joins TPH to to give listeners information on mold illness and
healthy, cost-effective way to prevent and eliminate mold forever!
Website: www.naturesmoldrx.com
Book: Nature's Mold Rx
by Edward R Close, PhD, PE and Jacquleyn Close, RA

The Close Protocol recommends:
Collect a minimum of 3 Air Samples, including one outdoor air sample, and one in each room and on each floor of a building. Plus, collect Tape-lift and/or Swab Samples of visible mold. This will help identify potential source locations, as well as provide information that can be used to determine how long to diffuse to clear a space of mold.
Diffuse each room with Young Living's Thieves Essential Oil blend for at least 24 hours and up to 72 hours, using the recommended diffuser and directions found here -- 2014 DIFFUSER RECOMMENDATIONS
Repair all leaks and water damage; remove and replace mold infested materials
Clean with Young Living's Thieves Household Cleaner
Diffuse with the Thieves Essential Oil blend again for at least 24 hours.
Re-Sample to verify that all sources of mold have been addressed and the space is clear of mold
If required, repeat the process. Otherwise, diffuse 2-3 days per week for 30 minutes or longer in each room for maintenance and prevention
Close Protocol has now been used successfully by thousands of people
across the world. Personally, Dr. Ed Close has supervised, managed and
consulted on the use of The Close Protocol in homes, businesses,
schools, hospitals, day-care facilities, restaurants, health clubs, and
elsewhere. Before and after sampling conducted at over 300 locations
throughout the USA have provided undeniable proof of the efficacy of
these products. In every single case where Dr. Close was involved, and
before and after sampling was conducted, The Close Protocol was
successful, removing 100% of all mold spores for species found only
indoors, and 97.3% of all mold species including those found in the
ambient outdoor air.
Living oils and cleaner were used in the tests conducted by Dr. Edward R
Close, because, to our knowledge, they are the only essential oils
company that says their oils are safe enough to take internally. "If you
can't eat it, don't wear it," is a long-standing moto of the Young
Living Company and they teach that if you can't eat the oil, or take it
internally, then you definitely do not want to diffuse it or apply it
topically because oils used in such a manner may be absorbed into your
body, your brain, and your bloodstream as quickly as taking them
internally. If you are synthetically or chemically sensitive, then most
oils available for sale through various other outlets will be
detrimental to your health. Don't sacrifice quality. Protect your
health. Prevent and eliminate mold spores safely.
recommend Young Living oils and products because they work extremely
well, better than any other option currently available for addressing
mold in buildings, they used in accordance with The Close Protocol.
Close Protocol to Prevent and Eliminate Mold has been used in homes,
hospitals, schools, restaurants, by public and government agencies with
more success than any other mold remediation option currently available.
If you would like Dr. Close to consult on your mold remediation
project, click on this link: www.naturesmoldrx.com/p/ request-help-consulting- subscribe-to.html

1. To Clean-up Existing Mold when removal of the substrate material is not necessary.
2. To Prevent Mold from establishing Super-Colonies that destroy materials.
3. To remove mold stains.
4. To Reduce Toxic Chemical Exposure.
5. To Save Your Hard Earned Money!
Mold -A Secret Weapon That Can Win The War Against Mold By Jacquelyn A. Close
Spring Cleaning and Addressing Mold in Vehicles Copyright 2013 Jacquelyn A Close
USDA Adds Fresh Produce, Yogurt and Tofu to Food Voucher for Poor Program in First Change in 34 Years AllGov - Fresh, frozen and canned vegetables, yogurt, whole grains and even tofu have been added to the list of foods allowed to be purchased under the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC), according to a Reuters report.
Washington nuke waste tanks flawed?
(AP) - While one of the newer double-walled nuclear waste storage tanks at a Washington state complex has leaked, six others have "significant construction flaws" that could lead to additional leaks, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press. The 28 double-walled tanks at Hanford nuclear waste complex hold some of the worst radioactive waste at the nation's most contaminated nuclear weapons site.
