Hi Mom,
I just wanted to drop you a little note. First, I want to thank you for all your love, support and help. It has really allowed me to do and learn things which I can pass on for generations to come. Thank you so much.
It is said that at any given time we all have Cancer. Our immune system is able to fight it off usually. But unfortunately, many of us become overwhelmed and unable to recover. The rates of Cancer have increased in the thousands of percentages over the last few decades. The medical industry is predicting that in the near future 1 out of every 2 people will have a diagnosis of Cancer within his lifetime. Sadly, the so called war against Cancer has only created an industry more concerned with profit rather than health. They literally profit from the growth of the Cancer in the population. Whereas Billions of Dollars are spent in research it really means that governments, institutions, pharmaceutical companies, medical professionals and many others benefit from the so called “War On Cancer”. The Pink Ribbons unfortunately are a symbol of profit rather than hope.
But there is hope for those who understand the mechanism of Cancer in the first place. Sadly, misinformation and disinformation has been successfully used to keep the population in a continuous loop of confusion. Many believe that Cancer is genetic, that there is a component of pre-disposition along family lines. The idea that diseases are genetic is a myth conceived of by followers of Darwinian theory as an excuse to explain why some should rule while others are disposable. The latest cutting edge research and the subject of Dr. Wallach’s latest book is EPIGENETICS not genetics.
Epigenetics says that there are switches in the genes. It says that those switches can be turned off and turned on. Food and nutrition are the primary method of actuating those switches. If you eat "The 10 Bad Foods" the switches that decide whether a cell will become Cancerous is turned to Cancer. If you eat the “good” foods the switches are turned away from Cancer and other chronic diseases to health. This is primarily determined by nutrition and its absorption.
Cells turn Cancerous when they “learn” to metabolize sugar instead of oxygen. Cancer cells can also be instructed to self-destruct in the presence of certain substances and under certain conditions. This is called Apoptosis. But when this mechanism becomes damaged cells can grow out of control and create a possibly fatal condition.
When a foreign invader comes into the body the immune system becomes mobilized and attacks the invader. When that mechanism becomes damaged it too is possible for the immune system to malfunction either leaving the person exposed to foreign invasion or hyper vigilant attacking the body itself as in the cases of arthritis, asthma, lupus and many other autoimmune diseases. The real question is how do these mechanisms become damaged and how to repair the damage and correct the malfunction?
As we talked about before, Free Radicals are every where. But when you are involved in certain activities the exposure to Free Radicals are even more pronounced. The sources of Free Radicals may be certain foods, synthetic clothing, synthetic products, pollution, smoke, electro-magnetic waves, prescribed drugs, cigarette smoke, alcohol consumption, chemicals, cleaning solutions, psychological stress, etc. If you fly a lot you are even more exposed to Free Radical damage. Even breathing creates Free Radicals. I am particularly concerned about my two sisters one of whom works in a library with lots of computers and the other who is in business and often travels.
The human body deals with Free Radicals by creating anti-oxidants. In the super synthetic world in which we live of plastics, additives and man made substances the natural anti-oxidants are insufficient to deal with the Free Radicals we are exposed to. In such cases we need supplemental anti-oxidants to offset the exposure. How do we get those anti-oxidants? How much do we need?
When exposed to Free Radicals cells can become damaged or destroyed. This is called Oxidative Stress or Oxidation. You see it when you see "age spots", "liver spots", wrinkles and so on. When sugar is eaten and the cell membranes have been damaged due to oxidative stress excess sugar can not be metabolized and floats around in the blood. This is called Type II Diabetes. Peripheral blood vessels become damaged leading to Neuropathy. Tissue destruction in the eyes lead to Macular Degeneration, Cataracts, Glaucoma. In the heart there will be Cardio Myopathy, Congestive Heart Failure or some other heart disease. Organs begin to fail like Kidney Disease. All of the chronic / degenerative diseases are the result of Oxidative Stress including Cancer. Therefore, the means of offsetting Free Radical Damage requires a strategy that is designed to deal with our exposure to Free Radicals.
