as a vice president of a major international financial corporation.  Eventually and by the time I was 50 years old I had high blood pressure and began to gain weight.

Through study and investigation I completely changed my life style around.  My diet is totally different.  I do supplement my diet.  My career has completely changed.  I am happily married with a loving family.  I do rest and relax.  I do meditate daily.  I do drink plenty of water and I look at my exercise more as a matter of joy rather than as commando training.  My weight is down to a comfortable 185 pounds (84 Kilos) at 6 feet (182 cm).  I achieved this turn around by taking Kyani products and staying away from destructive foods.  But mostly I learned to relax, rest, heal and let my body repair itself.

If you are suffering from any degenerative illness or have not been taking care of yourself,  if you participate in high stress work, such as law enforcement, military, hospital care, parenting, teaching, customer service, competitive sports, fire fighting, in a demanding corporate environment, if you are overweight you should be sure to allow yourself to rest, relax, heal and repair.  Additionally, you need to supplement your diet correctly and take the Kyani products.

World Health Team is a distributor of Kyani and Youngevity products to help you reach your particular goals.  We urge you to consider these products whether you are an athlete wishing to improve performance or recovering from injury or chronic disease.  We would also suggest that you avoid foods and ingredients that will delay recovery and slow down your performance.

We at World Health Team are pleased to offer two very useful product lines which have been proven to benefit health.  We make no medical claims.  However, scientific data is available which indicates that the products we offer can be helpful.

Order Youngevity Here

Order Kyani Here

29 December, 2012

The Power Hour Newsletter Round Up

Protocols from Dr. Harris:
Articles related to today's discussion:

VIDEO: Dirty Medical Needles Put Tens of Thousands at Risk in USA
USA Today - When seven people arrived at a Delaware hospital in March with drug-resistant MRSA infections, the similarities were alarming. All of the patients had the same strain of MRSA, all had the infections in joints, and all had gotten injections in those joints at the same orthopedic clinic in a three-day span. State health officials found that the clinic had injected multiple patients with medication from a vial that was meant to be used only once, spreading the MRSA bacteria to a new patient with each shot.

How to lower your blood pressure without prescription drugs (NaturalNews) It is no secret that chronic high blood pressure, whatever its particular root cause, can lead to heart disease, which is said to be the leading cause of death in America today. But what remains a secret, at least to many people, is how to deal with this condition naturally apart from pharmaceutical drug interventions, which the establishment often claims is the only effective remedy for lowering blood pressure.

Healing colds naturally: Nature's medicine cabinet
(NaturalNews) In today's society we are used to going to the doctor only when we are sick (sick care), instead, we need to focus on preventative care. Do you want to mask symptoms or get the underlying problem fixed? Treating problems before they surface is more effective and cheaper. Boost your immune system year round with supplementation and chiropractic care to minimize sickness.

Souper broth! An old wives' tale? No, chicken soup really CAN fight a cold, say scientists Daily Mail - Research in the American Journal of Therapeutics showed that a compound found in chicken soup - carnosine - helped the body's immune system to fight the early stages of flu.

Out of control medicine: Psychoactive drugs the preferred treatment for bullying in the workplace? (NaturalNews) If there were ever evidence that doctors are on an ignorant, out-of-control rampage to subject your brain to sedatives, this has got to be it. Have you been bullied at work? Have you witnessed someone else being bullied? Then you are a prime candidate to be prescribed drugs to deal with your problem, according to research reported by Medical News Today.

The 'pacemaker' implanted in the brain to prevent Alzheimer's patients losing their memory Daily Mail - The device, which uses deep brain stimulation, has already been used in thousands of people with Parkinson's disease as possible means of boosting memory and reversing cognitive decline. Now the first patient in the US has undergone the delicate surgery to try and halt the effects of dementia, which slowly robs its mostly elderly victims of a lifetime of memories and the ability to perform the simplest of daily tasks.

The Vagus nerve: Your friend in weight  and a better mood
(NaturalNews)The cranial nerves reside mostly in the head region and control much of what goes on in the face and neck, but the tenth cranial nerve goes way beyond. The Vagus nerve influences your body and brain more than most people realize.

Blog Editor's Note: This blog is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any medical condition.  If you have any symptom and before taking any supplements consult with your qualified physician. 

Information contained here comes from "The Power Hour" News Blast which can be subscribed to for free at . "The Power Hour with Joyce Riley"  is a three-hour syndicated radio broadcast Monday through Friday, 7-10 AM CST.  Listen Live at or

We at World Health Team are pleased to offer two very useful product lines which have been proven to benefit health.  We make no medical claims.  However, scientific data is available which indicates that the products we offer can be helpful.

