Health Basics - The top 10 causes of breast cancer
(NaturalNews) Did you know that not one single medical school in the United States of America includes any classes on nutrition or natural remedies? Did you also know that 75 percent of physicians in the world refuse chemotherapy for themselves?
** Get your CurcuminX4000 from The Power Mall today!
Science abandoned: New cancer drugs now being allowed to skip clinical trials
(NaturalNews) ...according to a new report by Reuters, new cancer
drugs are among the worst regulatory offenders these days, with
many of them now completely bypassing the normal clinical trial
process, as they are rushed to market as quickly as possible.
sands of doctors fired by United HealthCare - In the midst of major changes in health care, United HealthCare has sent thousands of pink slips to Connecticut doctors. Termination letters went to physicians caring for Medicare patients. Those letters were sent out to doctors caring for 'Medicare Advantage' patients. It's a plan, marketed to Seniors to provide additional services through UnitedHealthCare. - In the midst of major changes in health care, United HealthCare has sent thousands of pink slips to Connecticut doctors. Termination letters went to physicians caring for Medicare patients. Those letters were sent out to doctors caring for 'Medicare Advantage' patients. It's a plan, marketed to Seniors to provide additional services through UnitedHealthCare.
Lithium orotate: Can this naturally occurring alkali metal cure your mental woes? (NaturalNews) Many people automatically associate the word "lithium" with a drug given to sufferers of severe mental disorders like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, but lithium is actually a kind of salt that occurs naturally in the body.
Founders of Silver Botanicals, DEAN DEWULF & RAYMOND D'AMICO,
will join The Power Hour the new Silver Botanicals products
available at The Power Mall. Central to all of their products'
formulation is the use of true-colloidal nanosilver and
essential oil blends. Silver Botanicals employ both these
ingredients synergistically, along with other natural
ingredients, to produce extremely effective products. "It was
our appreciation of colloidal silver and essential oils that
eventually lead to the realization of Silver Botanicals'
Everyone should take responsibility for their health decisions by choosing natural, time-tested solutions for our daily hygiene needs!
Everyone should take responsibility for their health decisions by choosing natural, time-tested solutions for our daily hygiene needs!
Botanicals was founded by Dean DeWulf and Raymond d'Amico in 2010, with
the help of family and friends. Combining talents--Dean, an organic
chemist, manufacturer and formulator; Ray, an IT professional, digital
artist and health enthusiast--a brainstorming and experimentation
process began. They began selling their products at the local
farmers' markets, in central Texas and quickly began to see that a real
demand, beyond their initial expectation exists for natural hygiene
Central to all of their products' formulation is
the use of true-colloidal nanosilver and essential oil blends. Silver
Botanicals employ both these ingredients synergistically, along with
other natural ingredients, to produce extremely effective products.
was our appreciation of colloidal silver and essential oils that
eventually lead to the realization of Silver Botanicals' products."
Everyone should take responsibility for their health decisions by choosing natural, time-tested solutions for our daily hygiene needs!
New Power Mall Products from Silver Botanicals:
* Roll-On Deodorant & Spray-On Deodorant- Amazing performance all-natural and non-toxic!
Specially formulated to provide long-lasting odor protection, fight bacterial growth, keep sweat down and maintain healthy underarm skin. Made from safe and effective, high quality, all-natural ingredients.
* Silver Foot Shield - Fungicidal deodorizer and skin tonic for the feet
Specially formulated to provide long-lasting odor protection, fight bacterial growth, keep down sweat and keep your skin healthy. Fungus is a very destructive organism to our skin. It is more complex than bacteria and can survive many assaults that bacteria cannot. We use nature's innovations to fight fungus and bacteria in Silver Foot Shield. Pure essential oils provide an initial powerful punch, killing the odor causing germs. Then our colloidal nanosilver provides a lasting protective shield that keeps it from coming back quickly.
Furthermore, our formula is a powerful skin tonic. It rejuvenates and invigorates your hard working feet. It puts a freshness in your step with the cool sensation -- and powerful fungus fighting properties -- of peppermint.
