
The statements and products referenced in this blog have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or any other governmental agency. The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. The information in this blog is intended for information purposes only. If you have any diagnosed medical condition we recommend you consult your qualified health care provider with specific questions before using any new dietary supplement.

30 August, 2013

The Greatest Good For the Greatest Number

In this week's rebroadcast of "Healing With Dr. Daniels" featuring Dr. Jenifer Daniels, she unravels the double speak of medicine and the statistics that confirm the exposure we all facing when dealing with the medical establishment. For more information from Dr. Jenifer Daniels and to contact her please go to:

The Power Hour Newsletter Round up - One World Whey

STEPHEN HEUER, from One World Whey joins The Power Hour to discuss the role of undenatured whey protein for promoting optimal health. Stephen will share with us how he became so interested in nutrition and cleansing and how his life completely changed with his understanding of health.  Also listen to Stephen discuss how to raise glutathione levels naturally to detoxify & build the body!
New Product: One World Whey
Now available at! Please visit 24/7 or call 1-877-817-9829
Available in Chocolate, Strawberry or Vanilla 1 or 5 lbs

How Can it Help?
  • Supports good energy levels
  • Support better brain function and mood
  • Supports anti-aging effects
  • Supports younger looking skin
  • Supports elimination of excess body fat
  • Improves the building of lean muscle
  • Supports feelings of youth and well being
  • Supports dramatic increases in athletic endurance and recovery from exercise
  • Supports elimination of radioactive fallout and chemtrails from body
  • Supports detoxification of heavy metals and toxins of all kinds
  • Support elimination of inflammation in the intestines and elsewhere
  • Support healthy bowel movements
What You Need To Know About Whey Protein

So, What Is Whey? 
Whey is a natural by-product of the cheese-making process. Milk contains two primary proteins: casein and whey.  Whey composes about 20% of milk proteins, and casein comprises the remaining 80%. So when you drink a glass of milk, you are consuming both casein proteins and whey proteins.
Fresh liquid whey was used in European clinics for centuries to apparently cure people of disease. The book The Whey Prescription, The Healing Miracle in Milk, tells of a sick man in Zurich, Switzerland in 1749.

Cold Processed Whey... 
Protein is Damaged When Heated
Unheated whey protein obtained from grass fed cows proves superior to whey that has been subjected to heat during processing.
Properly prepared whey is a SUPER FOOD that can be used by anyone looking to restore or maintain health in our very toxic world. But - it's also perfect for supporting lean muscle. Whey is an ultimate Source of Muscle-Building Amino Acids

Whey & Disease... 
Toxicity is at the root of all disease.
If you want to heal, you must start with detoxifying your entire body.
Unheated whey protein powder delivers the highest dietary source of the key amino acids needed by the body to produce glutathione.
A study conducted by Ohio State University revealed whey protein significantly increases the body's production of the master antioxidant glutathione. Results of this study also showed whey protein acted as a protective defense against oxidant-induced cell death.

One World Whey Difference... 
World's First & Only 100% Unheated Whey Protein Powder
One World Whey is the first cold-temperature processed, unrefined, grass-pasture raised milk-whey protein powder. Regardless of the claims, no other protein powder on the market is truly unheated from start to finish.

Pure, Natural, Raw Protein Power
After 30 years of passionate research, natural food scientists have discovered how to retain the natural, bioactive and unrefined protein form to maximize the whey protein's bioavailability utilizing an exclusive, industry-first, all-natural, TruCool 7-step formulation process. TruCool is the powerful reason why One World Whey is the ultimate life and body-building supplement.
One World Whey brings you the living properties naturally contained in raw grass-pasture liquid whey. This is not the same old heat-refined whey protein that virtually all other protein powder marketers and manufacturers sell to unsuspecting consumers.
Only Pure & Natural Flavors
No Fake Colors, Preservatives or Artificial Sweeteners
One World Whey is made with REAL Chocolate, Vanilla & Pesticide-Free Strawberries.
Only cold-water extracted stevia leaves are used to naturally sweeten One World Whey protein powder. Beware - other protein powders use sugar, high fructose corn syrup, maltodextrin or toxic artificial sweeteners such as aspartame or sucralose.

What Stephen follows to help prevent cancer
Eating an alkaline-rich diet:
Drinking Pawpaw Tea:
Papaya leaf tea is an effective remedy for cancer.
Eating less cooked meat

Flax Seeds and cottage cheese   
Dr. Johanna Budwig, a German biochemist and physicist, is credited for this healing concoction that has seen a 90 percent success rate spanning over 50 years. The combination of these two foods provides essential fatty acids and lipoproteins that reduce tumors and restore health.

