
The statements and products referenced in this blog have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or any other governmental agency. The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. The information in this blog is intended for information purposes only. If you have any diagnosed medical condition we recommend you consult your qualified health care provider with specific questions before using any new dietary supplement.

31 October, 2012

The Expert Speaks Out?

Here is a boy genius that never finished university.  He never completed his education.  He magically invented personal computing from nothing.  He is a billionaire and now he feels he has the right to tell you what to do.  He also claims to be an expert on climate change, vaccines and population control.  Do you wonder if he takes the vaccines himself and eats GMO foods like we do?  Will he be first in line for his flu shot? Who elected him to be your "King"?  Rumor has it that he walks on water.

If you want to know why so many people are ill around the world you have to consider people like this "champion" of the earth who believes that the humans are nothing more than a drain on the earth's resources...that is everyone except him.

SV40 and the Polio Vaccine

The true story of SV40, the cancer-causing virus hidden in polio vaccines

Wednesday, June 29, 2011 by: J. D. Heyes

(NaturalNews) Poliomylitis, or polio for short, is a disease that has been around since ancient times, and despite the medical advances we have made in the United States in terms of regular and natural health, there is still no cure for this dreaded, disabling disease. 

An infectious viral affliction that attacks nerve cells and, at times, the body's central nervous system, polio causes a phenomenon known as muscle wasting (a decrease in the mass of muscle), and can also cause paralysis and death.

"Since 1900 there had been cycles of epidemics, each seeming to get stronger and more disastrous. The disease, whose early symptoms are like the flu, struck mostly children, although adults, including Franklin Roosevelt, caught it too," said a report in the journal A Science Odyssey.

In 1952 that all changed, when Dr. Jonas Salk, a medical student and virus researcher, developed a vaccine against polio that, two years later, was accepted for testing nationwide. The principle behind the vaccine was simple and familiar: Like the vaccine that had been developed to fight smallpox, the polio vaccine introduced a small amount of the virus into the body, which then developed antibodies and an ability to fight off more powerful strains of the disease.

Admittedly, Salk's vaccine logged early success; some 60-70 percent of those vaccinated did not develop the disease. But it also saw some early problems. About 200 people who had been vaccinated got the disease, and 11 of them died, forcing a halt to all testing. Once it was determined that a faulty, poorly manufactured batch of the vaccine was the cause of those cases, stricter production standards were implemented and full-scale vaccinations nationwide resumed once more. Four million vaccines were given by 1955; by 1959, 90 countries were using it.

That said, those early cases were far from the last time the vaccine killed. In fact, throughout its history of use, Salk's polio vaccine left a path of death in its wake.

A deadly discovery

Production and nationwide distribution of the polio vaccine was in full force by the end of the 1950s, but between 1959 and 1960 Dr. Bernice Eddy, a researcher with the National Institute of Health (NIH), made a startling discovery.

While examining the minced kidney cells of rhesus monkeys - from which the the polio vaccines were derived - she discovered "that the cells would die without any apparent cause," according to a report by Michael E. Horwin, M.A., J.D., published in the Nov. 3, 2003, issue of the Albany Law Journal of Science & Technology.

Horwin writes: 

Dr. Eddy discovered that the cells would die without any apparent cause. She then took suspensions of the cellular material from these kidney cell cultures and injected them into hamsters. Cancers grew in the hamsters. Shortly thereafter, scientists at the pharmaceutical company Merck & Co. discovered what would later be determined to be the same virus identified by Eddy. This virus was named Simian Virus 40 or SV40 because it was the 40th simian virus found in monkey kidney cells.

A few months later, in 1960, Dr. Benjamin Sweet and Dr. Maurice Hillman, both Merck scientists, published their findings. They wrote that such viruses were common in that particular breed of monkey, particularly in their kidneys:

The discovery of this new virus, the vacuolating agent, represents the detection for the first time of a hitherto "non-detectable" simian virus of monkey renal cultures and raises the important question of the existence of other such viruses . . . . As shown in this report, all 3 types of Sabin's live poliovirus vaccine, now fed to millions of persons of all ages, were contaminated with vacuolating virus... 

The term "vacuolating virus" is another name for SV40, Horwin said, adding that later, in 1962, Dr. Eddy published more findings regarding the link between cancer and SV40:

The (SV40) virus was injected at once into 13 newborn hamsters and 10 newborn mice. Subcutaneous neoplasms indistinguishable from those induced by the rhesus monkey kidney extracts developed in 11 of the 13 hamsters between 156 and 380 days... 

Chorus of Denial

Shortly after Dr. Eddy's discovery was made public, a host of high-powered researchers and scientists, including Dr. Salk himself, stepped forward to defend the polio vaccine.

An Associated Press story published April 7, 1963 ("New Data Ties Cancer, Virus"), featured quotes from a number of scientists who all pointed out that, to date, no link between SV40 and cancer had been discovered in humans.

"It seems to me that if danger were attached to SV-40, we would recognize it by now," the AP quoted Dr. Michael B. Shimkin of the National Cancer Institute as saying. Dr. Shimkin went on to say that "the public can be reassured" because careful studies "have produced no evidence whatsoever that during the last seven years there has been an increase in leukemia or cancer which can be attributed to SV-40."

Dr. Joseph L. Melnick of Baylor University in Texas agreed, saying that there had been no link discovered, a claim echoed by Dr. Salk, according to the AP story. Even Dr. Eddy "said this virus is not known to induce tumors in man or monkeys," the report said.

Mounting Evidence

By 1960, Horwin notes, the Salk injectable polio vaccine had been given to about 98 million American children and adults, while Sabin's oral version had been given to about 10,000 Americans and tens of millions of Soviet citizens, where trials had been conducted. "It was estimated that 10% to 30% of the vaccines contained live SV40," he wrote, noting that despite the link discovered by Dr. Eddy, no federal agency and no new federal rules that regulated the manufacture, sale and distribution of vaccines required makers of the polio vaccine to "discard their SV40-contaminated poliovirus seeds which were the source for all subsequent polio vaccines." 

Subsequent federal testing of the vaccines, which occurred in the mid-1960s, were also inadequate, Horwin notes, because "the fourteen-day SV40 tests were not long enough to detect the virus." Yet in the years afterward, the incidence of pediatric cancer increased.

"Indeed, the pediatric cancer rate continued to climb through the 1960's, 70's, 80's and 90's," he wrote.

That claim is backed by other research as well.

"Whether childhood cancer is becoming more common is a controversial question among scientists," writes Amy D. Kyle, for

"Data from the cancer tracking systems in the US suggest that childhood cancer is increasing," she adds, noting a graph which tracked the increase in pediatric cancer rates in the latter part of the 20th century.

