The Fukushima disaster gives us a rare glimpse behind the vail of secrecy about how the planet is run. Here we have an extinction level event ocurring and we can see a deliberate effort to deny and obfuscate. If nothing else, Fukushima teaches us that truth, honesty and honor takes a back seat to greed, power and control. We sincerely hope that those reading this blog will learn what the true intentions of those in control are and will remember that Fukushima is an undeniable example of what these people have on their minds and it is not your health.
Although the mainstream media has been mysteriously quiet about Fukushima's approaching radiation wave to the North American West Coast, many intelligent residents are beginning to ask questions and prepare for the coming increased exposure to life threatening radiation. There is no doubt that the Pacific Rim and in particular Japan and the North American West will be severely impacted. We have assembled a few of the protective substances that can be used to help protect the body from radiation and to rid toxicity.
If you must live near the Pacific Ocean then these items on an on-going basis are a must. For those of us who live anywhere in the Northern Hemisphere begin now to fortify your bodies.
All substances should be from the most reliable sources and free from contamination. This means use only the best quality items:
1. NAC (N Acetyl Cysteine)
2. MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane is an organosulfur compound with the formula (CH3)2SO2. It is also known by several other names including DMSO2, methyl sulfone, and dimethyl sulfone.[1] This colorless solid features the sulfonyl functional group and is considered relatively inert chemically. It occurs naturally in some primitive plants, is present in small amounts in many foods and beverages, and is marketed as a dietary supplement.)
3. Chelating Agents - Spirulina, Chorella, Chlorophil (be sure that they are of high quality and not degraded by sunlight, oxygen or heat)
4. Chaga
5. Cilantro (organic)
6. Oregano (Vulgaris)
7. Curcamin (Tumeric)
8. Vitamin C
9. Vitamin E
10. Bentonite Clay (Bath and internally;Be sure to check the quality)
11. Zeolite from Youngevity
12. Selenium
13. Cruciferous Vegetables raw or cooked in butter and salt (use Himalayan or Celtic Sea Salt)
14. Egg Protein, Whey Protein,
15. Glutathione and Glutamin Powder
16. Essential Fatty Acids
17. Coconut oil
source: Fukushima Report Extinction of Humanity?
following are 11 facts about the ongoing Fukushima nuclear holocaust
that are almost too horrifying to believe…From The Truth Wins:
It is estimated that there are 1,331 used nuclear fuel rods that need
to be removed from Fukushima. Because of all of the damage that has
taken place, computer-guided removal of the rods will not be possible.
Manual removal is much riskier, and it is absolutely essential that the
removal of each of the 1,331 rods goes perfectly because a single
mistake could potentially lead to a nuclear chain reaction.
According to Reuters, the combined amount of cesium-137 contained in
those nuclear fuel rods is 14,000 times greater than what was released
when the U.S. dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima at the end of World
War II. Other estimates put this number far higher.
#3 Officials in Japan admit that 300 tons of radioactive water from Fukushima is entering the Pacific Ocean every 24 hours.
According to a professor at Tokyo University, 3 gigabecquerels of
cesium-137 are flowing into the port at Fukushima Daiichi every single
Tateiwa, NHK reporter: [Professor Jota] Kanda argues government
statistics don’t add up. He says a daily leakage of 300 tons doesn’t
explain the current levels of radiation in the water.
Kanda, Tokyo University professor: According to my research there are
now 3 gigabecquerels [3 billion becquerels] of cesium-137 flowing into
the port at Fukushima Daiichi every day. But for the 300 tons of
groundwater to contain this much cesium-137, one liter of groundwater
has to contain 10,000 becquerels of the radioactive isotope.
Kanda’s research and monitoring by Tepco puts the amount of cesium-137
in the groundwater around the plant at several hundred becquerels per
liter at most. He’s concluded that radioactive isotope is finding
another way to get into the ocean. He’s calling on the government and
Tepco to identify contamination routes other than groundwater.
