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Archived Articles at: doreenA.htm
Video: Doreen Hannes speaks out against NAIS - YouTube
Archived Articles at:
Video: Doreen Hannes speaks out against NAIS - YouTube
Here is the link to the MOU and Springfield's legal proposal
Additional information from today's show:
MOUT Urbanism - (Military Operation on Urban Terrain)
training facilities where entire pseudo landscapes and quasi
architectures are designed solely for the purposes of being conquered
and reconquered, over and over again to help prepare the armed forces
for counter-insurgency warfare in cities abroad--life inside a
simulative architectural loop; landscape as militaristic prop.
Related Article: Mock American Town Set-Up For Domestic Urban Warfare Training
Article: The Unhealthiest Restaurant Chain in America - This company's most extreme dish has 2,500 calories and 85 grams of fat - and it's not who you think it is.
Article: Ice Age Winter Posted by Dr Sircus on December 15, 2013
and...Sub-zero Arctic blast strikes US; temperatures coldest in 20 years
and...Sub-zero Arctic blast strikes US; temperatures coldest in 20 years
Website of Mention:
* Successful Small-Scale Farming by Karl Schwenke
* Organic Gardening: The Natural No-Dig Way by Charles Dowding
* Gardening When It Counts Growing Food in Hard Times By Steve Solomon
* Seeds of Deception by Jeffery Smith (BOOK)
* Genetic Roulette by Jeffrey M. Smith
* Hidden Dangers in Kids' Meals [DVD] by Jeffrey Smith
* The World According To Monsanto by Jeffery Smith
* The Raw Milk Revolution by David E. Gumpert Foreword by Joel Salatin
* Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation By F. William Engdahl
* Renewing America's Food Traditions Saving and Savoring the Continent's Most Endangered Foods Edited by Gary Nabhan Foreword by Deborah Madison
Start growing your own sprouts:
* The Easy Sprout Sprouter
* The Master Sprouting Kit
* Sprout Jar Lids
* Salad Blend Sprouting Seeds 1 lb
* Sandwich Blend Sprouting Seeds 1 lb
* The Easy Sprout Sprouter
* The Master Sprouting Kit
* Sprout Jar Lids
* Salad Blend Sprouting Seeds 1 lb
* Sandwich Blend Sprouting Seeds 1 lb
Even very low lead exposure causes children's reading scores to fall
(NaturalNews) Researchers from the University of Maryland (UM) in Baltimore recently found that children with blood lead levels ranging between 5 and 9 mcg/dL (micrograms per deciliter) -- for the past 25 years, the CDC has told the public that lead exposure below 10 mcg/dL is safe -- scored a staggering 4.5 points lower on their reading scores than children exposed to 5 mcg/dL of lead or less.
New Research Confirms Ayurvedic Spice Good For Prostate
Green Med Info - Biomedical researchers from Italy's Chieti-Pescara University have confirmed what recent laboratory research has found: That the Ayurvedic herb turmeric (Curcuma longa) increases quality of life and reduces symptoms of non-cancerous enlarged prostate also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Organic Gardening - Many Americans were raised on the theory that eggs were loaded with artery-clogging cholesterol, and that eating them was a surefire way to promote coronary heart disease. That couldn't be further from the truth, though. When Wake Forest University researchers reviewed some of the top scientific studies, they found no link between eating eggs and heart disease.
Dentistry represents a shift away from the traditional "mouth-only"
orientation of dentistry, which is focused on oral hygiene, fillings,
and extractions. This revolutionary view of dentistry recognizes that
issues in the mouth can trigger seemingly unrelated physical illnesses.
Understanding the concepts in this comprehensive guide and reference will help patients make better and more informed dental-treatment choices in order to achieve a higher level of health.
Understanding the concepts in this comprehensive guide and reference will help patients make better and more informed dental-treatment choices in order to achieve a higher level of health.
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Get your copy of the book Whole-Body Dentistry NOW online "24/7"at or by calling 1-877-817-9829 Mon-Fri, 8 to 4 Central Time.
Read more about:
Visit the Whole-Body Library & Education
Whole-Body Update
Newsletters,Breiner Whole-Body Health Center articles, as well as other
important health related information. All documents are listed in
chronological order. To make your search easier, you may want
Check out the Holistic Dental Network
Archived Articles:
Articles of Interest by Doreen Hannes:
Additional Articles:
Check out - Eat Wild - Getting Wild Nutrition from Modern Food.
