No GMO: UK to Conduct Absolutely No GMO Trials in 2014
Natural Society - The UK is celebrating a GM-free 2014 in UK fields.
This will be the first year since 2007 that no GMO trials will be
conducted and that none are expected.
EPA overrides Congress, hands over town to Indian tribes
Daily Caller - Have you heard the story of the residents of Riverton, Wyo.? One day they were Wyomingans, the next they were members of the Wind River tribes - after the Environmental Protection Agency declared the town part of the Wind River Indian Reservation, undoing a 1905 law passed by Congress and angering state officials.
* Related Article: Agenda 21 has started in Wyoming
Daily Caller - Have you heard the story of the residents of Riverton, Wyo.? One day they were Wyomingans, the next they were members of the Wind River tribes - after the Environmental Protection Agency declared the town part of the Wind River Indian Reservation, undoing a 1905 law passed by Congress and angering state officials.
* Related Article: Agenda 21 has started in Wyoming
EPA Issues New Rule to Require Chemical Disclosures for Offshore Fracking - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency published a rule on January 9, 2014 requiring oil and gas companies using hydraulic fracturing off the coast of California to disclose the chemicals they discharge into the ocean. Oil and gas companies have been fracking offshore California for perhaps as long as two decades, but they largely flew under the radar until recently.
Mother Earth Minerals are of
the highest quality on the market today. Proprietary and time tested
manufacturing processes mean a more effective product, where quality
over quantity is where value is found.
Mother Earth Minerals are
designed to be taken sublingually (under the tongue). They quickly and
efficiently enter the bloodstream to begin their healing journey.
Secondly, we also utilize
the highest possible purity in the minerals themselves. Our mineral
elements are certified by independent labs to be 99.9% pure. We simply
place extremely pure elements in the purest water possible. We do not
harvest our supplements from the Great Salt Lake. Regardless of
promotional hype to the contrary, Great Salt Lake water is loaded with
toxic contaminants - and leaching does not remove them, it only
concentrates them.
Third, once our minerals
solutes are produced, we employ a proprietary process called "redoxing"
before the product is bottled for final sale. This is a process of
electromagnetic enhancement of the biophoton/electron base of the
solute. In simplistic terms, the process basically adds biophotons and
electrons to the water and mineral atomic structure. This increases the
mineral's effectiveness and bio-availability a hundredfold.
Finally, in its finished
state, the supplement mineral needs to enter the bloodstream as quickly
and as efficiently as possible. Recent studies have shown that most
Americans have consumed an overabundance of "anti-nutrients" from grain,
and soy primarily. These anti-nutrients accumulate in the G.I. tract -
and block the absorption of minerals in the food that is consumed.
Therefore, it is preferable to bypass the G.I. tract as much as
Calcium, Gold, Magnesium, Vanadium, Ultimatium, Chromium, Zinc
For protocols on Mother Earth Minerals check out the book Wellness Secrets For Life by A. Rute Ott. Available at The Power Mall along with Secret Assassins In Food by A. True Ott.
Top 5 Recommended Minerals (from True Ott)
Related Article: Spotlight on Vital Minerals - Calcium, Magnesium, and Potassium
Articles of Interest by A.True Ott:
ess Secrets For Life by A. True Ott, PhD
An Owners Manual For the Human Body
From A. True Ott PhD, the author of Secret Assassins in Food- Ninja's of Taste, comes the third edition of his highly acclaimed book Wellness Secrets For Life - An Owners Manual For The Human Body.
In Wellness Secrets For Life - An Owners Manual For the Human Body Dr. Ott explains the often overlooked necessity of minerals and pure water that the body requires for the proper function of muscles, nerves, blood vessels, and organs. Many other wellness secrets will be exposed as you read the book designed as an Owners Manual For The Human Body. Indeed this very book is the key to health and vitality that many seek. This definitive guide to nutrition is also used as a textbook in nutrition classes in a number of Universities worldwide. More importantly it is packed with common sense, something that is too often overlooked in today's health care system.
An Owners Manual For the Human Body
From A. True Ott PhD, the author of Secret Assassins in Food- Ninja's of Taste, comes the third edition of his highly acclaimed book Wellness Secrets For Life - An Owners Manual For The Human Body.