Order Youngevity Here

Order Kyani Here

28 December, 2012

The Power Hour Newsletter Round Up

(NaturalNews) With all the talk about the bone thinning condition osteoporosis almost always aimed at women, you may not be aware that thin men have a strong risk for hip fractures as they age. But a new study shows there may be a way to modify that risk.
(NaturalNews) With so much misinformation out there about food and how it affects human health, making healthy food choices for you and your family can be difficult and confusing. There are a number of specific foods; however, that you will want to avoid in almost every circumstance because they provide virtually no health benefits while posing plenty of health risks.

(NaturalNews) Recently, two studies were performed to measure the potential of green tea in acne treatment and the results give hope for those looking for an alternative. The findings of these recent studies show that when applied to the affected area, green tea can reduce sebum production, inflammation and bacterial growth in acne-prone skin, as a result of an antioxidant called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG).
Dogs that accurately sniff out superbug infections? The role of animals in hospital infections (NaturalNews) In this high-tech world, sometimes it's better to rely on a low-tech solution or, in this case, no tech.A new study to be published in the Christmas issue of the British Medical Journal found that dogs can be used to sniff out Clostridium difficile, or C-diff, the element that is responsible for a rising number of hospital infections that are extremely resistant to antibiotics.
New study: Infants receiving the most vaccines are the most likely to be hospitalized and die (NaturalNews) A new study, published in Human and Experimental Toxicology, a peer-reviewed journal indexed by the National Library of Medicine, analyzed more than 38,000 reports of infant hospitalizations and deaths following vaccinations. Researchers found statistically significant correlations between the number of vaccine doses administered to infants and infant hospitalization and mortality rates: babies who receive the most vaccines tend to have higher (worse) hospitalization and death rates.
BBC - A simple eye test may offer a fast and easy way to monitor patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), medical experts say in the journal Neurology. Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) is a scan that measures the thickness of the lining at the back of the eye - the retina.

Blog Editor's Note: This blog is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any medical condition.  If you have any symptom and before taking any supplements consult with your qualified physician. 

Information contained here comes from "The Power Hour" News Blast which can be subscribed to for free at . "The Power Hour with Joyce Riley"  is a three-hour syndicated radio broadcast Monday through Friday, 7-10 AM CST.  Listen Live at or

We at World Health Team are pleased to offer two very useful product lines which have been proven to benefit health.  We make no medical claims.  However, scientific data is available which indicates that the products we offer can be helpful.

Order Youngevity Here

Order Kyani Here

27 December, 2012

The Power Hour Newsletter Round Up

GMO: Will Genetically Modified Salmon be Released into the Environment? Natural Society - The FDA is now pushing for the release of genetically modified salmon called "frankenfish" to be released across the globe. Related article: Genetically Modified 'Frankenfish' To Appear In US Stores  

Green Med Info - In the Christmas Bible story, the three kings brought the Christ child gold, symbolizing his royalty, frankincense, symbolizing his divinity, and myrrh, foretelling his death. Laboratory research now suggests that one of those gifts, myrrh, may have cholesterol lowering properties in addition to other health benefits.

Biotech Giant Amgen Fined $762M for Illegal Marketing Natural Society - On Tuesday, biotech giant Amgen Inc pleaded guilty in federal court for illegally marketing its former top-seller, Aranesp, a drug used to treat anemia. They are to pay $762 million: $612 million in a civil settlement and $136 million in criminal fines.

Business Insider - Researchers have discovered that copper and alloys made from the metal, including brass, can prevent antibiotic resistance in bacteria from spreading.

Vitamin D Shown to Prevent Bladder Cancer in Spanish Study Natural Society -  According to the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, people with the lowest levels of 25-hydroxy-vitamin D3 were 1.83 times more likely to have bladder cancer. In the United States, bladder accounts for 15,000 deaths annually, with over 73,000 new cases each and every year. In Spain, where the study was conducted, bladder cancer rates are some of the highest in the world.

Natural Society -  You may view algae as 'the green stuff' floating on a still body of water or gathering on the sides of pool or fish tanks, but it is so much more. While it is somewhat unsightly, this single celled plant is packed with nutrition and other amazing properties. There are more than 30,000 different forms of algae, including those types that make-up chlorella and spirulina - both of which have gained a mighty reputation among superfoods.

Costa Rica now battling Monsanto over GMO corn
(NaturalNews) With the exception of about 1,000 acres of land that have been devoted to the cultivation of transgenic crops for research purposes -- these include cotton, soy beans, bananas, and pineapples -- the Central American nation of Costa Rica, which is known for its bio-diverse agricultural heritage and stunning landscape, is essentially free of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in its native food supply.

Media won't admit diabetes has a cure; instead they use the term 'remission' (NaturalNews) A new study claims that people with type 2 diabetes or who are suffering "pre-diabetes" symptoms can see their disease go into remission after a year of following an intensive diet and exercise program, but as usual, the mainstream media is stopping short of saying that the disease can be totally reversed.