* Silver Shield Sanitizer - Powerful germicidal action with long-lasting protection
A truly multi-purpose product with hundreds of possible uses. Plus, the amazingly long-lasting power of colloidal nanosilver.
* Silver Shield Dog & Bedding Spray - A powerful multiuse sanitizer spray for your Dog!
Specially formulated, protective, germicidal deodorizer that deters bugs, mites and parasites. Plus calms your dog!
* Silver Tongue Oral Disinfectant - Powerful oral care, yet gentle and tastes great!
Specially formulated with Colloidal Silver to fight bacterial growth and the germs that cause bad-breath, plus other oral maladies. Silver Tongue Oral Disinfectant provides a 'double punch' effect: May instantly kill harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites with pure essential oils, which pass directly through our tissues, reaching inside our cells. Then it helps keep these pathogens from growing back rapidly with the power of premium colloidal nanosilver that provides long lasting antimicrobial protection. It's a one-two punch that yields results. We hope you try it, to see for yourself.
Everyone should take responsibility for their health decisions by choosing natural, time-tested solutions for our daily hygiene needs!
* Roll-On Deodorant & Spray-On Deodorant- Amazing performance all-natural and non-toxic!
Specially formulated to provide long-lasting odor protection, fight bacterial growth, keep sweat down and maintain healthy underarm skin. Made from safe and effective, high quality, all-natural ingredients.
* Silver Foot Shield - Fungicidal deodorizer and skin tonic for the feet
Specially formulated to provide long-lasting odor protection, fight bacterial growth, keep down sweat and keep your skin healthy. Fungus is a very destructive organism to our skin. It is more complex than bacteria and can survive many assaults that bacteria cannot. We use nature's innovations to fight fungus and bacteria in Silver Foot Shield. Pure essential oils provide an initial powerful punch, killing the odor causing germs. Then our colloidal nanosilver provides a lasting protective shield that keeps it from coming back quickly.
Furthermore, our formula is a powerful skin tonic. It rejuvenates and invigorates your hard working feet. It puts a freshness in your step with the cool sensation -- and powerful fungus fighting properties -- of peppermint.
* Silver Shield Sanitizer - Powerful germicidal action with long-lasting protection
A truly multi-purpose product with hundreds of possible uses. Plus, the amazingly long-lasting power of colloidal nanosilver.
* Silver Shield Dog & Bedding Spray - A powerful multiuse sanitizer spray for your Dog!
Specially formulated, protective, germicidal deodorizer that deters bugs, mites and parasites. Plus calms your dog!
* Silver Tongue Oral Disinfectant - Powerful oral care, yet gentle and tastes great!
Specially formulated with Colloidal Silver to fight bacterial growth and the germs that cause bad-breath, plus other oral maladies. Silver Tongue Oral Disinfectant provides a 'double punch' effect: May instantly kill harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites with pure essential oils, which pass directly through our tissues, reaching inside our cells. Then it helps keep these pathogens from growing back rapidly with the power of premium colloidal nanosilver that provides long lasting antimicrobial protection. It's a one-two punch that yields results. We hope you try it, to see for yourself.
- The Underarm Lymphatic Network
- Aluminum in Deodorant Linked to Breast Cancer in New Studies
- Colloidal Silver: A Near Perfect Antibiotic
- Chemical found in deodorants, face cream and food products is
- discovered in tumours of ALL breast cancer patients
- Your Body Is a Wonderland ... of Bacteria
- Beware of aluminum in deodorant products
Silver Shield Deodorant Testimony:
I have been using this deodorant for over a year after hearing about locally made products on your radio show. I
have been unable to use just about all deodorants on the shelf at the
store, even the supposed non-allergenic kinds. Silver Shield Deodorant -
Sensitive Skin has been wonderful for me. It works perfectly as a
deodorant and it seems to stop odor for longer than a day. What has
been great for me is that I have hydradenitis supurativa, furuncles
under arm and other places on body and this Silver Shield deodorant
product has completely ended these furuncles (boils) for me and has
completely cleared up all the pores under the arm. I have had to have
operations by dermatologists for this condition in the past and I was so
thankful to finally find something that keeps my underarms fresh and
clear and clean.
