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13 November, 2012

Stress Management - A Deeper Look

Stress kills!  I know because it almost killed me.  Today, there are more than enough things to worry about.  Finances, food, government red tape, terrorism, joblessness and climate change to name a few.  Stress is a part of life.  The real issue is knowing how to deal with stress and how to avoid its possible destructive nature.

What is stress?  It is a term borrowed from the engineering world.  It refers to a situation where there is resistance.  Whether it be a building resisting the pressure of the wind or when the body encounters resistance to the normal functioning of the body.  It is the result of resistance to something that the body wants to do.

Disease is not the automatic result of stress.  People often confuse disease with stress.  Eliminating stress does not eliminate disease.  Blocking or cutting out a part of the body that is dysfunctional where the resistance is located does not eliminate the disease.  The circumstances may still remain.

How can we keep stress from turning into disease?  One potential result of stress is disease no doubt.  But disease is not the only possibility. Disease is not the  inevitable result of stress. There are other possibilities when dealing with stress.  

According to Naturopathic Pharmacist Ben Fuchs, there are many ways of responding to resistance to bodily function or what is known as stress.   The body wants to behave as it has been programed to do.  When there is resistance to that action this is "stress".  Heart cells want to pump.  Nerve cells want to fire.  Red blood cells want to move.  The stomach cells secret digestive juices, the intestinal cells need to absorb nutrients.  The liver cells need to purify and so on. When something blocks the activities of these cells stress is created.  If this block or resistance continues long enough a breakdown or disease will occur.  But disease is not an inevitable result of stress or resistance.   There are other ways that the body can relieve stress without it turning into disease.

One such method of dealing with stress is the body can grow bigger and stronger.  In fact, athletes depend on the body growing bigger and stronger.  When they lift weights and create resistance the body responds to the stress by getting bigger and stronger.  This is called "hypertrophy".  The same response happens in the brain.  The brain will actually get bigger and stronger when it is challenged from reading or learning a new language or learning how to walk.

Another way that the body can respond to stress is by eliminating it.  For example if we eat a stressful poison there is a vomit reflex.  Diarrhea is another way that the body eliminates stress.  The immune system is designed to kill stressors.  A third method of dealing with stress is by increasing the production of energy.  In this case the body has an emergency response system which is run by hormones.   The hormones create temporary energy to overcome the stress or resistance.

If for any reason something is blocking a cell like if there is a broken protein or a cell membrane that is leaky or there is too much sugar or acid in the blood or not enough oxygen, the presence of toxic poisons in the cells or the taking prescription drugs there is going to be resistance or stress.  By applying energy to the resistance the body can eliminate stress and disease.  Disease is the difference between stress and energy.  Stress will only cause disease when there is not enough energy to counteract the stress.  Energy opposes Stress.  

If we want to adequately eliminate disease we must understand how to support energy in the body.  Drugs, surgery, medical procedures, radiation, chemotherapy do not support the production of energy in the body.   In fact, these techniques actually cost energy.  Even so called stimulating drugs such as cigarette smoking or coffee drinking have a net energy loss to the body.  From a biochemical point of view there are literally no drugs or procedures that do not cost more energy than they create.  

We get our biological energy from one source...God.  It can not be man made.   It is the divine force in the form of oxygen, water and nutrition.  Nutrition is about providing energy to neutralize stress.  This is why proteins, fats, the 90 essential vitamins minerals and essential fatty acids omega 3 and omega 6 are so important.  Disease = Stress - energy.

Sometimes stressors come about too quickly for the body to respond such as in an emergency.   We get our normal energy from the 90 essential nutrients.  But for those occasions when the body must respond quickly we have a stress  handling system built in.    If there is not enough nutrients to be turned into energy or they can not be mobilized fast enough by the ordinary energy producing system the human body is equipped with a temporary and short term emergency generating system.  While this system is fast it is very inefficient.

The emergency response system is managed by hormones.  The stress hormones tell the stress management system how to handle the stress.  Stress hormones for example tell the liver to convert sugar to energy.  But they also tell the body to gain weight.  The stress management system tells the pancreas to make insulin but insulin can also become ineffective as in Type 2 Diabetes and insulin causes other tissue to grow uncontrollably.  Stress hormones tell cells in the circulatory system to constrict thus leading to increased blood pressure so that you get more oxygen delivery.  But hypertension can result.  Stress hormones tell the immune system to mobilize and to prepare to defend the body which is how activation of the stress management system can lead to autoimmune diseases.  The stress management system in the body is wonderful for short term increases in energy, oxygen and immunity.  But when activated chronically it can result in many of the modern day diseases we face.

