Dr. Mark Millar |
Sometimes something so simple can change lives and in this case, lithium orotate just may be one of those things! DR. MARK MILLAR shares what this natural, organic mineral does for our bodies and how it makes life better by just giving our body this supplement.
Dr. Millar is a retired
Chiropractor who has spent the last 3 years writing two books on the
topic of a nutritional breakthrough for PTSD, Depression, Traumatic
Brain Injury, suicide and Alzheimer's disease. Dr. Millar was called to
this mission by his personal experience suffering with bipolar disorder
for many years until he found a nutritional solution for bipolar
disorder and he is here today to share his story and inspire others who
may be stuck in the spin cycle of pharmaceutical drugs.
Don't miss today's replay to hear Dr. Millar's surprise guests and their testimonies on the use of Lithium Orotate!! 
Product of Discussion: Lithium Orotate
Mike Millar says this is
"the breakthrough solution for the veteran epidemic of suicide, PTSD,
depression, and nightmares. This natural organic trace mineral
supplement is sold-over- the counter at select health food stores across
this nation and around the world."
Lithium Orotate has been
scientifically, clinically and laboratory proven to be free of toxicity
and side effects when taken as directed by your physician. Reports of
lithium toxicity have only occurred when Pharmaceutical dosing has
exceeded the safe maximum therapeutic limit of lithium, believed to be
well over 100mg per day of pure elemental lithium. This natural organic
mineral supplement is sold at select health food stores across the U.S.
and around the world.
See the FULL STUDY Lithium: occurrence, dietary intakes, nutritional essentiality. Source: ( Journal of the American College of Nutrition)
A Brief History of Lithium Orotate
Lithium Orotate was
developed around Dr. Hans Nieper's groundbreaking research! Dr. Hans
Nieper, a physician and experimenter, believed minerals in an orotate
form pass through cell membranes easily without breaking apart and reach
the areas where it's needed most. The unique molecular structure of
lithium ororate is able to penetrate bones, cartilage, and other tissue
to act as a superior mineral transporter. Dr. Nieper reported potential
benefits of lithium orotate in his research, including for certain
eyesight conditions. Patients with nearsightedness and glaucoma may
experience vision improvement and intraoccular pressure reduction from
the lithium's diuretic effect on the eye. Other therapeutic uses of
lithium orotate, as cited by Dr. Nieper, include brain damage, autism
spectrum disorders, mood disorders, and anxiety.
You can purchase Lithium Orotate by calling The Power Mall at 877-817-9829
HOUSE COMMITTEE ON VETERANS AFFAIRS SUBCOMMITTEE ON OVERSIGHT AND INVESTIGATIONS JULY 14, 2010 "Eighteen deaths per day among the Veteran population are attributable to suicide." (Dr. Robert Jesse M.D. Principal Under Secretary for VA Health 2010)
Lithium Reduces Radiation Damage of Tissues by Dr. Mark Millar
Additional Article of Interest:
Bipolar Disorder: Try Effective Natural Alternatives, Part II
Lithium orotate, a natural alternative to the normally prescribed lithium carbonate or lithium citrate, helps to control manic symptoms. This type of lithium releases an orotate ion into the bloodstream and brain instead of a carbonated ion. It has the same benefits as the prescription lithium carbonate, without the side effects
Lithium orotate, a natural alternative to the normally prescribed lithium carbonate or lithium citrate, helps to control manic symptoms. This type of lithium releases an orotate ion into the bloodstream and brain instead of a carbonated ion. It has the same benefits as the prescription lithium carbonate, without the side effects
Headline News - Naturally
occurring, lithiated/mineral ground water dramatically reduces suicide
rate amongst the general population. Suicide rate reduced 30-50% by as
little as 1/10 daily?
Additional Video: Adding Lithium to Water for Suicidal Americans?Â
"Veteran Suicide Breakthrough: Revealing the Breakthrough Mineral for Suicide Prevention, PTSD and Depression 'They Definitely' Don't Want You to Know About."
"Military Moms! You Can Free Our Veterans From The Epidemic Of Suicide"
>>Purchase Dr. Millar's books by visiting opsetthemfree.com
To contact Dr. Millar for a free consultation:
Phone: 480-282-1545
Emial: lithiumdoctor@live.com
For more information visit Dr. Millar's websites:
Joan after surgery in 2004 |
View more about Joan's story here: 12160.info/profiles/blogs/
You can help to fund Joan's legal battle by purchasing her artwork available through her website at www.printsbyjoan.com, or you can make a donation to help support Joan's legal fund HERE.