-From Doxie in Texas
Mainstream media turns on Obamacare, liberals suddenly screaming mad about rate shock, disaster(NaturalNews) The mainstream media loves Obamacare. They love it so much that when the disastrous launch of the
system was evident to anyone with an IQ above room temperature,
the media tried to cover it up for over a week, repeating the
ridiculous White House spin that claimed the site was only crashing
"because it was so popular." (Yes, people who call themselves
"journalists" actually bought into this hoax.)
California Costco recalls 40,000 pounds of salmonella-contaminated cooked chicken products(NaturalNews) A San Francisco Costco store has recalled 40,000 pounds of cooked rotisserie chicken products due to confirmed Salmonella Heidelberg contamination.
Surprising facts about carrots
(NaturalNews) Daucus carota subsp. sativus, commonly known as the carrot, is a vegetable that is naturally healthy, sweet and delicious.
(NaturalNews) Cinnamon has so many uses. For most people, it's a condiment for milk or oatmeal or is used in potpourri. The best thing about cinnamon is that it's easily available everywhere. Do you know that cinnamon has numerous health benefits?
STEPin2 -Activated charcoal is a natural substance that is carbon based. It has been used for its health benefits of healing properties for over three millenniums. Activated carbon is a type of charcoal that has the ability to bind harmful substances from water and remove them.
* Activated Charcoal & Book: Activated Charcoal: A Universal Antidote, Remedy and Health Aid - by Charles Wilson available at The Power Mall!
Supplementing With Probiotics Reduces Risk of Common Cold By Up to 72 Percent Prevent Disease - Daily supplements of the probiotic Bifidobacterium lactis subsp lactis may reduce the risk of the common cold (upper respiratory tract infections or URTIs), reducing fevers by 72 percent and coughs by 62 percent.
* Living Streams Probiotics available at The Power Mall!
Natural Society - Onions harness some key beneficial compounds. Here are 4 reasons onions can be called a superfood.
Oregon Grape Root: A Natural Solution for Resistant Infections and More
Natural Society - Need a solution to antibiotic-resistant infections? Oregon grape root is one solution that could help treat antibiotic-resistant infections like MRSA.
Five warning signs of dementia
(NaturalNews) (NaturalNews) Changes in an individual's walking, chewing, sleeping and how they feel can be early indications of dementia. Dementia is the ongoing loss of cognitive skills due to brain cells being destroyed.

10 Simple Things You Can Do Today That Will Make You Happier
Dr. Mercola - Defining happiness is difficult, as happiness is actually a state of mind. What brings on happiness is therefore unique to the individual person; what makes you happy may be quite different from what makes your neighbor or your officemate happy.
life-long herbal healthcare professional and international leader in
the field of waste and resource recycling will share timely herbal
remedies, and the historical uses on a wide variety of herbs, plants and
plant enzymes - - - especially the extremely valuable heart-health
benefits to Straus Heart Drops!
Wayne's Website:
From ancient times, herbs and herbal preparations have been widely used as the safest and best medicines for a wide variety of ailments. The vast knowledge of the beneficial effects of herbs and plants was acquired in early civilization by experimentation and intuition, then passed down and perfected by succeeding generations. Scientific research and medical experience are continually confirming the health-giving properties of herbs.
Did you know that natural remedies are still the primary source of healthcare for two-thirds of the world's population?
Products of Discussion:
Their flagship product made
with the family's traditional process. Used in Herbal Medicine to help
maintain and promote cardiovascular health and reduce elevated blood
lipid levels/hyperlipidemia in adults.
Used in Herbal Medicine to:
* Help maintain cardiovascular health
* Reduce lipids (e.g. cholesterol)
* Support healthy circulation
Medicinal ingredients: Garlic Bulb Fresh, Hawthorn, European Mistletoe, Motherwort, Cayenne, Bilberry and White Willow.
