
The statements and products referenced in this blog have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or any other governmental agency. The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. The information in this blog is intended for information purposes only. If you have any diagnosed medical condition we recommend you consult your qualified health care provider with specific questions before using any new dietary supplement.

09 August, 2012

You Are More Than Just a Bag of Bones

Throughout time there  have been divergent views about what is a Human Being?  Why are we different than the other animals in the Animal Kingdom?  Do we have a soul?  Are humans more valuable than any other species on earth?

If  you happen to be Human and recovering from a serious condition and wanting to know why you had that condition in the first place?  How it could have been prevented?  What were the circumstances that allowed this life threatening condition to come about?

I can not address all of these issues here.  But there are a few basic points I can touch upon.

You are a lot more than just a bag of bones.  Many so called scientific minds and social engineers see human beings as nothing more than a collection of atoms and molecules.  They believe that all matter in the Universe are made of the same materials and the human being happens to be a collection of those materials assembled in a different way such that the human is formed.  They see no difference between a piece of wood and a baby.  They do not recognize a soul.  They do not recognize free will.  They do not recognize individuality.

As a result their solution to health problems is nothing more than putting sealant or shellac on a piece of wood.  If the wood is rough they sand it.  If the wood is scratched they fill it.  If the wood is old they burn it.  Scientific controllers do not believe in a divine being.  They believe in chaos in the Universe requiring control and manipulation of the universal material to bring about order.

At the other end of the spectrum is the idea that man is a divine creation.  That God made man in His image and that there is something special about man.  Not only should he multiply but he should preserve and protect life.

It is these two distinct differences that are represented by the corporate pharmaceutical approach to health and the natural approach to health.

In a lab or an office it is completely legitimate to talk about humans on the basis of "quality of life", "contribution to society", "cost versus benefit", etc.  But, when you are faced with cancer, diabetes, stroke, obesity, heart disease and more then you begin to realize that a man or woman or child is more than just a bag of bones and you demand to be treated appropriately.

The body is a divinely inspired creation of the Almighty.  It functions very well on its own unless it has been deliberately interfered with.  Not only do the parts fit, but they each serve a particular purpose.  This fact is true down to the molecules and atoms themselves.

The body is made up of cells.  The material between the cells is referred to as the "exocellular matrix" or ECO.  The ECO is made by the cells themselves.  The ECO is in reality  what we mean when referring to being sick or well.  If the cells are  healthy they will make healthy ECO.  If the cells are unhealthy they will make an unhealthy ECO.

There is a lot more going on within a cell than just dividing and dying.  Information is continuously being exchanged between cells chemically and electrically.  Food programs the cells as well as enhances the operation of the cells.  The cell membrane allows for the movement of oxygen, waste and food as well as information.  That membrane must be intact otherwise these processes will be interfered with and  illness will occur.

Another subprocess is mitachondria.  These small noes within the cells act as power packs for each individual cell.  Together they help the body to put out all the energy necessary for whatever activities you are engaged in.

If a doctor does not understand these principles he knows nothing about the practice of medicine.  A physician is not a mechanic.  His job is a lot more than tightening a few bolts and putting grease on a squeaky gear.  He must understand and accept the divine creation and see his role as working within that framework; not manipulate and Jerry rig solutions out of bailing wire that mimic health while setting the patient up for more illness down the road.  Life is not the Indy 500. It is a beautiful multi-dimensional expression of joy.

Yet many doctors today see themselves as nothing more than machinist or spark plug changers in white coats.  They often fail to recognize the beauty of the Human Body instead opting for a mechanical approximation.  As a result I personally have heard doctors say that they do not believe in vitamin and mineral supplementation.   One MD. I know, "Dr. G." from the U.K. told me that he gives flu shots to his patients while he and his family do not take them because they are not reliable and safe.

Recently, two amazing stories were told to me.  The first resulted in death.  A man who had been complaining of abdominal pain for four years.  Finally, on getting a second opinion it was discovered that he had Pancreatic Cancer.  The second, a nurse, at the risk of losing her career, reported that the hospital where she worked was engaging in unnecessary heart surgeries and that the practice had gone on for years.

