Recommended by Dr. Dan Junker:
- Grape Seed Extract
Coconut Oil -
The health benefits of Coconut Oil are tremendous! It reduces the risk of heart disease, cancer and other degenerative conditions. Coconut oil supports the immune system and healthy metabolic functions. It helps control diabetes, helps prevent bacterial, viral, and fungal infections. Coconut oil also improves digestion and nutrient absorption, plus much, much more!
SERRAZYME(Serrapeptase) - SerraEzyme (The
Original Serrapeptase) helps promote better well-being for your inflammatory system and supports your whole body inc. Digestive Tracts, Colon, Arteries, Lungs, and anywhere inflammation needs resolving. This fabulous effective formula provides powerful strength 40,000iu enteric coated capsules for the best absorption. This formulation is probably the best value Serrapeptase available.
Flax Lignan (FLAX SEED POWDER) - Flaxseeds contain a health-
boosting, disease-preventing compound called flax lignan and are are the richest source of essential fatty acids (EFA) Linoleic (Omega-6) and Linolenic (Omega-3.) Flax Lignan is processed from the natural defatted shell of the flax seed. Add a scoop to your juice, health drink or salad. Aids in kidney and liver function.
Associated Flax Books:
* Flaxseed Lignan: The Power Of SDG In Promoting Health By Charles A. Weisman and Dr. Dan Junker
* Flax Fabulous Flax By Beth M. Ley, Ph.D.
* Flax: The Super Food - Barb Bloomfield (Author), Judy A. Brown (Author), Siegfried Gursche (Author)
* Flax Fabulous Flax By Beth M. Ley, Ph.D.
* Flax: The Super Food - Barb Bloomfield (Author), Judy A. Brown (Author), Siegfried Gursche (Author)
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Natural Society - What few tests have been conducted on the effects of nanoparticle ingestion have found inconclusive or outright negative results (despite the original "good" intention of putting nanotechnology in food, which included nutrient delivery). To the contrary, one Cornell study published in Nature has found that chickens fed nanoparticles with their feed experienced varied iron absorption (blocked or improved, depending on dosage) and intestinal villi changes. Even Dr. Gretchen Mahler, Ph.D., of the study says that "the human response, especially the more subtle effects related to chronic exposure, is not always known."
There are several different natural remedies known to assist with reversing heart conditions including Congestive Heart Failure and low Ejection Fraction. Dr. Joel Wallach has written several books on the subject and recommends several supplements that have been beneficial to those suffering from heart disease.
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