The American Childhood Cancer Association goes a step further, stating that according to statistics, cancer is the number one killer of children in the U.S.

In 2005 the National Network for Immunization Information published a somewhat conflicting report regarding a link between SV40 and increased cancer rates.

"Although SV40 has biological properties consistent with a cancer-causing virus, it has not been conclusively established whether it has caused cancer in humans," said the report. "Epidemiological studies of groups of people who received polio vaccine during 1955-1963 do not show an increased cancer risk."

But later, the same report seems to contradict itself:

"However, a number of studies have found SV40 in certain forms of cancer in humans, such as mesotheliomas - rare tumors located in the lungs - brain and bone tumors; the virus has also been found to be associated with some types of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma".

In 2002, the IOM's (Institute of Medicine) Immunization Safety Review Committee considered that the available data was inadequate to conclude whether or not the contaminated polio vaccine may have caused cancer. Because there is biological evidence supporting the theory that SV40-contamination of polio vaccines could contribute to human cancers,the committee recommended continued public health attention in the form of policy analysis, communication, and targeted biological research.

A corresponding study by the National Academy of Sciences, conducted at the request of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, was similarly "inconclusive." A panel of medical and scientific experts charged with examining any potential link between SV40 and increased cancer risk concluded:

Available evidence is "inadequate to accept or reject a causal relationship between SV40-containing polio vaccines and cancer;" 

The "biological evidence is strong that SV40 is a transforming virus," one that is capable of "inducing malignant transformation of animal cells in culture;"

The "biological evidence is moderate that SV40 exposure could lead to cancer in humans under natural conditions;"

The "biological evidence is moderate that SV40 exposure from the polio vaccine is related to SV40 infection in humans."

In the "Significance Assessment" portion of its conclusions, the panel's final report said, "The committee concludes that concerns about exposure to SV40 through inadvertent contamination of polio vaccines are significant because of the seriousness of cancers as the possible adverse health outcomes and because of the continuing need to ensure and protect public trust in the nation's immunization program."

While the panel did not recommend "a policy review of polio vaccine by any of the national or federal vaccine advisory bodies" because the current polio vaccine is free of SV40, it did recommend "development of sensitive and specific serological tests" for the virus, as well as "development and use of ... standardized techniques for SV40 detection.

Real Cases - Real Conclusions

In a July 15, 2001 report, the San Francisco Chronicle published a story detailing an increased concern among researchers that the SV40 virus found in those early polio vaccines was indeed responsible for higher cancer rates.

"For four decades, government officials have insisted that there is no evidence the simian virus called SV40 is harmful to humans. But in recent years, dozens of scientific studies have found the virus in a steadily increasing number of rare brain, bone and lung-related tumors - the same malignant cancer SV40 causes in lab animals," the report said. "Even more troubling, the virus has been detected in tumors removed from people never inoculated with the contaminated vaccine, leading some to worry that those infected by the vaccine might be spreading SV40."

Dr. Michele Carbone of Loyola University Medical Center in Maywood, Ill., told the paper he believed the virus was carcinogenic in humans.

"We need to be creating therapies for people who have these cancers, and now we may be able to because we have a target - SV40," he said.

Others say the few government studies regarding the potential link have been flawed.

"The government has not sponsored any real research. Here's something possibly affecting millions of Americans, and they're indifferent," Dr. Adi Gazdar, a University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center cancer researcher, said. "Maybe they don't want to find out."

Barbara Loe Fisher, president and co-founder of the National Vaccine Information Center, a non-profit organization which advocates vaccine safety, testified before the House Government Reform Committee's subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness in September 2003 that 

 [T]oday, U.S. federal health agencies admit the following two facts: (1) Salk polio vaccine released for public use between 1955 and 1963 was contaminated with SV40; and SV40 has been proven to cause cancer in animals.

Continuing, Fisher said that at a 1997 conference on SV40 and human cancers held by the National Institutes of Health which she attended, "there was no disagreement among both government and non-government scientists about these two facts. 

The only disagreement was whether SV40 was actually being identified in the cancerous tumors of children and adults alive today and, if it was, whether the monkey virus was in fact responsible for their cancer. Non-government scientists working in independent labs around the world said, 'Yes.' But the scientists connected with the U.S. government said 'No.'

Fisher went on to say that "credentialed non-government scientists in multiple labs around the world continue to identify SV40 in human brain and lung cancers of children and adults and are finding that SV40 is also associated with bone cancers and Non-Hodgkin's Lymphomas." 

Despite ongoing denials, an increasing number of researchers continue to maintain that not only is there a bona fide link between Salk's SV40-tainted vaccines and cancer, that federal government officials and agencies responsible for ensuring the safety of such vaccines - then and now - are loathe to admit it, perhaps because they fear the fallout in terms of lawsuits and lost credibility.

But eventually there is likely to be enough evidence to force a change of heart, because based on what's still being discovered about the link, the issue won't go away anytime soon.

HIV - AIDS - Not An Open and Shut Case


How to Prevent a Stroke – What to Do and What Not to Do


Elizabeth Renter
October 29, 2012
stethoscope 245x153 How to Prevent a Stroke   What to Do and What Not to DoStroke sufferers are getting younger, say researchers, and this is a serious concern. According to a study published in Neurology, the average age of a stroke sufferer fell from 71 in 1993-1994 to 69 in 2005. The scientists are offering several possible causes, each of which make sense and each are highly preventable. Bottom line: everyone should learn how to prevent a stroke.

Why You Need to Know How to Prevent a Stroke

The study looked at strokes between two periods, 1993-1994 and 2005. The incidence of stroke in people under the age 55 in 1993-1994 was about 13 percent – this compared to 19 percent of them being under the age of 55 in 2005.

Study author Brett Kissela of the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine says that risk factors including diabetes, obesity, and high cholesterol are likely to blame. Interestingly, all of these are preventable through diet and exercise.

As the obesity rates climb in this country and around the world, so do the disease rates. So, it should be no surprise that the age of people suffering from strokes are getting younger and younger, just as the number of young people with liver disease and type 2 diabetes similarly climbs.

So, what can be done? Start by eating more healthful foods and exercising. Treat your body as you would a high-dollar car– giving it the right fuel and enjoying its ability to go.

What to Do and What Not to Do

A stroke occurs when blood supply to the brain is cut off. Keeping the vascular system healthy through exercise, and reducing inflammation and plaque deposits with a natural and holistic diet can do wonders in the prevention of stroke and heart disease.

