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Diabetes |
If you are standing in a group of 3 people. One of you has diabetes.
One of you is pre-diabetic.
90% of the pre-diabetics will become a true diabetic.
Half of you will have a heart attack.
One and a half of you will get cancer.
Diabetes is so awful that no one likes to talk about it. Imagine that you like to eat bread, rice, potatoes, cakes, cookies, pies, pastry, corn, fried foods and drink soda pop, beer and wine, etc. and that that desire to eat would be the worse thing you could do to your body. That is the reason that no one likes to talk about diabetes.
Diabetes has devastated my family. My Great Grandmother, my Grandmother, my father, my aunt and many others all died from diabetes. Even more of my family currently have diabetes. And even more than that have diabetes and do not know it. It almost killed me. Thankfully, I had a stroke instead.
It is not uncommon to find that people with diabetes also are at risk of heart attack, the official number one killer, cancer, organ failure, psychosis, hypertension and stroke. In fact, these are basically all the same problem only manifesting in the body in different forms.
The typical scenario goes like this. You are a young attractive guy or girl. You get married and love making love with your new partner. In time your blood pressure starts to become elevated, your skin begins to breakout or you begin to gain weight. You go to the doctor who tests your blood for sugar. The test comes back normal. You think you must be anemic or a little depressed because of trouble at work or stress at home. You continue eating, drinking and making love, no problem. One day you notice that the blood pressure is higher and that your libido begins to wane. You have a little inner tube around your belly. Your doctor prescribes you hypertensive medication. He tests your blood again. You are "negative" he says.
You take your medicine and now your libido completely fails. You gain more weight. Your hair begins to thin. You have more skin problems. You feel tired. You think it is because you have too much stress. Your skin is dry indicating that you have a problem absorbing fats. You have more gas, belching, diarrhea, and heart burn after meals. You get sleepy after lunch at work.
You take a holiday with your partner. You eat, drink, make love and everybody is happy, right?. But when you get home you start having mood swings. Maybe you have edema in the lower leg and foot. You get pins and needles in your hands and feet. The doctor tells you its stress and it comes with age. You want to believe him although you are concerned about the numbness in your foot. The doctor assures you that you do not have diabetes because your blood sugar is..."normal".
You keep eating the same foods, drinking the same beer and wine and then you find out that the blood pressure has gone up even higher higher and that you have gained even more weight. The doctor checks your blood. He prescribes more anti-hypertensive medicine. Your vision becomes blurry. For the first time in your life you need to wear glasses.
You notice that after certain meals you have gas. You are bloated. The doctor prescribes an antacid pill to quiet the stomach. You no longer have the flatulence but the bloating, diarrhea and cramping comes back stronger than before.
The doctor informs you after testing that your gall bladder needs to come out. Apparently it is clogged and that is the cause of your cramping and bloating he thinks. You agree and have the surgery to remove this useless bag of bile. Only, you then learn that you will now need to take medications to help with digestion for the rest of your life. Thank you very much.
You keep eating and drinking but can not make love like before. The doctor prescribes viagra or cialis. Problem solved or so you think. Now you can get it up but it does not feel natural and it is not as much fun as it used to be. In fact, your depression has gotten worse and you no longer feel like going for walks or painting you new home.
Finally, you insist to the doctor that something is wrong. He does a more thorough check and determines that you are in fact diabetic. Surprise Surprise. Where did that come from? Thank you very much. He has just ruined your life. Well actually you did because you believed what you wanted to hear instead of using your common sense.
Now the doctor begins to fight to save what is left of your life. First it is the diabetic medicines. Then he tells you that you have Macular Degeneration, Stage II Hypertension, Congestive Heart Failure, Acid Reflux, and poor Peripheral Circulation. He prescribes more medication so you can feel better and extend your life.
You keep eating "healthy" food and still drink beer and wine not realizing that these foods are what contributed to your condition in the first place and the doctor did not tell you. The weight goes up even more, the eyes get worse, the blood pressure is stable at 160 / 110 and you have arthritis. You begin taking non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory medication, pain killers over the counter not knowing from TV advertising that these medications are toxic to the liver. There is a small wound that does not seem to want to heal on your big toe. Your sex life is non-existent. And the doctor suspects that you either have breast cancer or prostate cancer in the case of a man.
They do more testing and have good news and bad news. First the good news. You do not have cancer yet. The bad news is that your kidneys are functioning at 50%, you have neuropathy and your heart is not working very well. He needs more tests to confirm his suspicions.
Finally, your toe becomes infected and eventually begins to die. It must be amputated. No big loss because he has your life is worth more than a big toe. You keep eating and drinking the same. In fact, while you are in the hospital they feed you orange juice, potatoes and bread. Aren't you lucky?
Then you get breast cancer and need a mastectomy. Or you get prostate cancer and need radiation therapy due to Estrogenic toxicity. By the way, with insulin being a growth hormone similar to Estrogen it can even cause men to develop breasts called "man-boobs" and young children to begin to mature far too early. But that is a different issue.