Nuclear waste in limbo after accident at New Mexico plant
RT - Complicating the situation further is the fact that there are multiple shipments to the plant on hold as a result of the leak. As noted by the Associated Press, this includes what remains of the roughly 4,000 toxic waste barrels from the Los Alamos National Laboratories, currently stored outside and placed under minimal protection.
Utilities Desperate to Quash Dissent, Shut Off Activist Leader's Electricity
Take Back Your Power - In what is an illegal and thinly-veiled "psy-op" (psychological operation) attempting to stem the rising tide of awareness of the massive rights violations associated with their 'smart' meter deployments, Plumas Sierra Rural Electric Cooperative (PSREC) actually disconnected the electricity from the home of Joshua Hart, a leader in the movement and director of StopSmartMeters.org.
San Antonio - Environmentally Evil .... and More
The San Antonio code was slipped into the city without notice in 2009 but is coming into brutal effect now.... Now, in 2014, San Antonio, Texas has declared leaves a "hazardous vegetation," threatening all organic food gardening. And since the ICC Code San Antonio uses has been installed in most cities in the US, the ICC code threatens all organic food gardening across the country.
Oregon's Non-Medical Vaccine Waiver Law Goes Into Effect Today
Care2 - Oregon has the highest percentage of children entering school with non-medical waivers for at least one, and sometimes more, vaccination. State officials are hoping to change that statistic. State legislature has introduced a new law, taking effect today, stating parents must consult with a medical professional before they qualify for a waiver to opt out of any vaccine before their child may s
Black Seed Shows Promising Health Effects for Women
Natural Society - wo recent reports, for example, show how black seed can benefit woman in particular. One of those two studies, found in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, found that black seed was able to reverse the bone loss and skeletal changes in mice whose ovaries had been surgically removed.
Natural Society - wo recent reports, for example, show how black seed can benefit woman in particular. One of those two studies, found in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, found that black seed was able to reverse the bone loss and skeletal changes in mice whose ovaries had been surgically removed.
Electrocardiographs detect heart rhythm changes from lead exposure
(NaturalNews) It may seem odd to associate lead toxicity with cardiac health issues. But there has been considerable research put into that association. Health experts seem to agree that there is no safe level of lead in our bodies, and this heavy metal toxin isn't easily flushed out of our system. Those small amounts can collect and accrue in vital organs, especially the kidneys and liver.
Juicing Celery: Superfood That Can Repair The Digestive System & Detoxify Natural Blaze - This simple juicing video will show you how about $1.50 per day in celery juice can boost your diet with essential vitamins and minerals, while helping to improve a long list of ailments including digestive disorders, high blood pressure, arthritis, inflammation, auto-immune disorders, anemia, asthma, skin problems and more.
(NaturalNews) It may seem odd to associate lead toxicity with cardiac health issues. But there has been considerable research put into that association. Health experts seem to agree that there is no safe level of lead in our bodies, and this heavy metal toxin isn't easily flushed out of our system. Those small amounts can collect and accrue in vital organs, especially the kidneys and liver.
Juicing Celery: Superfood That Can Repair The Digestive System & Detoxify Natural Blaze - This simple juicing video will show you how about $1.50 per day in celery juice can boost your diet with essential vitamins and minerals, while helping to improve a long list of ailments including digestive disorders, high blood pressure, arthritis, inflammation, auto-immune disorders, anemia, asthma, skin problems and more.
The Benefits of Curcumin in Cancer Treatment
Dr. Mercola - Interestingly, curcumin appears to be universally useful for just about every type of cancer, which is really odd since cancer consists of a wide variety of different molecular pathologies. You wouldn't necessarily suspect that there would be one herb that would work for most of them.
Dr. Mercola - Interestingly, curcumin appears to be universally useful for just about every type of cancer, which is really odd since cancer consists of a wide variety of different molecular pathologies. You wouldn't necessarily suspect that there would be one herb that would work for most of them.