G. EDWARD GRIFFIN'S ASSISTANT, SINGLE-HANDEDLY, TAKES ON A MAJOR CORPORATION from G. Edward Griffin July 11, 2013 (Joan's story and photo's included)
toxic legacy of Rocketdyne has left a trail of documentary proof of
the need to clean up Rocketdyne. Indeed, dozens of hazardous wastes have
been burned over the decades which are documented in Witches Brew of Toxic Chemicals Burned by Rocketdyne in Open Pits.
This 5.6 mb, 184 page PDF listing some of the toxic chemicals burned
in open air pits at the site is required reading for understanding the
severity of the chemical contamination caused by Rocketdyne with little
or no regard for the communities around the giant site.
Current In The News Articles on Rocketdyne:
Past Articles of Interest:
Additional articles from EnviroReporter.com: http://www.enviroreporter.com/ ?s=Rocketdyne&x=0&y=0
EU report: Brussels biofuels policy hikes food prices by up to 50% euractiv.com - If biofuels received no EU policy support, the price of food stuffs such as vegetable oil would be 50% lower in Europe by 2020 than at present - and 15% lower elsewhere in the world - according to new research by the EU's Joint Research Centre (JRC).... When more soy and palm oil are used for biofuels production, less is available for food use and the resulting scarcity drives food price inflation.
Turmeric is a powerful anti-cancer agent and your liver's best friend: Research (NaturalNews) A recent study published in the Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention, for instance, found that a dose-dependent administration of curcumin effectively activated apoptosis of liver cancer cells, meaning it prompted these harmful cells to die. In their conclusion, the researchers involved with this study declared curcumin to be a "promising phytomedicine in cancer therapy."Get your CurcuminX4000, Turmeric Root Powder 1 lb, and Turmerol Gelcaps or Turmerol 2 fl oz from The Power Mall today!
Tainted and Altered: GMO Foods Likely in Your Multi-Vitamins
Natural Society - The vitamin industry has been tainted. Here are 3 GMO foods you probably never expected to find in your vitamins.Grown By Nature supplements available at The Power Mall - Grown By Nature is 100% organic, whole food, NON-GMO
IAEA Boss Says Fukushima Water Leak Urgent
Kurt Nimmo - International Atomic Energy Agency Director-General Yukiya Amano on Monday characterized the leak of radioactive water at the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant as "a matter of high priority that needs to be addressed urgently."
Blood Donations Are Potential Biohazard From Those Vaccinated With Gardasil Activist Post - The huge wave of serious adverse conditions after Gardasil vaccination has caused deep concern across the world. However, the suffering may not only be limited to those who are vaccinated. Blood donated from individuals vaccinated with Gardasil may have horrific consequences for the recipients' health. HPV was found in a girl's blood two years after vaccination. It should not be present!
10 outrageous (but true) facts about vaccines the CDC and the vaccine industry don't want you to know (NaturalNews) Prepare to be shocked. Here are 10 outrageous (but true) facts about vaccines the CDC and the vaccine industry don't want you to know...Today's News: The Riley ReportIAEA Boss Says Fukushima Water Leak Urgent
Kurt Nimmo - International Atomic Energy Agency Director-General Yukiya Amano on Monday characterized the leak of radioactive water at the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant as "a matter of high priority that needs to be addressed urgently."
Pink slime returns to school lunches in 4 more states politico.com - Thousands of schools across the U.S. rushed last year to stop feeding their students meat that contained the ammonia-treated beef, known by industry as lean finely textured beef. Their action followed a massive media uproar, which included a prime time show featuring British celebrity chef Jamie Oliver and a series of critical reports by ABC World News.
Blood Donations Are Potential Biohazard From Those Vaccinated With Gardasil Activist Post - The huge wave of serious adverse conditions after Gardasil vaccination has caused deep concern across the world. However, the suffering may not only be limited to those who are vaccinated. Blood donated from individuals vaccinated with Gardasil may have horrific consequences for the recipients' health. HPV was found in a girl's blood two years after vaccination. It should not be present!
10 outrageous (but true) facts about vaccines the CDC and the vaccine industry don't want you to know (NaturalNews) Prepare to be shocked. Here are 10 outrageous (but true) facts about vaccines the CDC and the vaccine industry don't want you to know...Magnesium is crucial for bone health, says Dr. Carolyn Dean (NaturalNews) For years, the medical establishment has recommended that aging folks supplement with calcium to maintain strong bones and avoid developing osteoporosis. And more recently, science has revealed vitamin D as a necessary nutrient co-factor in the proper absorption of calcium.