When confronted with a degenerative or a chronic condition we have a four step strategy:
- Eliminate the source of the damage
- Correct any damage to the nutrient absorption system
- Improve the absorption of nutrition the body needs to rebuild itself
- Protect the body from further damage
In your case where you had an elevated white blood cell count, high blood pressure, hair loss, weight loss and fatigue we have eliminated the source of the damage by:
- Avoid the consumption of “The 10 Bad Foods” to remove the foods which add to the Free Radical load and destroy the absorption system.
- Use Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar to acidify the stomach allowing better absorption of vitamins and minerals
- Use Broad Spectrum Probiotics to improve absorption which controls pathogens, produces Vitamin B12 in the gut and improves absorption
- Take in the 90 vitamins, minerals and trace elements in the form of BTT to supply the building materials the body needs.
- Use whey protein to supply the building blocks of the body.
- Increased the Essential Fatty Acids by means of Carlson’s Cod Liver Oil to protect the brain, heart, lungs, digestive tract, circulatory system, cell membranes, connective tissue, eyes and other organs.
- Use Survival Shield to further protect the thyroid and the hormone control center from the damaging halogens such as chlorine, bromine, fluoride and radiation as well as other sources of Free Radicals. Please note that iodine is also a halogen that is necessary for life.
The next step in this recovery program is to increase your anti-oxidant consumption. The idea is to take in anti-oxidants faster than your exposure to Free Radicals. Normally, a person needs 20,000 ORAC per day. However when recovering from a chronic condition you need 100,000 ORAC value per day. Youngevity's Beyond Tangy Tangerine daily serving has 5748 ORAC and a piece of Triple Treat Chocolate has 16,000 ORAC. That's right. You can eat pieces of Youngevity's Triple Treat Chocolate to raise your ORAC score. By the way it is sweetened naturally without sugar. Other foods that you eat also have an ORAC value. You can find a list of all foods and their ORAC values here:http://www.oracvalues.com/
Added to your menu of recovery should be the Ultimate Selenium from Youngevity. I would recommend that you take 400mcg of Selenium per day. The U.S. Government minimum is 50 mcg per day. Dr. Walloch who weighs 150 pounds takes 1000 mcg per day at age 75. (He writes books, scientific papers, makes 300 presentations per year, 2 hours of radio broadcasts per day plus TV and radio interviews throughout the month. He is very busy and exposed to lots of Free Radicals. He would be dead if it were not for this supplement program. By the way he has not had to see a doctor in 67 years!)
Your program has been pieced together based on our budget and to save time. But the truth of the matter is that Youngevity has pretty much everything you need in a colloidial form and easy to absorb form. The Youngevity products have been designed to work together instead of "fractional nutrition" which lacks the symbiotic relationship between the products including trace minerals and co-factors as nutrition is found in nature not usually offered in over the counter brands. You should switch to the Youngvity products as soon as possible.
I would also add that Youngevity does not offer Apple Cider Vinegar or cold processed whey protein from grass fed cows as One World Whey does. There are other products which are designed to give the benefit of absorption as in Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar and Glutathione as in One World Whey such as Root Beer Belly, the Healthy Digestion Pak and the Ultimate Selenium.
Below is a list of a few Youngevity products you should consider.
I have included the Health Start Weight for Yvette and the Ultimate Daily and Cardio Fx for Cookie. She should also consider the CAL Toddy which is 1500 mg of Calcium in a liquid form.
Love, Pat
Youngevity has more than 300 products all designed to promote and support the body’s structure and function. Some of the products you should be considering are:

