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08 December, 2012

Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Progesterone

Please note that this post is based on a recent radio broadcast from Naturopathic Pharmacist Ben Fuchs.  You can listen to him week days at on Genesis Communications Network.  This post in no way is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or counsel you.  If you have a medical symptom you are advised to consult with your qualified medical practitoner.  This post is for your information and entertainment only.

This posting is sponsored by the World Health Team, distributors for Kyani International and Youngevity.  Order your Kyani products for chronic illness recovery and high sports performance here .  Order Youngevity products including the Beyond Tangy Tangerine and the "Mighty 90" essential nutrients here.

For a better understanding of how the body works we must understand how opposing hormones work.  The human body does not work in an absolute, black and white world.  Rather, the body works in balance of opposing forces.  These forces determine whether the body is in health or in sickness.

Let's review a few basics:

Cell Disease

According to Naturopathic Pharmacist Ben Fuchs, all disease is cell disease.  This means that we must consider the complex mechanism of the cell and its membrane if we truly want to address illness.  The implied question is "what is the environment of the cell that has caused it to malfunction?"

 There are four ways that the cell breaks down:

  1. Suffication
  2. Toxification
  3. Starvation
  4. Dehydration
The "Triangle of Health"

There are the three critical points by which cells become diseased.  They are: the digestive / immune system, the sugar / insulin system and the adrenal / thyroid system.  A possible fourth point could be the lymphatic system.  When there is a breakdown of this intricate system we must find which part of the triangle of health is not functioning correctly and change the environment.

Entry Points of Disease

The human body functions quite well on its own as long as we give it what it needs and avoid the substances that make it sick.  However, in a constantly changing and artificial world this is becoming more difficult by the day.  There are three places of entry where triggers to disease can enter the body:
  • The digestive system meaning the intestines
  • The skin
  • The breathing system
By far the most likely entry point is the digestive tract by way of foods.

For this reason the first move in any corrective strategy is to eliminate digestive triggers.  One must identify and eliminate foods which cause GERD, Heart Burn, Cramping, Bloating, Gas, Burping, Diahrrea, Constipation, Celiac like symptoms, Crohns Disease like symptoms, Irritable Bowels Syndrome, etc.

Additionally, you must be able to absorb the fat soluble nutrients.  Therefore, it may be necessary to acidify the stomach.  We suggest organic apple cider vinegar and the use of digestive enzymes naturally with your doctor's consent.  HCL or bile might also be helpful.

To be healthy we must feed the body what it requires.  That would include the 90 essential vitamins and minerals plus Essential Fatty Acids such as Omega 3 and Omega 6, great sources are fish oil such as cod liver oil or flax seed oil and protein with powdered protein from whey being the best.  These products are available from Youngevity and Kyani.

It is the hormones which regulate the bodily functions.  The hormones are a complex system of chemicals that keep the body operating at maximum efficiency all the time regardless of the changing environment.  However, when that system starts to malfunction serious consequences may result.  Insulin stimulates growth.  Glucagon slows it down.   Serratonin is a day time hormone.  Melatonin is a night time hormone.  Testosterone is a building hormone.  Cortisol is a breakdown hormone.  Estrogen is a contraceptive.  Progesterone is a pregnancy hormone.  These are all opposing hormones that work in perfect balance unless something disrupts that balance.

Estrogen increases the risk of autoimmune disease.  Estrogen adds an additional burden to the stress response system.  Progesterone relaxes the body.  Progesterone strengthens the immune system and is especially helpful with autoimmune diseases of the nerves such as Multiple Sclerosis.  Be sure to check with your doctor first.  By progesterone we are referring to true progesterone not progestine which is a synthesized pharmaceutical version.  (Women are twice as likely to suffer from MS as men possibly because of high levels of estrogen.)

One of the most interesting opposing relationships between estrogen and progesterone has to do with sex.  Estrogen shuts down sexuality.  Progesterone turns it on.  This Christmas season many people will unknowingly participate in a ancient ritual that uses progesterone.  Kissing under the mistletoe can affect the level of progesterone in the blood.  Mistletoe is known as a sexy plant.  The Celts for many centuries celebrated the Winter Solstice by celebrating the return of the Sun.  Not only did the Celts celebrate by drinking alcohol but sex was very much a part of the festivities.  Their honey wine and mead were laced with berries from mistletoe.