Heal food allergy inflammation by taking high doses of probiotics: Research proven (NaturalNews) New research published in the journal Molecular Nutrition & Food Research confirms that food allergies can actually be ameliorated entirely with the right nutritional protocol, mainly a dietary regimen that involves supplementing with high doses of beneficial, probiotic bacteria.Try these easy gluten-free superfood recipes to supercharge your health (NaturalNews) Most folks turn to a gluten-free diet because of various gastrointestinal reactions to grains that contain gluten. Gluten is an elastic protein that contains very little nutritional value, but it is a part of several grains that are delicious and nutritious.
Azodicarbonamide Is Found In Most Cereals, Breads, But It's Also Found In Foamed Plastics and Rubber Too Prevent Disease - Why would it be necessary for the food industry to use the same additive in breads and cereals as what the chemical industry uses in the production of foamed plastics, synthetic leathers and rubber? We have been assured by our health regulatory agencies that azodicarbonamide is safe for use in our foods. If that's the case, then why has it been banned in Europe, Australia and the United Kingdom?Manuka Honey may Treat Deadly Heart Disease Naturally Natural Society - In a recent discovery by University of Iowa researchers, it was found that the lethal effects of staphylococcal infective endocarditis, a bacterial infection which can cause the heart valves to stop working properly and kills approximately 20,000 Americans every year is really due to superantigens -toxins produced in very large quantities by Staphylococcus aureus (staph) bacteria.
Learning about our health, what is good and what is bad, has had a lot to do with the research and life of DR. SHERRY ROGERS through her shows and her many books. She joins The Power Hour today with her monthly tips and insights that we all take to heart. Become your own health advocate!
Dr. Rogers has published multiple scientific articles, authored 14 books including her most recent, "How to Cure Diabetes!", Is Your Cardiologist Killing You? ", "The High Cholesterol Hoax," "The High Blood Pressure Hoax", "Detoxify or Die" and "Pain Free in 6 Weeks."Information of discussion for today's broadcast:High fructose corn syrup contaminated with mercury and made using a toxic chemical catalyst that can burn a hole in your stomach (NaturalNews) Because two of the chemicals used in HFCS production introduce mercury into the mix, a study published in 2009 found that between one-third and one-half of all HFCS-containing products on the market tested positive for mercury contamination.Documents:* Chemicals and Obesity
* 25 Amazing Facts About Food, authored by Mike Adams and David Guiterrez. This report reveals surprising things about where your food comes from and what's really in it(WJS) Medical errors kill enough people to fill four jumbo jets a week.More information: To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System > Information (PDF)Why are Americans Getting So Little in Return for the Highest Medical Bills on the Planet? (Mercola) Americans spend twice as much on health care per capita than any other country in the world; in fact according to a series of studies by the consulting firm McKinsey & Co, the US spends more on health care than the next 10 biggest spenders combined: Japan, Germany, France, China, the U.K., Italy, Canada, Brazil, Spain, and Australia. Despite that, we rank dead last in terms of quality of care among industrialized countries, and Americans are far sicker and live shorter lives than people in other nations. How is that possible?See also:(WJS) The use of antipsychotic drugs appears to increase the risk of diabetes in children, not just adults, according to new research published Wednesday. And kids seem to be at an even higher risk, the study found.Macrobiotics: An Almost Forgotten Diet Cures Cancer and Other Chronic Disease (NaturalNews) The fact that there are several real accounts of cancer victims healing themselves with the Macrobiotic diet alone is not well known, even among alternative cancer people.Additional articles:A very comprehensive website for macrobiotics: www.macrobiotics.co.ukDrug-Coated Stents Boost Death Rate by Over 400% in Heart Attack Patients (NaturalNews) Drug-coated stents increased the risk of death in certain heart attack patients by nearly five times according to a recent study presented at the meeting of the European Society of Cardiology in Vienna.Additional articles:
Dr. Rogers
recommends getting a Cardio/ION test. Your doctor or chiropractor or a
naturopath can order these tests or you can go to www.directlabs.com
and have them ordered for you. Then call the labs for the kits. Just
follow the directions and mail them back in their enclosed FedEx
mailers. It couldn't be any easier.
Conferences featuring Dr. Sherry Rogers:
Solutions for the Incurables Conference - Orlando, FL from 10/25/2013 - 10/26/2013
Website for more information: www.acimconnect.com
The Total Wellness
newsletter is filled with informative tips and summary information on
disease prevention, nutritional awareness and what you may not be able
to learn elsewhere. She's frank and
straight-forward in her approach.