In Wellness Secrets For Life - An Owners Manual For the Human Body Dr. Ott explains the often overlooked necessity of minerals and pure water that the body requires for the proper function of muscles, nerves, blood vessels, and organs. Many other wellness secrets will be exposed as you read the book designed as an Owners Manual For The Human Body. Indeed this very book is the key to health and vitality that many seek. This definitive guide to nutrition is also used as a textbook in nutrition classes in a number of Universities worldwide. More importantly it is packed with common sense, something that is too often overlooked in today's health care system.
Americans are under a covert
chemical attack daily. These chemicals are affecting our brains and may
well destroy our society! Shocking? Of course, but what you don't know
can indeed kill you. Big Business buries the truth and silences the
majority. Forewarned is forearmed.
Products and books available online "24/7"at or by calling 1-877-817-9829 Mon-Fri, 8 to 4 Central Time.
Additional Reading:
Over ten years ago, the
two-time Nobel prize Laureate, Dr Linus Pauling and his associate Dr
Matthias Rath, advocated and published a definitive thesis on the root
cause, treatment, and actual cure for all forms of cardiovascular
disease (CVD), including congestive heart failure, heart disease, and
stroke. Today, cardiovascular related health problems together comprise
fully one half of all causes of death in the US. Pauling and Rath's
brilliant analysis of CVD is absolutely compelling and amply supported
by numerous epidemiological and clinical studies. His unified theory of
CVD constitutes one of the greatest breakthroughs in modern science,
and yet has been almost completely ignored by the mainstream medical
establishment, and received almost no press.
Soros-linked Group Pushes Sex to Sell Obamacare
Kurt Nimmo - A cabal of wealthy and influential Democrats, under the cover a Colorado-based group called Progress Now, are attempting to push Obamacare on young Americans through a salacious propaganda campaign. "Got insurance?" an online ad posted on the Thanks Obamacare campaign website inquires.
Taxing the Sun: Spain's solar police to kick in your door
Blacklisted News - The latest nail in the coffin for Spain's solar energy producers is an Energy Law amendment which allows inspectors to enter private properties without a court order. It's a move lawyers believe could set a worrying precedent.
e edible mushrooms with proven cancer-fighting properties
(NaturalNews) The healing properties of mushrooms have been known for
centuries. Traditional Chinese medicine, for instance, has long
recommended the consumption of certain edible mushrooms to treat serious
conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure.
4 Harmful Things Hiding in Your Meat
Natural Society - We know conventional meat is loaded with antibiotics and hormones, but there is even more concern. Here are 4 other things that could be tainting your meat...
4 Harmful Things Hiding in Your Meat
Natural Society - We know conventional meat is loaded with antibiotics and hormones, but there is even more concern. Here are 4 other things that could be tainting your meat...
Forget the Flu Shot: Hand Washing and Elderberry Extract are Better Solutions
Natural Blaze - Don't fall for the escalating propaganda that is
being propelled by a fear campaign. The flu vaccine is NOT the best
way to protect yourself against the H1N1 virus.
A short-term diet of junk food can irreversibly damage memory, study finds
(NaturalNews) According to a new study by researchers at the University of New South Wales in Australia, eating food that is loaded with sugar and fat for just one week can have a detrimental effect on the brain's cognitive ability.
Ceylon cinnamon lowers blood sugar better than drugs: Study
(NaturalNews) Type 2 diabetes is definitely among the more
frustrating diseases, in that the conventional treatment model
requires constant needle pricks while providing no actual cure. But
a growing body of research suggests that regular supplementation
with cinnamon could help in thwarting the onset of diabetes, and
potentially even provide better relief than mainstream therapies
for already-diagnosed diabetics.
Take control of your life: Don't Eat Cancer
(NaturalNews) The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which most Americans believe is in place to protect our food and guard our health, has instead allowed more than 70,000 chemicals to infiltrate our food supply. Many of these dangerous ingredients are outright toxins, and until we stop eating them, we are poisoning ourselves, undermining our health and allowing cancer to enter our bodies.