The ancient Greeks, Nordic tribesmen and other ancient people also used mistletoe berries to encourage fertility.  As it turns out the mistletoe plant is a powerful stimulant and activator of progesterone.  In many ways the mistletoe plant can act like progesterone.  Kissing under the mistletoe is a custom that goes back to ancient times that is based in fact. 

Mistletoe is a parasitic plant that feeds on oak trees.  But there is also a relationship between mistletoe and Cancer.  Mistletoe / progesterone relationship has been shown to support a defense against Cancer.  Where as estrogen is pro Cancer, progesterone is anti-cancer.  Scientist at the University of Adelide in Australia showed that extract of mistletoe was a highly effective alternative to chemotherapy as a treatment for Colon Cancer.  Mistletoe extract is already approved in Europe as an alternative treatment for Colon, Cancer.

Other plants that have also have progesterone stimulating properties, protects from Cancer and have fertility and libido benefits or to protect against excess estrogen such as blood root, mandrake, nutmeg, oregano, turmeric, thyme, red clover, cloves, fennel, licorice, chamomile and domiana.  These herbs can be used as spices to take advantage of their properties.

Estrogen reduces the strength of blood vessels.   It promotes the formation of thick blood and blood clots.  Progesterone restores blood vessel strength and helps to normalize blood clotting.  It helps keep blood flowing smoothly.  Estrogen stimulates contractions and spasms.  Progesterone has a relaxing effect.  Estrogen is pro anxiety.  Progesterone is anti-anxiety.  Estrogen reduces cell respiration and oxygenation.  Progesterone improves oxygenation.  Estrogen promotes cancers such as Endometriosis, Ovarian and Breast Cancer.   

Adrenal Health

Adrenal health is critical in hormonal balance.  Rather than using hormonal replacement therapy it may be better to focus on Adrenal wellness.    Adrenal health is dependent on blood sugar issues and digestive wellness.   The underlying cause of what are thought to be menopausal issues are in fact manifestations of a stress response.  Insomnia, anxiety and hot flashes are signs of adrenal activation.

Adrenal hormones are made partially in the adrenal glands. Cholesterol is a "parent" raw material that is converted into lots of other things that the body needs.  Estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, pregnanolone, DHEA, cortisol and vitamin D are all made from cholesterol.      This means that if cholesterol is being diverted to make stress hormone instead of estrogen and progesterone you will not be able to produce the amount of youth growth and repair hormones needed to get through menopause.  As a result you are likely to be dealing with anxiety, hot flashes, loss of libido, accelerated skin aging, wrinkles, dryness of the skin and dark spots on the skin.  These are the very symptoms associated with menopause and aging.

Cortisol can be lowered by deep breathing, eliminating food allergens and intolerances, keeping the blood sugar stable and avoiding hypoglycemia.  You can also take excellent nutrients that specifically address the adrenal glands help them to make the sex hormones such as the B vitamins especially vitamin B 5 and B 12.  The B vitamins are known as the "anti-stess" vitamins.  B 5, Pantothenic Acid is very helpful for people suffering with excess skin oil as a stress response.  B 12 injections from your doctor can be particularly helpful.  Vitamin C is also very important as well as magnesium.   Youngevity's "Beyond Tangy Tangerine" is very helpful in adrenal health management.  Electrolytes are also important to be maintained.  Pharmacist Ben Fuchs recommends either Celtic Sea Salt or Hmalayan Crystal Salt.  He does not recommend "table salt".  The adrenal glands depend on salt and minerals.

Estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, pregnanolone, DHEA are hormones that are made in the ovaries.  As a woman reaches menopause the adrenal glands are suppose to take over.   The adrenal glands are a secondary source of these growth and reproductive hormones.  Many signs of aging are linked to the failure to produce sufficient amounts of these hormones in the adrenal glands.  The biggest reason why the adrenal glands are not sufficient in the making of these hormones is because cholesterol is being diverted by making cortisol the stress hormone.