The Budwig Diet Revision
Germany's Dr. Joanna Budwig is widely credited for promoting flax oil and cottage cheese as a cure for cancer and degenerative diseases. But newer data has emerged that shows where we can improve on the 60-year old "Budwig Diet". Unlike casein in cottage cheese, which has been implicated as a cancer cause, whey has reversed cancer in the research.
** Visit for more information on The Budwig Diet.

Call 888-988-3325 for a FREE15 minute consultations with supplement schedule and email from Steven

Additional Products of Discussion:

8 Foods to Naturally Increase Melatonin for Better Sleep Natural Society - Trouble sleeping? There are numerous foods you can consume to naturally boost melatonin production, which leads to better, long-lasting sleep.

5 Things You Should be Eating to Protect Your Brain as it Ages
Natural Society - Don't underestimate diet as a means to keep your brain sharp as you age. Here are 5 foods to consume forever and always to maintain memory and brain health.

Co-Q10 decreases inflammation and protects your muscular and neurological systems: Research (NaturalNews) There have been several studies proving CoQ10's ability to restore cellular energy not only for cardiovascular purposes, but also neurological health. One study even discovered that low blood levels of CoQ10 were a common denominator among older lethal diseased patients.

Research shows that sage can help preserve or enhance memory and brain functions (NaturalNews) This well regarded medicinal herb definitely has incredible health benefits if only taking into account its strong anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, although the most interesting aspect about this wonderful herb seems to be the research that has led specialists to believe it could be a major player in preserving or optimizing brain functions.

*** Essence of Sage, Essential Oil Sage, Sagenol & Sage Leaf, White, whole 1 lb all available at The Power Mall!

Report Finds "Probably Carcinogenic" Chemicals in All Municipal Water Samples Tested (Mercola) Almost everyone drinks it daily, but a new report has found each of 43 US states contained "probable human carcinogens" and other contaminants associated...

Green Med Info - Could the long sought-after cure for type 1 diabetes be as close as your kitchen cupboard? An accumulating body of scientific research appears to point in exactly that direction.

(NaturalNews) Some studies on American ginseng have given hope for a possible future use with type 2 diabetes patients, as it showed the ability to control and also lower overall blood sugar, even in those presenting milder levels in their bodies.

Natural Society - Could your constant tiredness be the result of adrenal-fatigue? What causes adrenal fatigue, and more importantly, what are the solutions?

Dr. Mercola - If the thought of a pleasant full night of sleep eludes you, check out whether you're deficient in any of these 3 nutrients. One leads to insomnia, another the inability to stay asleep, and the third to excessive daytime sleepiness.

Green Med Info - ew research has determined that the humble chamomile herb - non-addictive with no adverse effects - not only relaxes the muscles and organs, but can significantly decrease anxiety and even fight depression.

Medications made with caffeine may double risk of stroke

(NaturalNews) Taking pharmaceutical drugs with added caffeine could raise your risk of suffering a stroke, but not necessarily because of the caffeine. A new study out of South Korea recently found that people who take over-the-counter pain pills and other medications with added caffeine are up to three times more likely than people not taking such drugs to suffer a stroke.
Joining The Power Hour today is leading Environmental Medicine authority Dr. Sherry Rogers.  It no longer matters what you call your disease. The label your doctor gives you is meaningless. What matters is what caused it. Dr. Rogers has an immense knowledge of environmental medical science and gives real hope and tools for illnesses. Learn how to find the underlying causes of chronic diseases, and how get rid of them with detoxification and nutrition!

Dr. Rogers has published multiple scientific articles, authored 14 books including her most recent, "How to Cure Diabetes!", Is Your Cardiologist Killing You? ", "The High Cholesterol Hoax," "The High Blood Pressure Hoax", "Detoxify or Die" and "Pain Free in 6 Weeks."

Articles of Discussion:
  • Disappointing Results for Weight Loss and Diabetes - In a frustrating outcome, a long-term weight-loss program aimed at overweight adults with diabetes didn't cut the rate of heart attacks and strokes, a major study showed.
  • Glaxo's Avandia Scores FDA Victory - A government panel called for easing restrictions on the onetime big-selling diabetes drug Avandia, in a remarkable about-face nearly three years after concerns over heart risk led regulators to curtail use of the drug.
As far as the multiple curable causes of diabetes go, the #1 cause permeates 80% of our diet. Yet the FDA limit on this #1 cause is 500 times higher than the dose that researchers use to create diabetes. The good news is sometimes as little as pennies of non-prescription nutrients (depending on the individual) can literally cure diabetic nephropathy (kidney disease), prevent amputations, reverse diabetic retinopathy, as well as reverse diabetes to the point of needing no medications. Come and learn how to empower yourself (contains well over 1000 references).

