Many people are not aware that nearly all degenerative diseases involve the connective tissue of the body. The amazing cells are in the form of Collagen. Even the bones are mostly made of Collagen.
Popular belief is that Calcium creates strong bones. But the reality is that Collagen creates strong bones. Collagen is a type of protein. It holds the body together. When there is a breakdown in Collage creation there will be a breakdown in the body.
Wrinkling of the skin, teeth falling out, arthritis, join pain, cardiovascular and blood vessel problems are all signs of Collagen creation troubles. Calcium can do little in such cases. Yet Calcium is continuously tauted as the go to mineral in cases of Osteoporosis.
Most of the body is connective tissue. If you have connective tissue problem you will have a chronic disease problem. We must understand how to rebuild our connective tissue if we want to eliminate chronic disease.
Osteoporosis is a connective tissue disease. Collagen makes up the connective tissue in the body. Bone is mostly made up of collagen. A significant amount of degenerative disease involves collagen. If you are recovering from surgery collagen producing strategies will accelerate your healing dramatically. The same is true if you have osteoporosis. If you have lines and wrinkles in your skin chances are you have a Collagen deficiency. If you have arthritis or many other forms of autoimmune diseases Collagen rebuilding strategies can help.
The heart is made up mostly of Collagen. If you are dealing with any kind of heart disease or cardiovascular disease or blood vessel problems building connective tissue will be critical to your recovery.
One of the best strategies for building Collagen is to eat it. The best source of eatable Collagen is Gelatin. Gelatin comes from animals. It is Gollagen. It is very inexpensive. The Gluco - gel product from Youngevity is an excellent source for Collagen building material. It has Glucosamine and Manganese which works with Sulfur make Collagen. "Bone soup” is another good source of Collagen. The collagen in bone soup will require a little bit of acid in the form of apple cider vinegar or lemons, limes or tomatoes to help dissolve the collagen from the cartilage and bone.
Gelatin contains ll of the amino acids including Glycine. One third of Gelatine is Glycine. Glycine helps make collagen. It gives Collagen its structural fibrous form.
While most women are told that creams will get rid of wrinkles this is untrue. A more realistic approach is to eat Glycine found in Gelatin.
Contrary to popular belief Osteoporosis is not a calcium deficiency. It is a collagen deficiency. You won’t hear that from your doctor. Its not likely that a doctor will suggest that you eat Glycine or Gelatin to help you strengthen your bones. He has been trained to prescribe medications and stay away from naturally occurring and cheap solutions.
Mineralized connective tissue better known as bone is a specialized connective tissue. Therefore, Osteoporosis is another example of a connective tissue disorder. It has very little to do with how much calcium you are getting. Calcium is important for the development of bone for sure. But not to the degree that we are led to believe.
Connective tissue is mostly protein. Collagen is a protein. Of the 50,000 forms of protein in the body, Collagen is one of the most important. If you are dealing with weak fragile brittle bones you are dealing with a connective tissue disorder. You have a protein problem. You have a malabsorption or protein intake problem. Consequently, you must focus on protein absorption rather than the taking of Calcium.
Scurvy, the disease known for a Vitamin C deficiency is a Collagen disease. Women often use bovine Collagen (Botox)injected into their faces in cases where they have wrinkling or lines in the face.
Collagen is by way of Sulfur the penultimate matrix that the body sits in. It holds the organs in place the way a carton holds eggs. When the organs begin to slip out of place this is call a prolapse. The body begins to become a virtual mess as various parts fall out of place and the connective tissue begins to dissolve.
Collagen disorders may arise from even a small vitamin C deficiency. In a mild case of vitamin C deficiency a person may have weak blood vessels. He may end up with a stroke or an aneurysm. Research scientist Eurasmus Rath feels theart diseases and heart attacks are really caused by a vitamin C deficiency. Muscle pain, heart problem and bone problems may be a failure to make connective tissue due to a simple vitamin C deficiency.
Study after study show that Americans get more calcium in their diets than any other nation. Yet Americans have higher rates of fractures and osteoporosis than any other country in the world despite the amount of Calcium used. This is because bones are connective tissue.
The cells that make connective tissue in the bone are called Osteoplast. The cells that make connective tissue in the joints are called Condrocytes. Arthritis is a Condroyite disorder. There are no drugs that repair Condrocytes. No on can prescribe a drug that repairs the autoimmune disease known as Rheumatoid Arthritis. A doctor can prescribe an anti-inflammatory drug or a drug to suppress the immune system. But he can not give you a drug to repair the Condrocytes.
Likewise with wrinkles. The Collagen that supports the skin are made from Fibroplasts. Creams that you put on the skin can not help. You must deal with the cells that make the connective tissue in the skin.
Connective tissue is the most abundant tissue in all of biology. Even fat in meat is a form of connective tissue. Most diseases are in some part connective tissue diseases. At the same time some of the best natural medicine for healing are made by the body as connective tissue. Almost all degenerative diseases and accelerated aging diseases are connective tissue related.
Connective tissue diseases take a long time to manifest themselves. However, once you begin down that spiral recovery is not possible without supplementing the diet. No one has ever gotten better going to a doctor for connective tissue problems. The doctor can diagnose the disease. He can name it but he can not heal it. Only you can do that.
Sulfur pulls things together. It pulls the protein ropes together. It creates solidity. It creates hardness and ply ability. Sulfur is the glue that holds the protein “ropes” together. Sulfur is a molecule that diminishes with ageing. Sulfur along with the Collagen that it helps to create is the material that keeps the body from falling apart. It keeps the teeth from falling out. It keeps the skin from falling off the bones. It keeps the hair on your head. Without it your blood vessels would dissolve.
Please consider the Collagen building strategies in this article.
Blog Editor's Note: This blog is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any medical condition. If you have any symptom and before taking any supplements consult with your qualified physician.
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Courtesy of "The Power Team" of Youngevity
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