Used in Herbal Medicine to:
* Help maintain cardiovascular health
* Reduce lipids (e.g. cholesterol)
* Support healthy circulation
Medicinal ingredients: Garlic Bulb Fresh, Hawthorn, European Mistletoe, Motherwort, Cayenne, Bilberry and White Willow.
Strauss Liver ingredients are traditionally used
in Herbal Medicine:
* As hepatics to help relieve liver congestion
* To support healthy liver function
Medicinal Ingredients: Milk Thistle, Bitter Fennel, Black Cohosh, Dandelion, Blessed Thistle, Mandrake, Wormwood, Elder, Wild Yam, Wood Betony, Uva Ursi, Angelica, Parsley, White Oak, Plantain, Cascara Sagrada, Lobelia, Common Sage.
in Herbal Medicine:
* As hepatics to help relieve liver congestion
* To support healthy liver function
Medicinal Ingredients: Milk Thistle, Bitter Fennel, Black Cohosh, Dandelion, Blessed Thistle, Mandrake, Wormwood, Elder, Wild Yam, Wood Betony, Uva Ursi, Angelica, Parsley, White Oak, Plantain, Cascara Sagrada, Lobelia, Common Sage.
Used in Herbal Medicine to
help relieve the urological symptoms (e.g. weak urine flow, incomplete
voiding, frequent day- and night-time urination) associated with mild to
benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Used in Herbal Medicine to:
* Promote a healthy prostate
* Help relieve symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate
Medicinal ingredients: Saw Palmetto, Bilberry, Nettle, Juniper, Birch, Corn Silk, Linden, White Willow, Goldenseal, Uva Ursi.
Winner 2008 Silver alive Awards of Excellence, "Men's Products" category.
Used in Herbal Medicine to:
* Promote a healthy prostate
* Help relieve symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate
Medicinal ingredients: Saw Palmetto, Bilberry, Nettle, Juniper, Birch, Corn Silk, Linden, White Willow, Goldenseal, Uva Ursi.
Winner 2008 Silver alive Awards of Excellence, "Men's Products" category.
Used in Herbal Medicine to:
* Increase the flow of urine
* Help maintain a healthy urinary system
* Help rid the body of excess water
Medicinal Ingredients: Birch, Bilbery, Uva Ursi, Juniper, Saw Palmetto, Corn Silk, Linden, Nettle, White Willow, Goldenseal.
* Increase the flow of urine
* Help maintain a healthy urinary system
* Help rid the body of excess water
Medicinal Ingredients: Birch, Bilbery, Uva Ursi, Juniper, Saw Palmetto, Corn Silk, Linden, Nettle, White Willow, Goldenseal.
Used to help relieve pain and inflammation associated with arthritic and rheumatic conditions.
Ingredients: Dog rose (rose hip)
Ingredients: Dog rose (rose hip)
Plus....don't forget about the new Strauss Hair Spray & other body care items!
All Strauss items available online "24/7"at or by calling 1-877-817-9829 Mon-Fri, 8 to 4 Central Time.
Related TPH Books: "Is Your Cardiologist Killing You?" and "The High Blood Pressure HOAX!" by Dr. Sherry Rogers or "Statin Drugs - The Misguided War on Cholesterol" by Duane Graveline available 24/7 on line at or by calling 1-877-817-9829 Mon-Fri 8 to 4 PM Central Time.
Earlobe Creases and Cardiovascular Problems:
Additional Articles of Interest:
Study Finds Monsanto's Pesticides to Produce Cancer-Causing Fungi
Natural Society - A study shows how Monsanto's Roundup herbicide enhances the growth of cancer-causing fungi.
Top 10 Spices For Good Health
Natural Blaze - Much is made of using a variety of herbs and spices for good health. There's a huge variety of tasty items available to be added to home cooking and various home remedies.