Additional information from today's show:
Twig Stove - Low Cost Twig Stoves
Fire Extinguisher
5 gallon rubber water bag
From Kathie: If you have a gas stove with electronic ignition you can
still use the burners by turning on the burner, light a match, and the
burner will be on.
I have cooked eggs and made coffee and toast when the electricity went.
Additional Items:
matches-hand pump on well-large propane tank with many 100 pounders for
backup for cooking and baking, plus we have a propane heating
stove-guns, ammo,-main heat is wood-oil lamp s and oil-barrel of
gasoline, and small generator-ham radio station on solar power plus some
12 volt lights-much food stored-in ground veggie storage-two older
vehicles no computers!! headlights and many batteries
Video: Dr. Doug Rokke - Depleted Uranium (DU)
Listen to Doug Rokke every Sunday Night on the Warrior Connection at: (6-7 PM CST) (7-8 PM EST) (4-5 PM PST)
Listen to Doug Rokke every Sunday Night on the Warrior Connection at: (6-7 PM CST) (7-8 PM EST) (4-5 PM PST)
Agent Orange possibly on former base - Doug Rokke - a retired Army major who served in the Vietnam and First Gulf War and said he obtained a PhD in physics and technology education from the University of Illinois - said he has a contact who worked at Chanute in the 1960s and sprayed the dangerous defoliant on the base by Hangar 3, other hangars and along Officers Row.Related content: What is Agent Orange?
Project Shad - BioChemical Warfare Tests Conducted on US Military Personnel and Citizens - A treasure trove of links on the 113 test series performed in Project Shad
Secret Army chemical/biological tests on US citizens revealed - A report recently surfaced about clandestine chemical and biological tests conducted on low-income residential areas in St. Louis, Mo., during the Cold War.
Reigle Report - Chapter 1 - Bacillus Anthracis: anthrax is a disease-producing bacteria identified by the Department of Defense in The Conduct of the Persian Gulf War: Final Report to ...
Check out for additional information on Depleted Uranium Weapons , Nuke Power, and Weapons.
TPH Recommended DVD
Beyond Treason Produced & Written by: Joyce Riley Directed by: William Lewis
What you don't know about your government could kill you...
Department of Defense documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act expose the horrific underworld of the disposable army mentality and the government funded experimentation upon US citizens conducted without their knowledge or consent.
Department of Defense documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act expose the horrific underworld of the disposable army mentality and the government funded experimentation upon US citizens conducted without their knowledge or consent.
Chemical & Biological Exposures
Radioactive Poisoning
Mind Control Projects
Experimental Vaccines
Gulf War Illness
Depleted Uranium (DU)
Chemical & Biological Exposures
Radioactive Poisoning
Mind Control Projects
Experimental Vaccines
Gulf War Illness
Depleted Uranium (DU)
Is the United
States knowingly using a dangerous battlefield weapon banned by the
United Nations because of its long-term effects on the local inhabitants
and the environment? Explore the illegal worldwide sale and use of
one of the deadliest weapons ever invented.
Beyond the
disclosure of black-ops projects spanning the past 6 decades, Beyond
Treason also addresses the complex subject of Gulf War Illness. It
includes interviews with experts, both civilian and military, who say
that the government is hiding the truth from the public and they can
prove it.
Bonus CD-Rom contains thousands of pages of corroborating documentation,
which can be viewed from most any computer via an internet browser.
(Internet Explorer Recommended)
Additional DVDs:
* Mission Rejected - U.S. Soldiers Who Say No to Iraq by Peter Laufer; Foreword by Norman Solomon
* WEATHER WARFARE by Jerry E. Smith Subtitle: The Military's Plan To Draft Mother Nature
* A Soldier's Dying Heart by Randy Stamm
* WEATHER WARFARE by Jerry E. Smith Subtitle: The Military's Plan To Draft Mother Nature
* A Soldier's Dying Heart by Randy Stamm
Recommended Documents:
Please visit the American Gulfwar Veterans Association
- The AGWVA provides resources for veterans of the Persian Gulf
War. Discusses the variety of conspiracy theories
surrounding the Persian Gulf War.
