Founders of Silver Botanicals, DEAN DEWULF & RAYMOND D'AMICO join The Power Hour to discuss the new Silver Botanicals products available at The Power Mall. Central to all of their products' formulation is the use of true-colloidal nanosilver and essential oil blends. Silver Botanicals employ both these ingredients synergistically, along with other natural ingredients, to produce extremely effective products. "It was our appreciation of colloidal silver and essential oils that eventually lead to the realization of Silver Botanicals' products." Everyone should take responsibility for their health decisions by choosing natural, time-tested solutions for our daily hygiene needs!
All Silver Botanicals products available at online 24/7 at or by calling

About the Company:
Silver Botanicals was founded by Dean
DeWulf and Raymond d'Amico in 2010, with the help of family and
friends. Combining talents--Dean, an organic chemist, manufacturer
and formulator; Ray, an IT professional, digital artist and health
enthusiast--a brainstorming and experimentation process began. They
began selling their products at the local farmers' markets, in central
Texas and quickly began to see that a real demand, beyond their
initial expectation exists for natural hygiene products."
Central to all of their products' formulation is the use of true-colloidal nanosilver and essential oil blends. Silver Botanicals employ both these ingredients synergistically, along with other natural ingredients, to produce extremely effective products.
"It was our appreciation of colloidal silver and essential oils that eventually lead to the realization of Silver Botanicals' products."
Everyone should take responsibility for their health decisions by choosing natural, time-tested solutions for our daily hygiene needs!
Products from Silver Botanicals:
* Roll-On Deodorant & Spray-On Deodorant- Amazing performance all-natural and non-toxic!
Specially formulated to provide long-lasting odor protection, fight bacterial growth, keep sweat down and maintain healthy underarm skin. Made from safe and effective, high quality, all-natural ingredients.
* Silver Foot Shield - Fungicidal deodorizer and skin tonic for the feet
Specially formulated to provide long-lasting odor protection, fight bacterial growth, keep down sweat and keep your skin healthy. Fungus is a very destructive organism to our skin. It is more complex than bacteria and can survive many assaults that bacteria cannot. We use nature's innovations to fight fungus and bacteria in Silver Foot Shield. Pure essential oils provide an initial powerful punch, killing the odor causing germs. Then our colloidal nanosilver provides a lasting protective shield that keeps it from coming back quickly.
Furthermore, our formula is a powerful skin tonic. It rejuvenates and invigorates your hard working feet. It puts a freshness in your step with the cool sensation -- and powerful fungus fighting properties -- of peppermint.
* Silver Shield Sanitizer - Powerful germicidal action with long-lasting protection
A truly multi-purpose product with hundreds of possible uses. Plus, the amazingly long-lasting power of colloidal nanosilver.
* Silver Shield Dog & Bedding Spray - A powerful multiuse sanitizer spray for your Dog!
Specially formulated, protective, germicidal deodorizer that deters bugs, mites and parasites. Plus calms your dog!
* Silver Tongue Oral Disinfectant - Powerful oral care, yet gentle and tastes great!
Specially formulated with Colloidal Silver to fight bacterial growth and the germs that cause bad-breath, plus other oral maladies. Silver Tongue Oral Disinfectant provides a 'double punch' effect: May instantly kill harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites with pure essential oils, which pass directly through our tissues, reaching inside our cells. Then it helps keep these pathogens from growing back rapidly with the power of premium colloidal nanosilver that provides long lasting antimicrobial protection. It's a one-two punch that yields results. We hope you try it, to see for yourself.
Everyone should take responsibility for their health decisions by choosing natural, time-tested solutions for our daily hygiene needs!
* Roll-On Deodorant & Spray-On Deodorant- Amazing performance all-natural and non-toxic!
Specially formulated to provide long-lasting odor protection, fight bacterial growth, keep sweat down and maintain healthy underarm skin. Made from safe and effective, high quality, all-natural ingredients.
* Silver Foot Shield - Fungicidal deodorizer and skin tonic for the feet
Specially formulated to provide long-lasting odor protection, fight bacterial growth, keep down sweat and keep your skin healthy. Fungus is a very destructive organism to our skin. It is more complex than bacteria and can survive many assaults that bacteria cannot. We use nature's innovations to fight fungus and bacteria in Silver Foot Shield. Pure essential oils provide an initial powerful punch, killing the odor causing germs. Then our colloidal nanosilver provides a lasting protective shield that keeps it from coming back quickly.