Amish Girl Being Forced into Experimental Chemotherapy Taken Out of US and Recovers with Natural Treatment - Father said 10-year-old Sarah would physically fight if the hospital tried to force her to be hooked up to the chemotherapy. She does not want it anymore. Unconfirmed reports say Warrants have been issued.
Chlorella decreases absorption of dietary fats
(NaturalNews) You may have heard that chlorella is a nutritionally powerful superfood, but did you know that research shows it can also reduce the absorption of fat in the gut, thereby possibly decreasing the risk of heart disease?
Neurologist Warns of Neurodegenerative Disease Due to Chemtrail Toxins Natural Society - A well-known neurologist explains how chemtrail toxins are responsible for the exploding rates of brain-disorders.
Gardening, Farming & Homesteading
Report: Milk Could Skyrocket To $8 A Gallon If Farm Bill Not Passed
CBS News - Members of the House and Senate are scheduled to begin long-awaited negotiations on the five-year, roughly $500 billion bill this week. If they don't finish it, dairy supports could expire at the end of the year and send the price of a gallon of milk skyward. KLTV reports that the price of milk could reach $8 a gallon.
CBS News - Members of the House and Senate are scheduled to begin long-awaited negotiations on the five-year, roughly $500 billion bill this week. If they don't finish it, dairy supports could expire at the end of the year and send the price of a gallon of milk skyward. KLTV reports that the price of milk could reach $8 a gallon.
DR. JAMES GARROW is the founder of the
Pink Pagoda
organization which rescues baby girls from government sanctioned
infanticide in China. Mr. Garrow has recently revealed himself as a
former U.S. Intelligence operative with first-hand knowledge that deaths
of Andrew Breitbart, Michael Hastings, and now Tom Clancy are connected
and can be traced back to attempts to expose Barack Obama as a foreign
Saudi plant. Another startling statement by Mr. Garrow came about back
in January when Dr. Jim Garrow said that the Obama administration was
using litmus test to determine whether military leaders would be loyal
to the Obama administration should Martial Law be enforced.
Websites: &
Websites: &
Articles of Interest:
NEW: Coconut Charcoal Powder available at The Power Mall!
For all charcoal products and John Dinsley's book "Charcoal Remedies" please visit 24/7 or call 1-877-817-9829 Mon-Fri 8 to 4 PM CST
For all charcoal products and John Dinsley's book "Charcoal Remedies" please visit 24/7 or call 1-877-817-9829 Mon-Fri 8 to 4 PM CST
charcoal removes toxins and other chemicals from air, water and blood.
In particular, activated charcoal is a go-to therapy for people who have
ingested poisonous materials or overdosed on drugs. Activated charcoal
can be purchased without a prescription and used safely at home, but you
should always contact a health professional when a poisoning or
overdose occurs.
Charcoal Science
simplest description of charcoal is the cold hard black remains left
over after your campfire has gone out. Essentially all the water has
been evaporated off (Pyrolysis), along with some volatile constituents,
leaving behind the familiar crusty crumbly black chunks. Now charcoal
can be made from the bones of animals, or coal, but for medicinal use it
has historically come primarily from plant-based sources such as
hardwood, bamboo, coconut, or peat. But, what is left after the fire
goes out is, apart from a few trace minerals, pure carbon, just like the
carbon atoms that make up the soft graphites in a "lead" pencil or the
345 carat diamonds in a golden crown. What makes the carbons different
from each other is their distinct physical structures.
Activated charcoal works through several different mechanisms
(not to be confused with absorption), the most well known mechanism,
acts by electrostatically binding molecules to the surfaces of the
charcoal particle - technically known as Van der Waals forces, or
chemisorption. Then there are chemical reduction reactions - as when
charcoal is used to remove chlorine from water. Activated charcoal can
also catalyze a number of chemical conversions, or can be a carrier of
catalytic agents such as precious metals. An example is using silver
impregnated charcoal to disinfect water. Charcoal can also act as a
carrier of biomass, as in supporting material in biological filters used
in your backyard goldfish pond. Another function is as a carrier of
chemicals as in slow release color applications - food dyes and
pigments. Are there more mechanisms? Scientists suspect there are.