According to Tepco, a total of somewhere between 20 trillion and 40
trillion becquerels of radioactive tritium have gotten into the Pacific
Ocean since the Fukushima disaster first began.
Something is causing fish along the west coast of Canada to bleed from
their gills, bellies and eyeballs. Could Fukushima be responsible?
150 former sailors and Marines say that they now have radiation
sickness as a result of serving on U.S. Navy ships near Fukushima and
they are suing for damages.
The Iodine-131, Cesium-137 and Strontium-90 that are constantly coming
from Fukushima are going to affect the health of those living the the
northern hemisphere for a very, very long time. Just check out what
Harvey Wasserman had to say recently…
for example, can be ingested into the thyroid, where it emits beta
particles (electrons) that damage tissue. A plague of damaged thyroids
has already been reported among as many as 40 percent of the children in
the Fukushima area. That percentage can only go higher. In developing
youngsters, it can stunt both physical and mental growth. Among adults
it causes a very wide range of ancillary ailments, including cancer.
from Fukushima has been found in fish caught as far away as California.
It spreads throughout the body, but tends to accumulate in the muscles.
Strontium-90’s half-life is around 29 years. It mimics calcium and goes
to our bones.
#9 It is believed that the Fukushima nuclear facility originally contained a whopping 1760 tons of nuclear material.
It is being projected that the entire Pacific Ocean will soon “have
cesium levels 5 to 10 times higher” than what we witnessed during the
era of heavy atomic bomb testing in the Pacific many decades ago.
According to the Wall Street Journal, it is being projected that the
cleanup of Fukushima could take up to 40 years to complete.
the true horror of this disaster is only starting to be understood, and
most people have absolutely no idea how serious all of this is. What
fallout researcher Christina Consolo told RT the other day should be
very sobering for all of us…
have endless releases into the Pacific Ocean that will be ongoing for
not only our lifetimes, but our children’s’ lifetimes. We have 40
million people living in the Tokyo area nearby. We have continued
releases from the underground corium that reminds us it is there
occasionally with steam events and huge increases in radiation levels.
Across the Pacific, we have at least two peer-reviewed scientific
studies so far that have already provided evidence of increased
mortality in North America, and thyroid problems in infants on the west
coast states from our initial exposures.
have increasing contamination of the food chain, through
bioaccumulation and biomagnification. And a newly stated concern is the
proximity of melted fuel in relation to the Tokyo aquifer that extends
under the plant. If and when the corium reaches the Tokyo aquifer,
serious and expedient discussions will have to take place about
evacuating 40 million people from the greater metropolitan area. As
impossible as this sounds, you cannot live in an area which does not
have access to safe water.
source: Nuclear-News (
Dire health consequences predicted from Fukushima nuclear disaster
Experts: Fukushima disaster victims to include up to 600,000 deaths, over 100,000 still-births, and over 100,000 children with genetic deformations Sablina, cancer researcher and assistant professor at University of Leuven, Dec. 26, 2013: [...] in case of such high radioactive dose and exposure it obviously can increase a probability of cancer development especially thyroid cancer and leukemia. [...] We can always compare what people already know about the Chernobyl accident because it is a quite similar situation [to Fukushima] [...] the only problem in the Chernobyl area is a really increased rate of thyroid cancer especially for kids. More than 5,000 kids there diagnosed the thyroid cancer after Chernobyl, so I would say it probably could be the same case as in Japan. And for the rest it is a bit difficult to say [...] I think most of the time the only people who were directly involved in cleaning up and fixing the accident could have a really increased rate of cancer but for the rest it will be really difficult to say [...] |
Health consequences of chronic internal contaminations by radionuclides (pdf) IRSN (Radio-protection agency of France), 2005: The IRSN then recommends then to initiate in-depth researches in order to improve the knowledge in the area of health consequences of chronic internal contaminations [...] not only focusing to cancers but also to the other types of effects and to all tissues. The main criticism to the current system is that it is mainly [...] relating to the probability for a cancer or severe hereditary effects to occur [and] does not incorporate other pathologies and, in fact, researches conducted during the past years in radiotoxicology basically focused to the occurrence of cancers while neglecting other effects. It is now important to fill the gaps in this area and to describe all biological and health effects that may occur after a chronic contamination by radionuclides.