Dr. Sherry Rogers on cell membrane repair:
"Whenever membranes are damaged, there's a lot more missing than we can measure. Fortunately, we know what many of these elusive items are. When repairing the cell or mitochondrial membranes not only do you have to repair the "bread" of the membrane sandwich (which is cod liver oil usually),but it's imperative to repair the "meat" of the membrane sandwich which is phosphatidylcholine. That's why a big scoop of HB-PC (Phosphatidyl Choline) that is non-GMO, not loaded with laboratory reagent contaminants, in an easy powder form and less expensive than our former recommendations) is so crucial, at least a couple times a week."  Source: Dr. Rogers on HB-PC PC Powder 

Dr. Rogers recommends purchasing a Pulse Oximeter to check your heart rate.  ** Dr. Rogers states that you should be 98% or above
She also recommend a BNP test - BNP: An important new cardiac test 

Related Articles:
Regarding Cancer:
People who have high blood pressure, arythmias, and congestive heart failure are prescribed calcium channel blockers.  These medicines fail to fix the calcium channels that were damaged in the cell membrane.  The result of taking these medicines, according to Dr. Rogers, is cancer, due to the fact that the gap junctional proteins in the cell membrane are a major determinate in getting cancer.  Dietary long chain omega-3 fatty acids (i.e. 'cod liver oil') have protective effects on coronary heart disease and breast cancer.

And don't forget 5 years of Dr Sherry Rogers on TPH now on an Audio DVD!

All natural products discussed during today's broadcast, including The Detox Cocktail will be available online "24/7"at or by calling 1-877-817-9829 Mon-Fri, 8 to 4 Central Time.   

Product of Interest: Detox Cocktail 
The Detox Cocktail protects the body in a wide range of ways. It revs up detoxification of environmental chemicals, guards against a heart attack or blood clot, and cleanses the gut, protects our genes, and boosts cancer killing cells. (Order individually or order the complete Detox Cocktail at the very bottom of this page).

Additional recommended supplements for health (by Dr. Sherry Rogers):
 * Able Eyes  
 * Vitamin E 
 * Glycine  
 * Vitamin D 
 * Cod Liver Oil   
 * HysorbQ10  

TOTAL WELLNESS NEWSLETTER-- This referenced monthly newsletter will keep you up to date on new findings. ORDER HERE  or order by calling 1 (800) 846-6687.  
The Total Wellness newsletter is filled with informative tips and summary information on disease prevention, nutritional awareness and what you may not be able to learn elsewhere. She's frank and
straight-forward in her approach.
**Call now for your complimentary copy of the Total Wellness newsletter! Also mention The Power Hour with Joyce Riley and receive 15% off of your subscription (this week only). CODE: P111P  

Cinnamon's Infection and Diabetes-Fighting Properties Revealed Green Med Info - Cinnamon is a familiar spice, but few are aware of just how diverse are its medicinal properties. The US National Library of Medicine houses well over 1300 abstracts on the subject of the various forms of cinnamon's potential health benefits.
>> Cinnamon products available at The Power Mall: Cinnamon 1 lb, Essential Oil Cinnamon Bark, YAC-O-POWER 33:1 Cinnamon

Avocado: The Prolific Green Fruit, Vegetable, and Nut Combined
Natural Society - Avocados are so important to our overall health that studies have even found avocado-eaters to be especially healthy. Here is why the health benefits of avocados are some you will not want to miss...

  Tip #1: Buy Organic
  Tip #2: Look for Non-GMO Project Seal
  Tip #3:  Avoid at-risk ingredients
  Tip #4: Download the Shopping Guides

Processed foods often have hidden GM sources (unless they are organic or declared non-GMO). The following are ingredients that may be made from GMOs.

Artificial Hormone-free Brands' Guide- Click on your state below to download a PDF document of dairy products sold in your area that are free of artificial bovine growth hormones.

Fluoride Action Network - Broadening public awareness about fluoride:

Vaccine Information: National Vaccine Information Center:

Think Twice Global Vaccine Institute:

State to State Vaccination Exemption Forms

Dr. Mark Millar joins The Power Hour to share the response on the use of Lithium Orotate in Veterans and other TPH listeners. Lithium orotate is a naturally occurring mineral used for healthy mood support. Dr. Millar is a retired Chiropractor who has spent the last 3 years writing two books on the topic of a nutritional breakthrough for PTSD, Depression, Traumatic Brain Injury, suicide and Alzheimer's disease. 

Dr. Millar was called to this mission by his personal experience suffering with bipolar disorder for many years until he found a nutritional solution for bipolar disorder and he is here today to share his story and inspire others who may be stuck in the spin cycle of pharmaceutical drugs.   
Dr. Millar is a retired Chiropractor who has spent the last 3 years writing two books on the topic of a nutritional breakthrough for PTSD, Depression, Traumatic Brain Injury, suicide and Alzheimer's disease.  