*adsorb/adsorption - technically, a surface-based adhesion of atoms, ions, molecules from a gas, liquid, or dissolved solid, as distinguished from absorption which involves the entire volume of the material. To put it into simple terms - when you eat a banana cream pie you absorb it; when you get a banana cream pie thrown in your face you adsorb it.
*adsorb/adsorption - technically, a surface-based adhesion of atoms, ions, molecules from a gas, liquid, or dissolved solid, as distinguished from absorption which involves the entire volume of the material. To put it into simple terms - when you eat a banana cream pie you absorb it; when you get a banana cream pie thrown in your face you adsorb it.
For extensive information on Charcoal, visit
Click HERE to learn how to make a gel & regular Charcoal Poultice
Additional Resources:
Related Articles:
Video: Colobus Monkey Medicine
monkeys have delevoped a novel way of healing themselves by using the
man-made environment around them to it's full potential and stealing
charcoal. Amazing wildlife film from BBC Worldwide.
Additional Book: Charcoal: Startling New Facts About the World's Powerful Clinical Absorbent (by) Calvin Thrash M.D. and Agatha Thrash M.D.
12 Foods Most People Don't Know Are Dyed or Adulterated
Prevent Disease - Orange cheddar cheese comes to mind as one of many foods people don't realize is dyed. While some food coloring and adulterations are less harmful than others, many exist as toxic threats in the food supply. Almost any food you buy that is not its natural color has the potential of being adulterated, even if purchased from a reputable grocery retailer.
Prevent Disease - Orange cheddar cheese comes to mind as one of many foods people don't realize is dyed. While some food coloring and adulterations are less harmful than others, many exist as toxic threats in the food supply. Almost any food you buy that is not its natural color has the potential of being adulterated, even if purchased from a reputable grocery retailer.
Earthing - The ultimate healing technique?
(NaturalNews) The key factor that seems to be linked with earthing is the reduction of inflammation. Since there are over 80 chronic diseases associated with inflammation, including cancer and type 2 diabetes, earthing could be one of the greatest "rediscoveries" of our time.
How Probiotics May Aid Your Weight Management
Dr. Mercola - Your intestinal bacteria are part of your immune system, and researchers are discovering that microbes of all kinds play instrumental roles in countless areas of your health.
Dr. Mercola - Your intestinal bacteria are part of your immune system, and researchers are discovering that microbes of all kinds play instrumental roles in countless areas of your health.
There are 40 million people
in the US right now diagnosed with cancer, and most of them do not have
the insurance, finances, or ability to go through conventional treatment
in a hospital. These people are frightened and searching for answers.
This summit is designed to
bring forth the latest and most groundbreaking leaders around the fields
of cancer research and share the results they've been getting with
every major type of cancer on the planet.
We are not claiming we have
the cure, we are simply asking those who have the credentials,
experience, and results, what it is they are doing that's working, and
giving people a new opportunity for hope and health, and if they have
found alternative and integrative solutions for cancer... then we want
to know about it!
This is why we need you. Our
goal is to partner with like minded organizations and speakers who are
interested in helping people experience hope and health to get this
information out to at least 5,000,000 people. That's only a fraction of
the population, but it's enough to make serious changes.
Discovered by 27 Leading Experts, Doctors, Researchers, Scientists and Cancer Survivors
This book and CD set is
designed to bring forth the latest and most groundbreaking leaders
around the fields of cancer research and share the results they've been
getting with every major type of cancer on the planet.
We are not claiming we have
the cure, we have simply asked those who have the credentials,
experience, and results, what it is they are doing that's working best
for their patients and clients, and giving people a new opportunity for
hope and health with empowering information shared by the experts.
This is why your decision to
order a copy of the book and cd set is so important. Our goal is to
help millions of people get access to integrative information around
preventing, healing, and possibly reversing cancer. That's only a
fraction of the population, but it's enough to make serious changes.
The more you know about
preventing and healing cancer means the more empowered you will be in
making important life altering decisions.