Estimate of Consequences from the Fukushima Disaster, Jiřina
Vitázková and Errico Cazzoli, Nordic PSA Conference (nuclear utilities
in Finland and Sweden), September 2011 (emphasis added): The results
with respect to health effects show that within 80 years the number of
victims of the Fukushima disaster can be expected to be AT LEAST in the
range of 10,000 to 300,000 people in terms of deaths due to infectious
diseases, cardiovascular diseases, genetic diseases, and cancers; and
about the same number of sicknesses/syndromes needing prolonged
hospitalization and health care are expected to occur.This estimates
accounts only for the population already living at the time of the
accident. A comparable number of excess deaths and sicknesses may be
expected in the population that will be born in the period. In addition
to these, more than 100,000 excess still-births and a comparable or
larger number of excess children born with genetic deformations (e.g.
Down syndrome) are expected [...]
Tepco’s plan to clean up Fukushima, -technology not invented yet, restart of idled reactors
The government believes it may take 40 years completely to dismantle the plant and could require the use of technology that has not yet been invented.
Fukushima operator readies new restructuring plan 27 Dec 13, Tokyo Electric Power Wednesday submitted a fresh restructuring plan to a Japanese government-backed fund that envisages the creation of a special unit to dismantle the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant.
TEPCO president Naomi Hirose pledged thorough implementation of the plan, once approved by the government as expected next month. Read more »
A family’s health wrecked by Fukushima nuclear radiation
Fukushima Mother: ‘Strange smell’ at start of nuclear disaster — Health of entire family has deteriorated — More people who stayed have died, more kids have leukemia and cancer — All our thyroid exams turned out totally different when tested in Tokyo (VIDEO) speaking at Fukushima Collective Evacuation Trial Team press conference on Dec. 4, 2013, transcribed by Kiiko and translated by Fukushima Voice, Published Dec. 22, 2013:
[...] I still remember how it was very hard for me and my children to breathe due to strange smell [...] Every day the government and specialists said [...] “There is no immediate health effect.” [...] we ate local vegetables and drank tap water. [...] I began to have dry coughs of unknown etiology. When I went to a hospital, I was told “An increasing number of people had the same symptom.” [...] My son [and] many others around us, at all ages, also complained of bone pain in the soles of their feet. [...] Health of all the family members quickly deteriorated during the period awaiting evacuation. [...] My dry cough got so bad to the point of nearly choking in the middle of the night [...] arm bone pain was so bad that I could barely open and close doors. [...] My grade school age son continued to have nausea and headache [...] they found blood in his urine [...] he often had diarrhea. I also began to have continuing nausea, headache and diarrhea. [...] my son’s blood pressure had gone down to 82/50. [...] [We] went to a hospital in Tokyo for thyroid examination. [...] all of us had results which were totally different from the results in Fukushima [son diagnosed with thyroid adenomatous goiter and lymphadenopathy with over 10 lymph nodes involved]. When I took him to a hospital in Yamanashi, he was diagnosed with “autonomic nervous system disorder.” [...] More people who remained in Fukushima are suffering from the same symptoms as mine. More people have died. There are more children who got leukemia, who began to have bloody noses and who have thyroid cancer. [...] Watch the press conference here
Yet another record radiation level measured at Fukushima nuclear reactor no 2
TEPCO detects record radiation at Fukushima’s reactor 2, new leak suspected December 22, 2013 TEPCO has found a record 1.9 million becquerels per liter of beta ray-emitting radioactive substances at its No.2 reactor. Also radioactive cesium was detected in deeper groundwater at No.4 unit’s well, as fears grow of a new leak into the ocean.The level of beta ray-emitting radioactivity in groundwater around the crippled Fukushima reactor No. 2 reactor has been rising since November, NHK reported.
