
The statements and products referenced in this blog have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or any other governmental agency. The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. The information in this blog is intended for information purposes only. If you have any diagnosed medical condition we recommend you consult your qualified health care provider with specific questions before using any new dietary supplement.

29 September, 2012

Why My Uncle Is Always Hungry And Anxious

Fructose Malabsorption, The Root of Multiple Diseases

What I am about to tell you will take some patience.  But if you read it carefully you will understand how a simple misunderstanding can lead to health crisis and the use of dangerous medications needlessly.

Fructose Malabsorption Syndrome  (FMS) can lead to many illnesses  which may be diagnosed as common diseases.  But the truth is that FMS may be at the root of almost every disease known to mankind.  Often health care professionals confuse the cause of disease with the effect of disease whether that be in the pancreas, colon, brain, heart, thyroid or nervous system, etc.  These locations may be where the effects of the problem show up and not the cause of the problem.

For sure diabetes is a health crisis.  But that does not mean that diabetes is a mystery or that the cause is genetic.  In fact more times than not the actual cause is some kind of nutritional deficiency or a predisposition for malabsorption of nutrients.  When a person is treated for the symptom that usually means that the underlying condition will remain unaddressed allowing for further deterioration of the condition.  Unless you understand this simple fact every disease under the sun can take hold and grow to its maximum level of harm.  Not only this but often drugs and pharmaceutical approaches add to the damage because of their side effects.

It is estimated that 100 Million Americans are affected by FMS.  Mainstream medicine routinely overlooks this critical path which leads to numerous diseases.  Instead they prefer to treat the apparent condition without a deeper understanding of the cause.  Some people feel that the reason for this sad truth is money.  In the accepted medical model money in the form of commercial enterprise and research grants are awarded not on the basis of solving the cause of an illness but on how much the solution is vested in that medical model.  In other words, simple nutritional resolutions are not as profitable as complex drug and procedural approaches.  The result is that health care providers have more financial incentives to prescribe medicines than to identify true causes which are most likely nutritional.

For the patient this has had devastating consequences.  This blog exists to help people understand the issues as they relate to their health and to dispel many of the self serving myths propagated by the medical establishment.

If you look around in any Western country you will see that disease, illness and obesity have gone rampant.  We do not expect to save the entire population from ignorance and malfeasance.  But if we can save just one we will have done our job.

Not only has obesity reached epic proportions but so has the ignorance being preached from mainstream sources.  In one recent article, the headline referred to the fact that McDonald's was teaching about nutrition.  In the article an 11 year old child stated that she had learned that McDonalds could be healthy depending on the choices she made.  In her case she was choosing less cheese and more lettuce on her sandwich and that she would opt for chicken instead of beef for instance as chicken had less calories.  In fact, it is just this sort of misinformation which has lead to the epidemic of disease and obesity.  In no shape or form would any McDonalds food be considered healthy especially Chicken McNuggets or the recent revelation that much of what is served at McDonalds is from GMO crops, highly altered with additives and cooked in oxidative oils containing transfats.  Its not only McDonalds that engages in this practice but many fast food chains and restaurant chains do the same.

Fructose is fruit sugar.  Fruit containing fructose is generally thought of as being healthy like orange juice for instance.  But within this simple concept is a more harmful condition that has links to every disease known to mankind.  It is a little acknowledged fact that excessive amounts of fructose remain in the small intestines and feed bacteria.    From there SIBO (Small Intestines Bacterial Overgrowth) can be the cause of digestive distress like diarhea, gas, bloating and cramping.  These are all common when FMS is present.  Bacteria that are overgrown release gasses which can then slow down the digestive tract which results in constipation.

If you are drinking alcohol or have other intestinal problems in addition to FMS you may be at risk of liver damage and intestinal leakage problems and intestinal permeability which leads to autoimmune diseases such as Chogrins Syndrome, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Type I Diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis, Psoriasis, Eczema, Vitiligo, Hashimoto Disease, Graves Disease, etc.  All of these autoimmune diseases can be tracted back to the digestive system where the immune system is concentrated.  This according to Naturopathic Pharmacist Ben Fuchs lies at the base of many of today's illnesses.

If you are dealing with any digestive issues or any autoimmune issues you may want to check into FMS triggered SIBO.  The typical way that autoimmune diseases are treated by the mainstream medical establishment is to  shut down the immune system in order to hide the symptoms.  Unfortunately, this "head in the sand" kind of approach is what allows the underlying causes to get worse and the patient to end up in a more complicated situation.  