“Healthy Anti-Aging Pak”
Broad spectrum, foundation nutrition plus powerful antioxidants to support anti-aging.
Each Pack contains Beyond Tangy Tangerine® - 420g canister (1), Cell Shield RTQ™ - 60 capsules (1), Beyond Osteo-fx™ - 32 oz (1), EFA PLUS™ - 90 soft gels (1). See individual products for details

“Ultimate Classic”
When dinosaurs roamed the earth 70 million years ago, they likely walked on soil abundant with minerals. Plants and fruits likely contained at least 77 minerals, which became water-soluble as they transmuted through the root system to become part of a luscious, succulent, vibrant and life-sustaining source of food. Plant-derived minerals have been encapsulated in the earth as a pure food since that time. Ultimate™ Classic® provides Majestic Earth™ Plant Derived Minerals™, up to 77 minerals from prehistoric plants in their unaltered colloidal form, plus a complete array of vitamins and key nutrients for optimal health. Our convenient Classic 90™ Pak delivers all of the 90 essential nutrients that Dr. Wallach recommends for good health. Each pack contains Ultimate Classic - 32 oz (1) and Ultimate™ EFA™ - 180 capsules (1).
See individual products for details.

“Healthy Bone and Joint Pak”
This pack is specifically formulated to support and promote healthy bones and joints. Each pack provides broad spectrum foundation nutrition including Beyond Tangy Tangerine® - 420g canister (1), EFA PLUS™- 90 soft gels (1), Beyond Osteo-fx™ - 32 oz (1), Gluco Gel 240 capsules (1) and CM Cream 2 oz (1).
See individual products for details.

“Healthy Digestion Pak”
This pack is specifically formulated to support and promote healthy digestion. Each pack provides broad spectrum foundation nutrition including Beyond Tangy Tangerine® - 420g canister (1), EFA PLUS™- 90 soft gels (1), Beyond Osteo-fx™ - 32 oz (1), Ultimate Enzymes (1) and Ultimate Flora fx (1)
See individual products for details.

“Healthy Heart and Brain Pak”
This pack is specifically formulated to support and promote healthy healthy brain and cardiovascular function. Each pack provides broad spectrum foundation nutrition including Beyond Tangy Tangerine® - 420g canister (1), EFA PLUS™- 90 soft gels (1), Beyond Osteo-fx™ - 32 oz (1), Ultimate EFA (1) and Selenium (1).
See individual products for details

“Healthy Start Weight Pak”
If you want to lose weight and create a healthy lifestyle, this is the kit for you! Each pack provides broad spectrum foundation nutrition and includes Beyond Tangy Tangerine® - 420g canister (1), Ultimate™ EFA PLUS™- 90 soft gels (1), Beyond Osteo-fx™ - 32 oz (1) and ASAP (1)
See individual products for details.

“Ultimate Cardio Fx”
Ultimate™ Cardio Fx™ is specially formulated to promote optimal cardiovascular function. Featuring garlic, ginkgo, hawthorn berry, Co-enzyme Q-10, and more, Ultimate™ Cardio Fx™ is an excellent choice for people with active lifestyles or who may be concerned about cardiovascular health. For best results, use Ultimate™ Cardio-Fx™ as part of a full nutritional program that includes Majestic Earth® Classic® and Ultimate EFA™.
DIRECTIONS: Take 2 capsules daily or as directed by your healthcare professional. WARNING: If you are taking MAO inhibitors or digitalis, consult your physician before using products containing Crataegus laevigata and Gingko Biloba. If you are pregnant, nursing or taking medications, seek the advice of your healthcare professional. KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN.

“Ultimate Daily”
Ultimate™ Daily™ contains the vitamins and minerals you need for solid, foundation nutrition, plus key nutrients to support cardiovascular, immune and nervous system health. WARNING: May potentiate pharmaceutical MAO inhibitors. If you are pregnant, nursing or taking MAO inhibitors consult your physician before using this product. Accidental overdose of iron-containing products is a leading cause of fatal poisoning in children under 6. Keep this product out of reach of children. In case of accidental overdose, call a doctor or poison control center immediately. DIRECTIONS: Take 2 tablets with each meal or as directed by your healthcare professional. For best results, we suggest using this product as part of a full nutritional program that also includes Ultimate™ Classic® and Ultimate™ EFA™.