Also, eliminate things from your life that are known to be related to increased risk of stroke. Eliminate:
  • Diet Soda - Researchers found that diet soda consumption was linked to a 44 percent higher chance of heart attack or stroke, up from the 22 percent non-soda drinkers have.  (Editorial Note: Please do not drink any carbonated drinks of any kind.  Also caramel colorings , chewing gums and other foods containing aspartame are known to cause cancer as well as  may contribute to neurological and cardiovascular illness.)
  • Depression and Anti-depressants - “Women with a history of depression were 29 percent more likely to have a stroke during six years of follow-up, and this finding held even when researchers controlled for other factors known to increase stroke risk. What’s more, women who took antidepressants had a 39 percent increased risk of stroke,” reports HealthDay News.

At the same time, you can boost your stroke resistance with things like:
  • Chocolate - Want to know how to prevent a stroke? Have some chocolate. As reported in the Raw Story, men who ate a chocolate bar each week could lower their stroke risk by 17 percent. Every increase in consumption of 50 grams per week, further reduced risk of stroke by 14 percent, according to the study.
  • Magnesium - Researchers evaluated seven studies previously published over the span of 14 years and found that for every addition of 100 milligrams of magnesium a person consumed per day came a reduced risk of an ischemic stroke by 9 percent.
  • Optimism - Optimism may be the key to stroke prevention in addition to improving overall health. Researchers pulled 6044 adults over 50 and asked them to rate their level of optimism based on a 16 point scale. When adjusted for age, each addition point on the optimism scale accounted for a 9 percent decrease in acute stroke risk.
We’ve become a society of reactionaries when it comes to our health, treating things as problems arise rather than avoiding the problems altogether. You could be like the majority of people who suffer from a stroke and be shocked when it occurs, thinking it could never happen to you. Or, you can take steps to prevent it through natural health and ensure it never happens to you. Implement these measures on how to prevent a stroke today and share the information with those around you.

Learn more about Kyani here.

30 October, 2012

The Anatto Plant from Kyani

Anatto Bush
The Anatto Plant and Seeds

Tocotrienols - You will not find much about tocotrienols on T.V.  or Wikipedia. The reason is because the story of Tocotrienols would wake the public up to the fact that most of the so called health information is designed to send you back to the traditional medical paradigm.  But the story of Tocotrienols is very much relevant to your health and if you are not aware you may become injured.

We do not give any medical advice, diagnose, treat or cure any health condition.  If you have a particular concern about your health we strongly advise you to discuss it with  you qualified health care provider before taking any action.

Tocotrienols are members of the Vitamin E family of compounds.  It is essential to the body which means that the body does not make it.  Therefore, it must be absorbed through digestion.  If you have trouble absorbing fats you will become deficient in Vitamin E.

There are two branches of Vitamin E, Tocotrienols and Tocopherols.  Within these two branches are Alpha, Beta, Delta and Gamma varieties.  That means there are 8 forms of Vitamin E.  While the diffrences between Tocotrienols and Tocopherols may seem slight, the actaul impact on the body and in health are significant.  Delta and Gamma Tocotrienols are particularly powerful and useful in the body.  However, extraction of these two forms of Tocotrienols is much more complex and expensive.

To date there are only three sources of Tocotrienols. Delta is by far the more active form of the Vitamin E family.  The natural sources of Vitamin E are: Palm plant, Rice and the  Anatto bush.  Of the Vitamin E in Rice and Palm, 30% is Tocotrienols.  70% is TocopherolsAnatto is Tocopherol free. 100% of the Vitamin E in the Anatto Bush is TocotrienolsTocotrienols have a lower atomic weight than Tocopherols and can cover a larger surface area than the Tocopherols.  This distinction is important because d-Tocotrienol provides the body with many health benefits in the absence of Tocopherols.  In other words, in the presence of Tocopherols the benefits of Tocotrienols will be negated and can even lead to an increase in blood pressure. 

This research has been documented by Dr. Barrie Tan, Ph.D as well as others.

Read below from: Anti Aging Advisor 

"Tocotrienols are powerful antioxidants that are part of the Vitamin E family. They were only discovered in 1964, but it wasn’t until the early 1980s that their ability to reduce cholesterol was discovered. Today we know that they also protect against the damage to brain cells and help to prevent cancer.

Their antioxidant properties are far more powerful than Tocopherols, the antioxidant that is found in most Vitamin E foods and supplements. Not surprisingly its discovery was called a major breakthrough in natural health.
Vitamin E is one of the most powerful antioxidants on the planet. It helps prevent many diseases including cancer and heart disease. Yet surveys indicate that 93% of the American population don’t consume enough Vitamin E in their diets.

Tocotrienols vs. Tocopherols

Recent studies have shown that tocotrienols are effective in preventing cancer and reducing cholesterol levels. They have the ability to lower the formation of tumors and prevent or reduce damage to DNA and cells. Pancreatic cancer, breast cancer, skin cancer and prostate cancer: scientists have found that tocotrienols are effective in the fight of all these types of cancer. 

They deliver many times more antioxidant activity than tocopherols. The reason is their chemical structure. They have a smaller head and a smaller tail and therefore, are able to move around faster and more efficiently. 

How Do Tocotrienols Work?

They work by neutralising free radicals that attack your body. Free radicals are caused by many things, including pollution, herbicides, smoking, eating fatty food or drinking sugary drinks. A build up of free radicals in your body can cause illness and major health problems. 


Unfortunately, tocotrienols are not widely available in our diet. Small amounts are found in rice, coconut, and palm oil. Annatto seeds on the other hand have been found to contain large quantities, but they are more difficult to get hold of. 

However, there is a nutritional supplement produced by Kyani that contains tocotrienols derived from annatto seeds. So, if you want to take advantage of the major antioxidant benefits, it is recommended to include Kyani Sunset supplement in your diet."

For more information please review the Dr. Barrie Tan videos to the right of the page and read his White Paper found in the "Scientific Evidence" also at the right of the page.

Write us for more information here . Buy Kyani here .

25 October, 2012

The Heart

The heart is the most vital organ in the body.  You have to eat correctly and exercise regularly to keep the heart healthy.  But that is not so easy to do given that most foods are manufactured, GMO, and from soils that are depleted of the 90+ vitamins and minerals required by the body.

Humans get their nutrition from plants.  When the earth was formed over the millions of years all the nutrients for life were contained in mineral form.  We ourselves can not eat and absorb the geological minerals.  However, plants can.  Humans eat the plants and eat the animals that eat the plants.  This is how we obtain the vital nutrients we require.  Unfortunately, the minerals and plants are not distributed evenly around the planet and many areas have been depleted of natural nutrition in the soil.

