Stroke is just one of many health challenges facing today's population. You also have to consider heart attacks, cancers, vascular problems and so on. According to the Wall Street Journal, the average doctor visit lasts 7 minutes. The average patient history session lasts...20 seconds. Is that enough time to tell your health history and get proper assessment from a doctor? I can't even write this article in that short of a period of time. How can you hope to get an accurate picture of someone's health in such a short time? But according to Pharmacist Ben Fuchs all degenerative disease stem from breakdowns in the "Triangle of Disease". If you do not understand this you will become an ATM (automated teller machine) for the medical and pharmaceutical establishment. I have read tons of stuff about lifestyle choices, eating choices, miracle drugs, surgical procedures etc. Not one of these methods addresses the Triangle of Disease. The makers of "food" and drugs do not want you to understand the true causes of disease. Every year they come up with new diseases, drugs and foods. The nightly news always talks about the promises of future cures and how they have found a gene for this or that. All you have to do is take this new vaccine. Thus the unaware public hop from one illness to the other without ever really knowing why they are ill in the first place. Before I proceed let me make three things perfectly clear. 1. I give no medical advice. 2. What you are about to read is only my opinion based on my own experience. It is for your information and entertainment only. Do not rely on anything I say. 3. Look it up for yourself or consult your qualified practitioner. According to Dr. Sherry Rogers, the author of "Is Your Cardiologist Killing You" (ICKY), there are only two reasons people are sick today; vitamin and mineral deficiency and toxicity. Today's children are programed in utero to be ill with cancer, heart problems, diabetes etc. That is the primary reason that what used to be called old age diseases are now happening to youth. Put simply cell membranes must be functioning properly. This is where the cytokines that fight cancer cells are made. Also the energy producing mitochondria must be functioning correctly. Fatty acids are critical for healthy cell membranes. The ratio of inflammation lowering fatty acids Omega 3 to inflammation causing fatty acids Omega 6 should be 4:1 instead of 1:15. and are excellent resources for factual, scientific information. I have many heros. Some have put their careers on the line to make this information available to us. Many have been severely criticized for trying to teach the public about how the body works. These are some of the people who have influenced my thinking over the last twenty years. Look them up. Read their material if you want to understand further the concepts I live by and for which I attribute my recovery:
- Mr. Robert Redfern
- Pharmacist Ben Fuchs
- Ms. Louise Hay
- Mr. John Green
- Dr. Lorraine Day
- Dr. Peter Glidden
- Dr. Joel Wallach
- Dr. Sherry Rogers
- Dr. Norm Shealy
- Mr. Udo Erasmus
- Dr. Linus Pauling
- Dr. Hulda Clark
- Dr. Terry Wahls
- Dr. Larry Wilson
- Dr. Lorraine Hurley
- Mr. John Dinsley
- Dr. Elaina George
- Dr. Cass Ingram
- Ms. Perry A
- Dr. Patricia Jordan
- Dr. Bruce Fife
- Dr. Bharat Aggarwal
If you want to survive you have to get your information from the people who know what they are talking about not the TV who want to sell false concepts of health, pharmaceuticals and promote contrarian approaches to natural health. Remember you are not the customer in TV land. The advertisers are the customers. You are the commodity. You are what is being sold to the advertiser.
I do not believe that Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Stroke or various Auto-Immune diseases will ever be wiped out or cured. There is not the will to do so and there is a steady stream of willfully ignorant persons ready to accept white coat superiority in lieu of common sense. Some doctors are more concerned about their mortgage payments than they are about the general health of their patients. They will misinform and misdirect the public away from meaningful answers and toward corporate answers whose primary solutions to health are based on bottom line profitability. Even with nationalized or mandatory medical schemes the bottom line appears to be economic rather than health related
I subscribe to the Ben Fuchs' approach to health which is that regardless of what you call the disease they all stem from within the "Triangle of Disease". Exactly what is the Triangle of Disease? This is the understanding that the body is a perfect vessel except when bad things are put into it or when the body becomes deficient in essential vitamins and minerals. These deficiencies whether caused by substances that cause deficiencies or lack of essential nutrients in the food interfere with the natural processes which keep us healthy. According to Dr. Joel Wallach the human species has the genetic potential to live to be 150 years old. This means we are only achieving half of our potential life expectancy. Why is that?
