
The statements and products referenced in this blog have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or any other governmental agency. The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. The information in this blog is intended for information purposes only. If you have any diagnosed medical condition we recommend you consult your qualified health care provider with specific questions before using any new dietary supplement.

14 November, 2012

Healing After Chronic Illness

When I was in a Spanish hospital paralyzed after having a stroke I made a deal with God that if he would allow me to recover I would do everything in my power to help people.  Well it turns out that God does have a sense of humor and now I have to deliver on my end.  Here I am two years later having my "bluff" called.

The point of this article is that you certainly can recover from chronic illness.  Sure there are a few mechanical problems that can not be corrected merely by changing your diet.  But the honest truth is that your body is self correcting.  All we have to do is give it the stuff it needs and avoid the stuff that damages it.

First, let me dispel a few myths.  When a doctor tells you that you have cancer, heart disease, cardiovascular disease, kidney failure, heart failure, diabetes, neuropathy, high blood pressure, psoriasis, osteoporosis, arthritis, arteriolsclerosis, fibromyalgia, asthma, nail fungus or any other chronic illness these are all the same disease from our point of view.  A stroke in and of itself does not happen one day.  A heart attack does not happen one day.  Cancer does not happen one day.  We are all marching down the road towards either degenerative disease or marching away from these diagnosis.  What Ben Fuchs refers to as either "net build up or net breakdown".

Case in point.  At some point your doctor will check your blood sugar.  If it is within norms he will proclaim you to be O.K.  If you have too much sugar in your blood he will proclaim you to be diabetic.  I am particularly speaking to my British readers because so many of you are obese and unhealthy.  How do I know?  Because I see you on holiday on the Spanish coast every day.  And no one is being mislead more than British women about their health.  This is not to say that my American brothers and sisters do not have a health problem.  My God, Americans are the most unhealthy misinformed people on the planet.  But I attended university in England where I developed an affection for the British people whom I saw as a vibrant healthy people and I can not help but to notice the decline of the British population in terms of health, attitude, emotions and mind.  I mean Roger Banister was British wasn't he?  Today, my children have friends that can not walk one block without tripping over their own feet.

But I digress.  The point is that long before you receive the diagnosis you are already on the road towards Diabetes.  Only the doctors will not tell you.  Instead they will mislead you into thinking that you are O.K.  What they will not do is tell you that you need to lose weight, change your diet, stop eating junk and processed food, go for a walk everyday and so on.  This habit of allowing you to corrupt yourself is nothing less than pure evil.  Part of this evil approach is to prescribe useless medicines knowing full well that eventually you will die from ignorance.  You would think that you are much better now that you are taking the medicine and continue the same lifestyle that made you fat or sick or emotionally and mentally dysfunctional in the first place.

Look at my own family.  My Dad died of Diabetes.  His mother died of Diabetes.  My Mother's Grandmother died of Diabetes, My aunt died of Colon Cancer.  My uncle died of Stroke.  My Grandmother died of Colon Cancer.  Another uncle died of Colon Cancer.  I do not have Diabetes but I was in a pre-Diabetic state and the doctor told me that my blood sugar was fine.  A dear friend of mine was out shoveling snow and dropped dead of a Heart Attack.  He had just had a check up with his doctor the day before.

I won't bore you with the gory details of each of my family member's cases.  How they were led down the garden path, given loads of medications.  Had corrective surgeries.  Told how they were O.K. and then died of so called complications.  The doctors will tell you that this is a "mystery".  I am here to tell you there is no mystery.  My family and yours died because they were ignorant.  Plain and simple.  They were misinformed, listened to the propaganda on the telly, trusted people who make their living from misinforming people who then mysteriously died prematurely.  That includes my 99 year old Grandmother.

My Grandmother was from Panama.  She had immigrated there with her husband from Barbados.  She had never been to a doctor or a hospital in her life.  She had never taken a medication in her life. She was rarely if ever ill.  She ate cassava once per day most of her life.  She moved to New York City to be taken care of by my "well informed" family members.  She ate that junk from the grocery stores.  Drank that "healthy" juice and ate the bread, rice and potatoes and developed Type II Diabetes.  She then developed neuropathy in her foot and leg and according to her very well educated physician she required a leg amputation.  The shock of being administered medications for the first time in her life, prepped for the surgery and at her elderly age she succumbed not to the diabetes but to the surgical procedure itself.  She died on the operating table.  Thank you very much.

Did she deserve this? But it becomes obvious that the decision to perform surgery was not based on my Grandmother's needs but on some other agenda which does not place the patient as a priority.