Five steps to naturally recharge your adrenal glands this holiday season (NaturalNews) Christmas is right around the corner, which for many people means lots of quality time spent with family and friends; lots of eating and drinking; and a whole lot of exhaustion and lethargy for the millions of people who suffer from adrenal fatigue.

Forget allergy meds: Combat winter allergies naturally (NaturalNews) Most people think of spring as prime allergy season, but wintertime can wreak havoc for allergy sufferers as well. Unlikely suspects like a Christmas tree could even be the cause behind some people's winter allergy attacks.

(NaturalNews) Most individuals acknowledge that fiber-rich foods (especially fruits, vegetables, and bran products) have a positive effect on colon health. However, health stores also contain numerous sweet foods that are also effective at treating intestinal blockages. The best of these foods are listed below, complete with information on how to incorporate them into our daily regimes.

Chew more, eat less: Avoid food designed to make you fat (NaturalNews) Americans are eating more and gaining weight with rapid speed, and many people have theories about why this is, but the truth could very well be that in an effort to sell more food and make more money, manufacturers have designed their food to go down quicker so you can put more in your mouth. People in the U.S. used to chew their bites of food up to 25 times before swallowing it, yet today people chew bites as few of 10 times.

(NaturalNews) Even though the chickpea has been cultivated for more than 7,000 years and variations of hummus have been made for much of that time, the health benefits are oftentimes overlooked. With ingredients including freshly squeezed lemon juice, fresh garlic, tahini, and chickpeas, hummus contains several vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for a healthy diet.

Healing the heart in body, mind and emotions
(NaturalNews) Integrative cardiology is a newer field in the larger scope of integrative medicine. It specializes in treating the heart from a body, mind and emotions perspective and in doing so; decreases the reliance upon using medication alone to help the function of the heart. Since most medications have an average of 70 side effects and some up to 525, it makes good sense to treat the whole person instead of relying on medication to temporarily help the heart function when in the long run it can harm multiple systems, organs and glands. To heal the heart, people should focus on diet, supplementation, lifestyle and stress reduction.

Research Finds Aloe Vera May Prevent and Treat Skin Cancer
Green Med Info - Research from the University of Belgrade School of Medicine has confirmed what other recent studies have been finding - that Aloe vera and its constituents inhibit the process of skin cell proliferation that accompanies skin cancer. The researchers tested Aloe-emodin, a constituent of Aloe, with human skin cells - keratinocytes - after being treated with radiation. Once radiated, keratinocytes will typically proliferate in the process of forming skin tumors. The researchers found that the Aloe-emodin significantly stopped the proliferation process. This confirmed Aloe's benefit in halting the progression of tumor formation after radiation by the sun.
>> 40X Aloe Vera Concentrate - 4.5 oz available at The Power Mall

4 Herbs for Diabetes Management
Natural Society - Getting a handle on the disease involves far more than blood tests and insulin injections. Treating your diabetes (whether Type 1 or Type 2) almost requires a holistic approach. This means that what you eat, when you eat, and what you do to manage your blood sugar will need to change. Fortunately, there are herbs that can help.

Zinc plays key role in supporting key biological processes
(NaturalNews) Zinc is an essential mineral which, although required in only limited amounts, the body cannot produce and a steady supply must be maintained in order to support important bodily processes like strengthening the immune system, wound healing, cell division and supporting the catalytic activity of various enzymes essential in DNA. It has also been reported to encourage hair growth, as cells in the hair follicle contain zinc, and promote healthy skin, as zinc manages the skin's oil content and the androgenic hormonal effect that produces acne.

Cedars-Sinai surgeon infects five surgery patients with infected hands (NaturalNews) At least five patients undergoing heart valve replacement surgery at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, a non-profit hospital in Los Angeles, California, got more than they bargained for recently when a heart surgeon infected them with a potentially deadly human skin bacteria. According to reports, the unidentified surgeon developed microscopic tears in his latex gloves while operating, which allowed Staphylococcus epidermidis bacteria from his inflamed hands to pass through and infect the patients, all of whom had to have second surgeries as a result.

'Preservative-free' vaccines and flu shots still contain deadly toxins
(NaturalNews) The preservative-free lie is being perpetuated for concerned parents and health enthusiasts, so you will still go to the school, clinic, pharmacy, grocery store, or whatever other "jab shop" that administers flu shots, and get injected with toxins, even though they may have "left out" one or two of the toxins you heard or read bad things about. Maybe preservative-free means you still get the toxic preservatives, but its only trace amounts that are being injecting into your blood. Let's take the food toxin metaphor, as an example of what is going on in the "preservative-free" vaccine world.

YouTube: Is Ambien creating a nation of zombies?
FOX 25 Boston News Apr 21, 2010 - Susan Chana Lask calls them all Ambien Zombies." It was horrific for me to see people walking around like Night of the Living Dead," she said. Lask is an attorney who filed a class-action lawsuit on behalf of Ambien users. She withdrew the suit after the FDA ordered stronger label warnings. She is now writing a book about Ambien.

