
The statements and products referenced in this blog have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or any other governmental agency. The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. The information in this blog is intended for information purposes only. If you have any diagnosed medical condition we recommend you consult your qualified health care provider with specific questions before using any new dietary supplement.

18 November, 2012

Zombies: They Are Already Dead...They Just Don't Know It


According to Dr. Joel Wallach humans should be able to have a life expectancy of 120 years on average.  To achieve this you must be able to keep the body healthy by eating the 90 essential vitamins and minerals, Essential Fatty Acids (EFA's), healthy fats and proteins, probiotics and stay away from foods that kill.  Those foods are manufactured foods, tainted foods, toxic substances, additivies and so on.  You must also move or exercise and breathe.  You must keep the body hydrated with clean water not filled with chemicals, drugs and so called purified to make it "safe".  It is that simple.

But as you know there are those who have polluted almost every aspect of our lives.  They have poisoned our food, tainted our water and toxified our air.  All supposedly to make it "safe" for us.  Milk from cows is not "safe" to drink?  According to some, mostly the dairy industry, it must be made safe by killing it first.  Food is not food any more.   It is chemicals designed to look, smell and taste like food.  Water is not water.  Again it is chemicals designed to look like water but actually a cocktail of chemicals.  I could go on.  The fact is you live in an artificial world designed to look like the TV version of a real world.  The net result is illness.

And whatever you do do not go out to a restaurant.  Even the best restaurants in town will feed you slop disguised as foreign specialties.  They will be laden with gluten, grain flour, artificial sweeteners, GMO veggies and microwaved.  And for that you will pay to have a fat smiling chef appear as if he has gifted you the best meal in the world.  It is through no malice of his own but out of shear ignorance.  The wine will have additives and pesticides added,  The salt will be from polluted waters.  The seafood will be most likely farmed and filled with growth hormones, antibiotics and spritzed with a deodorant.  And the dessert will be a diabetics nightmare and laced with GMO sugar beets. You get the picture.

Added to this deadly life shortening mix is the way our minds and our sense of reality have been so distorted.  Specifically, recently a young woman came to work for the World Health Team.  She said she had applied because she needed a job.  She was told about all the wonderful benefits of the products we represent and how they help people.  We explained about the body and how it works, what it needs to be healthy and then how people around the world were dying prematurely of disease.

On the second interview we wanted to learn more about her.  We were astonished to find out that she and her partner had never been ill in their lives and that no one in her family had ever been ill or obese.  The sad reality is that today this is not possible unless you grow your own food and live far away from pollution and other life shortening behaviors.  It was at that point that we realized that the applicant was living in a dream world.  A world where no one is sick even if they drink diet beverages, chew aspartame laden gum, eat gluten in their foods and consume lots of pasta and potatoes.  A world where she could eat GMO foods and suffer no consequences.

Sadly, that 30 year old woman although nice in every way was not qualified as a candidate to work here.  We gain nothing by pretending that the TV dominated world we live in is real.  A trip to the local beach proves this.  We can easily see on any given sunny day just how ill our population is.  The board walk is filled with the walking wounded of the TV.  Despite our having the means to help many recover from their health challenges we are prevented from making  claims and challenging the status quo.  This provision of the law is supposed to protect you from money hungry snake oil salesmen.  In fact, often those laws leave you as easy prey wide open to having no choice other than theirs.  While we have the means to greatly improve the health of our own family and friends many of them were still believing in TV reality at the time of their deaths and were either unwilling or unable to rethink their health strategies.

Companies and governments do not spend Trillions of dollars to persuade you to accept an idea for no reason.  They know precisely why their brand of "facts" are not self evident.   What they can not persuade you to do voluntarily must be imposed.  What can not be imposed must be forced.  A healthy life does not have to be persuaded, imposed, forced or legislated.  It is self evident.

Unfortunately, there are many who deny or do not know the truth and would rather have their choices made for them.  But why do these same folks insist on imposing their ignorance on others? Those of us who choose a different path are ridiculed and attempts are made to not only shut us up and ignore us but to force us to accept what we find as unacceptable. At some point it becomes clear that the health movement is about freedom.  The freedom to choose what we eat and what we put into our bodies.  The powers that be do not want us to have a choice because then it would become self evident what is health and what is not.

There are laws protecting the right to die, the right to medical care, the right to smoke or drink.  But where are the laws protecting the right to eat what you want?  If you want raw milk why can you not find it?  if you want clean drinking water why is it not allowed?  If you want non-GMO crops why can't it be labeled?  We are told that companies and organizations want to protect us.  Why do we need protecting?  Would it not be self evident what was healthy and what was not and the people could make up their own minds?

We know the answers to these questions.  We do not like the answers that we come up with.  But if we are not willing to face where those answers lead we become like the job applicant woman, in a total state of denial.  We end up living in a false world based on lies.  Lies will not come to your rescue when you are faced with death.  You will want cold hard facts so that you can make informed choices.

Why does World Health Team offer Kyani products, Youngevity Products and One World Whey?  First of all there are other products out there that we approve of such as Puriam.  These products have been formulated to allow you the best chance of surviving chronic disease and rebuilding the body.  They represent years of research and they are the best known to mankind.

We study health and nutrition on a continuous basis and are building a repertoire of information that we wish to share with the world; not so that we can persuade you, not so that we can impose our will on you or force you.  But so that you can make better choices.  The decision to do this work was made from a hospital bed being paralyzed and unable to walk.  And certain promises were made.  You hopefully are the beneficiaries of those promises.

Another motivation is on behalf of the fallen.  We have lost dozens of friends and family members who died needlessly prematurely out of ignorance.  Could it be that the TV and film businesses have tried to make what is not natural seem as if it were?  Is it possible that many of those who have gone before us could have lived longer had they known the truth about their own health and not been told repeatedly that what is happening to them is the way it is supposed to happen?

In their name we offer the best information we have to you and the rest of the world.  Hopefully, you and your loved ones can avoid the same fate.  We know this blog and the other two are not perfect.  We are not a big corporation,  The fact, is that because this writer had suffered a stroke he has ended up somewhat brain impaired and quite honestly typing, reading and seeing are a struggle.  But I make no excuses.  I want you to be informed so that you can make good decisions about your own health.

Let's face it.  The "kill shot" has already been delivered.  The majority of the public are not aware of it.  They are already dead, they just don't know it.  The real question is what can we do to counteract that kill shot.  There is plenty that we can do.  But we must be proactive.  I wished someone had informed me of my choices before I ended up in that hospital bed.

Order Kyani for chronic illness reversal  here

Order Youngevity for long term nutrition here

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