Previous the highest level – 1.8 million becquerels (bq/liter), of beta-ray sources per liter – was registered at reactor No.1 on December 13.
Meanwhile, TEPCO’s latest examination of deeper groundwater beneath the #4 reactor’s well has raised new concerns that there might be another source of radioactive substances leakage into the ocean. For the first time, the analysis of water samples taken from a layer 25 meters beneath the No. 4 reactor’s well that is facing the ocean has revealed radioactivity in groundwater.
TEPCO investigators detected 6.7 bq/liter of Cesium 137 and 89 bq/liter of strontium as well as other beta ray-emitting radioactive substances. However, the company’s officials said that it is early to talk about a hotspot of radiation leak and more examinations are needed to prove that. TEPCO suggested that current numbers could be wrong because radioactive substances may have been mistakenly mixed during the process of getting the sample.
Leakage of radiation-contaminated water has been the major threat to Japan’s population and environment from the very beginning of the Fukushima disaster in March 2011.
Only in late July 2013 did TEPCO acknowledge the fact that contaminated water is escaping from basements and trenches of the Fukushima plant into the ocean.
Since then, TEPCO reported about two major leaks of highly radioactive water into the ocean from storage tanks – a 300-ton leak in August and 430 liters in October.
Critical situation of the decaying Fukushima nuclear buildings
City of Berkeley City Council Meeting, Dec. 17, 2013 (at 2:25:00 in): Good evening, as many of you know I spent 13 years in the nuclear engineering department at Cal. So I’m very familiar with the construction […] The reactor was designed poorly and also the way it was built was very poor and Japan cannot deal with the problem alone. […] The biggest part of the story is Japan by itself is not capable to fix the problem. We need to get the United Nations, the United States, all the countries — It is a big problem. [...]
Article in the German economics paper ‘Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten’ on Oct. 9, 2013translated by pixigirl:Fukushima – German physicist: “The probability that the rescue succeeds goes to zero” [...] The German physicist Sebastian Pfugbeil[President of the German Society for Radiological Protection] is extremely pessimistic that an elementary Fukushima disaster can be averted. The consequences would be felt over the entire northern hemisphere. [...] Pflugbeil explains the situation in Fukushima: “The situation is becoming increasingly critical due to the decay of the buildings. The fuel rods have not been brought to safety. The reactor blocks are sinking. The ground on which the reactor sits can no longer bear any weight…It is floating. There has been such dramatic shifts that there are 1 meter height differences between one corner to the other which have caused massive cracks in the building structure resulting in alarming cracks in the building foundation and soundness.” [...] It requires only a small earthquake or a storm surge or simply the failure of building structures to set this disaster in motion.” [...] Watch speaker at the meeting here (starts at 2:25:00 in)
Radiation increase a thousand fold in Fukushima groundwater
Tepco, Dec. 17, 2013: As a result of the measurement, it was found that the gross-β density in the groundwater observation holeNo.0-3-2 obtained at the east of the Units 1-4 Turbine Buildings on December 16 [was] 63,000Bq/L
Jiji Press, Dec. 17, 2013: Highest Ever Radiation Detected in Fukushima Plant Well [...] Some 63,000 becquerels of radioactive materials that emit beta rays, such as strontium-90, per liter have been found in groundwater [...] the highest level at the well [Tepco] said Tuesday [...] sample [was] taken on Monday from the observation well 5 meters from the coast [...] Since the company is not takings steps to prevent tainted water in the well from flowing into the sea [...] the water is likely to be reaching the plant’s bay. [...] standards require strontium-90 levels to be less than 10 becquerels in water to be released into the sea. [...] See also: Asahi: Radiation levels spike to record high in Fukushima groundwater well nearby ocean — Trench failures to blame, says Tepco — Million times more strontium/beta-ray source than cesium
Tepco resigned to permanent closure of the undamaged nuclear reactors at Fukushima
Fukushima nuclear operator Tepco to shut two more reactors BBC News, 18 Dec 13, The operators of the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan are to decommission two reactors that were not badly damaged by the earthquake and tsunami in 2011.They have bowed to public pressure that the plant be shut permanently……Four reactors were severely damaged by the disaster that struck in March 2011.