Doctors warn new FDA-approved painkiller is deadly dangerous
RT - Although the opiate Zohydro was ultimately approved by the US Food and Drug administration, that endorsement went against the recommendation given by the agency's own advisory panel. The panel voted 11 - 2 against approving the drug, but the FDA argued its availability is necessary to help patients unfazed by current medication.
Gluten-free grain: Teff versus quinoa
(NaturalNews) Teff, a grain that comes from the seed of Ethiopian grass, has a mildly nutty flavor and is typically used ground as a flour substitute. It is often also used raw to add flavor and texture to certain foods. But did you know that teff boasts significantly more manganese, copper and iron than quinoa? It also has fewer calories from fat (21 calories compared to quinoa's 55 calories) and has nearly four times as much calcium.
Half of U.S. Farmland Being Eyed by Private Equity
Cornucopia Institute - An estimated 400 million acres of farmland in the United States will likely change hands over the coming two decades as older farmers retire. New evidence indicates that this land is being strongly pursued by private equity investors. The increasing focus on agriculture-related investment by the private sector is driving up U.S. farmland prices, barring some young farmers from starting their own operations.
Cornucopia Institute - An estimated 400 million acres of farmland in the United States will likely change hands over the coming two decades as older farmers retire. New evidence indicates that this land is being strongly pursued by private equity investors. The increasing focus on agriculture-related investment by the private sector is driving up U.S. farmland prices, barring some young farmers from starting their own operations.
Visit Baker's Green Acres: bakersgreenacres.com
UPDATE: After 2-Year Court Battle Baker's Pigs Now Legal
farmtoconsumer.org - Two years after suing the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) over the legality of its swine Invasive Species Order (ISO), Mark Baker is now free to raise and sell his hybrid heritage breed pigs. In a February 26, 2014 hearing, less than two weeks before a scheduled March 11, 2014 trial date, DNR backed off its prior position that Baker's pigs were illegal, in order to avoid the lawsuit trial.
farmtoconsumer.org - Two years after suing the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) over the legality of its swine Invasive Species Order (ISO), Mark Baker is now free to raise and sell his hybrid heritage breed pigs. In a February 26, 2014 hearing, less than two weeks before a scheduled March 11, 2014 trial date, DNR backed off its prior position that Baker's pigs were illegal, in order to avoid the lawsuit trial.
Green Acres Farm in Marion, Michigan, a farm that raises Manglitsas, is
waging a campaign against the ISO. You can support their efforts by
making a donation for expenses. For more info and to donate click HERE.
You can also all or email Gov. Snyder or Michigan Dept. of Nat.
Resources Director Rodney Stokes to register your support of local pig
Possession of just one of these animals carries a felony penalty, punishable by up to four years in prison. And the vague language of the law, not clearly outlining which pigs exactly are feral pigs (it hinges on some tricky pig taxonomy), means that determination will be at the discretion of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources.
The Baker family has also recorded a video explaining their farming operation and how the state of Michigan is threatening to destroy their entire farming operation. Watch that stunning video (and spread the word about it) at: www.youtube.com/watch?v=843yH_
Additional Videos:
Send a letter or donation by mail:
Mark Baker
1579 Brinks Rd.
Marrion, MI 49665
White House Set To Extend Obamacare Deadline By 1 Year
Zero Hedge - The Obama administration plans to allow insurers to continue selling policies that don't meet the federal health law's requirements for at least another year, an insurance industry official confirmed Tuesday.... The move would push a potential political furor over canceled insurance plans past this year's midterm elections.
Zero Hedge - The Obama administration plans to allow insurers to continue selling policies that don't meet the federal health law's requirements for at least another year, an insurance industry official confirmed Tuesday.... The move would push a potential political furor over canceled insurance plans past this year's midterm elections.
Juniper berries are great for your kidneys, bladder and urinary tract
(NaturalNews) Juniper berries grow from shrubs in various parts of the world including Asia, Europe and North America. There are many different kinds of juniper berries but the most common one to North Americans is known as juniperus communis....
