By now you realize that this blog is not about repeating the same old tired myths about health. One of the biggest myths is the idea that wheat and other grains are good for you; you know, like multi-grain breads and cereals, whole wheat or cracked wheat products, pasta's of all kinds, etc. WRONG! Wheat and grains in general such as Barley, Rye, and Oats are not good for you. In fact they can kill you. Wheat is one of the most destructive foods known to mankind.
Not only are grains harmful because of the gluten but the way that the body deals with grains is the cause of numerous conditions including diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, cancer, obesity and the other usual suspects; what has become known as Metabolic Syndrome.
Now just when you thought you understood how to eat healthy you are going to learn that your foods have been deliberately altered. GMO is the latest concern we have. This is a problem that is not going to go away. In fact, one prominent scientist estimates that 90% of the food on the planet is already GMO.
Not so in the case of the wheat. Wheat does not have to be GMO'd because modern day wheat has been hybridized already. This is not the same wheat your ancestors ate and it is a far cry from the wheat the ancient Egyptians first cultivated. By the way, in that group called grains we must include white rice, corn and soy bean which is not a grain but there are so many products which use soy we have to include it because of the damage it causes. The majority of these crops are GMO and have been designed to impact your daily life by feminizing males, over feminizing females, killing pollinating bees and immunizing insects against certain pesticides.
Just look around you. How many healthy people do you see. The population is obese. Boys have breasts. Girls go into puberty at 7 years old. Children have diabetes and cancer. Women have excess estrogen production. Infertility in males and females is common. What's that? "Don't be so negative you say". Alright. Let's just look the other way. But obviously there is something wrong with the food we eat and the medicines we take for the diseases they cause. We will try to shed some light on what is going on. But we ask you to keep an open mind and to use some common sense.
Technology has redefined the concept of food. What is meant by this is that for thousands of years our ancestors ate naturally based on locality and what was in season. Further more, our diets were based on protein in the form of meats, fish and fats. For fiber we ate such things as berries, leafy green vegetables and nuts. We were hunter gatherers.
Food was barely cooked, most of the time it was eaten raw or dried. When it was cooked it was cooked slowly under low heat from wood or dung. We preserved our foods. Remember the pictures of the Inuit eating raw whale blubber. There was no heart disease or cancer or diabetes. They also fermented their foods as a form of preserving them. They would bury the food and let it ferment until they could smell it a half a mile away. As long as there were animals around the native peoples knew they would have food to eat. Many people ate grubs and insects.
Another strategy was to eat roots and tubers. Large sweet fruits like giant apples and peaches were hybridized later on. They are not heirloom or wild. They are cultivated and bred to fetch the highest price possible. Today's fruits are super sweet, full of sugar and uniform in size and color. They have a longer shelf life. Of course they must use lots of pesticides and fungesides on them to keep the insects and fungi away.
Sugar and carbohydrates were not a big part of the diet in the old days. People then ate raw food, raw meats, bone marrow, blood mixed with milk and insects. This may sound disgusting but there was no heart disease, no cancer, no high blood pressure either. Many cultures did not even have words for these illnesses. And it was not because of modern medicines and vaccines that made the people healthy. Probably the greatest advancement in health was the ability to wash the hands with clean water and soap.
Our ancestors were self-reliant. They hunted, fished and foraged for what they ate. Through technology self-reliance was wiped out. People were pushed into cities as they are being pushed to this day and neo-feudalism in the form of being dependent on large organizations to eat was born. The development of the "herd mentality" represented a departure from the self-reliance that had prevailed for thousands of years and allowed our ancestors to be healthy.
It is true that many people had a shorter life span. But this was more due to a lack of clean water for drinking and washing rather than their diets and modern medicines. In fact, many deaths can be directly attributed to the use of pharmaceutical products.
The use of grains particularly wheat was begun on a commercial level because it could easily be farmed despite the fact grains were a poor substitute for the foods that humans needed. Also, depleted soils could be chemically fertilized so that the wheat could grow. Added to this manipulation of Mother Nature was the fact that grains could be stored and then eaten when times were lean.
The wheat we eat today is not at all like the wheat of our ancestors. Today's wheat is a hybrid. The stalks are shorter and designed for easier handling. Humans are not able to digest this wheat efficiently. It is the most destructive food we consume on a regular basis. Humans are not cows. Cows and many other four legged animals ferment their foods in their stomachs. Humans like dogs digest their food. Carbohydrates we consume in the form of vegetables must be digested relatively quickly and absorbed. Cows, on the other hand store the food in their stomachs so that the bacteria can digest the food for them thus allowing them to absorb the nutrition.