Tokyo Electric Power (Tepco) had delayed making a final announcement on the fate of reactors number 5 and 6 at Fukushima while negotiations continued about the financing of the decommissioning process.
The executive board has now accepted the inevitable and acknowledged there will be no attempt to generate electricity from the plant again…….
Cancer is clearly increasing in Fukushima children,
Tokyo Press Conference: Cancer is clearly increasing in Fukushima children, many experts starting to get concerned — Tepco has committed a crime; We’re going to the police tomorrow (VIDEO) Correspondents Club of Japan,, Dec. 17, 2013:
Ruiko Mutoh, Representative of Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Plaintiffs: In the thyroid tests which were conducted on people under the age of 18 in 2011 and 2012, of 230,000 children who were tested, 59 have been found to have either thyroid cancer or potential likelihood of such cancer. According to the Fukushima Prefectural Health Survey it’s been one-way declared that these kind of health effects are unrelated to the radiation caused by the nuclear disaster. However this clear increase in the frequency is something that many more scholars and experts are starting to say that we need to look at the causes and the facts behind this more. The effects of this disaster are continuing to expand even today.
At 17:45 in Mutoh:: So if Tepco had not been concerned with financial considerations, but had at an early stage taken the required measures, then the situation would not have become as serious as it is today, and I believe that this is a criminal act. Tomorrow on behalf of the Fukushima nuclear disaster plaintiffs, we will be taking the second stage of complaints to the Fukushima Prefectural police and this includes complaints on behalf of 6,042 people who submitted them as part of our action. Watch the full press conference here
Th world’s worst nuclear pollution – Fukushima radiation
Japan Professor: Damage from Fukushima is unprecedented, a disaster never before experienced in human history; Some say it could affect whole northern hemisphere — Experts: “Very likely the largest nuclear accident which mankind experienced” Fukushima Nuclear Disaster : One of the World’s Worst-Ever Cases of Pollution,, Professor Fumikazu Yoshida of Hokkaido University’s Graduate School of Economics, Economic Journal of Hokkaido University, March 2013: The Fukushima nuclear disaster, however, has been responsible for the largest and worst case of pollution to have occurred during the postwar era […] its complexities and scale are greater than anything that has gone before. […] So severe are [the myriad of problems] that we can characterize this disaster as a “second war defeat” since its impact on the nation questions the whole basis of Japan’s postwar society […] [There are] immense dangers that the ‘accident’ still poses […] Rather than simply being a local problem, it has been from the beginning a nationwide and potentially international issue (some say that it has the potential to affect the whole of the northern hemisphere).
If we consider the nature of the devastation and the number of victims […] as well as the extent of affected area [...] then we understand that the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant accident has been the cause of injury to human society and the natural environment on a scale that is unprecedentedly wide-spread and lifethreatening in its effects. […] The nuclear disaster at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is a “multiple disaster” never before experienced in human history [...]
Estimate of Consequences from the Fukushima Disaster, Nordic PSA Conference (nuclear utilities in Finland and Sweden), September 2011: Comparison of results for the Fukushima best estimate and Chernobyl source terms used for the Fukushima site shows that the Fukushima accident, as a whole, is very likely the largest nuclear accident which mankind experienced because estimates of long term fatalities, risks of death and other societal impact based on Chernobyl source terms in Fukushima show lower potential of consequences than Fukushima source terms.
See also: Experts: Fukushima cesium release could be more than triple Chernobyl
Shock revelations about US sailors exposed to Fukushima radiation
Charles Bonner, attorney representing sailors from the USS Ronald Reagan said “the crew members were not only going to the rescue by jumping into the water and rescuing people out of the water, but they were drinking desalinated sea water, bathing in it, until finally the captain of the USS Ronald Reagan alarmed people that they were encountering high levels of radiation.”