Going bananas for mono-fruiting: does eating one fruit for long periods of time really help our health? (NaturalNews) Mono-fruiting, or eating one type of fruit without introducing any other fruits or foods in the mix for long periods of time, is a common dietary lifestyle for many people. Just go online and it's clear that a lot of people are living life in mono-fruit land, preparing mono meals, taking trips to "Banana Island" (metaphorically speaking) and buying their fruit of choice in bulk.
(NaturalNews) Juniper berries grow from shrubs in various parts of the world including Asia, Europe and North America. There are many different kinds of juniper berries but the most common one to North Americans is known as juniperus communis....
Going bananas for mono-fruiting: does eating one fruit for long periods of time really help our health? (NaturalNews) Mono-fruiting, or eating one type of fruit without introducing any other fruits or foods in the mix for long periods of time, is a common dietary lifestyle for many people. Just go online and it's clear that a lot of people are living life in mono-fruit land, preparing mono meals, taking trips to "Banana Island" (metaphorically speaking) and buying their fruit of choice in bulk.
Big Pharma Shill to Head the Institute Of Medicine
Dr. Mercola - Victor Dzau, currently the chancellor for health affairs at Duke University, will be the new president of the Institute of Medicine, beginning July 1, 2014. Dzau's work at Duke University has a long history of funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which accepts a great deal of money from Big Pharma and is deeply enmeshed with the industry.
Surge in babies born without brains in Washington State
(NaturalNews) There is something seriously wrong in the fertile Yakima Valley region of Washington. A surging number of babies are being born with major birth defects, and the reasons why are eluding state health officials. As reported by CNN, a nurse in the area, Sara Barron, was the first to report on a particularly horrifying condition: anencephaly -- a condition in which babies are born without much of their brain and skull.
Pathogens in Your Mouth Can Lead to Cancer in Other Parts of Your Body
Dr. Mercola - Good oral hygiene is even more important than previously thought. Pathogenic microorganisms and their toxins can harm more than just your mouth when they circulate through your bloodstream-they can potentially cause secondary infections and chronic inflammation throughout your body.
Sixteen varieties of cheese recalled after death in California and illnesses in babies (NaturalNews)The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said the 16 cheeses, which were made by Roos Foods of Kenton, Del., have been tied to a Listeria outbreak. The recalled brands include Mexicana, Amigo, Santa Rosa de Lima and Anita.
Learning about our health, what is good and what is bad, has had a lot to do with the research and life of DR. SHERRY ROGERS
through her shows and her many books. She joins The Power Hour today
with her monthly tips and insights that we all take to heart. Become
your own health advocate!
Articles of Discussion:
How much do restricted diets and other techniques help? How badly do we need to detox?
- "Nobody has ever been able
to tell me what these toxins are," says Donald Hensrud, an internist
and nutrition specialist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn.
Drug maker GlaxoSmithKline
agreed to plead guilty to criminal charges of illegally marketing drugs
and withholding safety data from U.S. regulators, and to pay $3 billion
to the government in what the Justice Department called the largest
health-care fraud settlement in U.S. history.
Dr. Roger's Sauna Detoxification Protocol
(The principles outlined below were excerpted from Dr. Sherry Roger's book "Detoxify or Die")
(The principles outlined below were excerpted from Dr. Sherry Roger's book "Detoxify or Die")
Additional Articles:
Product of Recommendation: High Tech Health International - Thermal Life Far Infrared Sauna
The most effective, natural means of removing toxins from the body is
through the use of the High Tech Health far infrared sauna. Far infrared
technology has the ability to mobilize more toxins and in a safer
manner than is possible in sweat resulting from just heat or activity.
No other technology for removing toxins from the body can address both
lipophillic (fat-stored) toxins and toxins already in the blood stream.