Liver Flush Recipes - from
"Dr. Hulda Clark's" Liver Cleanse and Gallbladder Flush Recipe - this recipe is the most popular because it is one of the best of all liver flush recipes (for majority of people) - tens of thousands have done this flush with no problems, most likely this recipe evolved from the recipe used by Hanna Kroeger in her book: "God Helps Those Who Help Themselves"!
William Donald Kelley's Liver Flush protocol - from "One Answer to Cancer" - similar to recipe explained by Hulda Clark, but, this one was published in his book more then 20 years ago!
"Dr. Claude M. Lewis" Cleanse from: "Are you 'Stoned'?" Relatively new book...
Recipe told by grandma Nada Old recipe - very simple
Toll of U.S. Sailors Devastated by Fukushima Radiation Continues to Climb
Common Dreams - So many have come forward that the progress of their
federal class action lawsuit has been delayed. Bay area lawyer Charles
Bonner says a re-filing will wait until early February to accommodate
a constant influx of sailors from the aircraft carrier USS Ronald
Reagan and other American ships.
Common Core, Agenda 21, And Global Governance
Reality Blog - This lecture and power point explains how Common Core is pure Agenda 21 and a gateway for privatization of the entire school system. It shows a shocking in your face conspiracy by the 50 State governors (National Governor's Association) and CCSSO to create, copyright, and then sell by legal vote and enforcement Common Core State Standards to each State.
Reality Blog - This lecture and power point explains how Common Core is pure Agenda 21 and a gateway for privatization of the entire school system. It shows a shocking in your face conspiracy by the 50 State governors (National Governor's Association) and CCSSO to create, copyright, and then sell by legal vote and enforcement Common Core State Standards to each State.
So what was your biggest
achievement when you were 15? I was pretty proud of getting my learner's
permit. I also made a couple nice tackles on the football field, and
came this close to finally winning a round against my friend Eugene in
Street Fighter II. All in all, not a bad year.
The new statin drug scam: Half the doctors on the recommendation panel have Big Pharma ties
(NaturalNews) This past Tuesday, the American Heart Association
and American College of Cardiology issued the first new guidelines
in a decade for preventing heart attacks and strokes - guidelines
which called for one-third of all adults to consider taking
cholesterol-lowering statin drugs.
Improving Mood Naturally: 7 Natural ways to Release 'Feel-Good' Endorphins Natural Society - Want to experience a rush of happiness? Here are 7 natural ways to improve mood and feel better.
Information contained here comes from "The Power Hour" News Blast which can be subscribed to for free at . "The Power Hour with Joyce Riley" is a three-hour syndicated radio broadcast Monday through Friday, 7-10 AM CST. Listen Live at or
We at World Health Team are pleased to offer three powerful products to help you maintain health: Youngevity, Kyani and One World Whey. Scientific data is available which indicates that the products we offer can be helpful.
Go to:
The Naturopathic Healer Forum
The Naturopathic Healer Website to order
Artificial Hormone-free Brands' Guide- Click on your state below to download a PDF document of dairy products sold in your area that are free of artificial bovine growth hormones.
Fluoride Action Network - Broadening public awareness about fluoride:
Vaccine Information: National Vaccine Information Center:
Think Twice Global Vaccine Institute:
We at World Health Team are pleased to offer three powerful products to help you maintain health: Youngevity, Kyani and One World Whey. Scientific data is available which indicates that the products we offer can be helpful.
Go to:
The Naturopathic Healer Forum
The Naturopathic Healer Website to order
Tip #1: Buy Organic
Tip #2: Look for Non-GMO Project Seal
Tip #3: Avoid at-risk ingredients
Tip #4: Download the Shopping Guides
foods often have hidden GM sources (unless they are organic or
declared non-GMO). The following are ingredients that may be made from
Artificial Hormone-free Brands' Guide- Click on your state below to download a PDF document of dairy products sold in your area that are free of artificial bovine growth hormones.
Fluoride Action Network - Broadening public awareness about fluoride:
Vaccine Information: National Vaccine Information Center:
Think Twice Global Vaccine Institute:
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