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According to the CDC (Centers For Disease Control), there are 100 million sufferers of high blood pressure in America.
What exactly is normal blood pressure? In years gone by normal blood pressure was defined as any reading under 160 / 90. Then it was lowered to 140 /85 and today any reading under 120 / 80 is considered normal. Most agree that a constant reading above 150 / 90 would be considered Hypertensive.
But numbers do not mean healthy or not healthy. Most people who have heart attacks have normal numbers for Cholesterol, Blood Sugar, Weight even Blood Pressure. Health is more a matter of the body's environment which either promotes wellness or illness. The numbers in and of themselves do not tell the whole story. They only indicate that there is a problem.
More importantly than "what is high blood pressure?" is "why do people have high blood pressure?" Like most degenerative diseases such as diabetes or cardiovasular disease or even cancer you must realize that at any given moment you are on the way to or the way from disease. It is a matter of what Pharmacist Ben Fuchs refers to as "net build up or net breakdown". He says, "either you are in the black or you are in the red".
By the time a doctor gives you a diagnosis you have probably been moving towards that state of unhealth for some time. There is no magical line that says, "you have diabetes" for example. Sugar management problems or blood pressure problems or cardiovascular problems will have had to be affecting you for some time before you actually reach the so called diagnosis.
Rather than focusing on how much you weigh, it may be better to focus on health. When you are healthy the weight, the blood pressure, the sugar count, the cholesterol will come down. The point of the exercise is not to bring numbers down. It is to be healthy. The numbers come down on their own because that is the natural state of the body.
It is said that we all are carrying cancer in our bodies at any given time. It is our immune systems that prevent us from becoming sick with cancer. Our objective is to have an immune system that is well enough to prevent the spread of cancer. The body does this automatically if given the nutrients it needs.
Unfortunately, the belief that health must be created by taking drugs which can not heal the body has been promulgated and the rather naive society has accepted this false idea. The statistics for health are astounding not because the world is somehow less healthy but because the misunderstanding about the body's natural mechanism to remain healthy has been so promoted through the media and this reliance on drugs rather than nutrition.
The result of the belief that drugs heal people and the failure to understand that the body heals itself has devastated our society. In the words of Suzanne Borho, doctoral candidate in Naturopathic Health "...way too many sick people in our country, as I noted when I was home just this past August. Everyone with the exception of a very few looked angry, stressed, tired, no energy, hunched over, and the majority with weight issues. Three in five are said to contract cancer in their lifetimes. Diabetes, heart disease, autism, neurological disorders, depression, dementia...all of these are rampant in our society, and this NEED NOT BE THE CASE! We know the answers to these problems, and we can fix them!".
What causes high blood pressure? High Blood Pressure is caused by a range of things including poor circulation, blocked or clogged arteries, micro-inflammation of blood vessel walls, not enough oxygen, oxidative stress, nutritional deficiency, heavy metal toxicity, over active adrenal response, diabetes, renal failure, infection and more.
Just because a patient is taking medications to lower blood pressure does not mean that the causes of the high blood pressure have been dealt with. This can have dangerous consequences. Think of a modern car when the red trouble light comes on on the dashboard. You may be able to override the warning light. But that does not mean that the engine problem has been fixed.
The human body is the same. You can lower the number but that does not mean the problem has been solved. If you continue without changing the behavior you will have more complications. It is important to address the underlying problem regardless of taking blood pressure pills.
Generally high blood pressure is a stress response. When the body perceives that not enough oxygen is getting into the cells it goes into a stress response by tightening and causing elevated pressure in the vascular system in an attempt to bring more oxygen to the cells. This is done through the sympathetic nervous system as part of the fight or flight response. (The parasympathetic nervous system controls the rest and digest response.) In cases where this stress response is chronic it can lead to chronic high blood pressure which comes with its own set of complications.
Just as a fever is indicative of an infection so is high blood pressure indicative of an underlying problem. Finding the cause of the high blood pressure or heart disease or cancer or what have you is the key to healing the body, correcting the problem and preventing a worsening condition.
In the World Health Team we work with the "Triangle of Disease"; Digestion / Immune System, Sugar Management System or Adrenal Response / Lymph systems. By far the usual underlying cause of disease can be traced to the Digestion / Immune System.
At the root of all disease is usually a vitamin or mineral deficiency. Either that deficiency exist because the food is deficient itself in nutrients or there is some form of malabsorption issue. Either way, vital nutrients are not getting into the body and / or substances such as undigested food, viruses and toxins are getting in to the body. The point is that the body is unable to operate the way it was designed.
One of the reasons that vaccines can be so devastating to the body specifically the immune system and can cross the Blood / Brain barrier relatively easily is that by injected a foreign or synthesized substance directly into the blood stream the digestion / immune system is by-passed and there is little or no chance to destroy the foreign invaders before they can cause damage. For those children or adults who have been given a vaccine their bodies' natural defenses have been circumvented and once compromised and without the correct nutritional environment either through eating and drinking properly or avoiding immune attacking substances such as inflammation causing foods, food additives, synthesized and unnatural substances, drugs and pathogens there is little that can be done to unravel the circumstances of an illness or disease.
A bi-product of digestive issues is that the wrong things may be entering the body such as allergens, toxic substances, pathogens, etc. The net result can be a body which does not function well and a response to the problem by raising the blood pressure.
What role does cholesterol play in high blood pressure? A direct link has not been shown between cholesterol and high blood pressure. In fact, cholesterol is made by the liver and is necessary for life. However, excessive cholesterol may be in response to cell damage caused by oxidative stress, inflammation causing foods, a compromised immune system, poor digestion, toxic substances, etc.
When there is damage to a blood vessel, usually an artery, cholesterol may accumulate to prevent a rupture of the vessel. Overtime this accumulation may begin to block the damaged artery thus raising the overall blood pressure.
Another cause of high blood pressure is micro-inflammation. This may be caused by oxidative stress or foods and substances that get into the circulation. The swelling of the blood vessels may also lead to high blood pressure.
What are the non-drug methods of reducing blood pressure to normal?
- Practice the square of health: breathe, nutrify, move and relax
- Deep breathing
- Drink plenty of clean water
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin E (8 forms: Tocotrienols and Tocopherols)
- B Complex
- Vitamin D
- Niacin
- Magnesium
- Calcium
- L. Argenine
- Taurine
- Choline
- CoQ10
- Alpha Lipoic Acid
- Phosphatidyl Serine
- Cod liver oil
- Essential Fatty Acids (Omega 3, Omega 6)
- Selenium
- Light exercising
- Avoid inflammation causing foods
- Avoid food additives
- Avoid toxic substances such as plastic
- Do not eat Sodium Chloride
- Do eat Potassium
- Detoxify the body
- Take antioxidants
- Alkalize the body to a normal ph
- Eliminate digestive problem foods
- Reduce weight
- Reduce calories
- Avoid sugar
- Eat less food
- Eat more protein (whey protein)
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