>> take the Are You Toxic? Survey
Dr. Sherry Rogers, utilizes
sweat detoxification for the treatment of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
at the Northeast Environmental Clinic in New York and comments: "What
is the best way to get rid of toxic chemicals including pesticides,
heavy metals and hydrocarbon residues? The Far-InfraRed Sauna..."I'm
convinced that the Far-InfraRed Sauna is something everyone should do to
restore health and then continue to do on a less frequent basis to
maintain the 'cleaned out' state for the rest of their lives."
Clearly the therapeutic advantages of the infrared sauna are considerable. In her book Detoxify Or Die,
Sherry Rogers, M.D. extols the benefits of the far-infrared sauna. She
cites a study done by specialists at the Mayo Clinic which proves the
effectiveness of therapeutic infrared sauna use for patients of
end-stage congestive heart failure.
Special pricing available for Power Hour Listeners!
To order, please call
1-303-413-8500 or visit High Tech Health and don't forget to mention you heard it on The Power Hour with Joyce Riley!

Related TPH Products on Detoxification:
And book: Detoxify or Die by Dr. Sherry Rogers
For digesting aliments please read No More Heartburn by Dr. Rogers
Dr. Rogers recommends purchasing a Pulse Oximeter to check your heart rate. ** Dr. Rogers states that you should be 98% or above
She also recommend a BNP test - BNP: An important new cardiac test
Visit www.doctorsdata.com/home.asp to get your Iodine levels tested.
TOTAL WELLNESS NEWSLETTER-- This referenced monthly newsletter will keep you up to date on new findings. ORDER HERE or order by calling
1 (800) 846-6687.

The Total Wellness
newsletter is filled with informative tips and summary information on
disease prevention, nutritional awareness and what you may not be able
to learn elsewhere. She's frank and
straight-forward in her approach.
**Call now for your
complimentary copy of the Total Wellness newsletter! Also mention The
Power Hour with Joyce Riley and receive 15% off of your subscription
(this week only). CODE: P111P
Books by Dr. Sherry Rogers:
* How to Cure Diabetes
* Detoxify or Die
* Is Your Cardiologist Killing You?
* Pain Free in 6 Weeks
* Depression Cured At Last
* Wellness Against All Odds
* No More Heartburn
* The Cure Is In The Kitchen
* The E.I. Syndrome
* You Are What You Eat
* Macro Mellow
Don't forget the 5 Years of Audio DVD of Dr. Sherry Rogers on The Power Hour
* How to Cure Diabetes
* Detoxify or Die
* Is Your Cardiologist Killing You?
* Pain Free in 6 Weeks
* Depression Cured At Last
* Wellness Against All Odds
* No More Heartburn
* The Cure Is In The Kitchen
* The E.I. Syndrome
* You Are What You Eat
* Macro Mellow
Don't forget the 5 Years of Audio DVD of Dr. Sherry Rogers on The Power Hour
An epidemic of diabetes is sweeping over the United States and conventional medicine is only making matters worse. THOMAS SMITH, author of Insulin: Our Silent Killer joins TPH today to teach you how to take back control of your health and become diabetes free.
Website: www.healingmatters.com
Website: www.healingmatters.com
Today a diabetes
epidemic of incredible proportions rages through the country. It
directly affects over half the population and incapacitates almost
twenty percent of us. Over ten percent us are completely dependent upon
synthetic medication and live under constant medical supervision because
of a crippling drug dependence.
Articles of Interest:
Read more about Diabetes Type I , Diabetes type II, Fats and oils, Hyperinsulinemia, Hypoglycemia, History
Products of Mention:
Book of Importance: Insulin: Our Silent Killer by Thomas Smith
A guide to the understanding
and management of Type II diabetes, Atherosclerosis and Impotence
including (according to the author) how to cure the diseases completely,
permanently, quickly, naturally and economically in the vast majority
of cases.