The adrenal glands are part of the emergency response system of the body.  They help the body cope with emergencies.   All health issues can be improved by focusing on adrenal health.  All degenerative chronic diseases are linked to adrenal wellness.  The body's nature is to repair and heal.  But for some people the healing regenerative system is not working very well.  This defect implies that the normal healing and repairing is being blocked.

Chronic degenerative illnesses are by far the largest category of illness.  Amongst the complaints in this category of illnesses are skin issue, heart disease, osteoporosis, arthritis, inflammatory conditions, etc.  In most cases you can blame activation of the adrenal emergency stress response system.  When the adrenal system is not doing its work, energy is being diverted from the chemical biology to the emergency biology.

Good health is the balance between opposing systems.  The two major opposing systems are the rest and digest system for thriving and the fight or flight emergency system which is the survival nervous system.  When healing is not taking place we must focus on "stressors".   Stressors may be psychological, mental or emotional stressors or physical stressors.  By physiological stressors we mean: the wrong kinds of foods in the wrong amounts at the wrong times, poor breathing techniques, malnutrition and accumulation of toxicity.

When two points of the Triangle of Health break down, the digestive system and the blood sugar system they will soon be followed by breakdown of the third point of the Triangle, the adrenal system.  If you are dealing with a chronic degenerative condition you must address the first two points of the Health Triangle, the digestive system and the blood sugar system.   

When we do not eat properly the digestive system breaks down.  Leaks form in the gut.  Food, invaders, chemicals, toxins and poisons enter the blood, Intestinal bacterias become compromised.  Liver health begins to suffer.  Then there are problems processing sugar.  Once blood sugar becomes unstable, the high blood sugar / low blood sugar (hyperglycemic / hypoglycemic) roller coaster is triggered and the adrenal glands become involved.  The adrenal glands suffer.  While humans were evolving the only adrenal triggers were saber tooth tigers and other carnivores.  The adrenal glands did not have to deal with the stresses from fast food restaurants, artificial preservatives, artificial sweeteners, GMO foods, soft drinks, pollution, prescription drugs, dysfunctional families, television, government regulations or the modern life styles.  These are all stresses that have come about in the last couple of hundred years.

In days gone by people did not have to worry about high blood sugar or elevated insulin.  These concerns are fairly recent developments.  Degenerative diseases are diseases of culture and civilization which is really nothing more than the domestication of mankind.  Only domesticated creatures like pets and humans have these diseases.  When the adrenal system is triggered all of the functions of the body that run the thriving mechanisms stop and the survival mechanisms begin.  Illness is survival.  Wellness is thriving.

To get well you must understand these two great forces in the body: Thriving and Survival.  We simply give the body the raw material it needs.  The body will do the rest.  If you want to be well you must activate thrival.  To be healthy simply:
  • Correct Digestive Issues
  • Stabilize Blood Sugar
  • Focus on Adrenal Health
To promote adrenal health pharmacist Ben Fuchs suggest:Magnesium,  Zinc, Vitamin C, B Complex, Deep Breathing, Whole Salt, Plant Derived Minerals, or use Youngevity - Beyond Tangy Tangerine, The Ultimate Classic, Tangy Tangerine and from Kyani - Sunrise, Sunset and Nitro Xtreme.

The adrenal glands are producing hormones that regulate the growth system and the stress system.  The two adrenal glands, no bigger than a penny are managing anabolic hormones for growth, repair, healing, youth and thriving and the stress hormones.  If the adrenal glands are making stress hormones, specifically cortisol they will not be as efficient in making the hormones of growth and youth.   Nothing will make a person age faster than the diversion of the adrenal glands to making stress hormones.

World Health Team is a distributor of Kyani and Youngevity products to help you reach your particular goals.  We urge you to consider these products whether you are an athlete wishing to improve performance or recovering from injury or chronic disease.  We would also suggest that you avoid foods and ingredients that will delay recovery and slow down your performance.

We at World Health Team are pleased to offer two very useful product lines which have been proven to benefit health.  We make no medical claims.  However, scientific data is available which indicates that the products we offer can be helpful.

Order Youngevity Here

Order Kyani Here

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