Rather than eating grasses and vegetables as herbivores we are better suited to feed the wheat and vegetables to the herbivore animals and then eat the animals. There is a good reason for this. What we require are the minerals in the soil. We can not eat them directly. The plant life concentrates the minerals for us. The animals further concentrate the minerals in the plants when they consume them. We eat the animals where all the minerals have been concentrated and put in a form that we can absorb. But there is a deeper reason why we should eat meat and not the feed of animals.
In the old days people ate eggs and milk dairy products that was stored as Yogurt and Kefir. High quality protein was the natural choice as part of the human's diet. The famous explorer of modern Northern Canada, Vilhjalmur Stefansson, the author of "Not By Bread Alone" explained the wonders of living by eating meats and fish. To him the natural way of living was preferred to city living which included the use of grains as the primary source of food. I told you that you had to have an open mind. What is said here is directly opposite to what you are being told and what you think you know. So you had better pay attention if you want to survive.
Where as the Atkins Diet is a variation of "The Stone Age" diet, the key difference is in the preparation of the food. Fast cooking with modern stoves and ovens, cooking oil and heavy starches resulted in meats and fats going rancid in the belly relatively quickly. The Paleolithic diet, a more subtle diet, is a further commercialization of traditional eating.
Up until 1985 people ate freely salt, butter, meats, fish, etc. After 1985 an effort was undertaken to persuade the public to switch away from meats and more towards the herbivore diet with emphasis on grain consumption. But if you observe you will see that at that same time obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, etc. began to explode and is estimated to devastate the earth's human population. Could this just be a coincidence? Do you dare to question the TV wisdom?
Adding more fuel to the fire is the fact that pharmaceutical companies have made a fortune selling medicines to handle all the illnesses and conditions caused by eating grains. You will notice those medicinal products and treatments have made hardly any impact in the incidence of obesity and other illnesses despite the "good intentions" of the pharmaceutical industry. The anti-cancer campaign has had no slowing of cancer's proliferation. Soon cancer will touch the lives of 50% of the population. The same can be said of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and any other disease for which billions of dollars of research have been spent and medications have been sold.
This is not speculation. This is fact. Have you ever wondered why it is that fat people can not seem to lose weight no matter how hard they try? Or why more and more people are sick even though they take plenty of pills? Exercise alone will not cause you to lose weight. The fact is, if you put the body under stress you will gain weight or even become sicker as a response. Hospitals are full of would be athletes who unintentionally placed themselves at risk by exercising while being undernourished. They ate bowls and bowls of soy products, salads, sugary fruits and grains like oats and wheat in cereals and breads not realizing that these items were GMO and not adequate to maintain good health and not the path to health and performance. Where did they get this idea from?
How many athletes still drink sugary drinks and artificially sweetened drinks and eat "carbs" in the form of pasta and bread supposedly for extra energy? How many obese people drink diet drinks laced with artificial sweeteners and are just as fat as ever if not more? Is that you?
What you do not realize is that powerful companies have spent a lot of money to persuade the public to stop eating the very foods that allowed them to thrive, grow, heal, perform and be strong. How can they sell medications to a healthy population? They want you to eat foods that they can manufacture from chemicals and control which they know will result in poor health.
How did mankind go from a healthy hunter gatherer society to a sickly, dependent neo-feudalistic society? Wheat might be part of that answer. Whereas in the past people would eat meat and fish through hunting, fishing and trapping, today's modern man has evolved to depend on grains, cereals, filler and so on for his sustenance found in super markets from unknown sources rather than his skill and knowledge of his environment.
Sure the environment has been destroyed; but by whom? The very same companies who blame the public for the destruction of the environment are the same ones who want to sell you the artificial foods. Hidden deep within their strategy is the idea to switch the population from meats and eggs to grains and artificial foods.
Man has been taught to depend on completely artificial sources of food which only leads to disease. Man has become the target for those who want to sell a witches brew of chemicals disguised as food and medicines for the troubles these fake foods and grains cause. These foods are so awful that they have to be enhanced with flavors, colors, smells and tastes just to get us to eat them. Even ants and pets will not eat much of what is being presented as food. Let us look at the science.
In study after study lab rats and lab animals have been shown to develop severe diseases after being forced to eat artificial food. Rats eating GMO corn developed huge tumors and obesity. Cows are fed grains to fatten them just before slaughter. How many of those cows would have survived had they not been slaughtered? Many of them could barely walk to the processing plant. What happens to dogs and cats if you feed them grains and carbohydrates? There have been plenty of books and studies about this. A synopsis of "Pottenger's Cats" is a classic which is the result of a multi-generational study of cats and diets. It can be found here.