ACCORDING TO THE AUTHOR: "This report was conceived shortly after my (the author) successful struggle with Type II diabetes. In the beginning a visit to a local MD yielded medical advice to begin treatment with a Sulfonylurea drug and with Vanadium sulfate. When I tried to discuss this treatment with the doctor, things got very vague. He simply reassured me that this was the prescribed treatment for this disease. When I inquired bluntly whether or not this "treatment" was known to "cure" the disease I was again told that this treatment was the prescribed "treatment."
This Guide is an excellent tool, for the one who has Type II Diabetes, to both manage and according to the author - cure it. This self help guide is the result of the author himself overcoming the disease - so it describes an actual successful effort in this. The Guide is extensively footnoted with scientific references so the reader can easily follow up if the need arises. Extensive research has been made before even putting the pen to paper.
Table of Contents
* Introduction
* Identifying the Problem
* Control Systems
* The Human Blood Sugar Control System
* Perturbing the System
* Other Related Important Considerations
* Epidemiology of Type II Diabetes and Hyerinsulinewmia
* Some Basics of Nutrition
* Recovery and Cure
* Appendix (Extensive)
ACCORDING TO THE AUTHOR: "This report was conceived shortly after my (the author) successful struggle with Type II diabetes. In the beginning a visit to a local MD yielded medical advice to begin treatment with a Sulfonylurea drug and with Vanadium sulfate. When I tried to discuss this treatment with the doctor, things got very vague. He simply reassured me that this was the prescribed treatment for this disease. When I inquired bluntly whether or not this "treatment" was known to "cure" the disease I was again told that this treatment was the prescribed "treatment."
This Guide is an excellent tool, for the one who has Type II Diabetes, to both manage and according to the author - cure it. This self help guide is the result of the author himself overcoming the disease - so it describes an actual successful effort in this. The Guide is extensively footnoted with scientific references so the reader can easily follow up if the need arises. Extensive research has been made before even putting the pen to paper.
Table of Contents
* Introduction
* Identifying the Problem
* Control Systems
* The Human Blood Sugar Control System
* Perturbing the System
* Other Related Important Considerations
* Epidemiology of Type II Diabetes and Hyerinsulinewmia
* Some Basics of Nutrition
* Recovery and Cure
* Appendix (Extensive)
Italian Court Rules MMR Vaccine Caused Autism: US Media Blacks Out Story worldtruth.tv
- The debate over vaccines continues as an Italian court ruled in favor
of the Bocca family who's nine-year-old son became autistic after
receiving the MMR (Measles/Mumps & Rubella) vaccine. I came across
this case and felt it was a good idea to report on this as the vaccine
debate has been a hot topic here lately. Although the case concluded in
2012, the information is just as relevant today.
Frankincense Found to Trump Chemo in Eliminating Ovarian Cancer
Natural Society - In the latest research, scientists have demonstrated the ability of frankincense to combat cancer cells in late-stage ovarian cancer. The findings offer yet another piece of evidence that the "cure" for cancer will not be found in toxic conventional treatments, but rather in the natural world. ** Essential Oil Frankincense
Anti-Inflammatory Pineapple Ginger Smoothie
preventdisease.com - Pineapple has been used for centuries to reduce pain and inflammation. It turns out that an enzyme found in pineapples called bromelain does, in fact, have scientifically proven medicinal benefits.... An even more potent anti-inflammatory is ginger whose analgesic properties have been proven stronger than ibuprofen.
Obamacare: Bill to Make the Fine $0 for Violating the Individual Mandate Passes by 90 Votes
Weekly Standard -The House of Representatives passed legislation
Wednesday afternoon to make the fine/"tax" for violating
Obamacare's individual mandate $0 for this year, and it did so by
the wide margin of 90 votes (250 to 160).
Oklahoma legislators vote to nullify Agenda 21
Ben Swann Mar. 4, 2014 - A bill that would nullify Agenda 21 in Oklahoma passed through the state house today. "This bill protects your private property from being acquired by eminent domain from without a public vote or public hearing," said bill sponsor, Rep. Lewis Moore.