**Call now for your
complimentary copy of the Total Wellness newsletter! Also mention The
Power Hour with Joyce Riley and receive 15% off of your subscription
(this week only). CODE: P111P
Books by Dr. Sherry Rogers:
* New Book: How to Cure Diabetes* Detoxify or Die
* Pain Free in 6 Weeks
* Is Your Cardiologist Killing You?
* Depression Cured At Last
* Wellness Against All Odds
* No More Heartburn
* The Cure Is In The Kitchen
* The E.I. Syndrome
* You Are What You Eat
* Macro Mellow
All natural products discussed during today's broadcast, including The Detox Cocktailwill be available online "24/7"at ThePowerMall.com or by calling 1-877-817-9829 Mon-Fri, 8 to 4 Central Time.
is spreading the word, exposing the connections between mysterious
global trends of man-made and corporate/military controlled
technologies, weaponized frequencies, the falsified science of the
"global warming" movement, and other major programs intended to cause
damage to health and reduce the population and to eliminate freedom for
all people for all time. A primary example of this is the multi-national
program to install electromagneticradiation- emitting electric meters
(Smart Meters) and programs that will create scarcity of electricity,
gas and water. Deborah's highly visible opposition to Smart Meters has
been heard on national and international radio shows, digital media,
magazine and newspaper coverage, a discussion with Ted
Turner-Depopulation 95%/Cannibalism (on YouTube-Ted The Terrible
Turner), Russia TV (RT) television coverage at Bohemian Grove/2011,
smart meter protests, community awareness campaigns and countless city,
county and public utility meetings.
StopTheCrime.net - check out their solutions page to get involved.
StopTheCrime.net - check out their solutions page to get involved.
Information of discussion for today's broadcast:
View the YouTube
document speaks of "gaining control of the public" by keeping them
"undisciplined, ignorant, confused, disorganized and distracted."
Keep the public diverted away from "the real social issues and
captivated by matters of no importance." "Sabotage their mental
activities" by a "constant barrage of sex, violence and wars in the
media" i.e. "mental and emotional rape."
them "junk food for thought" and deprive them of what they really
need," especially a sound education. "Keep the public entertainment
below the sixth-grade level."
"Work: Keep the public busy, busy, busy with no time to think; back on the farm with the other animals."
"Destroy the faith of the American people in each other."
general rule: "there is profit in confusion; the more confusion, the
more profit. Therefore the best approach is to create problems and then
offer solutions."
history and law and subjecting the public to the deviant creation, thus
being able to shift their thinking from personal needs to highly
fabricated outside priorities."
Diversion Summary
Media: Keep the adult public attention divert
ed away from the real social issues, and
captivated by matters of no real importance.
Schools: Keep the young public ignorant of real
mathematics, real economics, real law,
and real history.
Entertainment: Keep the public entertainment below a sixth-grade level.
Work: Keep the public busy, busy, busy, with no
time to think; back on the farm with the
other animals.
In the Great American Adventure Secrets of America by
Judge Dale, retired, in March 9, 1933, the House Joint Resolution
192-10 by 73rd Congress was voted into law with the Emergency Banking
Act and declared the Treasury of the United States bankrupt - which is
impossible considering the Treasury was secretly closed by Congress 12
years prior in 1921. It was then all Sovereign American Citizens were
falsely expatriated from their Sovereign American status (without
knowledge and consent) residing within the Republic of the States.
The Truth vs Disinformation: Everything You Know Is Wrong . . The Purpose of Schooling . . .YouTube 7 min. - PDF Transcription
sort children by training children only so far as their likely
destination in the social machine and not one step beyond . . Kids are
to conform and made alike . . . so their future behavior will be
mathematically predictable in service to market and government research .
. More and more parents are opting for home schooling programs . . and
opting out of government propaganda, indoctrination and disinformation
systems call Public School Education . . .This YouTube explains the sad
reality of the intentions of a public school education:
U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the Obama Administration's
decision to deny asylum to a German homeschooling family.
this 1973 official report, the U.S. Senate admits that the Emergency
Powers given to the President (Franklin D. Roosevelt under the pretense
of the National Emergency of 1933 have remained in force and that the
normal function of the Federal government has been suspended. [93rd
Congress, SENATE Report No. 93-549, 1st Session]. See War Powers Act.
