
The statements and products referenced in this blog have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or any other governmental agency. The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. The information in this blog is intended for information purposes only. If you have any diagnosed medical condition we recommend you consult your qualified health care provider with specific questions before using any new dietary supplement.

05 December, 2012


There is a company in the U.S. that wants to make you all safe from germs.  It is called Microzap.  Here is their website:  These good people offer a service that will take all of your supermarket food and microwave them for you.  The purpose is to kill all the bacteria, fungus and viruses.  They will wipe the food "clean" so that it will be safe for consumption.  This Yummy technology will guarantee that your food is completely dead and devoid of any living material.  So what if it destoys helpful bacteria as well?  And what about the nutrition and the polarity of the water?  I guess that does not matter either.  Why can I not microwave my own food if I want it microwaved the way I can boil milk if I want to?  Answer: They have a special microwave machine.

This goes into the category of fluoride and mercury being good for you.  That vaccines are good for you.  That's a laugh.  And the outrageous idea that GMO food is good for youNot to mention that chlorine in the water is good for you.  And that toxic medicines are good for you. Please do not get me started about sterlilants in the water as well as chloromine, estrogen, lithium, statin and all sorts of pharmaceuticals being added to your food and water for your "safety". I think if nothing else you get the message that your health is not the priority here.  Your health has not been the priority ever.

I also noticed that Microzap did not mention anything about prions.  Funny how they omitted that one.  Why do they not mention how microwaving the food will make the population healthier?  Because it doesn't.

For those of you who accept the germ theory of health go right ahead and buy that junk food.  But if Micozap has its way you will not be given a choice.  See this quote taken directly from their website:

"How MicroZap works in everyday life

MicroZap’s technology makes food safe by killing E. coli, Salmonella and Listeria. Adding MicroZap’s technology to a clothes dryer or washing machine kills MRSA on fabrics such as sheets, towels and scrubs.

Food borne illness has a dramatic impact in the United States and the world. In the US each year food borne illness causes:

76 million cases
325,000 hospitalizations
5,000 deaths and
Economic impact of $5 to $7 Billion

MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) infections have grown dramatically in the US. In 2007 in the US MRSA causes:

880,000 infections
20,000 - 40,000 deaths and
Infections cost $8 Billion

#  #  #

Our first issue with this ridiculous statement is their assertion that the reason for so many infections is because the food is dirty.  That's funny.  In many households probiotics are used daily to revitalize the gut.  Have you never heard of fermented food.  Sourdough, wine, beer, sauerkraut, kombucha, kim chi, yogurt, and kefir just to name a few. I guess these foods would have to be made illegal despite having been around for thousands of years.  Even Jesus Christ drank fermented fruit juice called wine.  Without bacteria we would all be dead.  And it does not take a genius to realize what will happen if you kill the nutrition in food.

But let us learn something from MicoZap.  They are telling us that our food is already dead.  That is why my family does not shop in Supermarkets.  The food is all dead already.  Microzap has just found a creative way to make money by really doing nothing.  I mean most of the food in the Supermarket is junk food to start with.

In fact, my 10 year old daughter duplicated an experiment where she grew two sets of bean plants, one using microwave water and the other using regular tap water.  The plant that was fed microwave water developed bacteria overgrowth, fungus, grew crooked and was barely alive.  The other plant grew as expected without infection.

I admit that my daughter is no scientist and my kitchen is hardly a laboratory clean room.  But these are the results she got and you can test this out yourself in your own home.  

Regardless, the issue is more about scams to make money from the people's ignorance than to really promote health.

Here is what the Power Hour had to say about it:

"Conventional Food may Soon be Sterilized with 'Microwave Zap'
Natural Society - Using the 'recent emergence' of salmonella and E.coli in food as a scapegoat, the corporation known as MicroZap is seeking to make its way into the food supply with its new 'microwave zap' technique. The technique effectively hits food with a super high level of microwave radiation, killing all living bacteria (including good bacteria that is necessary for digestion and proper overall function). The company says that by using 'MicroZap' technology, food can be 'sterilized' and mold-free for 60 days. Food that is zapped will not rot, as the food is completely 'wiped clean'.  "

We the people, have some serious decisions to make.  Powerful companies and governments are playing with our food, our health, our environment and our money.  Almost every avenue to having a good life is being shut off and we are slowly being boiled in a vat of regulations and senseless exceptions such as that there is no need to label GMO foods.  Even our foods are being sprayed with our own feces supposedly to protect us.  Our waste water is being recycled and fed back to us.  Home vegetable gardens are being made illegal and now they want to forcibly microwave our food for us.  We must stop this inanity and say "No".

We do not have much time.  It is far cheaper to make yourself healthy and avoid illness than to become sick so that you will be at the mercy of these sociopaths.  You must supplement correctly.  I have provided you with two of the most beneficlal product lines available, Youngevity and Kyani.  Please note that Youngevity is not available in Europe.  Kyani is available in Europe.

Slowly the pot begins to boil.  You must protect yourself if you wish to survive.

Go to: Kyani here

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