In order for plants to grow only three nutrients are necessary: Nitrogen, Potassium and Phosphorus. Vegetable and plant commercial growers can increase yields by using these 3 minerals only in chemical fertilizers.  For the customer that means that none of the other nutrients necessary for human health and life are present.

The heart works very hard and it works continuously:

  • The average heart pumps 450 gallons (1703 litres) of blood every day.
  • There are about 60,000 miles (96560 kilometers) of blood vessels in the body.
  • Every 60 seconds, a single blood cell travels around the entire body.
  • Within a 24 hour period the blood travels approximately 12,000 miles (19,312 kilometers).
  • The heart beats 100,000 times per day; that is about 35 million times every year and more than 2.5 billion times during a lifetime!
The importance of maintaining heart health becomes even more critical when the mortality rates are examined:
  • During 2011, over 1,250,000 Americans had a heart attack. (That’s one heart attack every 34 seconds)
  • Americans have 750,000 strokes per year
  • Heart disease is the number 1 killer of men and women in the US.
  • At least 250,000 people die from a heart attack just one hour after their symptoms begin (and long before they reach the hospital).
  • Cardiovascular Disease is also the leading cause of death in Europe.
  • Over 4 million Europeans die from cardiovascular disease each year.
  • About half of these deaths are from Coronary Heart Disease (the narrowing of the small blood vessels that supply blood and oxygen to the heart).
  • One-third of these deaths are due to stroke (when blood flow to part of the brain stops).
  • 17 million people die of cardiovascular disease each year worldwide.
  • 15 million people survive minor strokes each year (but not without damage).
  • 600 million people with high blood pressure are at risk of heart attack, stroke, and cardiac failure.
  • Cardiovascular disease is the biggest health challenge in the world today. (And if you are an athlete or getting on in age you are at even higher risk).
  • Most people will ignore this information and become a statistic.  Heart attack and stroke are preventable.
  • Four of the ten leading causes of death in the U.S. are associated with diet and nutrition: heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes.
  • Essential nutrient deficiencies also contribute to other health problems such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, osteoporosis, and obesity.
  • Cholesterol lowering substances may not be a good choice in lieu of understanding why the blood cholesterol is elevated in the first place. ( the brain, blood vessels and key parts of the nervous system are made of cholesterol.)  Therefore, think carefully about trying to lower cholesterol with medicine.  Do your research!

You can reverse cardiovascular disease.  But you have to do more than eat your veggies and super market foods.  Experts agree that nutrition and supplementation are the keys to getting the 90 plus essential nutrients the human body needs.  Supplementation is critical to maintain health, increase performance and reverse cardiovascular damage.  You must know what items with which to supplement.  It also must be noted that many doctors have no training in nutritional supplementation and in fact, are opposed to it. Both Kyani and Youngevity offer scientifically verified supplements that are specifically designed to reverse damage, reduce inflammation, enhance performance and maintain health.

Below is a partial list of items that you should not eat:
  • Grain of any type.  This includes wheat, barley, rye and oats
  • Gluten, however, there is more wrong with grains than only gluten
  • Bread including whole grain bread, multi-grain bread, gluten free bread
  • Liquid Bread called "Beer"
  • Flour including gluten free flour
  • Corn Products, Soy Bean Products
  • Low Fat and No Fat Products (fats are important for heart health and vascular health)
  • Potatoes (Sweet Potatoes excluded), Rice, Starches, Pasta of any kind, Pizzas, etc.
  • Snack foods such as popcorn, pretzels, crisps, chips, candy bars, chewing gum, etc.
  • GMO, Foods and Drinks with Aspartame or any artificial sweetener (Stevia and Xylotol are natural and safe)
  • Carbonated Drinks including cola's, diet drinks, coloured or clear drinks 
  • Baby formulas and Gator Aid type drinks both of which have limited nutrition
  • Caffeinated Power Drinks
  • Sugar (40% of granulated sugar is made from GMO sugar beets). Natural unprocessed honey is ok.
  • Cooking Oil including, corn oil, sunflower oil, olive oil, rapeseed oil, canola oil (Coconut Oil is ok)
  • Fried foods of any type
  • Manufactured or processed foods (from a factory)
  • Chemically preserved foods
  • Food which contain food additives
  • High Fructose Corn Syrup or Corn Sugar
  • Stay away from sweets and pastries
  • Large sweet fruits such as Pineapples, Peaches, Oranges, Nectarines, etc
  • Kiwi
  • Non-organic fruits and vegetables that may contain GMO's
  • Non-organic Meats that may have been fed GMO feeds and contain antibiotics and injected hormones to enhance growth
  • Non-organic Poultry which may have been fed GMO feeds, antibiotics and injected hormones to enhance growth
  • Farm raised fish which also have been fed GMO feeds, antibiotics and hormones to enhance growth
At this point most people start to ask what can they eat?  Here is a partial list of reminders of what you can and should eat.  However, you must be creative and investigate your particular circumstances:
  • All your food must be natural and organic
  • You want small fruits like berries (not strawberries.  Unless they are wild they are mostly GMO)
  • Wild fruits from foraging
  • Wild fish not farm raised fish that have been poached or baked; not fried in oil
  • You want organic, naturally fed and raised meat not grain fed meat
  • Use millet, quinoa, buckwheat (a herb)
  • Organic vegetables
  • Natural foods not processed
  • Coconut oil
  • Plant derived collodial vitamin and mineral supplements not grocery store geological vitamins formed with GMO binders.
  • Whey from grass fed cows or hemp seed protein without artificial sweeteners
  • Natural Omega 3, 6, 9 (Kyani uses Sockeye salmon from the wild that feed on plant material), high quality cod liver oil, flax seed oil that has been protected from the sun and refrigerated, hemp seed oil also dry roasted nuts.
  • Eggs.  Farm fresh organic eggs.  Dr. Wallach suggests at least 6 eggs per day, soft boiled or poached
  • Butter not margerine
  • Use Coconut oil
  • Bone Soup
  • Probiotics in natural safe forms
  • Fermented food like: Kambucha, Kefir, Yogurt, Sauerkraut, Kimchi, Miso Soup,etc. (Pickles are not fermented)
  • Clean water not from a plastic bottle
  • Himalayan Crystal Salt
  • Get Sun.  You need it for heart health
  • Supplement with Kyani Health Triangle products and Youngevity products
  • Dr. Barrie Tan has shown through his ground breaking research that Tocotrienols not in the presence of Tocopherols and available from Kyani greatly improves heart health.   (However, when mixed with Tocopherols they tend to neutralize each other and in fact can raise blood pressure.  Only the Annato seed when properly processed has the Tocotrienols available without the presence ofTocopherols.  Tocotrienols come from plants.  Tocopherols come from animals.  See the side panel video to learn about this)
  • The typical food triangle for a "good diet" is amazingly deficient in what your body requires to be healthy.  When it comes to your health do not cut corners.  Many so called supplements are useless because they are in a form that can not be used by the body.
  • If you are overweight you still need to avoid dangerous foods and eat the healthy ones.  Obesity is as a result of some sort of nutritional deficiency as much as any other disease.
If you already have an impaired cardiovascular system as in high blood pressure, heart failure, heart attack, stroke, etc and with your educated health care provider's advice you should consider supplementing with Nitric Oxide such as Nitro Xtreme from Kyani and a number of other natural non-drug supplements.  Do your research!
This information is not just critical for those who have cardiovascular disease.  If you want to maintain optimum health, reverse cellular damage, reduce inflammation and increase athletic performance please consider the above information.