Having multiple perspectives
from Scientists, Doctors, Researchers, and Health Experts at the palm
of your hand will give you a profound perspective and inspiring
compilation of alternative choices to assisting you on your healing
This information has the
power to change lives. We simply ask that once you learn it for
yourself, pass it on to others and help inspire them with what you
The Cure to Cancer
Book and CD Set Available for Pre-Order from The Power Mall by calling
877-817-9829 - Don't Miss This Life Changing Opportunity to Access
Incredibly Empowering Information for Integrative and Alternative
Approaches to Preventing, Healing, and Reversing Cancer!
Website of Mention:
Six Drugs Whose Dangerous Risks Were Buried So Big Pharma Could Make Money
- The FDA and Big Pharma contend that dangerous side-effects in a
prescription drug only emerge when it is used by millions instead
of the relatively small group of people in clinical trials. But
there is another reason the public ends up guinea pigs.
Prevent Disease - Herbal remedies not only boost lung health, but they can heal infections and even repair lung damage. Here are 15 of the best herbs to boost lung health.
Man Finds Out By Mistake That His Positive Pregnancy Test Is An Indicator of Testicular Cancer Prevent Disease - A man was shocked to discover he had testicular cancer after he took a pee-on-a-stick home pregnancy test that was left in his medicine cabinet by a former girlfriend. The positive pregnancy test was posted as a joke by a female friend on, but savvy viewers were quick to inform the woman that it could be a sign of testicular cancer, and it was.
Melatonin can help lower your risk of prostate cancer
(NaturalNews) Recent research has pointed to a link between prostate cancer and the sleep hormone melatonin. The study, which included 928 Icelandic men, indicated that individuals who have a higher level of melatonin are less likely to develop prostate cancer.
** Melatonin 3 mg 90-Sublingual Tablets available at The Power Hour!
World Whey protein tests 100 times cleaner than popular vegan proteins
for heavy metals: lead, arsenic, cadmium and mercury results here
(NaturalNews) I have some good news to share with you on the laboratory
testing front. We've been testing a lot of protein products lately, and
I'm actually quite shocked to see the levels of lead, cadmium, arsenic,
aluminum and even some other rare heavy metals in popular vegan protein
products. I'll be releasing full details in a few weeks, but as a result
of my findings, I have stopped consuming nearly all vegan proteins
** One World Whey available at The Power Mall!
Information contained here comes from "The Power Hour" News Blast which can be subscribed to for free at . "The Power Hour with Joyce Riley" is a three-hour syndicated radio broadcast Monday through Friday, 7-10 AM CST. Listen Live at or
We at World Health Team are pleased to offer three powerful products to help you maintain health: Youngevity, Kyani and One World Whey. Scientific data is available which indicates that the products we offer can be helpful.
Go to:
The Naturopathic Healer Forum
World Health Team to order Youngevity
Artificial Hormone-free Brands' Guide- Click on your state below to download a PDF document of dairy products sold in your area that are free of artificial bovine growth hormones.
Fluoride Action Network - Broadening public awareness about fluoride:
Vaccine Information: National Vaccine Information Center:
Think Twice Global Vaccine Institute:
We at World Health Team are pleased to offer three powerful products to help you maintain health: Youngevity, Kyani and One World Whey. Scientific data is available which indicates that the products we offer can be helpful.
Go to:
The Naturopathic Healer Forum
World Health Team to order Youngevity
Tip #1: Buy Organic
Tip #2: Look for Non-GMO Project Seal
Tip #3: Avoid at-risk ingredients
Tip #4: Download the Shopping Guides
foods often have hidden GM sources (unless they are organic or
declared non-GMO). The following are ingredients that may be made from
Artificial Hormone-free Brands' Guide- Click on your state below to download a PDF document of dairy products sold in your area that are free of artificial bovine growth hormones.
Fluoride Action Network - Broadening public awareness about fluoride:
Vaccine Information: National Vaccine Information Center:
Think Twice Global Vaccine Institute:
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