>> Try healthy sleep alternatives from The Power Hour: Melatonin 3 mg 90-Sublingual Tablets, 5-HTP 60 Enteric Coated Caplets - 100 MG, Tranquil Sleep 60 ct, SleepWell Spray, SleepEssence 30 softgels, Apothe-Cherry - 16 oz

Zinc and Selenium are the Minerals that Fight Breast Cancer
(NaturalNews) The only way to avoid cancer or its recurrence is to address these imbalances. Two minerals, zinc and selenium, are key in maintaining balance in the body and keeping cancer away. Recent research has added to the pile of data underscoring the importance of these minerals in keeping women cancer-free.
>> Grown by Nature Zinc & Copper 60 Tablets & Selenium 200 mcg 60 tablets available at The Power Mall

Naughty new disorder: Researchers attempting to make consensual sex a mental illness (NaturalNews) Psychiatry continues its imperialistic efforts to diagnose every human condition as a mental illness with a billing code and proper pharmaceutical intervention. The latest on the docket is sex, with the proposed Hypersexual Disorder. Related article: First label everyone with a mental disorder, then use that to take their guns 

Natural Society - Flaxseeds seem to protect lungs and other healthy tissues and organs before radiation exposure and reduce damage after exposure as well.

Could the conventional cancer and bra industry be lying to you? (NaturalHealth365) The lymphatic vessels that drain the tissues of this lymph fluid are tiny, thin, and easily compressed by a bra. This causes fluid congestion within the breast tissue, breast pain, and in many women cysts develop as this fluid collects. Over time, these cysts can become fibrous. Fibrocystic breast disease should be called "tight bra syndrome".

Blog Editor's Note: This blog is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any medical condition.  If you have any symptom and before taking any supplements consult with your qualified physician. 

Information contained here comes from "The Power Hour" News Blast which can be subscribed to for free at . "The Power Hour with Joyce Riley"  is a three-hour syndicated radio broadcast Monday through Friday, 7-10 AM CST.  Listen Live at or

We at World Health Team are pleased to offer two very useful product lines which have been proven to benefit health.  We make no medical claims.  However, scientific data is available which indicates that the products we offer can be helpful.

Order Youngevity Here

Order Kyani Here

24 December, 2012

Now Is The Time To Strengthen Your Health

Dr. Russel Blaylock, the noted neuro-surgeon has recently spoken about the coming forced vaccinations in America.  It is hard to believe but that day is fast approaching with the effective date of the Affordable Health Care Act in the New Year.  Dr. Blaylock says that health care will be denied if you are determined as being too old or fail to take the dangerous vaccines and medicines.  He says there are already plans to medicate the population by putting drugs in the water supply as well as outright using the foods.  Readers of this blog should begin now to strengthen their health in order to avoid the health care trap that is coming.

The logic of forced vaccines is that in order to be "safe" we all must take them.  This is the so called herd theory of immunology.  The fact is that the herd theory makes no sense and has been proven to be flawed.  The scientific evidence as well as statistical evidence shows that vaccines do not protect the herd and that in fact more people are made sick and die of the vaccines than the diseases which they are supposed to protect us from.  There are plenty of studies that show this.  Yet there is the push to vaccinate the entire world population by the wealthy such as Bill Gates and Ted Turner.  (We note that they along with their minions have no intention of being vaccinated or eating the GMO foods.) They literally state that they want to save the planet by vaccinating us and eliminating 90% of the population.  Are you a part of the 90% or the remaining 10%?

If you are still not clear about this ask yourself these two questions.  Why are so many poisons and toxic substances put in the vaccines?  If the vaccines actually do protect the users why should they feel threatened by the unvaccinated.  According to their theory the unvaccinated should drop dead of exposure while the "protected" should survive.

Familiarize yourself with "Dr. Mary's Monkey".  Then you will understand what is really happening.  One of the many problems of vaccines is that toxic substances and pathogens can be injected directly into the blood stream bypassing the body's detoxification system and the digestive system which are designed to keep out poisons.  Once in the blood system the destructive adjuvants and pathogens can find their way to the brain and other organs without the natural protective system's interference.

The unfortunate fact is that under the new Affordable Health Care Act which is due to commence in the New Year the reality about how the body works and what it takes to protect it will become even more obscured by medical misinformation and confusing to the average person who is already snowed by GMO foods, neurotoxins, chemical additives to the food, misinformation in the media, medications that do not really work and utter confusion about the disease process and how to protect oneself from them effectively.  In the New America access to information will be a privilege reserved only for the upper class with the rest of us forced into a false paradigm based on factual nonsense rather than free choice, informed consent and the acknowledgement of man's biblical superiority to all other creatures.  To some we are seen as less than human similar to the laws that protected slavery up until the 19th Century.  To some of the upper classes we are truly sheep and cows.