For more information about the Molecule of Life and Kyani Click here


For Youngevity Products Click here

24 October, 2012

Nitric Oxide - Dr. Norm Shealy

By Dr. Norm Shealy


Dubbed the “Miracle Molecule”, (NO) is a gas naturally created in mammals that conveys information between cells. In the last decade researchers have found that NO is a signaling molecule of key importance for the cardiovascular system, regulating blood pressure and blood flow to different organs. In addition, discoveries surrounding nitric oxide's role as a principal neurotransmitter moderating erectile function, a pathophysiological negotiator and messenger in inflammation, and a weapon against infections have increased research attention across the fields of biochemistry, chemistry, molecular biology, gene therapy, cell biology, immunology, pharmacology, neuroscience, and physiology.
Over the course of the last few years, a major shift is occurring away from the usage of l-arginine products (animal by-product sourced) as a precursor supplement to that of a natural product with (plant based) nitrates and nitrites obtained from organically grown noni fruit.

The Nobel Forum at Karolinska Institute, site of the Third International Meeting on the Role of Nitrate and Nitrite in Physiology, Pathophysiology and Therapeutics in December of 2009, elucidated the superiority of the nitrate/nitrite pathway in the human body.
The company leading the charge in this new science is Kyani. As many of you have read in a prior newsletter, I have conducted definitive research on this company’s product NitroXtreme and seen in my own study the advantages in controlling blood pressure safely.
The amino acid pathway (l-arginine/l-citruline) is highly dependent upon the environment in the host mammal to create optimal levels of NO. Unfortunately as we age, health diminishes as the ability to create NO through the l-arginine pathway becomes greatly compromised.

The critical factors include:
  • Healthy blood vessel linings- endothelial cells play a critical role in the conversion of l-arginine to NO. In fact, the individuals that need NO the very most, those with cardiovascular disease, have greatly diminished capacity to create it via the l-arginine pathway. When moderate amounts of l-arginine fails to reduce blood pressure, large quantities are unlikely to help and may just cause diarrhea.
  • Low levels of an enzyme - Asymmetric Dimethyl Arginine or ADMA for short. This enzyme isn’t bad, just as cholesterol isn’t bad. In fact, it plays a very important role in the maintenance of lean muscle mass, connective tissue and even organ integrity as we age. In fact as we age, it increasingly diverts l-arginine to that role, limiting the body’s ability to create NO from l-arginine.
  • The presence of oxygen in sufficient quantity is also required to facilitate the body’s ability to make NO via the l-arginine pathway.
In addition to the above limiting factors to optimal NO generation via the l-arginine pathway, side effects of higher dosing to overcome the above three critical factors can result in activation of the herpes simplex virus in its many variants such as the venereal disease, cold sores, shingles, etc., diarrhea and even cases of increased blood serum levels of magnesium where supplemental magnesium was not administered.  This last issue, increases in blood serum magnesium while not definitively linked to organ and interstitial depletion is believed to have been directly causal to reports of heart arrhythmias.

Excitingly, the next generation of NO precursor (nitrates and nitrites) carries with it its own oxygen molecule and is not dependent upon local oxygen presence. This becomes truly significant in instances such as stroke or heart attacks where vaso-dilatation is needed at the site of the blockage.

The nitrate/nitrite pathway is likewise superior, in that ADMA cannot divert it nor do incidents of diarrhea or herpes activation occur.
Below is a short list of the benefits of NO, as reported in medical and scientific literature:
  • Increased Energy
  • Muscle building
  • Preventing atherosclerosis
  • Lowering blood pressure in hypertension
  • Overcoming GERD
  • Male potency
  • Endurance
  • Mental alertness
  • Immune function
  • Decreasing inflammation
  • Increased sexual energy
  • Improved memory
  • Pain relief in arthritis
In my opinion The BEST, safest, and most efficient Nitric Oxide facilitator is Kyani NitroXtreme.

Healthy Triangle (Kyani 638448)

Your Skin As A Warning Light

If you get zits, pimples, breakouts or skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, dermititis, etc. then you need to know that these conditions are more about what is going on inside the body rather than on the body.  Every year companies sell millions of dollars worth of skin care products none of which have any benefit to your skin condition.  There is a good chance that you are a victim of a vast public misunderstanding about what causes skin conditions.

80% of the population get skin conditions at some point in their lives.  Generally referred to as acne it may be the most commonly misunderstood of all health issues in the world.  Acne is not necessarily a physically debilitating problem.  But it can be emotionally challenging creating an environment for skin care companies to take advantage of gullible, trusting people with model and happy teenager endorsements and advertisements.    They promise that they are going to do something about the acne or zits when no such thing is possible by using simply a benzoyl peroxide product.

When it comes to the skin everyone can see that you  have a problem.  It is unlike high blood pressure or digestive illness where no one can see it skin illnesses are there for the whole world to see.  But how can we do anything about acne if we do not even know what it is?  Of course we believe what advertisers say about their product killing the "acne causing bacteria".  What they don't say is that the bacteria will reappear within seconds and have nothing to do with the obvious skin condition.

The fact is that acne can not be "cured".  No one knows what causes acne based on the "germ theory".   But if you have been reading this blog you will know what causes acne.  It is the same thing that causes every other chronic problem like arthritis, alzheimers, auto-immune disease, etc.  Diseases, whether they are on the skin or in the body are all the same thing.  Disease is cell breakdown.  Cells break down because of:
  1. Starvation / Lack of Nutrition
  2. Suffocation / Lack of Oxygen
  3. Toxification / Poisons Building Up
  4. Dehydration
 All of this leads to inflammation. 