Dr. Millar was called to this mission by his personal experience suffering with bipolar disorder for many years until he found a nutritional solution for bipolar disorder and he is here today to share his story and inspire others who may be stuck in the spin cycle of pharmaceutical drugs.  


Product of Discussion: Lithium Orotate
Mike Millar says this is "the breakthrough solution for the veteran epidemic of suicide, PTSD, depression, and nightmares.

This natural organic trace mineral supplement is sold-over- the counter at select health food stores across this nation and around the world."

Lithium Orotate has been scientifically, clinically and laboratory proven to be free of toxicity and side effects when taken as directed by your physician.  Reports of lithium toxicity have only occurred when Pharmaceutical dosing has exceeded the safe maximum therapeutic limit of lithium, believed to be well over 100mg per day of pure elemental lithium.  This natural organic mineral supplement is sold at select health food stores across the U.S. and around the world.   

See the FULL STUDY Lithium: occurrence, dietary intakes, nutritional essentiality.  Source: (Journal of the American College of Nutrition) 

A Brief History of Lithium Orotate
Lithium Orotate was developed around Dr. Hans Nieper's groundbreaking research!  Dr. Hans Nieper, a physician and experimenter, believed minerals in an orotate form pass through cell membranes easily without breaking apart and reach the areas where it's needed most. The unique molecular structure of lithium ororate is able to penetrate bones, cartilage, and other tissue to act as a superior mineral transporter.  Dr. Nieper reported potential benefits of lithium orotate in his research, including for certain eyesight conditions. Patients with nearsightedness and glaucoma may experience vision improvement and intraoccular pressure reduction from the lithium's diuretic effect on the eye.  Other therapeutic uses of lithium orotate, as cited by Dr. Nieper, include brain damage, autism spectrum disorders, mood disorders, and anxiety.  

You can purchase Lithium Orotate by calling The Power Mall at 877-817-9829

Action plan: 1. Please forward this free report through your personal email database.  

2. Take the next step and join the Veteran Suicide Prevention Team.3. Read second letter here to General Eric Shinseki, Secretary of Veteran Affairs.
 "Dear General...Why didn't you or your staff reply to my 2011 letter regarding the Harvard discovered solution for 80-90% of veteran suicides?  If Lithium Orotate were to be administered to all veterans with suicidal mood disorders, all of the credible evidence published in medical journals, suggest, Lithium Orotate would essentially shut down the present epidemic of veteran suicides!"  


Additional Article of Interest:
Bipolar Disorder: Try Effective Natural Alternatives, Part II
Lithium orotate, a natural alternative to the normally prescribed lithium carbonate or lithium citrate, helps to control manic symptoms. This type of lithium releases an orotate ion into the bloodstream and brain instead of a carbonated ion. It has the same benefits as the prescription lithium carbonate, without the side effects

Books by Dr. Millar:
  • "Veteran Suicide Breakthrough: Revealing the Breakthrough Mineral for Suicide Prevention, PTSD and Depression 'They Definitely' Don't Want You to Know About."
  • "Military Moms! You Can Free Our Veterans From The Epidemic Of Suicide"
>>Purchase Dr. Millar's books by visiting 

To contact Dr. Millar for a free consultation:
Phone: 480-282-1545 

Empowering Lithium Orotate testimonies from listeners in the 2nd hour!! 

View additional Lithium Orotate testimonies here  

Information contained here comes from "The Power Hour" News Blast which can be subscribed to for free at . "The Power Hour with Joyce Riley"  is a three-hour syndicated radio broadcast Monday through Friday, 7-10 AM CST.  Listen Live at or

We at World Health Team are pleased to offer three powerful products to help you maintain health: Youngevity, Kyani and One World Whey.  Scientific data is available which indicates that the products we offer can be helpful.

The Naturopathic Healer

Go to:  

The Naturopathic Healer Forum

The Naturopathic Healer Website to order

  Tip #1: Buy Organic
  Tip #2: Look for Non-GMO Project Seal
  Tip #3:  Avoid at-risk ingredients
  Tip #4: Download the Shopping Guides

Processed foods often have hidden GM sources (unless they are organic or declared non-GMO). The following are ingredients that may be made from GMOs.

Artificial Hormone-free Brands' Guide- Click on your state below to download a PDF document of dairy products sold in your area that are free of artificial bovine growth hormones.

Fluoride Action Network - Broadening public awareness about fluoride:

Vaccine Information: National Vaccine Information Center:

Think Twice Global Vaccine Institute: