Healing clay may be a new concept to some of us, but it has been used for thousands of years. Long before recorded history, humans have used healing clays externally and internally to cure illnesses, sustain life and promote general health. Modern man is also beginning to appreciate the miraculous healing properties of Calcium Bentonite Clay. Russian scientists used clay to protect their bodies from radiation when working with nuclear material. Because it adsorbs radiation so well, Bentonite Clay was the material chosen to dump into the Chernobyl reactors after the nuclear meltdown there.
Today, osteopaths, and other health professionals that include alternative medicine as a part of their practice, are increasingly recommending Bentonite clay to their patients for detoxification and to address other illnesses and injuries.
Calcium bentonite clay
contains calcium, magnesium, sodium and trace amounts of a number of
other minerals. The clay is made from volcanic ash deposits that have
settled on the earth. The ash has settled over the course of hundreds to
thousands of years, which allows a variety of the earth's nutrients to
be absorbed. While the absorption process is taking place, clay is
formed. Calcium bentonite clay has several purported benefits, including
the ability to detox the body by absorbing toxins from the body. Read
more: Calcium Bentonite Clay Benefits
A MUST READ!!- How to KICK-START Your Day with Living Clay An Instructional Manual - 7 Pages
Article of Interest: Deadly levels of radiation found in food 225 miles from Fukushima: Media blackout on nuclear fallout continues
Additional Reading: Clay: Protection Against West Nile Virus and Spraying Residues
General Information on clay:
How to mix clay for internal and external use
Clay Uses:
Peppermint Sage Tooth Powder Recipe - DIY Whitening Tooth Powder for Non-toxic Brushing
Clay Articles:
Bentonite Clay - The Safe, Effective Detox by Perry A
Protocol for a Clay Colon Cleanse by Perry A
Clay as Medicine: For Your Pets and You by Dr. Madeleine Mariani, ND, PhD
Detoxify with Calcium Bentonite Clay Foot Baths by Cheryl McCoy
A practical guide to removing toxins from the body by Ingri Cassel
Eating Clay for Health by Mark Sircus
Health Benefits of Bentonite Clay by Parker
Stop Needless Amputations by Perry A~
Animals and Clay by Michel Abehsera
The Best Skincare Mask - Volcanic Ash Clay by Skin Care Wellness Blog
Clay May Be The Best Cure For Infections by The Times of India
Bentonite Clay-Healing with Mother Earth by Stephen Tvedten
How to Use Bentonie Clay as a Foot Bath by Shelly Golding
The One Acne Treatment That You Should Be Using But Probably Aren't by Sonny Dhinjan
Mud: The Ideal Luxury Wrap by Shaheen Perveen
If you wish to learn more about clay and just exactly what it can do for you, please purchase the BOOK: LIVING CLAY - Nature's Own Miracle Cure (by) Perry~Arledge available online at ThePowerMall.com or by calling 1-877-817-9829 8am - 4pm Central Time after January 3rd.
Additional Clay Books: The Clay Cure By Ran Knishinsky & "Surviving A Dirty Bomb Attack" A Living Clay Special 27 Page Report by David Smith
Website for additional information on clay:
Connect with Perry A~
Don't forget about the new ProClay" for your garden and soil!!
Kick start your home and garden projects by feeding your plants with ProClay and watch the rapid growth, green leaves, brightly colored vegetables and profuse blossoms!
80% of Pre-Packaged Foods in America Are Banned in Other Countries
Yahoo! News - If you or your kids enjoy pre-packaged convenience
foods commonly found in grocery stores across the U.S. such as
Froot Loops, Swanson dinners, Mountain Dew, and frozen potato and
bread products, you may think twice before purchasing them after
hearing what they contain...
Less Than 1 Tsp Ginger and Cinnamon Daily Relieves Muscle Soreness In Athletes
Green Med Info - Have you ever skipped your exercise routine
because of lingering sore, stiff muscles from your last visit to
the gym? A new study finds that two common kitchen spices help
relieve that post-workout muscle pain.
>> Power Mall Products of Interest: Gingerol, Essential Oil Ginger, Ginger Root Ground 1 lb, Bragg Ginger and Sesame Dressing
Purslane - Just a Weed, or an Unrecognized Health-Boosting Plant?