Judging from the statistics America and the rest of the world are in a health crisis already.  Indications are that we can expect a further increasing of incidences of health problems such as Obesity, Cancer, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease, Arthritis, Alzheimer's, Autism and more.  It is our opinion that these health issues are by design due to the stated goal by some leaders and well documented in national security and U.N. papers to reduce the population by as much as 90%.  This information is readily available if one wishes to verify the assertion.

America as the dominant leader of freedom in the world has become the number one target for those anxious to limit population and human development, "to level the playing field".  These "superior" beings see the American success story as a true threat to their plans to rule the world.   But it is very convenient to proclaim people as being too dumb to control their own destinies.  Where is the open and objective discussion and debate?  Where is the sharing of information so that true dialogue can take place?  Instead the same old tactic of making excuses for why we should have no say so are used.  These tactics included in the past saying that black people were not wholely human, that women were too dumb to vote, that Native peoples were nothing more than savages rather than civilized and so on.  These very same excuses are being used to this day to justify why a very few should be allowed to rule over the very many of us.  To them you do not own your lands.  You do not own your property.  You do not even own your mind and body.  They feel that freedom and liberty are concepts that we are too dumb to exercise.  Rather they feel that all we can understand is death, destruction and dominance.

(However, there is actual decision to depopulate all peoples of the world no matter where they come from because there truly is an anti-human agenda in effect.)  As a result American laws and values are being slowly eroded from outside so that viable challenges to "their" authoritative leadership will be neutralized.  The use of science, information, food, water, medical care, housing, morality, religion, education, resources, land use and other methods are clearly the tools of the social engineers who feel that they have the right to dictate the future.  The America that thrived and became the greatest political experiment the world has ever seen based on individual freedoms and liberties is being dismantled piece by piece exposing its population and the rest of the world to total and utter domination and destruction by a collectivist regime having more centralized control and less than fair balance .  This blog is our attempt to inform as many of the people as possible about what is going on.  We offer solutions that address these health challenges.  Our strategies are known to maintain  and improve heath by reducing the impact of the attacks on our food, water and health as a whole.

Perhaps the truth of the matter is just that those who stand to profit from our ignorance are just plain evil.  Evil comes draped in the cloth of "saving" mankind from itself.  Their justification is that these ridiculous measures are "For your own good", "For the safety of us all", "For the benefit of the Earth" and "For the Children".   Maybe it is just greed that motivates the upper classes?  We as a species have seen these ridiculous ideas before.  There is no doubt we will see them again.

In the meantime, every individual must exercise his control over himself and avoid stepping into the trap that has been so carefully laid.  Imagine designing and building a bureaucratic nightmare designed to morally and ethically corral the population into a medical model created to Not Work.  For example, if you convince the population that cholesterol is the reason that heart disease has sky rocketed in the last hundred years then they offer you a drug that will lower cholesterol knowing full well that cholesterol is not the problem and in fact you need cholesterol to stay alive, they can create a never ending circle of "need" and false solution, sort of like a perpetual money machine, all based on a false idea.  We as humans must avoid the trap, demand the facts and make our own choices.  Of course the upper class do not want you to have a choice.  They want you to be forced into accepting their decisions which is really nothing more than a Mafia forcing you to do business with them.  They will use television, films, music and news to create a false reality so that they can sell you their false ideas.

But ask yourself this simple question: If their solutions were so good why do they need to force them on you?  Shouldn't the benefits be self-evident?  Their answer is that you the people are too dumb to handle the truth.  How convenient? Is it not a fact that these "superior" beings actually make their billions off of our ignorance?

Below is a video by Clint Richardson about the dangers of vaccines.  We strongly urge you to watch it as you begin your own journey of survival.

World Health Team is a distributor of Kyani and Youngevity products to help you reach your particular goals.  We urge you to consider these products whether you are an athlete wishing to improve performance or recovering from injury or chronic disease.  We would also suggest that you avoid foods and ingredients that will delay recovery and slow down your performance.

We at World Health Team are pleased to offer two very useful product lines which have been proven to benefit health.  We make no medical claims.  However, scientific data is available which indicates that the products we offer can be helpful.

Order Youngevity Here

Order Kyani Here

23 December, 2012

Cholesterol Is Good For You - Part 2

Typical Statin Drug

Please note that this post is based on a recent radio broadcast from Naturopathic Pharmacist Ben Fuchs.  You can listen to him week days at on Genesis Communications Network.  This post in no way is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or counsel you.  If you have a medical symptom you are advised to consult with your qualified medical practitoner.  This post is for your information and entertainment only.

This posting is sponsored by the World Health Team, distributors for Kyani International and Youngevity.  Order your Kyani products for chronic illness recovery and high sports performance here .  Order Youngevity products including the Beyond Tangy Tangerine and the "Mighty 90" essential nutrients here.

There is so much misinformation, disinformation and propaganda surrounding cholesterol.  We are going to clear up the matter right now.  Prepare to have your world rocked. If you want to be truly healthy you have to know the facts.  Even more important is the fact that cholesterol is good for you and a lack of cholesterol can have serious consequences on your health.  If you really do have a health crisis you need accurate information not myths and hype driven by ignorance and greed.  Further, by pursuing the wrong strategies as they relate to your health will allow you to continue the same destructive behaviors that led to your health crisis in the first place.

Allow us to share one small but significant bit of information.  There is such a thing as evil.  It is personified by the devil.  But all of us who believe in God should remember that the devil can not simply walk into your life and cause havoc.  He must be invited in.  One method used by devil worshipers is to use the victims own ignorance of a thing so that the person will unknowingly invite trouble into his own life.  Thus we see the devil as a "joker" who delights on watching the unsuspecting cut his own switch.  Therefore, we must use every means in our power to learn the truth about our own health in order to avoid inadvertently inviting the devil into our lives.

According to Pharmacist Ben Fuchs there are three big pharmaceutical scams being perpatrated on the people: Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SRI), the use of Estrogen and the notion that by lowering Cholesterol the heart will be protected.   Serotonin has the reputation of being a "happy", feel good hormone when in reality it is a stress hormone.  This is one of the main reasons why people on SRI's are prone to violence.  You have to wonder why the SRI's are being prescribed if they are so dangerous?  Maybe it has something to do with a lack of understanding about how drugs work and huge profits for the drug companies.  If a patient behaves worse after taking SRI's the tendency is to prescribe more medication rather than to question the "wisdom" of prescribing medication in the first place.

A similar rationale exist with the use of statin drugs to lower cholesterol.  There are other pharmacological strategies for lowering cholesterol which are equally ridiculous as statin drugs.  The purpose of this blog is to give our readers an advantage when it comes to managing their own health and performing at higher levels in sport.  Please take your time when going over this material.  Chances are that you will not have heard this information from the usual sources.  Prepare to have your world rocked.

Cholesterol is arguably the single most important biochemical in the body.  It is a raw material used in the creation of numerous other compounds in the body. Human mother's milk for example which is the best substance available for forming a human being is packed with cholesterol and saturated fats.  Cholesterol is used to create reproductive hormones such as Testosterone, Estrogen, Progesterone, Pregnanalone and DHEA.  These are types of cholesterol which are used for building, repairing and youthfulness.  Cholesterol is also used to make mineral balancing hormones such as Aldosterone and stress management hormones like Cortisol.  Cortisol is a type of cholesterol.  It is also used to make Vitamin D / hormone which is important for the immune system, growth process, anti-cancer and anti-aging and it can be said to be another type of cholesterol.  When you lower your cholesterol you deprive yourself of all of these benefits and more.  It could be said that lowering cholesterol is one of the best ways to destroy an entire population if one had a mind to do so.

You do not have to eat cholesterol.  It is made by the liver, the reproductive glands and the nervous system.  But if you do eat cholesterol your body will not have to make as much of it.  Another bonus of cholesterol is that if you eat cholesterol rich foods such as seafood, organ meats, butter and eggs you will also be getting the other items found in the cholesterol complex such as Vitamin D in the correct form, Vitamin K, Vitamin E, Zinc, Iron, Magnesium and Selenium.  You will also be getting good saturated fats.  For this reason Pharmacist Ben Fuchs recommends that breast feeding mothers eat a lot of fresh eggs especially egg yolks.  He also suggests that breast feeding mothers eat lots of butter, lobster, oysters and organ meats.

There are more good things about cholesterol.  Cholesterol provides structural support for the cell membranes and the intracellular structures.  Cholesterol helps to maintain oxygen levels in the cells.  Cholesterol helps to protect from excess or unstable oxygen.  Cholesterol provides a water barrier to the skin.  It is necessary for a healthy nervous system.   Also cholesterol is absolutely critical in the digestive process as it aids in the absorption of fats.  It is used to make bile. 

If the body has trouble handling fats or absorbing fats then it will have trouble absorbing fat soluble nutrients such as Vitamins D, E, A and K.  The strategy of lowering cholesterol will also lower your ability to absorb fat soluble nutrients by virtue of the fact that cholesterol is necessary in the production of bile.  Many of these fat soluble nutrients are important for cardiovascular health. Cholesterol is critically important for the heart because it helps the body produce CoQ10.

Do you see a conflict here with lowering cholesterol?  The sad truth is that there is very little evidence that blocking the production of cholesterol will protect the heart.  In fact, some would hold that the lowering of cholesterol would potentially harm the cardiovascular system.

From a biochemical standpoint there is no such thing as "good" cholesterol and "bad" cholesterol.  The concept of HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) and LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) is more propaganda rather than factual.  Further, HDL and LDL are NOT even cholesterol.    

Cholesterol, is a waxy fatty substance found in the body.  It can not be measured in the blood.  Instead the HDL and LDL are measured.  Blood being the watery liquid that it is does not mix with fatty oil-like substances such as cholesterol very easily.