Flu Vaccine Reactions From the Same Gelatin in Gummy Bears
Activist Post - The American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI) reported at its Baltimore, Maryland, meeting early in November 2013, a case report notes that individuals with a gelatin allergy can have a mild to severe reaction from the [flu] shot. Severe reactions can include anaphylaxis, which can result in death!
Activist Post - The American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI) reported at its Baltimore, Maryland, meeting early in November 2013, a case report notes that individuals with a gelatin allergy can have a mild to severe reaction from the [flu] shot. Severe reactions can include anaphylaxis, which can result in death!
Sodium bicarbonate therapy cures cancer
(NaturalHealth365) When taken orally with water, especially water with high magnesium content, and when used transdermally in medicinal baths, baking soda becomes a first-line medicinal for the treatment of cancer, kidney disease, diabetes, influenza and even the common cold.
(NaturalHealth365) When taken orally with water, especially water with high magnesium content, and when used transdermally in medicinal baths, baking soda becomes a first-line medicinal for the treatment of cancer, kidney disease, diabetes, influenza and even the common cold.
11 Potassium-Rich Foods: Lower Blood Pressure, Boost the Heart
Natural Society - Eating potassium-rich foods can lower blood pressure and boost heart health. Here are 11 foods rich in potassium.
Eating Sesame Seeds Superior To Tylenol for Knee Arthritis
Green Med Info - A remarkable new study published in the International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases confirms that food is not only medicine, but sometimes superior to it.
Kraft to Remove Artificial Colors from Macaroni and Cheese Products
Natural Society - Kraft announced it will be removing the questionable artificial color ingredients in its Macaroni & Cheese products.
(NaturalHealth365) Processed cereals are sold to parents as a 'good source' of fiber, vitamins and minerals. In truth, these neurotoxic food products are loaded with heavy metals, sugar plus artificial ingredients which actually destroy the metabolism and brain function.
The top alkaline foods that should be included in your diet
(NaturalNews) Many of the foods that comprise today's modernized diet plans are acidic. Consumerism and marketing plans have had a hand in destroying our eating habits. This can have a damaging effect on our health when we choose too many foods that are unhealthy. The foods that we eat are either acidic or alkaline. Eating foods that contain too much acid can be very harmful to our digestive systems.
(NaturalNews) Much to the dismay of many pharmaceutical giants and doctors who reap big rebate checks from recommending chemotherapy treatments, Nigella sativa has been proven over and over again to successfully treat cancer without the use of treatments. Nigella sativa has been shown to be effective against numerous cancers, such as pancreatic, colon, prostate, breast and even brain cancers.
Information contained here comes from "The Power Hour" News Blast which can be subscribed to for free at . "The Power Hour with Joyce Riley" is a three-hour syndicated radio broadcast Monday through Friday, 7-10 AM CST. Listen Live at or
We at World Health Team are pleased to offer three powerful products to help you maintain health: Youngevity, Kyani and One World Whey. Scientific data is available which indicates that the products we offer can be helpful.
Go to:
The Naturopathic Healer Forum
The Naturopathic Healer Website to order
Artificial Hormone-free Brands' Guide- Click on your state below to download a PDF document of dairy products sold in your area that are free of artificial bovine growth hormones.
Fluoride Action Network - Broadening public awareness about fluoride:
Vaccine Information: National Vaccine Information Center:
Think Twice Global Vaccine Institute:
We at World Health Team are pleased to offer three powerful products to help you maintain health: Youngevity, Kyani and One World Whey. Scientific data is available which indicates that the products we offer can be helpful.
Go to:
The Naturopathic Healer Forum
The Naturopathic Healer Website to order
Tip #1: Buy Organic
Tip #2: Look for Non-GMO Project Seal
Tip #3: Avoid at-risk ingredients
Tip #4: Download the Shopping Guides
foods often have hidden GM sources (unless they are organic or
declared non-GMO). The following are ingredients that may be made from
Artificial Hormone-free Brands' Guide- Click on your state below to download a PDF document of dairy products sold in your area that are free of artificial bovine growth hormones.
Fluoride Action Network - Broadening public awareness about fluoride:
Vaccine Information: National Vaccine Information Center:
Think Twice Global Vaccine Institute:
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