
The statements and products referenced in this blog have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or any other governmental agency. The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. The information in this blog is intended for information purposes only. If you have any diagnosed medical condition we recommend you consult your qualified health care provider with specific questions before using any new dietary supplement.

02 September, 2012

Germ Theory Vesus Terrain Theory

Ever since the 18th Century a battle has been raging about the causes of disease.  On one side of the issue was the belief that bad germs were the cause of diseases in the body.  On the other side was the belief that the environment of the body, the so called "Terrain" was what determined the health or disease of the body.  Terrainist, which we are, believe that through nutrition, diet, oxygenation through breathing, movement and rest, the so called square of health as well as divine force, the body will heal itself.

Louis Pasteur was a major proponent of Germ Theory.  The man who promoted the idea that the Terrain or Host was responsible for creating the environment ripe for disease to proliferate was Claude Bernard.

By far the most popular and accepted belief has become the Germ Theory.  However, on his death bed Louis Pasteur is reported to have said, "Claude Bernard was right.  The Terrain is everything".  Meaning, that if  you create an environment that disease can not live in it will die.

Obviously through Germ Theory medicines and drugs could be created and sold.  Medical procedures could also be sold in an attempt to counter the proliferation of Germs.  But quietly, masses of people are starting to realize that the human body was divinely designed to be healthy if the "Terrain" was properly managed.  This could be done by nutrition and supplementation.

In other words, if you want to be healthy you must create an environment that is hostile to disease and promotes your well being.

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