Furthermore, our formula is a powerful skin tonic. It rejuvenates and invigorates your hard working feet. It puts a freshness in your step with the cool sensation -- and powerful fungus fighting properties -- of peppermint.
* Silver Shield Sanitizer - Powerful germicidal action with long-lasting protection
A truly multi-purpose product with hundreds of possible uses. Plus, the amazingly long-lasting power of colloidal nanosilver.
* Silver Shield Dog & Bedding Spray - A powerful multiuse sanitizer spray for your Dog!
Specially formulated, protective, germicidal deodorizer that deters bugs, mites and parasites. Plus calms your dog!
* Silver Tongue Oral Disinfectant - Powerful oral care, yet gentle and tastes great!
Specially formulated with Colloidal Silver to fight bacterial growth and the germs that cause bad-breath, plus other oral maladies. Silver Tongue Oral Disinfectant provides a 'double punch' effect: May instantly kill harmful bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites with pure essential oils, which pass directly through our tissues, reaching inside our cells. Then it helps keep these pathogens from growing back rapidly with the power of premium colloidal nanosilver that provides long lasting antimicrobial protection. It's a one-two punch that yields results. We hope you try it, to see for yourself.
Articles of Interest:
- The Underarm Lymphatic Network
- Aluminum in Deodorant Linked to Breast Cancer in New Studies
- Colloidal Silver: A Near Perfect Antibiotic
- Chemical found in deodorants, face cream and food products isÂ
- discovered in tumours of ALL breast cancer patients
- Your Body Is a Wonderland ... of Bacteria
- Beware of aluminum in deodorant products
Silver Shield Deodorant Testimony:
I have been using this deodorant for over a year after hearing about locally made products on your radio show. I have been unable to use just about all deodorants on the shelf at the store, even the supposed non-allergenic kinds. Silver
Shield Deodorant - Sensitive Skin has been wonderful for me. It
works perfectly as a deodorant and it seems to stop odor for longer than
a day. What has been great for me is that I have hydradenitis
supurativa, furuncles under arm and other places on body and this Silver
Shield deodorant product has completely ended these furuncles (boils)
for me and has completely cleared up all the pores under the arm. I
have had to have operations by dermatologists for this condition in the
past and I was so thankful to finally find something that keeps my
underarms fresh and clear and clean.
-From Doxie in Texas
Research Finds Black Seed Therapeutic For Aging Women
Green Med Info - Two new studies indicate that black seed may provide a unique set of benefits to aging women by protecting both against metabolic syndrome and accelerated bone loss.
Green Med Info - Two new studies indicate that black seed may provide a unique set of benefits to aging women by protecting both against metabolic syndrome and accelerated bone loss.
** Black Seed Plus available at The Power Mall
"Mushrooms of Immortality": Reishi Mushrooms an Ancient Medicine for Modern Diseases Natural Society - Researchers with Bellarmine University found polysaccharides and saponins in reishi mushrooms that are able to reduce cell proliferation (or multiplying) in cancerous lungs. This is because the mushrooms compounds trigger apoptosis or cell death, essentially targeting cancerous cells and ensuring their demise.
"Mushrooms of Immortality": Reishi Mushrooms an Ancient Medicine for Modern Diseases Natural Society - Researchers with Bellarmine University found polysaccharides and saponins in reishi mushrooms that are able to reduce cell proliferation (or multiplying) in cancerous lungs. This is because the mushrooms compounds trigger apoptosis or cell death, essentially targeting cancerous cells and ensuring their demise.
This Is What Happens In Your Stomach When You Consume Packaged Ramen Noodles With a Deadly Preservative
Prevent Disease - Ramen noodles contain a byproduct of the petroleum
industry and food additive frequently to preserve cheap
processed foods... Small amounts of TBHQ may not kill you (although
death has occurred) or even make you feel immediately sick, but it
can have a long term effect on your health such as weakening of
organs and contributing to the onset of cancers and tumors.
2 Popular Foods May Turn Immune System Against Brain
Natural Blaze - A new study published in the open access journal Nutrients titled, "The Prevalence of Antibodies against Wheat and Milk Proteins in Blood Donors and Their Contribution to Neuroimmune Reactivities," implicates two of the Western world's most
Natural Blaze - A new study published in the open access journal Nutrients titled, "The Prevalence of Antibodies against Wheat and Milk Proteins in Blood Donors and Their Contribution to Neuroimmune Reactivities," implicates two of the Western world's most
foods in various forms of immune-mediated brain damage and
dysfunction, including gluten ataxia and multiple sclerosis.
joins The Power Hour to share timely and thought-provoking information
with us on many different supplements we should consider taking for
health and wellness.