In the 1960's it was common to refer to acne as "Diabetes of the Skin".  They used to give kids who had acne diabetes medicines because they noticed that those kids had higher blood sugar levels.  The blood sugar / insulin management system is a key component of the "Triangle of Disease".  All illness can follow from blood sugar problems and insulin problems.

If the skin shows up with imperfections then you can be assured that there are other abnormalities going on inside the body that you can not see.  If you have a blemish, darkspots, boils, cysts, eczema, psoriasis, zits, acne or any other skin condition your body is breaking down inside as well as outside.  A skin condition is a warning that there is something else going on.    The skin can be used as a diagnostic tool.  You can change your diet.  Remove certain foods from your diet.  Add supplements and see if the skin condition goes away.  No matter what your condition is the body is designed to heal.  All illness is reversible.  You just have to change what you are doing that is incorrect.

There are seven different types of acne that can be divided into two groups.   The two groups are:
  1. Allergic Reaction / An Immune Condition
  2. How cells grow and divide
The skin and the digestive system are both major components of the immune systems.  Acne in the form of boils and cysts on the sides of the  face and on the neck and back is most likely caused by food, a lack of nutrition and problems with the digestive system.    It is a defensive reaction caused by something entering the body most likely through the digestive track.

There are only two things happening in the body.  There is either growth and repair or survival and stress;  net breakdown or net build Up.  Acne is a breakdown condition.  It is the skin cells that are breaking down.

The very beginnings of a zit is the inflammatory response in the skin.   The same happens with any other disease such as arthritis in which case the inflammation is in the joints.   When skin cells breakdown inside of a pore due to inflammation the cells begin to grow in a  disorganized fashion.   They grow out of control.

There are only four ways that cells breakdown:
  1. They make too much of something
  2. They don't make enough of something
  3. They grow too slow
  4. They grow too fast
Acne is caused by the cells that grow too fast.   It is the same thing that goes wrong in any other disease whether Arthritis, MS, Sjogrens Disease, Lupus, Endometriosis, Cancer, Auto-Immune Disease, etc. 

For more information about The Molecule of Life and Kyani Click Here


For more information about Youngevity plant derived supplements Click here

23 October, 2012

L. Argenine

One of the greatest discoveries ever to positively impact the health of people on this planet was the discovery of Nitric Oxide (NO) and its affect on the body.  The benefits of NO are tremendous.  But one of the biggest challenges facing the health establishment was not only in identifying this important nutrient but learning how to introduce it effectively into the body as a supplement.

Nitric Oxide is a gas.  That means its longevity in the body whether from food or in the cells themselves is very short.  During that time it must be absorbed and allowed to trigger the cells and in particular the blood vessels and the neurons to react to it and cause its life saving effect to take place.  This trigger mechanism must take place within a few seconds.  This means that Nitric Oxide can not be bottled and taken as a pill or a liquid.

One of the ways that NO has been used in the past is by having the body convert L. Argenine into Nitric Oxide.  But this mechanism is not 100% efficient and there are a number circumstances which will affect the conversion of L. Argenine to Nitric Oxide.

A unique feature of Nitro Xtreme, available from Kyani, is that the proprietary all natural blend of plants and berries which  converts the drops to NO in the mouth instead of the gut.  The enzymes and bacteria in the mouth cause the release of the Nitric Oxide where it can then be inhaled, absorbed through the blood vessels under the tongue and swallowed.  The benefits are absolutely amazing.  Within seconds the Nitro Xtreme or Nitro Fx, a less concentrated form, is absorbed into the circulatory system and on its way to vital organs, peripheral blood vessels and other systems in the body.  For this reason Nitro Xtreme and Nitro Fx only require a few drops per dose.

The benefits of Nitric Oxide are plenty.  Here are just a few of them:

  1. Reversal of high blood pressure or Hypertension.  It is estimated that 29% of the adult population or 43 million Americans have high blood pressure.  The worldwide incidence of the disease is similar.  In his book "No More Cardiovascular Disease", Nobel Laureate, Dr. Louis Ignarro, Ph.D.  states that high blood pressure is a cardiovascular disease and that Nitric oxide will reverse both arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis.
  2. Atherosclerosis is caused by plaque, fatty acid and calcium build up in the arteries is removed by Nitric Oxide.
  3. Hardening of the arteries is reversed into flexible healthy arteries by Nitric oxide.
  4. Coronary artery disease is reversed by Nitric Oxide.
  5. Diabetes and all of its accompanying and devastating symptoms can be improved by Nitric Oxide including reestablishing circulation thus avoiding amputations.
  6. Cardiovascular disease may be reversed by Nitric Oxide.
  7. Nitric Oxide has been named the "Molecule of Life" and was awarded the  The Nobel Prize in 1992,  The scientific team who did the ground braking research reciived the Nobel Prize in 1998 .
  8. The danger of Stroke can be eliminated by the use of Nitric Oxide.  Stroke is to the brain what a heart attack is to the heart.   It is damage caused to the tissue because of a lack of oxygen carrying blood flow.
  9. Dr. Joseph Prendergast was award the "Father of the Year" by the American Diabetes Association because his patients did not have one stroke in seventeen years through the use of L. Argenine, a precursor of Nitric Oxide and other nutritional supplements.
  10. Nitric Oxide has been associated with Cancer remediation when accompanied by other substances.  Further, studies on this possibility are underway.
  11. Nitric Oxide has Anti-aging properties.
  12. Sexual performance is improved as the Nitric Oxide improves circulation.
  13. There have been reversals of Macular Degeneration which is often associated with poor circulation due to age and diabetes.
  14. Improved Brain Function such as dementia and Alzheimers is associated with the use of Nitric Oxide and the increased blood flow that it produces.
  15. The use of Nitric Oxide improves immune function.
  16. Nutrients and medicines can be absorbed more readily with the use of NO.
  17. Muscle and bone strength are improved by using Nitric Oxide due to the increased circulation and more oxygen getting to the tissue.
  18. Increased circulation means improved wound healing.
  19. Mood swings are improved as the body performs better and the sluggishness and mental fog associated with old age and illness are eliminated.
  20. Metabolism is improved as the body is performing more efficiently.  As a result the conversion of calories to energy is more complete and less storage of calories as body fat can take place.
  21. Those who suffer from migraine headaches will see an improvement as blood circulation is increased.
  22. Neuropathy often times associated with poor circulation and Diabetes will improve.
  23. Nitric Oxide will also improve the symptoms of Fibromyalgia, Athritis. Osteoporosis  lower cholesterol.  Urination problems, Athletic Performance, Heart and Lung Performance, Kidney Function, Respiration, Stress reduction,Menopause problems, etc.
  24. The list of benefits goes on
Until recently the primary source of Nitric Oxide as a supplement was by taking L. Argenine.  Recently, some of the drawbacks of this pathway became obvious.  L. Argenine is still a viable method of obtaining Nitric Oxide.  However, the biochemical conversion of L.Argenine into Nitric Oxide can result in a less than optimal conversion.