Human Beings have two nervous systems: 1. the Sympathetic and 2. the Parasympathetic.  The Sympathetic Nervous System runs the automatic systems that take place within the body.  It is the fight or flight nervous system.  It becomes activated when the body senses a situation that requires immediate attention and action.  The Parasympathetic Nervous System is referred to as the rest and relax system.  It also runs the healing and digestion system as well as the rebuilding system.

Most of what we call chronic illness is actually the body's response to the activation of the Sympathetic Nervous System.  The problem is that when the body activates the Sympathetic System it also turns off the Parasympathetic System.  That means that when the Sympathetic is activated there will be no rest, no digestion, no rebuilding, no mental relaxation, no healing.

High Blood Pressure is normally a response to the Sympathetic Nervous System being activated.  Inflammation is another response.  Increased cholesterol in the blood is another response as is a fever, a runny nose or hives.  Traditional medicine attempts to treat sickness by disconnecting these responses from the actual underlying cause.  The result is that the person becomes unaware of their problem, fails to actually treat it and dies.

Obesity and weight gain are also a response rather than an underlying problem.  The same can be said of diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease and so on.  Merely taking medicine will not address the true cause of the problem.  In fact, no medicine can cure a disease.  They work by further poisoning or disabling the warning signs.

The real cause of all disease is cell sickness.  That means that the processes of the cell have become compromised due to suffocation, toxification, starvation and dehydration.  If any one or all of these issues are present the Sympathetic Nervous System will become activated.  This will lead to what is known as illness.

But what does this have to do with stress?  When the brain perceives stress as in when a saber tooth tiger is chasing you blood will infuse the muscles, digestion will stop, the pupils of the eye will dilate allowing more light in and the person will perspire.  Blood pressure will increase and respiration will increase.  The person will become ready to fight or run.

In addition, if there is food within the system it will be stored as fat to be absorbed at a later date when it is "safe".

The Sympathetic System was designed for short bursts in case of emergency.  If the Sympathetic System is activated for a longer period of time there will be a breakdown of the body.  This can happen by watching horror films or riding a roller coaster.  Certain behaviors can also trigger the Sympathetic Nervous System like eating sugar, eating artificial sweeteners, taking medications, eating fast burning carbohydrates, smoking, toxic chemicals, loud music, food additives, not drinking enough clean water, arguing, watching the news, worrying, being sedentary, a lack of sunlight, being cold, exposure to electromagnetic fields, etc.  The reaction to these behaviors can lead to chronic illness, premature aging and premature death. 

Anyone suffering from chronic illness, obesity, inflammation of the joints and bones, heart disease, cardiovascular problems is most likely a person who has activated his Sympathetic Nervous System.   One of the best ways to deactivate the Sympathetic System and to activate the Parasympathetic System is deep breathing.  With only two 2 minute sessions per day a person can totally reverse a chronic disease.

By deep breathing it is meant to "belly" breathe.  The belly goes out to inhale and in on the exhale.  Do this slowly, without holding your breath.  Take a count of 10 seconds on the inhale and then a count of 10 seconds on the exhale.  If at first this is difficult to do try doing it while laying on your back.  Breathe through your nose.

Another possible method is to meditate.  It is recommended to meditate twice per day, once in the morning upon rising and once in the evening before going to bed.  While meditating do not focus your attention on any particular matter.  Just focus on relaxing and breathing easily again through the nose.  If you find this difficult try concentrating on the coolness of the air going in through your nostrils.  Do not force it and do not hold your breath.  Stop if you feel dizzy or uneasy.

To further energize your experience try repeating a mantra such as "Ohm Namma Shivaya" over and over.  This particular mantra is very powerful and is said to bring peace and tranquility to your life by practitioners of Yoga.

These different techniques tell your body that everything is alright and activates the Parasympathetic Nervous System.  Eating the proper absorpable supplements and taking the Kyani Health Triangle has worked miracles for some people.  Order your Kyani products here .

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