Although America spends more money on health care than all other industrialized nations combined we are 17th in the world in terms of health, number 1 in obesity and last when it comes to infant survivability. What are we doing wrong? If you listen to common belief all you have to do is eat from the food triangle, exercise and keep you weight down. But we all know that this does not work. And if you happen to get sick just take this medication or have this surgical procedure and the problem will be fixed.
I know someone who works with heart transplant patients. It is not uncommon for a patient to receive a new heart, undergo lots of expensive procedures and in the end need another transplant. The question is why? If the problem could truly be medicated out of existence why does it keep coming back?
The medical answer is genetics. According the establishment some people's genes are responsible for their proclivity to illness. If you believe that I have some swampland to sell you.
For those of you who may have been sleeping during high school biology, here is something to think about. It is said that the human species share 80% of the genes of monkeys. Remember the famous Scopes Monkey Trials? What is not said is that 90% of the known genetic material in humans are unknown and referred to as "junk genes". Do the math. We are far from understanding who is genetically predisposed to disease. Look up the term "Epigenetics". Epigenetics is that thing that makes identical twins different from each other despite the fact that their genes are exactly the same. It is the bodies ability to adjust or recover or heal itself.
Here is another tidbit. There is no such thing as a black or white person from a biological point of view. Think about it. Reference to a black person or white person is a socio-economic condition not the biological description of a race.
The Triangle of Disease consists of 1. The Digestive / Immune System; 2. The Sugar / Insulin System; 3. The Thyroid / Adrenal System. Of course these systems are interconnected by the lymph, nervous and circulatory systems. Most of the diseases we face originate in the digestive system. Stroke is not a disease. It is a condition or an event caused by disease. Once you understand this simple concept you will be able to avoid disease and recover from any degenerative disease
By using nutritional supplementation we can avoid damage to cells which create the diseases that lead to stroke or whatever your disease happens to be. I have always said that you can tell the intention of something by examining the outcome. If the outcome is to place the patient on dangerous heart medications then we know the intention. Thus you understand why the conditions for disease exist. Because there is an intended outcome. Remember, you are not the customer. You are the commodity
According to Dr. Wallach the human body needs 90 nutrients to sustain health. Most of us get 3. Some baby formulas have 8. Nutrition comes from the soil. Plants do not make nutrition they absorb it. But if the nutrition is not there to begin with the plants can not absorb it and we or the animals that consume plants can not obtain them. Over time, with age, as we sweat, if we take harmful pharmaceuticals we lose important nutrition. And in a toxic environment you will lose those nutrients. If we do not replenish these important nutrients we breakdown. This is called disease. If there is a breakdown such that oxygen and blood flow to the brain is interrupted this can result in stroke or worse
"We are not sick, we are starving." Our soils are deficient in vital minerals. Could geo-engineering have anything to do with this? Plus we eat a lot of junk. We use chemicals to increase yields per acre without concern about whether or not sufficient nutrients are present. Athletes are more susceptible to loss of nutrients than the rest of the population because they sweat a lot. A couch potato can actually out live an athlete because he is not losing vital nutrients. According to Dr. Wallach the average professional athlete in America has a life expectancy of 62 years old. Each year more than 100,000 teenage and younger athletes die from sudden onset illness due to a loss of vital nutrients
If you do a search about the number of athletes who had sudden cardiac or circulatory problems you would be amazed. Thousands upon thousands of professionals and amateurs have died prematurely because they did not know what I am now telling you now. By the way, some of them had the best medical care money could buy
Now you understand why we offer Youngevity products. Now you understand why I had a stroke. Youngevity products have all of the nutrition that a body needs in an easily absorbable form. I don't care where you get your nutrition. But from my research Youngevity is the best source of plant derived vitamins and minerals.