IRON MOUNTAIN: Blueprint for Tyranny & Cliff Notes for the Iron Mountain Report
IRON MOUNTAIN REPORT, leaked to the press in 1967. Purports to be a
top-secret government plan to bring in the New World Order and the
ultimate plans for American citizens. Declared a hoax, it was later
verified by a top Pentagon official as real. The agenda is being carried
out right under the noses of the American people. UFO's play a major
role in the Iron Mountain NWO. It is all about people control via
deception and manipulation. Deep into Eugenics, birth control and
hideous plans for a tyrannical slave state. It is all coming true after
OKC and 9-11 with the Patriot Act, Homeland Security and the military
police operating in America. Airports first, railroads, then highways,
and finally a complete LOCKDOWN under the pretense of "security"
is a transcript of two out of three tapes on the "New World System."
Tapes one and two were recorded in 1988 and are the recollections of Dr.
Lawrence Dunegan regarding a lecture he attended on March 20, 1969 at a
meeting of the Pittsburgh Paediatric Society. The lecturer at that
gathering of paediatricians (identified in tape three recorded in 1991)
was a Dr. Richard Day (who died in 1989). At the time, Dr. Day was
Professor of Paediatrics at Mount Sinai Medical School in New York.
Previously he had served as Medical Director of Planned Parenthood
Federation of America.
Scientist Barrie Trower Info
* More info. on Scientist Barrie TrowerThis document discusses the eventual replacement of human beings with total robotics, describes human beings as cumbersome and basically, unnecessary.
Recommend documentary: King Corn (2007)
do not know with what weapons World War 3 will be fought, but World War
4 will be fought with sticks and stones." - Albert Einstein
Note: You can call Deborah at (707)586-9558 to order source documents discussed on today's show for cost of printing and shipping.
Flax Lignans & Flax Seed Whole 1 lb available at The Power Mall!
greenmedinfo.com - A remarkable study performed at Chiang Mai University, Thailand and published in the American Journal of Cardiology last July, found that the administration of curcuminoids, natural phenols within the spice turmeric, reduced the frequency of myocardial infarction (heart attack) after coronary artery bypass in a group of 121 patients randomly selected to receive a placebo or 4 grams a day beginning 3 days before the scheduled surgery and continued until 5 days after surgery.
Get your CurcuminX4000, Turmeric Root Powder 1 lb, and Turmerol Gelcaps or Turmerol 2 fl oz from The Power Mall today!
L-Arginine available at The Power Mall
'Artificial egg' made from PLANTS backed by Bill Gates set to revolutionize cooking goes on sale at Whole Foods
(Dailymail) A radical 'artificial egg' backed by Paypal billionaire
Peter Thiel and Bill Gates goes on sale in US supermarkets for the first
time today.
Information contained here comes from "The Power Hour" News Blast which can be subscribed to for free at thepowerhour.com . "The Power Hour with Joyce Riley" is a three-hour syndicated radio broadcast Monday through Friday, 7-10 AM CST. Listen Live at gcnlive.com or thepowerhour.com
We at World Health Team are pleased to offer three powerful products to help you maintain health: Youngevity, Kyani and One World Whey. Scientific data is available which indicates that the products we offer can be helpful.
Go to:
The Naturopathic Healer Forum
The Naturopathic Healer Website to order
Artificial Hormone-free Brands' Guide- Click on your state below to download a PDF document of dairy products sold in your area that are free of artificial bovine growth hormones.
Fluoride Action Network - Broadening public awareness about fluoride: www.fluoridealert.org
Vaccine Information: National Vaccine Information Center: www.nvic.org
Think Twice Global Vaccine Institute: www.thinktwice.com
We at World Health Team are pleased to offer three powerful products to help you maintain health: Youngevity, Kyani and One World Whey. Scientific data is available which indicates that the products we offer can be helpful.
Go to:
The Naturopathic Healer Forum
The Naturopathic Healer Website to order
Tip #1: Buy Organic
Tip #2: Look for Non-GMO Project Seal
Tip #3: Avoid at-risk ingredients
Tip #4: Download the Shopping Guides
foods often have hidden GM sources (unless they are organic or
declared non-GMO). The following are ingredients that may be made from
Artificial Hormone-free Brands' Guide- Click on your state below to download a PDF document of dairy products sold in your area that are free of artificial bovine growth hormones.
Fluoride Action Network - Broadening public awareness about fluoride: www.fluoridealert.org
Vaccine Information: National Vaccine Information Center: www.nvic.org
Think Twice Global Vaccine Institute: www.thinktwice.com