Bonner says that as a result of this exposure, the 51 sailors have come down with a host of medical problems, “They have testicular cancer, they have thyroid cancers, they have leukemias, they have rectal and gynecological bleeding, a host of problems that they did not have before … people are going blind, pilots who had perfect eyesight but now have tumors on the brain. And it’s only been 3 years since they went in.” Bonner pointed out that these service men and women are young people, ages 21, 22, 23 years old and no one in their family had ever suffered any of these kinds of illnesses before.
At present, 51 sailors from the USS Ronald Reagan are named as Plaintiffs in a lawsuit against the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) and Bonner says he anticipates adding twenty additional Sailors soon, bringing the total to 70 to 75 because “The Japanese government is in a major conspiracy with TEPCO to hide and conceal the true facts.”
In an utterly shocking admission at a meeting of the Japan Press Club on December 12, 2013, the former Prime Minister of Japan, Naoto Kan, who was in-office when the Fukushima disaster took place, told assembled journalists “[People think it was March 12th but] the first meltdown occurred 5 hours after the earthquake.” This means that the government of Japan KNEW there was horrific radiation being released, but did not tell the U.S. Navy which had deployed the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan to assist with rescue efforts. Our story covering this new aspect of the Fukushima incident is available…..http ://
Record radiation levels detected in well at Fukushima nuke
The reading concerns strontium and other beta-ray sources. The
water was sampled at a monitoring well in an area close to the sea near
the No. 2 reactor building on Dec. 12. The well is located close to
trenches holding highly radioactive water. TEPCO said the reading
apparently spiked after highly radioactive water seeped into the
surroundings through failed parts of the trenches.
Japan’s nuclear regime slides towards fascism
The site has been infiltrated by organized crime. There are horrifying signs of ecological disaster in the Pacific and human health impacts in the U.S.
But within Japan, a new State Secrets Act makes such talk punishable by up to ten years in prison.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been leading Japan in an increasingly militaristic direction. Tensions have increased with China. Massive demonstrations have been renounced with talk of “treason.”
But it’s Fukushima that hangs most heavily over the nation and the world.
But Tepco has clamped down on media coverage and complains about news helicopters filming the fuel rod removal.
By all accounts, whatever clean-up is possible will span decades. The town of Fairfax, CA, has now called for a global takeover at Fukushima. More than 150,000 signees have asked the UN for such intervention.
As a private corporation, Tepco is geared to cut corners, slash wages and turn the clean-up into a private profit center.
Soon after the accident, Tepco slashed the Fukushima workforce. It has since restored some of it, but has cut wages. Shady contractors
Thousands of tons of radioactive water now sit in leaky tanks built by temporary workers who warn of their shoddy construction. They are sure to collapse with a strong earthquake.
Tepco says it may just dump the excess water into the Pacific anyway. Nuclear expert Arjun Makhijani has advocated the water be stored in supertankers until it can be treated, but the suggestion
Hundreds of tons of water also flow daily from the mountains through the contaminated site and into the Pacific. Nuclear engineer Arnie Gundersen long ago asked Tepco to dig a trench filled with absorbents to divert that flow. But he was told that would cost too much money.
Meanwhile, radiation is now reaching record levels in both the air and water.
The fallout has been already been detected off the coast of Alaska. It will cycle down along the west coast of Canada and the U.S. to northern Mexico by the end of 2014. Massive disappearances of sea lion pups, sardines, salmon, killer whales and other marine life are being reported, along with a terrifying mass disintegration of star fish. One sailor has documented a massive “dead zone” out 2,000 miles from Fukushima. Impacts on humans have already been documented in California and elsewhere.
Without global intervention, long-lived isotopes from Fukushima will continue to pour into the biosphere for decades to come.
Amidst a disaster it can’t handle, the Japanese government is still pushing to re-open the 50 reactors forced shut since the melt-downs. It wants to avoid public fallout amidst a terrified population, and on the 2020 Olympics, scheduled for a Tokyo region now laced with radioactive hot spots. At least one on-site camera has stopped functioning. The government has also apparently stopped helicopter-based radiation monitoring.