“Ultimate Selenium”
The human body needs trace amounts of selenium to perform a variety of functions, including synthesizing antioxidants shown to protect against cell-damaging free radicals. Since selenium can’t be manufactured by the human body, it has to be obtained from diet or supplements. Ultimate™ Selenium provides selenium, vitamins and other trace minerals and nutrients to support good health. For best results, use Ultimate™ Selenium™ as part of a full nutritional program that also includes Majestic Earth® Ultimate Classic® and Ultimate EFA™

Imortalium is the most advanced anti-aging supplement to date that nutritionally helps extend the lifespan of telomeres; the biological clocks found in almost every cell. The cutting-edge, bi-layered tablets allow anti-aging nutrients to be released both rapidly and slowly for maximum exposure to antioxidant enzymes, and essential nutrients that support optimal telomere health.

“Cell Shield RTQ”
Cell Shield RTQ™ delivers a highly bioavailable, proprietary blend of three powerful antioxidants (Resveratrol, Turmeric, and Quercetin) for potent protection against cell-damaging free radicals. For best results, use Cell Shield RTQ™ as part of a full nutritional program that includes Beyond Tangy Tangerine® and Ultimate™ EFA Plus™.

“Gluco-Gel PLUS”
Gluco-Gel PLUS is an All-in-One combination of super antioxidants Mangosteen & Aai, with 2000 mg of Glucosamine & Chondroitin that helps support healthy bones, muscles and joints. Consume Gluco-Gel Plus in conjunction with a nutritious diet and with an appropriate physical training or exercise program. Each quart (946 mL) contains highly absorbable, easy to take liquid for ultimate utilization by the body. TOTAL JOINT HEALTH AND ANTIOXIDANT PROTECTION All Natural, Fruit-Based, First of its Kind Formula Delicious Fruit Taste, Lightly Sweetened Minimal Sodium Content from Fruits No Artificial Flavor or Color Great Addition to Fruit Juices, Teas and Smoothies WARNING: If you are pregnant, nursing or taking medications, consult with your healthcare professional before using this product. This product contains an ingredient derived from shellfish

“Beyond Tangy Tangerine” (BTT)
Beyond Tangy Tangerine® contains a base of Majestic Earth® Plant Derived Minerals® blended with vitamins, amino acids, and other beneficial nutrients to make a balanced and complete daily supplement.
BENEFITS: Natural antioxidant
Great tangy tangerine taste Supports overall health and a healthy immune, cardiovascular, and digestive system
Gluten-free with no artificial sweeteners or preservatives Low glycemic index/glycemic friendly Promotes health blood sugar levels

“Root Beer Belly”
Root Beer Belly™ is a root beer flavored, microencapsulated probiotic sprinkle providing you with 5 of the most advantageous probiotic strains on the market. Microencapsulation makes is more likely that a probiotic will survive stomach acidity, allowing it to cultivate and provide you with several benefits starting with a healthy digestive and immune system.

"Cal Toddy"
Calcium is the body’s most abundant mineral, yet one of the most difficult for the body to absorb. Cal Toddy™ is specifically formulated to promote calcium uptake. It contains 1200 mg calcium per serving, Vitamin D and mineral cofactors shown to promote calcium uptake—all in a highly absorbable liquid form.

“Ultimate Killer Biotics”
Ultimate™ Killer Biotic Fx® is a proprietary complex that brings together nature’s most potent immune-enhancing compounds. Ultimate™ Killer Biotic Fx® features propolis, a natural agent produced by Brazilian killer bees; the time-tested immune enhancing benefits of mushroom extracts, and the immune supporting properties of colostrum. For best results, use Ultimate™ Killer Biotic Fx™ as part of a full nutritional program that also includes Majestic Earth® Ultimate Classic® and Ultimate EFA™
We at World Health Team are pleased to offer three powerful products to help you maintain health: Youngevity, Kyani and One World Whey. Scientific data is available which indicates that the products we offer can be helpful.
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