Oklahoma legislators vote to nullify Agenda 21
Ben Swann Mar. 4, 2014 - A bill that would nullify Agenda 21 in Oklahoma passed through the state house today. "This bill protects your private property from being acquired by eminent domain from without a public vote or public hearing," said bill sponsor, Rep. Lewis Moore.
How Root Canals Can Severely Affect Your Health and Wellness
Natural Blaze - In the United States alone, over 25 million root canals are performed annually and as a result are seen as a common practice and safe technique to overcome certain dental issues. However, suppressed research dating as far back as the 1920s shows that root canals may not be as safe as we are led to believe, and that they can in fact be detrimental to our health.
How A Person's Aura Becomes Depleted with Unhealthiness
Natural Blaze - Many have dismissed Auras, especially those professed to be experts in natural sciences. However, with the assistance of highly sensitive cameras scientists have been able to photograph this field some experts believe could become a tool for use in the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases.
Boulder Brands CEO Says 43% of Customers Want Non-GMO Food
Natural Society - Thanks to the anti-GMO movement, makers of Smart Balance will remove GMOs from their butters and spreads. The change will happen as early as this March.
VIDEO: CDC Report: Stop Breastfeeding and Vaccinate
Activist Post - The federal government continues to promote massive vaccination programs. A new study by the CDC tells mothers to have their children vaccinated, and to avoid nursing babies. The agency now claims mother's milk may affect certain vaccines.
Vitamin C supplementation and proper nutrition decrease absorption of toxic cadmium (NaturalNews) Cadmium poisoning is a very serious health issue that often goes undiagnosed; its somewhat generic symptoms include things like chronic anxiety, stomach pains, kidney damage and even death.
Free of severe acne, woman says hemp seed oil is her new favorite
(NaturalNews) Fran Kerr, author of Clear Skin for Life and How to Heal from Acne Naturally, has been a fan of jojoba oil for years. "I still do love it. I'm a massive fan of it, but I have a new favorite now," she admits. "It's organic hemp seed oil. I am in love with hemp seed oil as a cleanser and moisturizer."
Natural Blaze - In the United States alone, over 25 million root canals are performed annually and as a result are seen as a common practice and safe technique to overcome certain dental issues. However, suppressed research dating as far back as the 1920s shows that root canals may not be as safe as we are led to believe, and that they can in fact be detrimental to our health.
How A Person's Aura Becomes Depleted with Unhealthiness
Natural Blaze - Many have dismissed Auras, especially those professed to be experts in natural sciences. However, with the assistance of highly sensitive cameras scientists have been able to photograph this field some experts believe could become a tool for use in the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases.
Boulder Brands CEO Says 43% of Customers Want Non-GMO Food
Natural Society - Thanks to the anti-GMO movement, makers of Smart Balance will remove GMOs from their butters and spreads. The change will happen as early as this March.
VIDEO: CDC Report: Stop Breastfeeding and Vaccinate
Activist Post - The federal government continues to promote massive vaccination programs. A new study by the CDC tells mothers to have their children vaccinated, and to avoid nursing babies. The agency now claims mother's milk may affect certain vaccines.
Vitamin C supplementation and proper nutrition decrease absorption of toxic cadmium (NaturalNews) Cadmium poisoning is a very serious health issue that often goes undiagnosed; its somewhat generic symptoms include things like chronic anxiety, stomach pains, kidney damage and even death.
Free of severe acne, woman says hemp seed oil is her new favorite
(NaturalNews) Fran Kerr, author of Clear Skin for Life and How to Heal from Acne Naturally, has been a fan of jojoba oil for years. "I still do love it. I'm a massive fan of it, but I have a new favorite now," she admits. "It's organic hemp seed oil. I am in love with hemp seed oil as a cleanser and moisturizer."