Checking the HDL and LDL to measure blood cholesterol is a "medical fantasy".  The fact is that HDL and LDL are Lipoproteins. They are not cholesterol.

According to The American Heart Association it is recommended that blood cholesterol be checked every five years or so.  The total recommended cholesterol is supposed to be no more than 200 mg per dl of blood.  The HDL is supposed to be higher than 40 and the LDL has to be lower than 120.  If your total cholesterol is higher than 200 or the HDL is lower than 40 or the LDL is higher than 120 a statin drug will be prescribed.  This is unfortunate since like all drugs the body must detox from what it perceives as a poison which places an even bigger load on the system.  The real question is how were the magic numbers of 200 / 40 / 120 used to determine whether or not a patient should be deliberately "poisoned"?  The guidelines were changed in 2004 to capture an even larger of portion of the population all based on an ill-founded hypothesis.

The body does uses the circulatory system to transport cholesterol and many other fatty substances.  This is done by wrapping the cholesterol molecule in a "bubble" of fat called HDL and LDL.  The bubble is a fat water "adapter" with the fatty portion on the inside of the bubble and a watery coating on the outside.  HDL and LDL are like little carrying cases.  Any fatty substance is going to be transported inside these bubbles such as Vitamin E,  Vitamin K, Vitamin A, Vitamin D and Essential Fats.

When the HDL or LDL is being measured the entire transport vehicle is being tested not just the cholesterol component.  Everything that is in the Llipoprotein structure is being tested.  Since there is no "free" cholesterol in the blood there is no actual way of measuring it.  How does one actually know how much cholesterol is in the blood?  Answer: we don't.

In a recent interview on the Brightside radio show with Pharmacist Ben Fuchs which can be found at:, Jonny Bowden, PhD., C.N.S., the author of "The Great Cholesterol Myth", states that lowering cholesterol will not prevent heart disease.  Dr. Bowden goes on to say that, "Trying to lower heart disease by lowering cholesterol is like trying to lower your calories by taking the lettuce off your double french fries and chocolate shake,"

Pharmacist Ben Fuchs feels that you never want to take any drug that is intended to be used for the rest of your life including statins.  Ben feels that if you have to stay on a prescription drug for the rest of your life that it is an indication of failure of the medical model.  He says that a doctor should be able to protect your heart or lower your blood pressure without poison medicines if he truly understands the nature of chronic disease.  From his experience of over 25 years there is not a single drug that a person needs to be on for an indefinite period of time.

Statin drugs are the most prescribed drugs in America.  One out of four Americans over the age of 45 is on a statin drug.  Its side effects have been implicated in numerous illnesses ranging from mild fatigue to chronic fatigue syndrome, memory problems, serious muscle disease, diabetes and more.

Heart disease is a eating condition.    It is an affliction of modern society.  Heart disease is very hard to find in indigenous people.  The best way to reduce cholesterol is to reduce the intake of insulin spiking foods.  It is ironic that statin drugs can also cause diabetes among other problems.

More to come....

World Health Team is a distributor of Kyani and Youngevity products to help you reach your particular goals.  We urge you to consider these products whether you are an athlete wishing to improve performance or recovering from injury or chronic disease.  We would also suggest that you avoid foods and ingredients that will delay recovery and slow down your performance.

We at World Health Team are pleased to offer two very useful product lines which have been proven to benefit health.  We make no medical claims.  However, scientific data is available which indicates that the products we offer can be helpful.

Order Youngevity Here

Order Kyani Here

21 December, 2012

The Power Hour Newsletter Round Up

Flu Vaccine Ingredients: 
Vaccine Excipient & Media Summary - Excipients Included in U.S. Vaccines, by Vaccine - This table includes not only vaccine ingredients (e.g., adjuvants and preservatives), but also substances used during the manufacturing process, including vaccine-production media, that are removed from the final product and present only in trace quantities. In addition to the substances listed, most vaccines contain Sodium Chloride (table salt). 

Replenish 'Good' Bacteria to Prevent Urinary Tract Infections Natural Society - A urinary tract infection, also known as cystitis, is a painful bacterial condition that can begin anywhere in the urinary system. Women are far more likely to develop a urinary tract infection than men. Infections, caused by a lack of vaginal lactobacilli (good bacteria), often reoccur and must be treated repeatedly. But replacing diminished lactobacilli may help keep urinary tract infections at bay. 

Vitamin D Deficiencies Linked to Muscle Injuries and Alzheimer's
Natural Society - Research has found even more links between between vitamin D deficiency and compromised health. The researchers concluded that lower than normal vitamin D levels can lead to muscle-related injuries in athletes and the eradication of plaque build-up on the brain associated with Alzheimer's disease.  
>> Grown by Natur Vitamin D Tablets & D-3 Capsules available at The Power Mall!  

