Why are black American more likely to suffer from High Blood Pressure, Vascular Disease, Diabetes, Heart Problems, etc. than the general population? Does the color of their skin have anything to do with it? Is it genetics? What could it be?
Many black Americans have their roots in the "Stroke Belt". That's right. There is a region of the United States known as the Stroke Belt. This is in the South Eastern United States. My family also has its roots in the Stroke Belt. And a brief family history will bear out some valuable information.
The answer is not move to another part of the country. That would be to miss the point of this damning statistic. Maybe it is the behavior of the people from the Stroke Belt that is the problem? People from the South Eastern United States eat a lot of fried foods using cooking oils. We eat a lot of unhealthy fats. We drink a lot of sugary drinks and we eat a lot of fast burning carbohydrates.
As a result we are often overweight, diabetic, suffer all sorts of cardiac problems you know the story. Is the problem racial or genetic? Dr. Wallach says this problem has nothing to do with genes. For example Scotland has one of the highest rates of diabetes, stroke and hypertension in the world. They are no where near the Stroke Belt and the last time I checked they had no recent genetic links to black Americans.
Upon closer examination we see that the Scottish diet is similar to the black American diet in terms of fried foods, cooking oils, fast burning carbohydrates and sugar intake as well as low plant derived minerals such as flax seed oil. The result is basically the same. Diabetes, heart attacks, brain attacks, obesity, hypertension and Cancer.
Obesity or fatness is another problem faced by Western People. Let me give you a few hints. You can not lose weight by eating a low fat diet. In fact you are at greater risk of developing a disease if you do not get enough of the right fats. Youngevity and Dr. Wallach have developed an excellent product that turns deep fat into usable fuel. As a result is not uncommon while using ASAP to lose 1 pound per day.
I recommending ASAP to all of my overweight clients along with the other products from Youngevity.
A brief analysis of death patterns in my own family reveals the harsh truth:
Family Member Cause of Death
Paternal Grand Mother..............Diabetes
Paternal Aunt.............................Overweight probably Diabetes
Paternal Uncles (4)....................Heart Illness
Step Brother...............................Heart Illness in his 30's (An in shape policeman)
Maternal Grand Mother............Colon Cancer
Maternal Grand Father.............Congestive Heart Failure
Maternal Uncle..........................Colon Cancer
Maternal Aunt............................Colon Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Problems
Maternal Uncle..........................Stroke, Cancer, Probably Diabetes
Maternal Great Grand Mother..Diabetes
Several Other Family Members have Diabetes. I had a stroke. Many in my family are overweight. You can see a pattern.
As you can see my family consistently are dying from the same maladies year after year. How will we stop this cycle? The same can be said for native Americans. Once a very healthy and vibrant people. Now fat, obese, stroke and heart attack ridden.
During the Olympics of the 60's Mexico had a very strong long distance running team. This was their tradition for thousands of years to run from village to village. As the participated in the Olympics their performances were dismal. It turned out that they had been eating a more American diet as the Olympics were approaching and they could not perform as well. They did not realize that diet plays a massive roll in health and performance.
Here are some basic:
- Stop eating breads, pastas, cereals, grains, rice, potatoes, starches, corn and and other fast burning carbohydrates
- Stop eating sugar especially high fructose corn syrup or corn sugar
- Eat gluten free whether you are allergic or not
- Never eat fast food, manufactured foods or foods that have additives
- Stay away from fructose as found in large sweet fruits instead do eat fresh organic berries, grapes and bitter rather than sweet tasting fruits.
- Take all 90 minerals, supplements and plant derived minerals and vitamins available from Youngevity
- Or individually D, E, A, K, C, B Complex Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Copper, Zinc, Amino Acids like Taurine, Arginine, NAC, Glutamine, CoQ10, Selenium, etc.
- If you have digestive symptoms such as bloating diahrea, constipation, cramping and gas eliminate the foods that cause it
- Eat 3 cups of green vegetables at every meal or 1 pound of vegetables for every 50 pounds of body weight
- Fresh organic sprouts are an excellent food source
- Take Essential Fatty Acids such as from Flax Seed Oil or Hemp Seed Oil (Omega 3 and Omega 6)
- Probiotics, fermented foods
- Eat high quality protein such as available from Whey Protein, preferably from grass fed cows. Beef is fine except for the hormones and antibiotics used. Try organic meats.
- Do not use cooking oils
- Use butter and coconut oil
Please be sure to send your questions. I will be happy to address your questions or refer you to an appropriate health care practitioner.
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