There are two nervous systems to consider: The "sympathetic nervous system" and the "parasympathetic nervous system". These two systems are represented by the "fight or flight" response and the "rest and relax response". High blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, neuropathy, brain dysfunction and other chronic diseases are the body's response to a perceived threat. If the sympathetic nervous system is activated for instance where there is stress or not enough oxygen or too much sugar the response will be what we call disease and problem symptoms such as high blood pressure, insulin resistance or cardiovascular disease. If the parasympathetic nervous system is activated then a response in the form of wellness, homeostasis, happiness, wholeness, health will be created.
Growth, healing, repairing, a feeling of well being, good restful sleeping, dreaming, digestion and absorption of nutrition are due to the rest and relax response. That response is found through the parasympathetic nervous system which is activated by beauty, love, meditation, soothing music, warm baths, walking barefoot on the earth, and eating correctly. Deep oxygenated breathing and drinking plenty of clean water will also trigger the repair and healing response of the parasympathetic nervous system.
Sugar and fast burning carbohydrates cause the sympathetic nervous system to become activated. Sugar feeds bad bacteria, viruses, fungus, molds and pathogens. It cause them to over proliferate and they consume the body. The wastes of these life forms results in toxicity and a clogging of the vital organ systems. The body goes into a catabolic state. Once in the catabolic state the body begins to breakdown. Plus further damage is done to the body when carbohydrates and oxygen explode in the body. All of this creates free radical damage or oxidative stess a known cause of cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and so on. This has a cascading effect.
Fermentation is the converting of sugars to CO2 and alcohol. This process results in the acidification of the body which further damages the body (cells) and lowers the PH. In a low PH environment cancer, fungus, infections and diseases can grow. The human body is designed to digest food not ferment it in the gut as a cow would do. The result of fermentation within the gut is devastating.
By eating grains you are basically eating sugar which will result in the catabolic condition and create an environment which is ideal for disease. Once the body perceives that there is a threat to its health the Sympathetic Nervous system will become activated and you will begin to store calories as fat in case of famine. You become obese. The body breaks down. The body further responds in an attempt to reestablish homeostasis. We call this unfortunate condition Metabolic Syndrome.
Adding further insult to injury is that sugar in the system acts as an explosive poison. It requires insulin to manage it which is made by the pancreas. The pancreas makes other important enzymes besides the hormone insulin. If the pancreas becomes dysfunctional or inflammed other operations in the body will be affected. Also too much insulin in the body results in type II Diabetes, hormonal problems, unnatural growth of cells and even cancer. All this damage just for a loaf of bread or a bowl of spaghetti?
By avoiding grains this condition is also avoided and with proper stress management techniques the Parasympathetic Nervous System will become the dominating mode of existence. That system will involve increased oxygen to the cells and better health will ensue. Blood pressure is lowered, the biochemical reactions will place the body into the rest and relax mode. The body can heal and repair. Nutrition can be absorbed.
In many societies bread and liquid bread in the form of beer is very much a part of a daily routine. However, there is a relationship between the consumption of grains and overall health.
As was stated above, grain growing was a financially inspired decision rather than one that was based on health. Vast commercial farms have been dedicated to this practice for the making of grains to be ground into flour, pastas and cereals. How much of the Western economy is based on Pizzas, buns and pastries? How many spreads and jams have been created to put on the breads? But at the end of this inocuous looking "food" is misery, illness, disease, medications,medical procedures and finally death.
Today, our food is further being manipulated supposedly to feed the people of the planet. However, based on what is known about grains, it is rather obvious that there will be health consequences. Just as the grains were transformed to feed us so will the other natural sources of food be transformed. The only problem is that those manipulations will create the sicknesses which will result in further sales of drugs and medications, early death and a lot of suffering in the meantime. This is evidenced by the use of Genetically Modified Organisms as food and has been shown recently to cause cancerous tumors and obesity in rats. There is no reason to believe that these "foods" will not do the same to us.
Go here to learn about what is "food".
We are proud to offer Youngevity and Kyani all natural products to help you maintain your health or recover from chronic illness. And if you are an athlete you must protect yourself and enhance your performance.
Take a look at: Wheat Belly Dr. William Davis, see how wheat has changed drastically in the last few hundred years
"Pottenger's Cats" An Overview of the Pottenger's Cat Study
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