There are thousands of similar stories where doctors have exchanged their duty as healthcare providers for more expedient purposes.  But let's just try to have an overview of what is the Human Body.

Let us start at the beginning.  Human Beings get their nutrition, the building blocks for life from the food they eat.  All foods come from plants.  This is true whether we eat the plants or we eat the animals that eat the plants.  Therefore, the 90 or so nutrients we need to be healthy must be in the plant material in the first place in their natural form.

Plants do not make or manufacture food.  In fact, food can not be manufactured.  Plants have the ability to absorb nutrients in the form of minerals from the earth.  Humans can not absorb minerals from rocks for instance.  We need plants to absorb them and then we eat the plants.

To grow and be healthy plants need Nitrogen, Phosphate and Potassium (NPK).  We use NPK as fertilizer.  The problem is that once the other 90 or so nutrients have been depleted from tne soil it is too costly to put them back into the soil.  Therefore, when we eat today's commercially grown plants they have no nutrition or very little.  We do not get the nutrition we need.

In order to get the nutrition we need we must supplement.  We must supplement not only with the chemical substances that represent the other 90 or so vitamins and minerals, but they must be in a form that we can readily absorb.

There are a few companies out there that specialize in vitamins and minerals in the proper form.  Youngevity is one of them.  Purium is another.

If you do not get the 90 essential vitamins and minerals you will become deficient.  This is exasperated if you are an athlete or someone who sweats a lot.  As Dr. Wallach says, "Exercise without supplementation is suicide."  Disease and illness will befall you.  You obviously need more than vitamins and minerals to live such as Proteins, Probiotics, Enzymes, Amino Acids and Essential Fatty Acids.

Here are certain behaviors that make the health issue worse.  I would include in this group of poor health choices:
  1. Eating Manufactured Foods
  2. Eating Additives
  3. Using Artificial Sweeteners such as Aspertame
  4. Drinking Alcohol
  5. Smoking
  6. Taking Recreational Drugs
  7. Taking Pharmaceuticals
  8. Pollution In the Air and Water
  9. Fluoridated Water
  10. Chlorinated Water
  11. Chloromine In the Water
  12. Plasticizers
  13. High Fructose Corn Syrup or Corn Sugar
  14. Vaccines
  15. Radiation Exposure
  16. Fried Foods
  17. Cooking Oils (such as corn oil, rapeseed oil, canola oil, sunflower seed oil, etc.)
  18. GMO Foods
  19. Sugar of Any kind Especially Fructose
  20. Pesticides
  21. Irradiated Foods
  22. Processed Foods
  23. The Use of Recycled Water
  24. Aerial Spraying of Chemicals
  25. Exposure to Microwaves such as Wifi, Cell Phones, Smart Meters
  26. Mercury Vapor Light Fixtures
  27. Mercury Amalgam Fillings In the Teeth
  28. Grain Consumption
  29. White Rice Consumption
  30. White Potato Consumption
  31. Eating Breads, Pastas, Corn (fast burning carbohydrates)
  32. Products Containing Gluten
 These are just a few of the behaviors that negatively effect our health.  There are more.

We humans are more than bags of bones.  We are finely tuned machines that are self replicating, self repairing instruments of God.  He has given us all the things we need to be healthy.  Unfortunately, we have allowed some to profit by making us ill and then profiting by supposedly fixing us.

Opposing this medical model are those such as Dr. Joel Wallach and Pharmacist Ben Fuchs who present a more natural view.  Rather than surgeries, medicines and procedures they recommend natural solutions that use the body's own built in mechanisms as they were meant to be.  Not only are these  mechanisms more efficient than standard medical approaches  but they are cheaper and less dangerous.

It is estimated that there are 3 Million injuries per year in America some of them resulting in death, cause by doctors.  If  you would rather not be reliant on the traditional medical model or would rather not participate in mandatory health care programs one possible strategy is to avoid being sick in the first place.  This can best be done by supplementation as recommended here.  Otherwise, you will be treated as a bag of bones for profit.

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Healthy Start Pack

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