Many beer and wine makers add fish bladders, gelatin and powdered blood to their products (NaturalNews)
Although very few beers or wines are made using animal ingredients,
such ingredients are often used during the filtration process, in which
natural solids are removed to give the final product a translucent
CDC forced to release documents showing they knew vaccine preservative causes autism laleva.org - A vaccine industry watchdog has now obtained CDC documents that show statistically significant risks of autism associated with the vaccine preservative, something the CDC denies even when confronted with their own data.
U.S. Farmers Report Widespread GMO Contamination of Organic Crops
Natural Society - The claim by the biotech industry that GMO crops can be contained and kept away from organic farmers who have chosen not to use genetically modified 'suicide' seeds is being proven grossly fallacious. A third of organic growers are now reporting problems with cross contamination, according to a new survey. More than 80% of farmers who participated in the survey are 'concerned' about the impact of genetic seeds, and 60% are 'very concerned.'
Florida Makes Off-Grid Living Illegal - Mandates All Homes Must Be Connected To An Electricity Grid - It's no secret that an opposition to sustainable living exists. Earlier this year, Texas state brought several SWAT teams to a sustainable community and threatened to shut it down. Each one of the community members were initially handcuffed at gunpoint. It was called "The Garden of Eden Community," and was totally self sustainable. You can read more about that here.
Difference between Methylcobalamin and Cyanocobalamin
Natural News Blogs - Studies show that methylcobalamin is better absorbed by the body than cyanocobalamin, and is stored in our systems for longer periods of time. This means that people taking methylcobalamin get a more steady supply of the vitamin. Partially because of its fast absorption, this form is also better at addressing B12 deficiency in vegans, vegetarians and the elderly.
9 Million Lbs. of "Diseased and Unsound" Meat May Have Reached 35 States, Says USDA Activist Post - On February 8th, FSIS updated its official statement "to reflect that beef products associated with recall 13 were shipped to distribution centers and retail establishments in California, Florida, Illinois, Oregon, Texas and Washington." Now the USDA is saying this diseased and unsound meat may have reached as far as 35 states and Guam.
7 Types of Fish You Should Never Consider Eating
preventdisease.com - With increasing pollution and radiation levels off the charts in our oceans, wild fish are becoming as hazardous to our health as factory farmed meat.
Information contained here comes from "The Power Hour" News Blast which can be subscribed to for free at thepowerhour.com . "The Power Hour with Joyce Riley" is a three-hour syndicated radio broadcast Monday through Friday, 7-10 AM CST. Listen Live at gcnlive.com or thepowerhour.com
We at World Health Team are pleased to offer three powerful products to help you maintain health: Youngevity, Kyani and One World Whey. Scientific data is available which indicates that the products we offer can be helpful.
Go to:
The Naturopathic Healer Forum
World Health Team to order Youngevity
Artificial Hormone-free Brands' Guide- Click on your state below to download a PDF document of dairy products sold in your area that are free of artificial bovine growth hormones.
Fluoride Action Network - Broadening public awareness about fluoride: www.fluoridealert.org
Vaccine Information: National Vaccine Information Center: www.nvic.org
Think Twice Global Vaccine Institute: www.thinktwice.com
We at World Health Team are pleased to offer three powerful products to help you maintain health: Youngevity, Kyani and One World Whey. Scientific data is available which indicates that the products we offer can be helpful.
Go to:
The Naturopathic Healer Forum
World Health Team to order Youngevity
Tip #1: Buy Organic
Tip #2: Look for Non-GMO Project Seal
Tip #3: Avoid at-risk ingredients
Tip #4: Download the Shopping Guides
foods often have hidden GM sources (unless they are organic or
declared non-GMO). The following are ingredients that may be made from
Artificial Hormone-free Brands' Guide- Click on your state below to download a PDF document of dairy products sold in your area that are free of artificial bovine growth hormones.
Fluoride Action Network - Broadening public awareness about fluoride: www.fluoridealert.org
Vaccine Information: National Vaccine Information Center: www.nvic.org
Think Twice Global Vaccine Institute: www.thinktwice.com
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