Books of Mention:
Related Article: Nothing Works Better For Whole Body Detoxification Than Essiac Tea
Articles of Interest:
* Flax Lignans
* L-Arginine AG
* Potassium Iodate
* Anti Free Radical Pack
* Heart Tablets
* Lung Tablets
* LDM Extract
* R-Tran
Flaxseeds contain a health-boosting, disease-preventing compound called
flax lignan and are are the richest source of essential fatty acids
(EFA) Linoleic (Omega-6) and Linolenic (Omega-3.) Flax Lignan is
processed from the natural defatted shell of the flax seed. Add a scoop
to your juice, health drink or salad. Aids in kidney and liver
Book: Flaxseed Lignan: The Power Of SDG In Promoting Health By Charles A. Weisman and Dr. Dan Junker
Additional Books on Flax:
Additional Products of Discussion:
Hair Testing Kit - Available at The Power Mall
New Dr Dan Junker Products:
Sinol Nasal Spray
Raw Thyroid tablets 90 ct
Blonde Healing Balm
** Call TPH at Sinol Nasal Spray
Raw Thyroid tablets 90 ct
Blonde Healing Balm

Iceland hooked on anti-depressants
Ice News - A new report released by the OECD has shown that Iceland is the world's biggest consumer of anti-depressants per capita. One in ten Icelander now take medicine to cope with mental health anxieties. Overall there has been a steady rise in the last decade, with many OECD countries in Europe seeing the rise double since 2000.
China Exports Pollution to U.S., Study Finds
NY Times - Filthy emissions from China's export industries are carried across the Pacific Ocean and contribute to air pollution in the Western United States, according to a paper published Monday by a prominent American science journal.
America's most popular prescription sleep medication linked to mass shootings RT - A new report describing the bizarre and dangerous side effects of the sleep aid Ambien has once again raised questions about one of the United States' most popular prescription drugs.
Sebelius Uses MLK Day to Plug Obamacare
Adan Salazar - On this the 28th anniversary of arguably the most revered civil rights leader, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is disgracefully tarnishing that memory by using it to push the national health care-wealth confiscation initiative.
Yet another Obamacare delay
CNBC News- Tax officials said they would not enforce the rule this year because they had yet to issue regulations for employers to follow. NYT reports.
Benefits Of Turmeric Tea
World Truth.TV - We all need a sweet treat from time to time and this is my go to drink. It smells heavenly and is a great drink either first thing in the morning or as a treat at the end of a long day.
The amazing saga of a teenager who ran away from chemotherapy and beat cancer naturally (NaturalNews) Remember the story of a 16-year-boy who ran away from his Massachusetts home in 1994 to avoid chemotherapy? His name was Billy Best, and his story was a nationwide sensation while he was in hiding. Now, he is very healthy and cancer-free, back home working in a local health food store, consulting parents of children who are pushed into chemo and participating in medical school seminars on patient choice.
Tangerine Compounds Protect Against Long List of Chronic Diseases
Green Med Info - According to researchers from The University of Western Ontario, tangerines contain a substance that not only helps prevent obesity, but also protects against type 2 diabetes. This compound even combats atherosclerosis, the underlying cause of most heart attacks and strokes.
Vitamin D Improves Mood, Cognition and Pain Tolerance
Prevent Disease - Without the sunshine vitamin, few of us would experience lives free of disease. Two new studies show that increased levels of vitamin D not only reduce the risk of developing cognitive impairments, but also improve widespread chronic pain.
** Vitamin D Tablets 60 ct available at The Power Mall!
Wheaties cereal found to contain so many metal fragments that they can be levitated with magnets (NaturalNews) Wheaties breakfast cereal, manufactured by General Mills, has been found to contain so many microscopic fragments of metal that individual flakes can be lifted and carried using common magnets, a Natural News Forensic Food Lab investigation has found and documented.
CBS: Tepco says fuel removal even worse than Gundersen's analogy
ENENews - CBS: Ono told us they have removed 15 percent of the fuel from Reactor 4. But it will be far more difficult to retrieve fuel from three reactors that melted down. Those are so radioactive that the technology to dismantle them does not exist yet.

Vaccine Court Settlements Mostly for Flu Vaccines Damage
Natural Blaze - Something Big Pharma and vaccine apologists
probably don't want the public knowing is what has been divulged in
a report from the U.S. Department of Justice dated December 5,
2013 available here: Adjudicated Settlements Reporting Period 8/16/13 - 11/15/13 made by what's known as the U.S. "Vaccine Court."
