
The statements and products referenced in this blog have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or any other governmental agency. The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. The information in this blog is intended for information purposes only. If you have any diagnosed medical condition we recommend you consult your qualified health care provider with specific questions before using any new dietary supplement.

24 December, 2012

Now Is The Time To Strengthen Your Health

Dr. Russel Blaylock, the noted neuro-surgeon has recently spoken about the coming forced vaccinations in America.  It is hard to believe but that day is fast approaching with the effective date of the Affordable Health Care Act in the New Year.  Dr. Blaylock says that health care will be denied if you are determined as being too old or fail to take the dangerous vaccines and medicines.  He says there are already plans to medicate the population by putting drugs in the water supply as well as outright using the foods.  Readers of this blog should begin now to strengthen their health in order to avoid the health care trap that is coming.

The logic of forced vaccines is that in order to be "safe" we all must take them.  This is the so called herd theory of immunology.  The fact is that the herd theory makes no sense and has been proven to be flawed.  The scientific evidence as well as statistical evidence shows that vaccines do not protect the herd and that in fact more people are made sick and die of the vaccines than the diseases which they are supposed to protect us from.  There are plenty of studies that show this.  Yet there is the push to vaccinate the entire world population by the wealthy such as Bill Gates and Ted Turner.  (We note that they along with their minions have no intention of being vaccinated or eating the GMO foods.) They literally state that they want to save the planet by vaccinating us and eliminating 90% of the population.  Are you a part of the 90% or the remaining 10%?

If you are still not clear about this ask yourself these two questions.  Why are so many poisons and toxic substances put in the vaccines?  If the vaccines actually do protect the users why should they feel threatened by the unvaccinated.  According to their theory the unvaccinated should drop dead of exposure while the "protected" should survive.

Familiarize yourself with "Dr. Mary's Monkey".  Then you will understand what is really happening.  One of the many problems of vaccines is that toxic substances and pathogens can be injected directly into the blood stream bypassing the body's detoxification system and the digestive system which are designed to keep out poisons.  Once in the blood system the destructive adjuvants and pathogens can find their way to the brain and other organs without the natural protective system's interference.

The unfortunate fact is that under the new Affordable Health Care Act which is due to commence in the New Year the reality about how the body works and what it takes to protect it will become even more obscured by medical misinformation and confusing to the average person who is already snowed by GMO foods, neurotoxins, chemical additives to the food, misinformation in the media, medications that do not really work and utter confusion about the disease process and how to protect oneself from them effectively.  In the New America access to information will be a privilege reserved only for the upper class with the rest of us forced into a false paradigm based on factual nonsense rather than free choice, informed consent and the acknowledgement of man's biblical superiority to all other creatures.  To some we are seen as less than human similar to the laws that protected slavery up until the 19th Century.  To some of the upper classes we are truly sheep and cows.

Judging from the statistics America and the rest of the world are in a health crisis already.  Indications are that we can expect a further increasing of incidences of health problems such as Obesity, Cancer, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease, Arthritis, Alzheimer's, Autism and more.  It is our opinion that these health issues are by design due to the stated goal by some leaders and well documented in national security and U.N. papers to reduce the population by as much as 90%.  This information is readily available if one wishes to verify the assertion.

America as the dominant leader of freedom in the world has become the number one target for those anxious to limit population and human development, "to level the playing field".  These "superior" beings see the American success story as a true threat to their plans to rule the world.   But it is very convenient to proclaim people as being too dumb to control their own destinies.  Where is the open and objective discussion and debate?  Where is the sharing of information so that true dialogue can take place?  Instead the same old tactic of making excuses for why we should have no say so are used.  These tactics included in the past saying that black people were not wholely human, that women were too dumb to vote, that Native peoples were nothing more than savages rather than civilized and so on.  These very same excuses are being used to this day to justify why a very few should be allowed to rule over the very many of us.  To them you do not own your lands.  You do not own your property.  You do not even own your mind and body.  They feel that freedom and liberty are concepts that we are too dumb to exercise.  Rather they feel that all we can understand is death, destruction and dominance.

(However, there is actual decision to depopulate all peoples of the world no matter where they come from because there truly is an anti-human agenda in effect.)  As a result American laws and values are being slowly eroded from outside so that viable challenges to "their" authoritative leadership will be neutralized.  The use of science, information, food, water, medical care, housing, morality, religion, education, resources, land use and other methods are clearly the tools of the social engineers who feel that they have the right to dictate the future.  The America that thrived and became the greatest political experiment the world has ever seen based on individual freedoms and liberties is being dismantled piece by piece exposing its population and the rest of the world to total and utter domination and destruction by a collectivist regime having more centralized control and less than fair balance .  This blog is our attempt to inform as many of the people as possible about what is going on.  We offer solutions that address these health challenges.  Our strategies are known to maintain  and improve heath by reducing the impact of the attacks on our food, water and health as a whole.

Perhaps the truth of the matter is just that those who stand to profit from our ignorance are just plain evil.  Evil comes draped in the cloth of "saving" mankind from itself.  Their justification is that these ridiculous measures are "For your own good", "For the safety of us all", "For the benefit of the Earth" and "For the Children".   Maybe it is just greed that motivates the upper classes?  We as a species have seen these ridiculous ideas before.  There is no doubt we will see them again.

In the meantime, every individual must exercise his control over himself and avoid stepping into the trap that has been so carefully laid.  Imagine designing and building a bureaucratic nightmare designed to morally and ethically corral the population into a medical model created to Not Work.  For example, if you convince the population that cholesterol is the reason that heart disease has sky rocketed in the last hundred years then they offer you a drug that will lower cholesterol knowing full well that cholesterol is not the problem and in fact you need cholesterol to stay alive, they can create a never ending circle of "need" and false solution, sort of like a perpetual money machine, all based on a false idea.  We as humans must avoid the trap, demand the facts and make our own choices.  Of course the upper class do not want you to have a choice.  They want you to be forced into accepting their decisions which is really nothing more than a Mafia forcing you to do business with them.  They will use television, films, music and news to create a false reality so that they can sell you their false ideas.

But ask yourself this simple question: If their solutions were so good why do they need to force them on you?  Shouldn't the benefits be self-evident?  Their answer is that you the people are too dumb to handle the truth.  How convenient? Is it not a fact that these "superior" beings actually make their billions off of our ignorance?

Below is a video by Clint Richardson about the dangers of vaccines.  We strongly urge you to watch it as you begin your own journey of survival.

World Health Team is a distributor of Kyani and Youngevity products to help you reach your particular goals.  We urge you to consider these products whether you are an athlete wishing to improve performance or recovering from injury or chronic disease.  We would also suggest that you avoid foods and ingredients that will delay recovery and slow down your performance.

We at World Health Team are pleased to offer two very useful product lines which have been proven to benefit health.  We make no medical claims.  However, scientific data is available which indicates that the products we offer can be helpful.

Order Youngevity Here

Order Kyani Here

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