If you do not want to die prematurely then you had better wise up.  I am going to give it to you straight.  Stop eating:
  1. Bread including whole grains, wheat and multi-grain
  2. Grains of all kinds including barley, rye, wheat and oats
  3. Breakfast cereals of any kind
  4. Do not fry your foods
  5. Never use cooking oils including corn oil, sunflower oil, canola oil, rapeseed oil, vegetable oil, etc.  Do use Coconut oil and red palm oil.
  6. Do not eat pasta, rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes are fine, corn products, starchy foods are not.
  7. Do not consume carbonated beverages including sodas, carbonated water, caffinated drinks, artificial drinks, etc.
  8. I do not drink beer or wine because they add junk in them such as sulfates, aspartame, preservatives and stabilizers.  They are full of sugar and carbohydrates not to mention pesticides and fungicides.
  9. Never use diet drinks and foods that contain artificial sweeteners such as Aspartame. (keep in mind that the new trick is to not tell the consumer what is in the products).  If the manufacturer is not willing to prove to you what is in the product chances are it is not safe to consume. 
  10. Do not use low fat and non fat foods
  11. Another new trick is to proclaim a food to be natural because it is found in nature such as mercury, aluminum, apartame and others when actually these foods are just as destructive if not worse
  12. Most people have a hard time believing that companies, governments and advertisers have a vested interest in your demise.  But you must realize that there is a huge food / pharmaceutical / chemical / medical industry living from your sickness.  This is a reality we must face
  13. Do eat organic farm eggs.  Lots of eggs.  Dr. Wallach recommends at least 6 soft boiled eggs or poached eggs per day.
  14. Buy non-GMO foods.  If in doubt do not use it.  GMO foods are proving to be not as healthy as they were alleged to be.  Therefore, GMO foods should be avoided
  15. Avoid grocery stores and supermarket products.  The large stores and distributors are not your friends.
  16. Eat dry roasted organic nuts not fried nuts
  17. Do not eat fruits like apples, oranges, grapefruits, peaches, pears, pineapples and others.  These contain fructose.  If you have fructose malabsorption you can really become sick.  60% of the population  have this problem. 
  18. Do not drink fruit juices or drinks
  19. Stay away from foods that contain high fructose corn syrup or corn sugar
  20. Do not eat foods that are packaged or bottled in plastics.  These plastics are not only bad for you but they may contain BPA which gives men and boys breasts, makes them infertile and cause women and girls to have too much estrogen
  21. Do not eat food packed in boxes and cans or tins
  22. Do consume organic and wild small fruits such as berries and grapes.  An occasional organic banana is ok
  23. However, all strawberries are GMO unless they are wild or self grown
  24. Do not eat Kiwi
  25. You may eat organic meat or fish.  Do not eat grocery store food.  You must know the source of your foods and it must not be mass produced, or grown with hormones as many farm raised fish and meats are
  26. Do not use fluoride tooth paste or artificial flavorings, colours and fragrances
  27. Do not use deodorants that contain aluminum or titanium
  28. Have any mercury amalgam removed professionally from your teeth
  29. Do not eat sweets or crisps or chips or snack foods.  Do not chew chewing gum
  30. Do not smoke or chew Tobacco
  31. Do eat bone soup
  32. If you drink milk be aware that most cows are given growth hormones and antibiotics.  Worse still is that these hormones may be genetically altered.  The best is raw organic goat milk rather than cow's milk.  But if you must drink cow milk, drink whole milk.
  33. Eat fermented food like Kefir, Yogurt, Kambucha, Sauerkraut, Kim Chi.  You need foods with live cultures not dead food
  34. Avoid Nightshades
  35. Use Organic Coffee and Tea
  36. Grow and eat sprouted vegetables
  37. Do not put anything into your body that does not belong there
  38. Eat 3 cups of green and colorful organically grown vegetables per meal
  39. I repeat - Look for non-GMO, organically grown products not manufactured foods
  40. Practice Deep Breathing Daily and Drink plenty of distilled water
  41. Eat Himalayan Crystal Salt instead of plain table salt
  42. Try oil pulling
  43. There are 90 essential vitamins and minerals that are necessary for health.  Vitamin and mineral deficiency is rampant in today's society.  Among the items that millions of  people are deficient in are Vitamin D,E,A,K,C, B Complex, Minerals: Magnesium, Zinc, Copper, Iodine, Selenium, CoQ10, Niacin (not Niacinamide),Thiamin, Chromium, Vanadium, Omega 3 and Omega 6 Fatty Acids, Amino Acids, Protein from whey, probiotics (at least 80 billion units per day), Cod Liver Oil.  It is next to impossible to eat these necessary nutrients in today's foods.  You must supplement your diet with absorpable nutrients.  No surgery or medication can cure any disease
  44. Take a spoonful of apple cider vinegar with meals to activate digestive enzymes an to acidify the stomach
  45. Avoid digestive triggers that result in gas, bloating, diahrea, cramping, constipation, burping, etc.
  46. If you have trouble digesting fats you may need to supplement with digestive enzymes.  You must be able to absorb fats in order to absorb fat soluble nutrition Consider Lipase, Lecithin, Glutamin, NAC
  47. You must supplement your diet.  You can not get all the nutrition you need from your foods. ( I  highly recommend Beyond Tangy Tangerine which has 115 vitamins and minerals.) We sell Youngevity products which are among the best I have found in the world in terms of completeness and quality.  But it is not available in Europe.  I also recommend the Kyani products if you are recovering from a chronic illness or participate in sports.  It is available in Europe.