Turmeric Extract Puts Drugs For Knee Osteoarthritis To Shame Green Med Info - The latest human study to clinically confirm turmeric's medicinal value was published in the Indonesian Journal of Internal Medicine in April, 2012 and found the curcuminoid extract of turmeric was able to reduce inflammation in patients suffering from knee osteoarthritis.
Get your Turmeric Root Powder 1 lb & CurcuminX4000 at The Power Mall today! 

Fanapt - Novartis Pharma Prescribing Information PDF.
Psychiatric Disorders: Frequent - restlessness, aggression, delusion; Infrequent - hostility, libido decreased, paranoia, anorgasmia, confusional state, mania, catatonia, mood swings, panic attack, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bulimia nervosa, delirium, polydipsia psychogenic, impulse-control disorder, major depression. 

Blog Editor's Note: This blog is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any medical condition.  If you have any symptom and before taking any supplements consult with your qualified physician. 

Information contained here comes from "The Power Hour" News Blast which can be subscribed to for free at . "The Power Hour with Joyce Riley"  is a three-hour syndicated radio broadcast Monday through Friday, 7-10 AM CST.  Listen Live at or

We at World Health Team are pleased to offer two very useful product lines which have been proven to benefit health.  We make no medical claims.  However, scientific data is available which indicates that the products we offer can be helpful.

Order Youngevity Here

Order Kyani Here

20 December, 2012

The Male Achilles Heel by Dr. C. Norman Shealy, a reprint

The Male Achilles Heel
C. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. 

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Problems in the genitourinary tract plague men and women. The three big ones for men are:
  • Prostatitis, often recurrent
  • Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy--BPH
  • Prostate Cancer
  • Impotentia
  • Decreasing testosterone after age 50 in most men
For at least 20 years I have frequently said that I do not want any urologist to know I have a prostate. Urologists delight in sticking 10 to 20+ needles into this little gland the size of a shelled English walnut to take a biopsy, and they often want to do it time after time!  Then, their greater thrill is to roto-root the prostate, literally doing a TURP, Transurethral Prostate reaming.  Since medical school I have considered it the most barbaric surgery done. 

For about 30 years I have taken enough saw palmetto to treat a horse, as well as nettles, sometimes pygeum,  and lots of C0-Q and gallons of small flower willow tea. 

Following the spinal paralysis in 1995, I was left with weak and clumsy legs and a weak bladder, but I am happy to be walking.  It took a month for me to wean myself from a catheter in 1995, and the urologist then wanted to do a TURP.  I refused and have done reasonably well until this year.  Symptoms of the usual nature forced me to see that urologist again and I finally agreed, very reluctantly, to the procedure.  When my good friend and family doc, Kelvin Bailey, M.D., heard about this, he suggested I see a urologist 3 hours away.  He does the prostate trimming with a green laser. I had begged my urologist here to consider freezing, ultrasound or laser but he insisted that the gold standard was TURP.  Monday, October 22, I saw a wonderful urologist in Columbia, Missouri, and Wednesday I had the laser procedure.  WHAT A PLEASANT SURPRISE! 
With virtually no pain, I was driven home 4 hours after the procedure and removed the catheter the next morning and have had virtually normal energy! And I enjoyed my usual morning awakening with normal potency.  I have taken nothing for pain since awakening.  Gentlemen, and wives or girlfriends of gentlemen, find an experienced laser urologist and DO NOT AGREE TO A TURP!! Of course there are some potential risks, even with anesthesia; but as my new urologist friend said, this laser procedure is reasonable to do in a frail 95 year old. TURP is the Iron Age standard!  Laser is the Platinum standard today! 

I may address some of the other issues later, but I am ecstatically happy to share this with you now. Incidentally, I retract an earlier article I did on testosterone replacement.  Most men can restore self-produced testosterone using Testo-Jack and stimulating the Ring of Fire.

  • Kidney 3, bilaterally
  • Conception vessels 2, 6 and 18
  • Bladder 22, bilaterally
  • Master of the Heart (Pericardium) 6, bilaterally
  • Large Intestine 18, bilaterally
  • Governing Vessel 20
I found that over a 12 week period, stimulation of these points with 75 decibels of human DNA frequency (54 to 78 GHz), using the Shealy PainPro, 3 minutes per pair of points daily, led to an average increase in DHEA of 60% (range 30 to 100%).  Then, I used this approach on obvious “Fire” diseases, with these results:
  • 70 % of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, which had failed conventional medicine, improved dramatically
  • 75% of patients with frequent migraine improved 75% in reduction of migraine
  • 70% of depressed patients came out of depression
  • 70% of patients with chronic back pain improved
  • 80% of patients with diabetic neuropathy improved markedly in pain and at least 25% had improvement in sensory loss and reduction in diabetic meds
Now, you can stimulate the Ring of Fire with Fire Bliss applied to the 13 points!