
The statements and products referenced in this blog have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or any other governmental agency. The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. The information in this blog is intended for information purposes only. If you have any diagnosed medical condition we recommend you consult your qualified health care provider with specific questions before using any new dietary supplement.

19 March, 2013

How To Reduce Blood Pressure Naturally in 90 Days Or Less

High blood pressure is plaguing the world.  As the population is exposed to toxins in the food, air, water and environment blood pressures continue to climb.  In typical pharmacological practice more and more medications are being prescribed representing Billions upon Billions of Dollars in profits.  Yet few people realize that these drugs do not actually make the patient healthier and they work by poisoning the systems  of the body.

High blood pressure in and of itself is not an illness.  It is a response to a condition in the body.  By simply artificially lowering the pressure does not mean that condition has been properly dealt with.  Instead the warning light of the body that something is wrong has been turned off thus allowing the unsuspecting person to continue his behavior which made him ill in the first place.

The patient has two choices either take the medications and hide the warning in this case the rise in blood pressure or correct the problem and watch the blood pressure automatically reduce in response.  A third option might be a combination of both.

The majority of illnesses we are faced with are due to malnutrition.  Either vital nutrients are missing from our diets or we lack the means of absorbing them.  There are four ways in which the body becomes ill:

1. Dehydration
2. Suffocation
3. Starvation
4. Toxification

1. To eliminate dehydration one must drink clean water free of chemicals and toxic substances.  In the absence of clean drinking water distilled water will suffice.  A body needs about 8 glasses of water per day.

2. Breathing helps to oxygenate the blood.  In the case of high blood pressure it is possible to reduce blood pressure by breathing deeply, from the belly.  Do it slowly exhaling completely and deeply and inhaling to the belly completely and deeply.  Do not hold your breath.  Do this 3 times per day.  Breathe through your nose.

3. Starvation is avoided by taking in the 90+ vitamins and minerals daily.  Supplementation is necessary because the foods and soils are devoid of nutrition and the processing removes a lot of the nutrition.  The vitamins and minerals must be in the correct form and you must have a digestive system that is in proper working order.  Usually, the digestive tracts of malnourished people  are not in proper working order.  Also the vitamins and minerals must be in the correct form for absorption.

4. You must remove the toxins and waste material from the body.  You must move the body and stay hydrated.  Eating proper food such as vegetables is an excellent way to cleanse the body of waste and other toxins.

Youngevity's Beyond Tangy Tangerine is an excellent way to supplement with its 90 vital nutrients.  The Kyani Health Triangle is an advanced way of supplementing along with One World Whey which contains Glutothimine.

If you follow these steps you will see an improvement in blood pressure and general health.  To further improve your health be sure to adhere to the "foods and behaviors" to avoid section.

World Health Team is a distributor or Kyani and Youngevity products, the best nutritional products available.

We at World Health Team are pleased to offer two very useful product lines which have been proven to benefit health.  We make no medical claims.  However, scientific data is available which indicates that the products we offer can be helpful.

Order Youngevity Here

Order Kyani Here

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