L. Argenine is used by the body to do more than make Nitric Oxide.  It is also used in the production of lean muscle as well as other important uses by the body.  Once the body is under stress or functioning in an unhealthy condition L.Arginine may be diverted for the other processes and away from Nitric Oxide production.  But first the L. Argenine must be absorbed.  There is some indication that as a person begins to get older his ability to convert L.Arginine into Nitric Oxide becomes impaired.  All of this means that the person will have less and less NO available for use by the body as he ages.

If there has been damage to the blood vessels this will also reduce a person's ability to make NO.  It is safe to assume that most people living in the Westernized World have some damage to their blood vessels.  Only those in peak shape can assume that they are able to convert L. Argenine into Nitric Oxide.  Even in the best of condition it is estimated that the conversion from L.Argenine into Nitric Oxide is 60% at best.

For this reason Kyani has developed Nitro Xtreme and Nitro Fx.  These two products are not dependent on the ability to absorb L.Argenine in the digestive tract.  Instead the products are place under the tongue where they can be readily absorbed and go to work as soon as possible repairing important bodily systems regardless of the condition of the user.

L-arginine is a basic amino acid.  It competes with other basic amino acids in the human gut.  As as result there is a 60% loss in the oral dose.  What is left can result in bloating, gas and diarrhea.  The remaining 40% is then handled by the liver, where it is broken down into substances other than NO such as ornithine, urea, proline, and agmatine.  Certain enzymes require L. Argenine.  In the end, only about 1% of the L-arginine taken by mouth is actually converted into NO.

According to a recent article by Dr. Dr. Joseph Giacalone, MD,  This means that large doses of L.Argenine must be taken because of its inefficient use by the body.  Taking large doses of L-arginine is a metabolic problem.

"L-arginine is a positive regulator of the arginase enzyme system,* which siphons off excess L-arginine that could have been converted to NO and instead produces other chemicals.  L-arginine also has a negative feedback system with Nitric Oxide Synthase (NOS), the enzyme involved in NO production. This feedback system works in such a way that, when large doses of L-arginine are consumed, the efficiency of the NOS enzyme is reduced. When the NOS enzyme efficiency is reduced, NO production is reduced, and a chemical known as ADMA, (asymmetric dimethyl arginine) a potent inhibitor of the NOS enzyme, is produced, further decreasing the NOS efficiency.  These findings told that, even though L-arginine improved circulation initially, it was not a sustainable solution. And these aren’t the only problems in the case against L-arginine."

 L. Argenine has many benefits.  But there is a product available that has none of the potential problems associated.  It is 100% absorpable, is all natural from plants and puts the NO right where it needs to the blood stream.

Get more information about Nitro Xtreme and the other Kyani products here (ID: 638448)

Nitro Fx (Nitric Oxide, the Molecule of Life)

18 October, 2012

The Tree of Life

True health is not about drugs and medicines.  The medical model would like that to be the case.  But in actual fact the medical model is basically helpless when it comes to disease.  Sure they can make it look like the symptoms have gone away.  But in reality they have only disconnected the warning lights from the body.  The practioners of the medical model have no cures and have no understanding of what causes disease.  At the symptom level there are no cures.

In order to be healthy the soil of the body must be addressed ie.  the ground that the health or disease is growing in.  Diseases are the tree.  The symptoms are the leaves.  You can not cure a rotting tree by spraying something on the leaves. 

All disease is cell disease.  Not only is it very clear what causes disease, namely sick soil, but reversal of the symptoms is easy once you understand the cause.  Fix the soil.  All disease starts at the soil level.  Once the soil is corrupted and polluted the growth of a rotten tree with more breakdown and more disease is inevitable. 

The question we must ask when ever there are the signs of illness is "why are cells going crazy?" no matter which cells we are talking about be they in the womb, in the intestines, in the blood vessels, in the nervous system, adrenal glands, the thyroid or any place else.

There is only one disease; not 12,000 diseases.  It is cell disease.  There is only one cause of cell disease.  It is crazy out of control cells.  In the traditional medical model your thyroid or liver or adrenal glands or skin will be treated.  Your cells will not be treated because they can't.  The traditional medical model is helpless when it comes to treating the underlying causes of disease.  They an only treat symptoms.  There is no cure at the organ level.  At the organ level, the skin level, the heart level, the brain level there is nothing that can be done except poison the organs to hide the symptom.  They will even kill the organ or cut it out.  They will use chemotherapy or radiation if necessary to hide the symptoms.  But the sick polluted soil will still be there.  The inflammation which caused by starvation, suffocation and leads to cell disease in the first place will still be there.

In reality the medical establishment can not help you at the cell level.  They can only help you at the symptom level.  At the organ level the medical establishment feel that they have the right to cut out parts of your body, poison the organs or irradiate them in order to hide the symptoms.  Mind you that there is a difference between "Heroic Medicine" as in emergency surgeries and other procedures and the treatment of chronic illness.  According to Dr. Glidden, he recommends that you should fire your doctor.   Dr. Wallach even goes so far as to suggest that doctors be jailed for the harm that they do to people.