Scientists find DNA of first-ever bubonic plague, warn of new outbreaks
RT - Scientists have reconstructed the genome of the first recorded bubonic plague and compared it to two later pandemics. New sophisticated strains of the disease that killed millions of Europeans in the Middle Ages could break out in future, they warn.
RT - Scientists have reconstructed the genome of the first recorded bubonic plague and compared it to two later pandemics. New sophisticated strains of the disease that killed millions of Europeans in the Middle Ages could break out in future, they warn. - These next 9 shocking facts will make you take a second look at your exposure to fluoride.
"A weed is but an unloved flower." ~Ella Wheeler Wilcox
(also known as Portulaca oleracea) is an herbaceous weed growing wild
in much of the World. Puslane has been rated as the eighth most common
plant in the World and is considered the ninth most troublesome weed to
World agriculture. For thousands of years, purslane has been used as a
vegetable, spice, potherb and medicinal herb. Purslane was very
popular in England during the Middle Ages and was used by the ancient
Egyptians for heart failure and disease. Known since the time of
Hippocrates, Purslane was used for its diuretic, anti-parasitic, and
cathartic qualities.
In a survey of 45 countries, Holm et al found there were 58 different names in use for purslane. It seems well established that purslane has served mankind since prehistoric times.
Dr. Artemis P. Simopoulos in her research mentions that purslane is the richest source of omega-3 fatty acid among all green leafy plants investigated to date.
Historically, purslane has been called "the weed that heals".
In a survey of 45 countries, Holm et al found there were 58 different names in use for purslane. It seems well established that purslane has served mankind since prehistoric times.
Dr. Artemis P. Simopoulos in her research mentions that purslane is the richest source of omega-3 fatty acid among all green leafy plants investigated to date.
Historically, purslane has been called "the weed that heals".
About Purslane:
intuitive, certified herbologist and certified lymphologist Elsie
Belcheff spent thirteen years studying and documenting thousands of
individual cases as they followed her recommended protocol.
key to all diseases is PREVENTION. Elsie's protocol offers proven help
for sluggishness and fatigue caused by parasites, chemicals, bacteria,
and blockages - the four culprits to all our illnesses.
Articles of Interest:
if used fresh. But, if you must store it, wrap purslane in a moist
paper towel and store in a plastic bag in the vegetable bin of your
Remove larger stems. Some recipes use leaves only. Purslane can be
substituted for spinach or wild greens in lasagnas, filled pastas, and
Greek-style tarts.
Printable Sheet: Purslane Tips (storage, preparation & recipes)
Saponified oils of coconut, palm, olive, castor and purslane, glycerin
plant based thickener, essential oils of lemon and grapefruit seed
oil. Lab tested to remove all contaminants, including E. coli, from
fruits, vegetables, and meats. Our formula uses a plant called
Purslane, known for its superior levels of antioxidants, which prevent
the deterioration of food. Made from all natural ingredients so there
is no harm to you or your food. Suggested Usage: Add 4-6 squirts to a
half sink of water and soak produce, rice, etc... for 10 minutes.
Meats, lettuce, and strawberries should be soaked for 30 minutes.
Different products can be soaked together in the same water/wash
solution except for meats.
* Purslane Capsules, Tincture, Cream and Powder, Clove Capsules
* Body Deodorant, Purslane Shampoo & Purslane Conditioner
For all Purslane Products please order online 24/7 at The or by calling
1-877-817-9829 Mon - Fri 8 AM - 4 PM Central Time.

**Clove capsules
are mandatory with taking purslane products except for children under
10 years of age. Usage: Elsie suggests using 600 mg a day after the
largest meal, for 3 - 12 weeks, depending on the weakness of the
Purslane Usage for Parasites - Recommendations by Elsie:
Super Underarm Deodorant for adults along with Clove Capsules
Pruslane Drops 5-10 drops twice a day for two weeks for children
1 drop per 10 pounds the first day. Wait two weeks and repeat dosage. (Use the same regime to treat children under 3).
Children 1 year and under: Purslane Cream on sole of feet once a month (this will also relieve coughing).
Earthing, or grounding, refers to connecting your body directly with the Earth.
Website: &
AVAILABLE NOW online at or by calling by calling

is an electrical planet, charged with a subtle surface energy commonly
known in the electrical world as "ground." When in contact with the
Earth, this tranquil energy naturally transfers to any conductive
object-whether it is a metal rod, a wire, a tree or plant, an animal, or
a barefoot human-and they become "grounded."
