Most people believe that the internet is the greatest development since the Gutenberg Printing Press. The fact is the internet is often used to obsfuscate the facts so that you can not make an informed decision. Case in point: NIACIN.
It is a well known fact that Niacin, Vitamin B3 can be used to lower blood pressure. However, the medical establishment has gone out of its way to hide this fact from the public. It is interesting to note that Niacin while having many benefits has virtually no side effects and exists in Nature.
The medical establishment is more comfortable with prescribed medicines which have huge side effects and actually will result in further sickness. How has the medical establishment tried to push the public to their products and away from natural solutions?
- Monopolizing all eduction and information sources - What is known about Niacin comes from years of research. The funding for that research is firmly in the hands of the medical establishment. Medical students are barely taught if at all about alternatives to drugs and therefore are not likely to recommend nutritional approaches. The use of Niacin, vitamin B3, to treat mental disorder, circulatory problems, high blood pressure and cholesterol is not a therapy recommended by most doctors. Instead they prefer the drug therapy which happens to continue sickness and therefore, very profitable to the manufacturers. Then there is Niacinamide which conveniently does not lower blood pressure. Which do you think the medical establishment prefers, Niacin which does lower blood pressure or Niacinamide which does not lower blood pressure?
- Withholding vital research information which are not supportive of their monopoly - If you look on the internet under "Niacin Overdose" you will see article after article about the risk of Niacin overdose. That it is life threatening and if you suspect that you have overdose on Niacin you should immediately go to the emergency room. The article blames the internet for people who try to use Niacin as a means of flushing the toxic effects of medicines out of their bodies. How this has resulted in severe symptoms requiring hospitalization. Further investigation via reveals that there was only one case in which a Schizophrenic man had taken 11,000 mg of Niacin and had to go to the emergency room because of ... Low Blood Pressure. Question: If a person were able to lower blood pressure by using Niacin why is it not used to lower pressure in hypertensive patients? But you will see that no where in the popular literature is this potential mentioned.
- Confusing Issues - What is the difference between Niacinimide and Niacin? What is the difference between Niacinimide and Nicotinamide? What is Nicotinic Acid? What is non-flush Niacin? What is time release Niacin? That is a lot of questions. Few people can answer them including health care workers. It is possible to ask for Niacin and be given Niacinamide as if they were the same thing. They are not. Niacinamide and Nicotinamide are the same thing. They are a chemically altered form of Niacin. Niacin is a naturally ocurring compound which lowers blood pressure by vasodilation. Otherwise both Niacin and Niacinamide do the same thing. Niacinamide does not lower blood pressure by vasodilation. Niacin can turn into Niacinamide. But Niacinamide can not turn into Niacin. Nicotinic Acid is found in both Niacin and Niacinamide. As a result of vasodilation caused by Niacin there can be what is called "the Niacin Flush". This is a temporary flushing of the skin due to increased blood flow. Time release Niacin means the Niacin is dissolved and released over time. There is also a non-flush Niacin which has been treated chemically to avoid flushing. By the way, Niacin deficiency can result in Pellagra, a wasting disorder. Does this all sound confusing? It is that confusion which is used by the medical establishment and the media to avoid the one thing that they do not want you to know. Niacin can be used to lower blood pressure. Sort of like not wanting the public to know how Marijuana can be used to treat a number of diseases.
- Warning of potential dangers caused by alternative treatments - On the internet case after case is mentioned to dissuade the public away from the idea that Niacin is an alternative to drug therapies. How much is this effort worth? $Billions. There are plenty of poorly written articles and websites which talk about the potential risk of liver toxicity and overdosing by Niacin. Not one article in the mainstream media about the use of Niacin to lower blood pressure. They all say that you should seek advice from a qualified medical practioner who as was mentioned above may not be aware that Niacin can be used to lower blood pressure. The circle is complete.
- Offering fake alternatives which lead back to them - The internet is seen as a source of alternative news and information. But in fact, if you use a search engine you will see hundreds of medical establishment blogs and websites that purport to be alternative but in fact lead back to the same medical establishment. In one case the number one website was Number two was Both of these websites promoted the mainstream medical view. The number three website referenced the number one and number two websites in its supposed alternative perspective which led back to the mainstream medical view.
Health Freedom and food freedom are our only rights that can protect us from the selfishness of the medical establishment. Without it we will forever be tied to them as slaves. Perhaps this is the reason why in Europe 5000 supplements have or will be banned in the near future. Will that happen in America too? Already certain supplements have been targeted for elimination such as Vitamin B6. A necessary nutrient for the nervous system.
Even a bogus article published by researchers at Stanford University concluded that there was no difference in nutrition between organic vegetables and Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO). What was bogus was that the comparison criteria were so narrow that any true nutritional difference would not be seen. Further, producers of vegetables have successfully lobbied to not require that GMO foods be labeled.
Potential patients had better beware when relying on the Medical Expedition for information. Obviously, the motivation is something other than the health of the patient.
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Healthy Start Pack |
so, what's the better product line-up? Youngevity or Purium? For healthy maintenance all around, staying fit and energized?
- Youngevity is best for all around health. It is designed around the vitamins and minerals necessary to be healthy. Watch the videos from Dr. Joel Wallach who did all the research over his 40 year career. Also see the videos from Dr. Peter Glidden and listen to Naturopathic Pharmacist Ben Fuchs.
ReplyDelete- Kyani is best for athletic performance. The products are targeted at the health issues most needed when there is stress on the body. It is a relatively small company with sales of about 400 Million Dollars per year. But these people are very smart. There is plenty of scientific information about the Kyani products.
- One World Whey is best for protein. By far the best protein in the world but expensive.
- Purium is more of a herbal remedy. It is very effective. However, you will still need the others to maintain health.
The Youngevity and Kyani products are not remedies but rather the basic nutrients we all need to be healthy. I would establish basic nutrition first and then work on various particular ares that need to be healed. I highly recommend to start with either the Beyond Tangy Tangerine (BTT) 2,0. The Healthy Start Pak is your best all around package. On The Naturopathic Healer website you can read more and order.
If you are dealing with any kind of degenerative disease or aging issues I would go with Youngevity. If you are dealing with athletic performance I would go with Kyani. If the person is already healthy and just wants to be healthier I would consider Purium. In all cases I would use One World Whey for protein.
If you are dealing with weight gain many people have lost weight just by using the BTT for 3 months.