
The statements and products referenced in this blog have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or any other governmental agency. The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. The information in this blog is intended for information purposes only. If you have any diagnosed medical condition we recommend you consult your qualified health care provider with specific questions before using any new dietary supplement.

31 December, 2012

Rest, Relax, Heal and Repair

The key to a long and happy life is to rest, relax, heal and repair.  The human body is a self replicating, healing and growing machine.  Unlike any other body that has gone before it the body can and does heal itself.  It is said that we all have cancer at some point of our lives.  Only our body naturally cures itself and we never even realize that we had the cancer in the first place.

What this means is that the medicines in most cases can not cure us.  Rather one must provide the raw materials necessary to maintain health.  These raw materials are provide through food.  Food that carry the nutrition into the body which is then converted into the life sustaining materials.  However, what if the "food" is devoid of nutrition?  In that case, the body will become deficient in those vital nutrients and the breakdown process begins.  Unless corrected death will ensue by means of a disease.

There is another aspect to the healing process.  The body which is divinely designed actually has two basic operations.  One is to grow and heal and the other is to protect and defend.  Unfortunately, when the body is in the protect and defend mode it can not grow and heal at the same time.  We call the protect and defend mode the "fight" or "flight" mode.  The wisdom of this design is obvious.  If a Saber Tooth Tiger is chasing you it is hardly the time to begin eating and taking in nutrition.  It is hardly the time rest and relax.  It is time to perhaps run or fight.  The body has a "wisdom" all its own.

By the same token, there is a time to repair, grow, heal and even strengthen.  We call this the rest and relax mode.  It is the time to digest or absorb nutrients so that the body can do its work.  Sadly, modern life has created a hostile environment which places the body in a pre-programed fight or flight mode rather than the rest, relax, digest, grow, repair  mode.  As a result the body never really has a chance to recover and rebuild itself.  After some time breakdown or degenerative disease becomes apparent and if not corrected an early death will follow.

Added to this sad state of affairs is the fact that what is called food today is really nothing more than a cocktail of chemicals mimicking food and devoid of adequate nutrition.  What we call food today may look, taste and smell like food.  But in reality they are designed to trick the mind into thinking the body is being fed when in reality the body is being starved, polluted and encouraged to malfunction.

Pharmaceutical drugs and medical procedures can not cure anything.  Only the body can do that if it has the right nutrition.  Still a fortune is being made by some who make their living from offering false solutions to false problems.  Media and advertising promote this fake reality which conveniently leads to the very products that the advertisers are selling.  But if you look at the health statistics you can see the utter devastation this legal approach has caused to our society.

We recommend that the reader has a look at the following sites for statistics: MSG  Cancer  High Blood Pressure  Diabetes  Heart Disease  (please be sure to double check your sources as many agencies have been known to misrepresent facts in order to sway public opinion)

One of the best ways to ward off illness is to access the rest, relax, heal and repair response of the body.  This virtually cost nothing, has no side effects and can be used 24 hours of the day.  This is done through deep abdominal breathing, meditation, daily exercise such as walking, getting lots of rest, staying away from stressful foods and eating foods that encourage relaxation, drinking plenty of clean water, reducing alcohol consumption and avoiding drugs of any kind.

Obesity or weight gain is one sign of physical response to stress.  The body gains weight in anticipation of famine.  By feeding the body correctly with the proper nutrients the body will perceive a nutritious environment as being bountiful and healthy.  Today, 80% of the people are overweight.  Rather than focusing on being overweight we should see obesity as a sign that something is wrong.

This writer has taken an inventory of his life with an eye towards the arrival fight or flight response.  I can just about trace the beginnings of stress with my employment in corporate life which was full of stress, anxiety, alcohol and bad restaurant food.  I had been an athlete playing tennis, golf, softball, cycling sailing, swimming, basketball, hiking and skiing.  But I allowed little time for rest and relaxation. Slowly my body began to suffer the effects.  Three divorces and constant court battles only added to my stress.  Plus the demands of my job as a vice president of a major international financial corporation.  Eventually and by the time I was 50 years old I had high blood pressure and began to gain weight.

Through study and investigation I completely changed my life style around.  My diet is totally different.  I do supplement my diet.  My career has completely changed.  I am happily married with a loving family.  I do rest and relax.  I do meditate daily.  I do drink plenty of water and I look at my exercise more as a matter of joy rather than as commando training.  My weight is down to a comfortable 185 pounds (84 Kilos) at 6 feet (182 cm).  I achieved this turn around by taking Kyani products and staying away from destructive foods.  But mostly I learned to relax, rest, heal and let my body repair itself.

If you are suffering from any degenerative illness or have not been taking care of yourself,  if you participate in high stress work, such as law enforcement, military, hospital care, parenting, teaching, customer service, competitive sports, fire fighting, in a demanding corporate environment, if you are overweight you should be sure to allow yourself to rest, relax, heal and repair.  Additionally, you need to supplement your diet correctly and take the Kyani products.

World Health Team is a distributor of Kyani and Youngevity products to help you reach your particular goals.  We urge you to consider these products whether you are an athlete wishing to improve performance or recovering from injury or chronic disease.  We would also suggest that you avoid foods and ingredients that will delay recovery and slow down your performance.

We at World Health Team are pleased to offer two very useful product lines which have been proven to benefit health.  We make no medical claims.  However, scientific data is available which indicates that the products we offer can be helpful.

Order Youngevity Here

Order Kyani Here

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