The known effect of grounding is that it discharges and prevents the
buildup of electrical stress. Walking barefoot on the Earth, as humans
have done throughout history, naturally grounds and discharges the
body. The most reported benefit from people who place their bare feet
directly on the Earth and ground themselves is that they "feel better."
For more than a decade, thousands of people around the world-men, women, children, and athletes-have incorporated Earthing into their daily routines and report that they sleep better, have less pain and stress, and faster recovery from trauma. Earthing immediately equalizes your body to the same energy level, or potential, as the Earth. This results in synchronizing your internal biological clocks, hormonal cycles, and physiological rhythms, and suffusing your body with healing, negatively charged free electrons abundantly present on the surface of the Earth.
What do you feel?
Generally, a warm, tingling sensation and feelings of ease and well-being.
Will you feel better?
Usually, yes, and often rapidly. The degree of improvement varies from person to person. The important thing is to make Earthing a long-term addition to your daily routine, and to do it as much as possible so as to gain maximum benefits. When Earthing is stopped, symptoms tend to slowly return.
What does it do?
Observations and research indicate the following benefits from Earthing; we expect many more to emerge with ongoing studies:
· Defuses the cause of inflammation, and improves or eliminates the symptoms of many inflammation-related disorders.
· Reduces or eliminates chronic pain.
· Improves sleep in most cases.
· Increases energy.
· Lowers stress and promotes calmness in the body by cooling down the nervous system and stress hormones.
· Normalizes the body's biological rhythms.
· Thins blood, and improves blood pressure and flow.
· Relieves muscle tension and headaches.
· Lessens hormonal and menstrual symptoms.
· Dramatically speeds healing and helps prevent bedsores.
· Reduces or eliminates jet lag.
· Protects the body against potentially health-disturbing environmental electromagnetic fields (EMFs). · Accelerates recovery from intense athletic activity.
For more than a decade, thousands of people around the world-men, women, children, and athletes-have incorporated Earthing into their daily routines and report that they sleep better, have less pain and stress, and faster recovery from trauma. Earthing immediately equalizes your body to the same energy level, or potential, as the Earth. This results in synchronizing your internal biological clocks, hormonal cycles, and physiological rhythms, and suffusing your body with healing, negatively charged free electrons abundantly present on the surface of the Earth.
What do you feel?
Generally, a warm, tingling sensation and feelings of ease and well-being.
Will you feel better?
Usually, yes, and often rapidly. The degree of improvement varies from person to person. The important thing is to make Earthing a long-term addition to your daily routine, and to do it as much as possible so as to gain maximum benefits. When Earthing is stopped, symptoms tend to slowly return.
What does it do?
Observations and research indicate the following benefits from Earthing; we expect many more to emerge with ongoing studies:
· Defuses the cause of inflammation, and improves or eliminates the symptoms of many inflammation-related disorders.
· Reduces or eliminates chronic pain.
· Improves sleep in most cases.
· Increases energy.
· Lowers stress and promotes calmness in the body by cooling down the nervous system and stress hormones.
· Normalizes the body's biological rhythms.
· Thins blood, and improves blood pressure and flow.
· Relieves muscle tension and headaches.
· Lessens hormonal and menstrual symptoms.
· Dramatically speeds healing and helps prevent bedsores.
· Reduces or eliminates jet lag.
· Protects the body against potentially health-disturbing environmental electromagnetic fields (EMFs). · Accelerates recovery from intense athletic activity.
Video: What is Earthing?
Also be sure to check out...
Remember the story of a
16-year-boy who ran away from his Massachusetts home in 1994 to avoid
chemotherapy? His name was Billy Best, and his story was a nationwide
sensation while he was in hiding.
Now, he is very healthy and cancer-free, back home working in a local health food store, consulting parents of children who are pushed into chemo and participating in medical school seminars on patient choice.
Now, he is very healthy and cancer-free, back home working in a local health food store, consulting parents of children who are pushed into chemo and participating in medical school seminars on patient choice.
Billy chose Gaston Naessens' 714-X and Essiac tea
Billy used 714X for six
months. 714X is an aqueous solution containing camphor, nitrogen salts,
and mineral salts, which is injected once a day in 21 day cycles.
Billy finished treatment
with 714X in July 1995. Since then he continues to drink Essiac, takes
vitamin and mineral supplements, eats nutritiously, does a booster 21
day cycle of 714X occasionally and gets lots of exercise with his
favorite activity, skateboarding.