But you have to be sure that you can absorb these nutrients in the first place. For instance, you must be able to absorb fat soluble vitamins such as D, E, A and K. If your fat absorption has been compromised then you will not be able to absorb fat soluble vitamins and minerals. The sugar management system must be working perfectly. If the pancreas has been compromised then the sugar system will not work either. It does not take a diagnosis of diabetes to be affected by a poor sugar management system. Sugar explodes in the body causing damage from free radicals. Some sugars such as fructose can pose more complex problems because they are tough to break down and tax the liver. If it gets dumped into the blood vital organs like the brain, arteries, joints and kidneys can suffer
It is estimated by some that there will soon be 1 out of 2 persons with cancer. Cancer loves sugar. If your sugar management system is broken down you may be feeding cancer. It is imperative that you nutriate the body, oxygenate through deep breathing and reduce or eliminate sugars / fast burning carbohydrates. Further, obesity or sugar storage by fat must be brought under control. Youngevity has a range of products designed to address each of these issues appropriately. There is hip and joint nutrition. Formulations that address the membranes of the cells, energy issues, immune system enhancements, hormone boosting, fertility and circulatory improving items.
As a person recovering from stroke I was faced with the effects of the stroke as well as its underlying cause. I needed no nonsense substances that would go to work immediately and reverse my condition. Additionally, I had brain damage and a nervous system to repair so that I could walk, speak and work again. I needed to mend my circulatory system and the major pump known as the heart. Sitting in the background threatening to breakdown was the lymph system which could become sluggish and cause any number of diseases ranging from auto-immune system problems to cancers. All this because I was sensitive to cooking oils which oxidize readily when exposed to air and sunlight. (By the way the manufacturers hid the oxidation of their product by colorizing the oils, homogenizing and odorizing them. So much for that nice golden color.) Oil is usually not refrigerated although it should. Think of the tons of cooking oil sitting on the docks waiting to be purchased. You are not the customer. You are the commodity.
I ate wheat and whole grains which compromised my digestive tract and made it even more difficult to absorb vital nutrients. Grains also oxidize readily and lead to heart diseases, cancers, obesity and stroke. To be healthier I ate whole grains and mixed grains thinking that it was healthier. I ate cereals last with sugar and carbohydrates thinking they were healthy. I also ate pastas, rice, potatoes and breads. Little did I know that these were fast burning carbohydrates better known as sugar. By the way I loved liquid bread also known as beer which some makers put additives in to make it sweeter, golden and stable
Look around you and notice how many people have grain bellies, beer bellies and wine bellies like me they think that they are the customers and don't know that they are in fact the commodity being sold to the advertisers. Not realizing that they were on their way to Type II or Type III diabetes which my father died from. (Actually he could have recovered had he known what I am telling you now). It is estimated that 100 Million Americans including children have or will have Type II diabetes. They do not know that they are the Commodity being sold and not the Customer.
I had the most beautiful set of mercury amalgam fillings put into my teeth that you ever saw. That didn't help matters. And I enjoyed sweet fruit juices like orange juice and apple juice I drank pop as a child. Although I never did buy that tripe about eggs, sunlight and steak being bad for you but I was aware that this was the common belief. To be even more healthy at times I would pay extra to buy skinless, boneless chicken breasts. I did not know that the skin, bones and gristle were good for you. You can see that I used to watch TV too, that great aggregator of commodities known as the public
The cherry on top of my mistakes was that I loved to play sports. I worked out constantly. I sweated like a fiend trying to be healthy. The stoke was the result of my ignorance. So, rhetorical question, where does stroke take place. Answer: in the head. Stroke and other diseases will never go away because people like me do not understand what causes it in the first place. Even though I tell them they just do not want to give up the American Dream of eating and being healthy too. See the photo on the right of what this American family consumes in a week. I do not mean the amount. I mean the quality. Not one fresh, living thing. The father will have a heart attack. The wife will get cancer and the children will become obese thinking that they are the Customers not realizing that they are what is being sold to the advertisers. You just put some stuff in a colorful plastic bag, wrap it in plastic, put a pretty bow on it and voila. A healthy thirst quenching drink guaranteed to wholesome and allow you to continue eating what you want. They buy it every time. See the pretty colors. See how it sparkles. The Natives sold Manhattan Island for a few trinkets. We give up our health for even less. Hopefully, some of you will stop imagining that they are the customers and realize that they have been converted to a salable commodity. We will be launching "Shake Out" to assist people who want to lose weight naturally.
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