The doctor prescribes a statin drug to lower cholesterol, a blood thinner to keep the blood from clotting, aspirin to protect against sudden heart attack, drugs to make more insulin and a cocktail of medications to keep the heart from over working. And the coup de gras, antibiotics to stop the spread of infection up your leg. You do as told and sure enough your heart, kidneys and liver gets worse. So does your circulation and neuropathy. You also begin to develop short term memory loss, beginning stages of Alzheimer's / Dementia / Brain Fog . And your leg becomes purple and black. Thank you very much.
Of course the chemicals, preservatives, additives, artificial sweeteners, plasticizers, BPA and GMO's used in the food, drinks, chewing gum and snacks you eat don't help. But your partner loves you any way despite your belly fat. Besides, you are not as big as some people you have seen at the shopping mall and on TV.
The doctor prescribes more and more medicines and tests because after all he is trying to save your life, right?He informs you that you may need dialysis and but don't worry they will put you on the kidney transplant list.
You hear on the TV that there is a new treatment for diabetes and that hopefully the new cure will be available within the next 10 years. Don't you feel better now?
The infection has spread up your leg and now they must consider leg amputation to save your life.
Ok, you get the picture. Slowly they will chop, radiate, medicate and slice you up until there is either nothing left of your body or your insurance runs out, which ever comes first. At no time will they tell you that all of this could have been avoided if you had only changed your diet and got a little exercise. This scenario will repeat itself over 80 Million times in America alone. And still the doctors will not acknowledge the role that diet and supplementation plays in health. Instead they will lead you done the garden path and we know what that leads to.
What is Diabetes? I ain't no doctor. But I can tell you that it is a bad bad thing.
Diabetes is a general condition where the body's system of coping with sugar is not working.
There are three types of diabetes:
Type I is when the body misidentifies the cells in the pancreas which make insulin and begins to destroy them. It is an autoimmune disease. You will have to take insulin articially for the rest of your life. There are only about 1 million people in the U.S. with Type I Diabetes.
Type II is what is destroying the American and World populations. It is when the body no longer listens to insulin and the body makes more and more insulin but to no avail. Sugar in the blood leads to all sorts of problems. Sugar literally explodes and destroys tissue whether that be nerve tissue, blood vessel tissue, brain tissue or heart tissue.
Type III Diabetes leads to Alzheimers / Dimentia. It is when the brain has been destroyed by too much sugar in the blood.
Don't take my word for it. Here is a well known authority.
This according to NaturalNews.com: There are three main types of diabetes: Type I - Juvenile diabetes, type II - Adult onset diabetes, and gestational diabetes (usually precedes type II). All types have to deal with poor control of blood sugar due to an insulin deficiency or insulin resistance. Recent research may have uncovered a new form of diabetes that affects the brain. It is quickly becoming known as type III diabetes and may be an etiology in the development of dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
Where as in the past children did not have Type II diabetes today more and more are being diagnosed as such.
The signs of Type II Diabetes are:
- low energy level
- fatigue after meals
- mood swings
- fuzzy thinking
- poor sleep quality
- increased anxiety and depression
- decrease in motivation
- reduced libido / Erectile Dysfunction
- high blood pressure
- elevated triglycerides
- elevated cholesterol
- sudden weight gain or weight loss for no explainable reason
The test is here
If you are diabetic or pre-diabetic you are at risk for the following complications:
- 400% increase in the chance of heart attack
- 300% increase in the chance of stroke
- 10% end up with kidney failure
- 70% increase in chance of neurpathy
- 100,000 legs amputated every year
- Diabetes is the number 1 cause of amputations in the world
1. Reduce caloric intake. You should have no more that 20% of your calories from carbohydrates. Men need about 2000 calories and women need about 1600 calories per day.
2. Lose weight. This is done very easily by avoiding sugar spiking food such as bread, rice, potatoes, pasta, pizza, grains, barley, rye, wheat, oats, sugary drinks, alcohol, corn and corn products, breakfast cereals, sweets, pastries, cooking oils, fried foods, fruits and fruit juices, synthetic foods and food additives, GMO's. Eat organically, especially green vegetables. By the way vegetables are carbohydrates. Eat gluten free. Avoid flour and starches. If you find yourself craving sweets, eat protein such as whey protein or hemp seed protein.
3. Exercise 30 minutes per day. Walk for 30 minutes each and every day come rain or shine.
4. Targeted Nutrition - Eat organically, natural God made foods. Breathe deeply, drink plenty of water. Take healthy supplements like we sell from Youngevity. We can also recomend Glucolib from Livinity.
So now you know what all the fuss is about over a little sugar in the blood. Now you know why Diabetes is the number 1 destroyer.
Vitamins More Effective Than Medication When Treating Diabetes
Eat gluten free
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Plant Derived 100% Natural Supplements |
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