Everyone interested in
organic herbs has the right to know the truly wonderful history of Rene
Caisse and her legendary ESSIAC. For 55 years, and with a large measure
of success, Nurse Caisse used her herbal formula which she named ESSIAC
® to help thousands of people.
** Essiac Tea 1 lb is available at The Power Mall (

Billy's recovery proves cancer doctors wrong
The fact that Billy Best is
living and breathing today is a huge embarrassment to the arrogant
cancer doctors who insist on pushing poison onto children. His very
existence proves them wrong. They might have actually preferred that Billy Best
died 15 years ago just to prove them right, because with each breath he
takes, and with each heartbeat that carries his body into the next
moment, Billy Best screams out the obvious truth to the world: Natural medicine allows the body to CURE ITSELF of cancer.
The Billy Best Story is the
true account of a young man who, in 1994, became a media sensation at
the age of 16 when he ran away from home to escape chemotherapy. As his
parents and the police mounted a nationwide search for him, his story
became everyone's passion, and the television networks snapped up the
story for Dateline, 20/20, A Current Affair, and more. Thanks to that
vast media coverage, Billy received an outpouring of support from the
public, and he began a journey of discovery to find an alternative
treatment for his cancer. Eighteen years later and still cancer free,
Billy Best has teamed up with Linda Conti of Sandcastle Memoirs in South
Yarmouth, MA to bring us his remarkable, triumphant story.
ABC News article & Video: Man Who Survived Without Chemo: 'I'd Still Fight'
Check out this new CounterThink cartoon that depicts the truth about chemotherapy "treatment" in America: html
Book of mention by Lauren in OH: The Only Answer to Cancer Paperback by Dr. Leonard Coldwell
Additional Resources:
HOWARD STRAUS, grandson of Max Gerson and author of Dr. Max Gerson: Healing the Hopeless
joins TPH to share his years of experience in helping people dealing
with illness using the Gerson nutritional protocol. The Gerson
Therapy is a safe, natural treatment developed by Dr. Max Gerson in
the 1920's that uses organic foods, juicing, coffee enemas,
detoxification and natural supplements to activate the body's ability
to heal itself.
Website: & www.gersonmedia.comThe Gerson Institute is a non-profit organization located in San Diego, California, dedicated to providing education and training in the alternative, non-toxic treatment of cancer and other disease, using the Gerson Therapy.
Gerson Therapy is a safe, natural treatment developed by Dr. Max
Gerson in the 1920's that uses organic foods, juicing, coffee enemas,
detoxification and natural supplements to activate the body's ability
to heal itself. Over the past 60 years, thousands of people have used
the Gerson Therapy to recover from so-called "incurable" disease
s such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease and arthritis.
Gerson Therapy is a natural treatment that activates the body's
extraordinary ability to heal itself through an organic, vegetarian
diet, raw juices, coffee enemas and natural supplements.
its whole-body approach to healing, the Gerson Therapy naturally
reactivates your body's magnificent ability to heal itself - with no
damaging side effects. This a powerful, natural treatment boosts the
body's own immune system to heal cancer, arthritis, heart disease,
allergies, and many other degenerative diseases. Dr. Max Gerson
developed the Gerson Therapy in the 1930s, initially as a treatment for
his own debilitating migraines, and eventually as a treatment for
degenerative diseases such as skin tuberculosis, diabetes and, most
famously, cancer.
Gerson Therapy's all-encompassing nature sets it apart from most other
treatment methods. The Gerson Therapy effectively treats a wide range
of different ailments because it restores the body's incredible ability
to heal itself. Rather than treating only the symptoms of a particular
disease, the Gerson Therapy treats the causes of most degenerative
diseases: toxicity and nutritional deficiency.
our lives our bodies are being filled with a variety of carcinogens
and toxic pollutants. These toxins reach us through the air we breathe,
the food we eat, the medicines we take and the water we drink. The
Gerson Therapy's intensive detoxification regimen eliminates these
toxins from the body, so that true healing can begin.
patients usually have difficult time digesting foods. Therefore eating
a raw food health diet is excellent. The weakened body can absorbs
live foods consisting of enzymes, vitamins, proteins, calcium's, and
mineral that go right to the cellular level. The Gerson Therapy is the
pioneer for juicing and coffee enema.