My Kyani Results for 1 Month
  1. Sleep - I sleep like a baby since taking the Kyani products.  Not only the quality of sleep but I can sleep on command whenever I want.  You know how babies seem to sleep anywhere anytime.  This has meant that I do not mind waking up at night because I know I can just roll over and go right back to sleep.  And when I awake I feel completely rested,
  2. Potty Use - I used to have to go to the bathroom up to 10 times per night depending on how much water I drank just before going to bed.  This is partially because of blood pressure medicine and not sleeping well in the first place.  Now I may have to go one or two times per night.  And when I am done.  I am really done.
  3. Heart - I had started to have some pressure in my chest because of an enlarged heart and had some arrhythmia problems.   All that is gone.
  4. Erectile Dysfunction - I am back to my old self and can perform on command.  I am back to a more youthful response upon rising with excellent blood flow
  5. Typing - My touch typing has gotten much better with improved speed and accuracy.
  6. Vision - My eye sight has improved making it easier to see up close
  7. Energy - I have much more energy and wake after sleeping without feeling groggy
  8. Edema - My right foot and lower leg had been having swelling with edema.  Now no swelling what so ever
  9. Stress - I feel so much more relaxed.  I used to jump out of my skin when the dogs would start to bark.  Now I feel very calm even when they start barking
  10. Micro inflammation - I can feel the inflammation in my blood vessels and nervous system calming down.
  11. Cognitive Function - Back to normal.  Less brain fog, better memory
  12. Emotional Stability - I feel like doing things. Rather than asking for others to fetch things for me I feel like fetching it myself
  13. Brushing teeth, eating and shaving - Dexterity markedly improved. Due to the paralysis of the right arm I had to learn to use my left arm for eating, brushing teeth and shaving.  Now I pick up the fork and brush my teeth with the right hand.  I am not so secure as to shave with the right hand yet.
  14. Shoulder Inflammation - There was atrophy in my right shoulder joint due to paralysis.  Movement has improved without pain.
  15. Walking / Running - Gait and speed as well as balance have returned with better coordination of small motor muscles such as the toes and calf extension.  The result is less limping and more spring in the step.
  16. Abductor Muscles - Right side Abductor Muscles have redeveloped allowing for more flexibility and less stumbling
  17. Speech - Greatly improved without mouth muscle fatigue resulting in improved pronunciation
  18. Overall facial appearance is more symmetrical and less tired and aged looking.  Brighter eyes
  19. Gums - Increased blood flow and healthier gums.
These changes were achieved after 3 weeks of using the Kyani Xtreme Health Pack.  My next shipment will come after the 19th of November.  I imagine the second month will see even more improvement with the blood pressure starting to drop.
There are basically three products from Kyani that I take:

Sunrise.  It is made of Wild Alaskan Blue Berries.  This product is mixed with other berries high in antioxidant like Red Raspberry, Noni, Pomegranate, Concord Grapes, Cranberry, Goji Berry, Grape Seed / Grape Skin, Bee Pollen.  It also has Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin D, Vitamin B6, Riboflavin (B2), Biotin, Niacin (B3), Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Vitamin (B1) Thiamine, Panothenic (B5).  The ORAC score is 35,000.  Monavie by comparison is about 5500

Sunset.  Sockeye Salmon, Omega 3, Vitamin E and Delta and Gamma Tocotrienols for heart and blood vessels.

Nitro Xtreme.  Noni that converts into Nitric Oxide that relaxes the endothelial cells of the blood vessels and the neurotransmitters, CoQ10, Magnesium, Zinc, Chromium, Niacin.

If you can afford the Kyani products I urge you to order them.  I personally do not see how you can afford not to use them.

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