A year ago a Japanese professor was detained 20 days without trial for speaking out against the open-air incineration of radioactive waste.
Now Prime Minister Abe can do far worse. The Times of India reports that the State Secrets Act is unpopular, and that Abe’s approval ratings have dropped with its passage.
It’s the cancerous mark of a nuclear regime bound to control all knowledge of a lethal global catastrophe now ceaselessly escalating.
Visit EcoWatch’s NUCLEAR page for more related news on this topic.
Japan’s expensive problem – 132,738 tonnes of radioactive soil
The government will set aside the cash to buy some 3 to 5 square
kilometres (1.2 to 2 square miles) of land somewhere near the crippled
plant, the Asahi Shimbun reported.
But finding a candidate site for the facility, which the government envisages using for 30 years, is a political challenge as no local authority has so far raised its hand.
Tokyo would like to use land in three heavily contaminated towns near the plant, said the paper, adding environment minister Nobuteru Ishiara will speak with local officials this weekend.
The mayors of the towns—Futaba, Okuma and Naraha—along with the governor of Fukushima prefecture Yuhei Sato, are believed to be concerned that the temporary site could easily become permanent………No one from the environment ministry was available for comment on the report.
As of the end of August, the total amount of contaminated soil and debris collected through decontamination efforts, in which the top layer of soil is stripped from the land, stood at 132,738 tonnes, about 80 percent of which is from Fukushima prefecture.
This contaminated waste is currently stored at waste incineration plants, sewage treatment plants and agricultural and forestry facilities nationwide.
Experts say a more long-term solution needs to be found because storage capacity at these facilities is reaching its limits.
But finding a candidate site for the facility, which the government envisages using for 30 years, is a political challenge as no local authority has so far raised its hand.
Tokyo would like to use land in three heavily contaminated towns near the plant, said the paper, adding environment minister Nobuteru Ishiara will speak with local officials this weekend.
The mayors of the towns—Futaba, Okuma and Naraha—along with the governor of Fukushima prefecture Yuhei Sato, are believed to be concerned that the temporary site could easily become permanent………No one from the environment ministry was available for comment on the report.
As of the end of August, the total amount of contaminated soil and debris collected through decontamination efforts, in which the top layer of soil is stripped from the land, stood at 132,738 tonnes, about 80 percent of which is from Fukushima prefecture.
This contaminated waste is currently stored at waste incineration plants, sewage treatment plants and agricultural and forestry facilities nationwide.
Experts say a more long-term solution needs to be found because storage capacity at these facilities is reaching its limits.
Fukushima’s record perilous radiation
This is the highest level ever detected outside the reactor
buildings, according to local broadcaster NHK. Earlier TEPCO said
radiation levels of at least 10 Sieverts per hour were found on the
The ventilation pipe used to conduct radioactive gasses after the nuclear disaster may still contain radioactive substances, TEPCO added. ……
The ventilation pipe used to conduct radioactive gasses after the nuclear disaster may still contain radioactive substances, TEPCO added. ……
Leaking acid causes stop-work at Fukushima clean-up
The joint was wrapped in a vinyl bag to contain the leakage, TEPCO said, and the company was investigating the cause. About a litre of hydrochloric acid had been contained in the bag. The leak was found at one of three Advanced Liquid Processing System units designed to remove radioactivity from contaminated water at the plant, where a massive earthquake and tsunami in March 2011 sent the nuclear reactors into meltdown.
The systems are expected to play a crucial role in treating the huge amounts of toxic water accumulating at the plant. The troubled system was one of two units that had been in trial operation and were due to go into full operation yesterday.
In late September, plastic padding clogged up a drain in the same system, causing it to shut down. In October, it was halted due to a programming mistake.
Thousands of tonnes of water, used since the meltdown to cool reactors or polluted by other radioactive material, are being stored in huge tanks at the site on Japan’s northeast coast.
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