In a treatise published by By Gary Null, Ph.D.; Carolyn Dean, MD, ND; Martin Feldman, MD; Debora Rasio, MD; and Dorothy Smith, PhD called "Death By Medicine" reveals the startling statistics about the traditional medical model in the U.S.  However, this same model is just as present throughout Europe if not worse.  An excerpt is below:

Death by Medicine 
By Gary Null, Ph.D., PhD; Carolyn Dean MD, ND; Martin Feldman, MD; Debora Rasio, MD; and Dorothy Smith, PhD

ABSTRACT A definitive review and close reading of medical peer-review journals, and government health statistics shows that American medicine frequently causes more harm than good. The number of people having in-hospital, adverse drug reactions (ADR) to prescribed medicine is 2.2 million.1 Dr. Richard Besser, of the CDC, in 1995, said the number of unnecessary antibiotics prescribed annually for viral infections was 20 million. Dr. Besser, in 2003, now refers to tens of millions of unnecessary antibiotics.2, 2a
The number of unnecessary medical and surgical procedures performed annually is 7.5 million.3 The number of people exposed to unnecessary hospitalization annually is 8.9 million.4  The total number of iatrogenic deaths shown in the following table is 783,936. It is evident that the American medical system is the leading cause of death and injury in the United States. The 2001 heart disease annual death rate is 699,697; the annual cancer death rate, 553,251.5

Condition Deaths Cost Author
Adverse Drug Reactions 106,000 $12 billion Lazarou(1), Suh (49)
Medical error 98,000 $2 billion IOM(6)
Bedsores 115,000 $55 billion Xakellis(7), Barczak (8)
Infection 88,000 $5 billion Weinstein(9), MMWR (10)
Malnutrition 108,800 ----------- Nurses Coalition(11)
Outpatients 199,000 $77 billion Starfield(12), Weingart(112)
Unnecessary Procedures 37,136 $122 billion HCUP(3,13)
Surgery-Related 32,000 $9 billion AHRQ(85)
Total 783,936 $282 billion
Using Leape's 1997 medical and drug error rate of 3 million(14) multiplied by the 14% fatality rate he used in 1994(16) produces an annual death rate of 420,000 for drug errors and medical errors combined. Using this number instead of Lazorou's 106,000 drug errors and the Institute of Medicine 's (IOM) estimated 98,000 annual medical errors would add another 216,000 deaths, for a total of 999,936 deaths annually.
Condition Deaths Cost Author
ADR/med error 420,000 $200 billion Leape(14)
Bedsores 115,000 $55 billion Xakellis(7), Barczak (8)
Infection 88,000 $5 billion Weinstein(9), MMWR (10)
Malnutrition 108,800 ----------- Nurses Coalition(11)
Outpatients 199,000 $77 billion Starfield(12), Weingart(112)
Unnecessary Procedures 37,136 $122 billion HCUP(3,13)
Surgery-Related 32,000 $9 billion AHRQ(85)
Total 999,936
The enumerating of unnecessary medical events is very important in our analysis. Any invasive, unnecessary medical procedure must be considered as part of the larger iatrogenic picture. Unfortunately, cause and effect go unmonitored. The figures on unnecessary events represent people who are thrust into a dangerous health care system. Each of these 16.4 million lives is being affected in ways that could have fatal consequences. Simply entering a hospital could result in the following:
  • In 16.4 million people, a 2.1% chance (affecting 186,000) of a serious adverse drug reaction(1)
  • In 16.4 million people, a 5-6% chance (affecting 489,500) of acquiring a nosocomial infection(9)
  • In16.4 million people, a 4-36% chance (affecting 1.78 million) of having an iatrogenic injury (medical error and adverse drug reactions).(16)
  • In 16.4 million people, a 17% chance (affecting 1.3 million) of a procedure error.(40)
These statistics represent a one-year time span. Working with the most conservative figures from our statistics, we project the following 10-year death rates.
10-Year Deaths
Adverse Drug Reaction 1.06 million (1)
Medical error 0.98 million (6)
Bedsores 1.15 million (7,8)
Nosocomial Infection 0.88 million (9,10)
Malnutrition 1.09 million (11)
Outpatients 1.99 million (12, 112)
Unnecessary Procedures 371,360 (3,13)
Surgery-related 320,000 (85)
Total 7,841,360
Our estimated 10-year total of 7.8 million iatrogenic deaths is more than all the casualties from all the wars fought by the US throughout its entire history.
Our projected figures for unnecessary medical events occurring over a 10-year period also are dramatic.
Unnecessary Events 10-year Number Iatrogenic Events
Hospitalization 89 million(4) 17 million
Procedures 75 million(3) 15 million
Total 164 million
These figures show that an estimated 164 million people—more than half of the total US population—receive unneeded medical treatment over the course of a decade.

# # #

According to naturopathic Pharmacist Ben Fuchs the traditional medical model is helpless at the cell level. 

The cell is not stupid.  The cell does not need medicine.  All of its processes are already programed.  Our job is to provide the necessary nutrition that it needs which are food, oxygen and and a clean place to live in other words we must prevent toxic things from getting near it.  This includes its own waste products.  All the medical establishment can do is poison it with drugs, kill it with radiation and chemotherapy or remove it. 

But if you understand how to treat your cells with respect, dignity and understanding of its true nature we ourselves will have control over the outcome and we will have a strategy which we can employ. 

The Cell is the most fundamental unit of life.  It is an extremely complicated system.  It has two main parts: an inner section where the activity of the cell takes place and it has an outside protective coating called the cell membrane.  In many ways the cell membrane is even more complicated than the cell itself.

The cell membrane is 200,000 times thinner than the head of a pin.  It determines everything that is going to happen inside the cell.  It is responsible for cell behavior.  Despite is small size trillions upon trillions of things are happening there per second all the time.  Decisions are intelligently being made in the tiny membrane that will determine what is going to happen in the cell.  We may be able, therefore, to understand that for all its complexities the membrane of a cell is very fragile.  If a couple of molecules are off it is going to cause major malfunctions.  (By the way you can fit approximately 8 Trillion Trillion molecules in a glass of water).  We are talking about really incomprehensibly small.  At this tiny level things are happening that will determine how healthy or ill you will be.

Since we are talking about a scale that is so infinitesimally small every single molecule that a cell comes in contact with is very serious.  The only thing that should ever be coming near a cell are the things that are in the cell.   That means only nutrients that are essential and only things that the body makes and oxygen.  If it is not a vitamin.  If it is not a mineral.  If it is not an essential nutrient that is from nature or that other cells are making such as hormones it should be no where near the cell. These are very sophisticated mechanisms supposed to keep that from happening called the immune system.  The only reason cells get sick is because things that should never be allowed to go near a cell do.

Today's cells are bombarded with substances that have no business going near a cell.   Processed poison food, prescription drugs and toxic chemicals in the environment all bombard the cells of the body second by second.  In addition there are certain substance which the body needs very little of but we insist on feeding the cells large doses of it.  Such as sugar, hormones like insulin, estrogen and cortisol are critical for a healthy cell but only in tiny amounts.   Too much can act like a poison.    Then there are the things the cell needs but not getting enough of such as vitamins and minerals.  On top of this there is normal cell waste such as acid and dead cell parts its easy to see that most of our cells have the potential to be in big trouble.

The Youngevity and Kyani products which we offer are designed with Cell health in mind.  Let us know if you would like more information by going here .