When I first began my recovery to stroke I began from scratch. I had no idea what to do or what needed to be done. In many cases when a person has a stroke the medical establishment waits for them to die. In fact a dear family friend had a stroke around the time that I had my own. My step father had a stroke and lived in the hospital for months. Both these people eventually died and that was an acceptable outcome to the medical establishment given their ages (70's and 80's). Not an acceptable outcome to me.
The mother of a friend in Russia had a stroke in early 2012. The doctor explained to my friend that "your mother is going to die". The woman was in her 70's. She eventually died. My uncle had a stroke while driving and ended up having a head on collision in which there were fatalities. He became a quadraplegic and eventually died.
The prognosis for recovery from stroke did not look good. Why had so many people subcumbed to what appeared to be a mysterious disease? Would this happen to me? How long before I had another stroke and see the end of my life? Worse than that how would my family survive if something happened to me?
I could see the buzzards flying around my kids and house in anticipation that I too would eventually not last and my wife and kids would be vulnerable without me to guide and protect them.
I had to find a way to reverse my condition and recover despite the evidence that I might be fighting a no win situation. It was hard to accept the idea that there was nothing I could do. All I had after a stint in the Spanish hospital was a handful of pills and a pat on the back for good luck.
Speaking of pills the doctor prescribed a statin, aspirin, a diuretic, and three kinds of blood pressure pills consisting of a beta blocker, an ace inhibitor and a calcium channel blocker. These were heart medications but had nothing to do with my brain. In other words the doctor saw himself as lowering my blood pressure and thinning my blood. For good measure he added statin to be sure that my cholesterol stayed within toleration. At the same time he told my wife and I that he did not believe in vitamins and minerals. That they were a waste of money since they came out in the urine.
It soon became clear that my doctor had not the foggiest idea why I had had a stroke and what he could do about it. Treatment was not even on the radar screen. As it turns out the ultimate cause of a stroke is oxidative damage to the arteries. The doctor did not understand the role that cholesterol plays in protecting the body from oxidative damage. Otherwise, why would he prescribe a medicine that reduced cholesterol such as statin.
The correct response to my condition would have been to reverse nutritional deficiencies and make sure that I was receiving a score of 20,000 ORAC per day to handle the free radicals that I was dealing with. He also could have recommended that my diet be changed to eliminate problem foods such as gluten, complex carbohydrates, sugar, etc and be sure to eat cholesterol containing meats, eggs, butter and healthy fats.
The doctor misdiagnosed an underlying pre-diabetic condition because my sugar count appeared to be normal. (Please note that if Type II, insulin resistance Diabetes is a possibility then one should test for insulin in the blood rather than only sugar). He failed to test for homocysteine a marker for cardiovascular diseases and he did not test to identify any nutritional deficiencies.
We ordered the lab tests ourselves and learned that in fact my homocysteine level was dangerously elevated. Elevated homocysteine is easily corrected with Folate, Vitamin B6 and B12, Niacin. We assumed correctly based on empirical evidence (most of the population is deficient in certain nutrients) that I was deficient in Omega 3, Omega 6, Essential Fatty Acids, Vitamin A, B, D, C, E, all 8 forms, K, Coenzyme Q10, various minerals such as Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc, Calcium, Selenium+, Chromium, Sulfur and various Amino Acids like Lysine, Choline, L. Arginine, Glycine and Glutamine. With the deficiency of these nutrients in the food, eating the wrong foods, malabsorption and through sweating during exercise it is no wonder why I had a stroke. Failure to replace these nutrients would most assuredly lead to another stroke or worse, death.
Blood pressure concerns could have been handled with Niacin, L. Argenine, Magnesium as a front line defense with other natural approaches available. All of the medicines prescribed not only come with side effects but actually cause further damage to the vascular system, nervous system and sugar management system.
I also learned that brain function can be recovered and enhanced by taking Alpha Lipoic Acid and Phosphtidyl Choline / Serine.
But I digress. I was faced with a poor prognosis and began to review videos about stroke. I heard doctor after doctor explain how bad stroke was and how if you were lucky you might be able to have a somewhat normal life. I would hear a doctor speaking in a monotone about the terrible outcomes of stroke and how the family had to help the invalid stroke victim eat and brush his teeth. I learned that spastic movement by the limbs was a part of having a stroke and that in many cases the victim would lose his ability to walk, talk and think.
And then I discovered John Green and his Shak Therapy.
Shak Therapy is the use of hypnotic techniques to teach the mind to route nerve impulses around the neural blockage. John's own father had had a stroke when he was a child and he dedicated himself to find a solution to help his father. John himself is a delightful person who is a professional entertainer from Hull, England.
Shortly after my return home from the hospital I wanted to teach my son about stroke and let him know that his dad would no longer be able to play tennis or go on hikes. We sat on the edge of my bed watching videos on the lap top from the serious doctors explaining the ins and outs of STROKE. Then we stumbled upon John's videos and we could not stop laughing. He was entertaining and had video after video of stroke victims who were now able to talk and walk like normal. The funniest part was that John had used the Shak Technique without the persons even knowing it.
My wife came in from having been at the store and found my son and me just rolling with laughter. She was a bit concerned to see me the stroke "victim" acting as if I were watching a comedy club routine with my son. She asked in a very stern voice, "what is going on?".
It was at that very moment that I realized that stroke did not have to be this dreadful verdict. I realized that how you look at your condition has everything to do with your chances of recovery and that the guys in the white coats may not have a real handle on this.
Ever since then I have made it my business to understand how the body works and how to avoid and recover from serious health conditions. And guess what? I was right. You can recover from anything, it is not that rare but you have to get past the misinformation and begin to be informed.
That was two years ago and I am happy to say that a full recovery is not only possible from any condition but likely with the right nutrition, staying away from the wrong foods and by avoiding dangerous medical practices and procedures.
A good place to start if you want to be healthy, lose weight or reverse disease is Beyond Tangy Tangerine from Youngevity. It has 115 plant derived nutrients in a powder form that can be easily absorbed by the body. Click Here for more information.
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