Gerson diet is entirely organic and vegetarian. The diet is naturally
high in vitamins, minerals, enzymes, micro-nutrients, and extremely low
in sodium, fats, and proteins. The following is a typical daily diet
for a Gerson patient on the full therapy regimen:
Thirteen glasses of fresh, raw carrot/apple and green-leaf juices prepared hourly from fresh, organic fruits and vegetables.
Three full vegetarian meals, freshly prepared from organically grown fruits, vegetables and whole grains. A typical meal will include salad, cooked vegetables, baked potatoes, Hippocrates soup and juice.
Fresh fruit and fresh fruit available at all hours for snacking, in addition to the regular diet.
To learn more about the Gerson diet, read about which foods are permitted and prohibited: Foods for the Gerson Diet (PDF)
Coffee enemas
amount of juice is matched to the number of coffee enemas, usually
three to five, administered throughout the day. The coffee recommended
is a special lightly roasted coffee. Since Dr. Gerson's death,
multiple research studies have shown that high temperature roasting of
coffee beans generates carcinogenic compounds called acrylamides and
black coffee is on the top of the list. As part of the objective to
eliminate carcinogens, we only use or recommend the lightly roasted
coffee from s.a. Wilson's. The coffee is prepared in a special manner
to eliminate aromatic compounds thought to promote cancer. The coffee
enema is a retention enema. It is used is to help with the excretion
of toxins from necrotizing (dying) tumors and body tissues. The coffee
enemas are also helpful to reduce pain. Whenever possible, painkillers
are eliminated to avoid further toxic burden on the liver. Studies
have shown that coffee enemas can also increase production of
glutathione and promote the absorption of an estimated 100,000 IU of
vitamin A provided by the absorption of beta-carotene from the carrot
Castor oil enemas
patients who have not received chemotherapy, a castor oil enema is
done every other day. The castor oil enema is a powerful treatment
that consists in drinking three tablespoons of castor oil early in the
morning and receiving a castor oil enema five hours later. The castor
oil enema is eliminated in chemotherapy patients to avoid excessively
rapid detoxification of the harmful byproducts of chemotherapy.
Read our Get Started on the Gerson Therapy page to see the recommendations for beginning the Gerson Therapy.
YouTube - The Cancer Report (The Full Version)
- Excellent documentary on the Rockefeller Foundation and its
suppression of cancer cures and promotion of disease-causing agents, and
its unholy alliance with the FDA. The Gerson Therapy is given its due
as one of the "cancer cures" brutally and completely suppressed by the
FDA, AMA, ACS and Rockefellers.
Articles of Interest:
Juicer Recommendation: or
are many different types of juicers, however for cancer patients, the
Norwalk Juicer is the best because it uses hydraulic press.
Need a reason to stop drinking soda? Here are fourteen
NYC to MANDATE Flu Shots for Children Under 6
Natural Society - The initiative will take effect in only 30 days and will affect 150,000 children. Deputy Commissioner for Disease Control Dr. Jay Varma says the shots could keep "as many as about 20,000" kids from getting sick. But he doesn't say anything about the trade-offs.
(NaturalNews) The mustard plant comes from the genus of plants (Brassica) that contains such potent and nutritious members as horseradish, cress, kale, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts. This genus is loaded with amazing plants that are great for your health.
Garden of Life RAW Protein products found to contain heavy metals tungsten, lead and cadmium NaturalNews) Natural News has confirmed, via three different laboratories, the presence of significant levels of the heavy metals tungsten, lead and cadmium in Garden of Life "beyond organic" raw protein products. This has been confirmed across multiple lots of Garden of Life Original, Vanilla and Chocolate Cacao and Vanilla Spiced Chai. Tungsten has also been found and confirmed in Garden of Life "Raw Fit" products.
an Author/Speaker/Blogger. Donna Schwenk's world
changed when she discovered cultured foods. With various health
problems, she became determined to find answers to what ailed
her. In her quest, she came across the ancient art of home
fermentation, a food preparation technique that supercharges
everyday foods with beneficial bacteria to balance your
digestive system, and vitamins and minerals to enhance your
overall health. In her cookbook and website Cultured Food Life
she teaches how to make probiotic foods in your home.
Website: http://www.culturedfoodlife. com
New Book: Cultured Food for Life: How to Make and Serve Delicious Probiotic Foods for Better Health and Wellness
Website: http://www.culturedfoodlife.
New Book: Cultured Food for Life: How to Make and Serve Delicious Probiotic Foods for Better Health and Wellness
Studies show many health benefits from eating fermented foods
(NaturalNews) Although the human body is made up of 10 times as many bacteria as human cells, mainstream medicine and an unsuspecting public continue to kill off the bacteria that make up their body indiscriminately through the use of antibiotics and antibacterial products.