Natural Society - Purslane has more beneficial Omega 3 fatty acids
than many fish oils! The weed also has one of the highest levels
of vitamin A among all leafy green vegetables (1320 IU/100 g,
provides 44% of RDA). High Vitamin A foods can help protect us from
many types of cancers and helps to boost eye health.
>> Power Mall Products of Interest: Purslane Capsules, Purslane Powder, Purslane Liquid Tincture & recommended companion item: Cloves 600 mg 30 caps
Cancer-Killing Dandelion Tea Receives $157,000 for Further Research
Natural Society - Continuing research that began in 2009, Siyaram Pandey, a biochemist at the University of Windsor, and his research team are finding that dandelion root extract is turning out to be a very aggressive natural remedy for cancer cells associated with Leukemia. The extract of dandelion root has been shown to cause chronic monocytic myeloid cells to commit suicide.
>> Dandelion Tea 1 lb available at The Power Mall!
6 Steps to Growing Your Own Sprouts for Better Nutrition
Natural Society - Why not start growing your own sprouts in your
own kitchen? Here are six very simple steps to get your sprouts
>> Power Mall Products of Interest: Salad Blend Sprouting Seeds 1 lb, Sandwich Blend Sprouting Seeds 1 lb, Spelt Grain Sprouting Seeds, Sprout Jar Lids, The Easy Sprout Sprouter, The Master Sprouting Kit & companion books: The Sproutman's Kitchen Garden Cookbook by Steve Meyerowitz, Sproutman Sprout Chart
'Bioethicist': Parents Be Held Liabel For The Death of Unvaccinated Children Green Med Info - Bioethicist Art Caplan, Ph.D. of NY Univ. argues that parents of unvaccinated children should be held liable for illness or death allegedly caused by their children.
Seven evidence-based medicinal properties of cayenne pepper
(NaturalNews) Before getting into summary reports based on actual
"evidence based" double-blind placebo tests, here's an explanation
of cayenne and some anecdotal empirical evidence that didn't make
it to the medical journals.
>> Cayenne Pepper 40,000hu 1 lb available at The Power Mall!
Blog Editor's Note: This blog is not intended to diagnose, treat
or cure any medical condition. If you have any symptom and before
taking any supplements consult with your qualified physician.
Information contained here comes from "The Power Hour" News Blast which can be subscribed to for free at thepowerhour.com . "The Power Hour with Joyce Riley" is a three-hour syndicated radio broadcast Monday through Friday, 7-10 AM CST. Listen Live at gcnlive.com or thepowerhour.com
We at World Health Team are pleased to offer three powerful products to help you maintain health. Scientific data is available which indicates that the products we offer can be helpful.
Go to:
The Naturopathic Healer Forum
The Naturopathic Healer Website to order
Artificial Hormone-free Brands' Guide- Click on your state below to download a PDF document of dairy products sold in your area that are free of artificial bovine growth hormones.
Fluoride Action Network - Broadening public awareness about fluoride: www.fluoridealert.org
Vaccine Information: National Vaccine Information Center: www.nvic.org
Think Twice Global Vaccine Institute: www.thinktwice.com
State to State Vaccination Exemption Forms
Courtesy of "The Power Team" of Youngevity
Information contained here comes from "The Power Hour" News Blast which can be subscribed to for free at thepowerhour.com . "The Power Hour with Joyce Riley" is a three-hour syndicated radio broadcast Monday through Friday, 7-10 AM CST. Listen Live at gcnlive.com or thepowerhour.com
We at World Health Team are pleased to offer three powerful products to help you maintain health. Scientific data is available which indicates that the products we offer can be helpful.
Go to:
The Naturopathic Healer Forum
The Naturopathic Healer Website to order
Tip #1: Buy Organic
Tip #2: Look for Non-GMO Project Seal
Tip #3: Avoid at-risk ingredients
Tip #4: Download the Shopping Guides
foods often have hidden GM sources (unless they are organic or
declared non-GMO). The following are ingredients that may be made from
Artificial Hormone-free Brands' Guide- Click on your state below to download a PDF document of dairy products sold in your area that are free of artificial bovine growth hormones.
Fluoride Action Network - Broadening public awareness about fluoride: www.fluoridealert.org
Vaccine Information: National Vaccine Information Center: www.nvic.org
Think Twice Global Vaccine Institute: www.thinktwice.com
State to State Vaccination Exemption Forms
Courtesy of "The Power Team" of Youngevity