(NaturalNews) Although the human body is made up of 10 times as many bacteria as human cells, mainstream medicine and an unsuspecting public continue to kill off the bacteria that make up their body indiscriminately through the use of antibiotics and antibacterial products.
We all use spices to cook with but may not be aware that they
heal better than many herbs, fruits or vegetables! BHARAT AGGARWAL PhD,
professor at the the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston,
has done groundbreaking research in the area of spices and
healing and today will share the top 10 spices for healing
and what they are used for.
TPH Book: Healing Spices: How to Use 50 Everyday and Exotic Spices to Boost Health and Beat Disease
For information on Curcumin visit: http://www.curcuminresearch. org
The abbreviated article can be found on the web HERE
TPH Book: Healing Spices: How to Use 50 Everyday and Exotic Spices to Boost Health and Beat Disease
For information on Curcumin visit: http://www.curcuminresearch.
The abbreviated article can be found on the web HERE
For information on Curcumin visit:
The abbreviated article can be found on the web HERE
TPH Spices: Certified Organic Spices - Spices and book are available online "24/7"at or by calling

Mumps, the viral disease your parents probably suffered through as
children before vaccines became ubiquitous in the 1970s, has made a
surprise appearance at New York's Fordham University, where it is
believed to have infected at least 13 students.
Lone Star Tick Bites Cause a Surge in Anaphylactic Reactions To Red Meat
Daily Sheeple - If you have been bitten and experience ANY unexpected symptoms after eating red meat go to the nearest emergency medical facility immediately. Anaphylaxis is a killer without prompt medical treatment. If you have an EpiPen in the house, even if it's not yours, use it at the first sign of facial swelling, it will most likely save your life.
Could polio or other vaccinations be behind the new "polio-like" Illness outbreak in California? (NaturalNews) According to reports, there are now about 25 or more cases, and counting, of a new "polio-like" outbreak in California children. Disease control officials have yet to determine the cause of the outbreak and they are looking for a new virus. Perhaps one direction they should take a look at is polio and other childhood vaccinations.
Insecticide Chemicals Found in Two-Thirds of Americans and Homes Tested AllGov - Furthermore, 99% of floor samples taken from test homes and 65% of the study participants, all in Northern California, had traces of chlorpyrifos, a chemical banned for household use in 2001 because of the risks it poses to children's brain development. Chlorpyrifos are still allowed for use on crops.
Azodicarbonamide yoga mat chemical confirmed in 500+ everyday foods and grocery items (NaturalNews) Today, the Environmental Working Group published a hard-hitting report providing yet more evidence in support of exactly the point I've been making. EWG researchers confirmed the presence of azodicarbonamide, the "yoga mat chemical," in hundreds of brand-name foods, including brands that promote themselves as "healthy" or "natural." Food brands found to contain the chemical include...
Information contained here comes from "The Power Hour" News Blast which can be subscribed to for free at . "The Power Hour with Joyce Riley" is a three-hour syndicated radio broadcast Monday through Friday, 7-10 AM CST. Listen Live at or
We at World Health Team are pleased to offer three powerful products to help you maintain health: Youngevity, Kyani and One World Whey. Scientific data is available which indicates that the products we offer can be helpful.
Go to:
The Naturopathic Healer Forum
World Health Team to order Youngevity
Artificial Hormone-free Brands' Guide- Click on your state below to download a PDF document of dairy products sold in your area that are free of artificial bovine growth hormones.
Fluoride Action Network - Broadening public awareness about fluoride:
Vaccine Information: National Vaccine Information Center:
Think Twice Global Vaccine Institute:
We at World Health Team are pleased to offer three powerful products to help you maintain health: Youngevity, Kyani and One World Whey. Scientific data is available which indicates that the products we offer can be helpful.
Go to:
The Naturopathic Healer Forum
World Health Team to order Youngevity
Tip #1: Buy Organic
Tip #2: Look for Non-GMO Project Seal
Tip #3: Avoid at-risk ingredients
Tip #4: Download the Shopping Guides
foods often have hidden GM sources (unless they are organic or
declared non-GMO). The following are ingredients that may be made from
Artificial Hormone-free Brands' Guide- Click on your state below to download a PDF document of dairy products sold in your area that are free of artificial bovine growth hormones.
Fluoride Action Network - Broadening public awareness about fluoride:
Vaccine Information: National Vaccine Information Center:
Think Twice Global Vaccine Institute:
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