If you are suffering from any issue that will affect the balance of the flora in the intestines you are at risk of Estrogenic diseases such as Cervical Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Breast Cancer, Fibroids, Cysts, Infertility and Libido issues just to mention a few.

FMS and SIBO place you at higher risk of deficiencies in the Amino Acid, Tryptophan.  Tryptophan is one of the 20 or so Amino Acids in the body.  None is more critical than Tryptophan.  Tryptophan is found in hundreds of necessary bodily functions.  It  is one of the Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAA).  It has wide ranging affects on every system in the body.

BCAA's (branched chain amino acids) are the essential aminos leucine, isoleucine, and valine. The combination of these three amino acids makes up approximately 1/3 of skeletal muscle tissue in the human body. BCAA's play a very important role in protein synthesis (the production of proteins in cells from amino acids to build muscle).

What do BCAAs do?

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. When you eat food containing protein, it gets digested through the intestines and stomach. During this process the protein is broken down into individual amino acids and short chains of amino acids. These amino acids are small enough to be absorbed into the bloodstream.

Once the amino acids are absorbed into the bloodstream they have far reaching effects across the entire body. Amino acids are involved in muscle repair (lean muscle building), essential brain functions and even hair growth just to name a few.

Here is a list of Essential and Non-Essential Amino Acids.  Essential means that you have to absorb it every day from food sources:

Essential Amino Acids
  • Histidne
  • Isolucine
  • Leucine
  • Lysine
  • Methionine
  • Phenylanine
  • Tryptophan
  • Valine
 Non-Essential Amino Acids
  • Alanine
  • Cystine
  • Glutamic Acid
  • Glutamine
  • Glycine
  • Hydroxyproline
  • Proline
  • Serine
  • Tyrosine           

BCAA's suppress the appetite and lets the body know when to stop eating.   If you have FMS you are going to be deficient in Tryptophan which will cause you to keep eating.  If you are like most people you will end up eating a lot more fructose which only leads to more problems due to Fructose Malabsorption Syndrome. This will only make matters worse.

Tryptophan has important relaxing and mood stabilizing properties.  Without it you will be more anxious, more jittery, more moody and depressed and have problems sleeping.  Tryptophan is nature's Prozac.  Tryptophan deficiency may lead to a deficiency in Seratonin leading to depression and anxiety.  Where a person may be prescribed a Seratonin Re-uptake Inhibitor, SSRI, the true culprit may be a deficiency in Tryptophan caused by FMS.

Fibromyalgia has also been associated with low levels of Triptophan.  A derivative of Tryptophan is 5 HTP.  5 HTP is a precursor to the making of Seratonin.  The use of 5 HTP  had a significant improvement in Fibromyalgia cases as shown in major studies.  One approach to insomnia, mood issues, depression, anxiety and other conditions is to supplement with 5 HTP.

The inability to absorb Triptophan and other BCAA's could have serious health consequences and may lead to being prescribed medications which are known to have severe side effects.A deficiency in Tryptophan may be addressed easily by not eating fructose.   Considering that one out of three Americans is dealing with FMS there is a good chance that the key to many problems may lye in the eating of fructose.

Now you understand how lack of nutritional completeness can lead to major illnesses and why you must supplement.  Take the time to listen to the lectures of promonent Doctors on the side panel.  This information is not available from the mainstream medical establishment and it could save your life.

Brown rice, turkey, protein and pumpkin seeds are great sources of Tryptophan.  One of the best sources of Tryptophan is Whey Protein.  We at World Health Team recommend "One World Whey" (from grass fed cows).  We further recommend that you consider supplementing with the appropriate products offered from Youngevity.  Youngevity has formulated a series of products designed to help you get the 90 or so vitamins and minerals necessary for health.  Click  here .

For further detailed information go to here

Rebound for Athletic Performance

How Your Health Is Imperiled by Financial Shenanagans


 Why care under the Affordable Care Act will be unaffordable

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Posted Sept. 25, 2012, at 1:56 p.m.
Last modified Sept. 25, 2012, at 5:12 p.m.
Several recent articles should dispel any remaining notion that care provided under the so-called Affordable Care Act will in fact be affordable.
Just the opposite is true.

The Wall Street Journal reported that when physicians sell their practice to hospitals and become hospital employees, services they provide to patients become significantly more expensive. The reason for this, simply put, is that overhead is much higher, and third parties reimburse at a higher rate for exactly the same service.
Another way to say this is that hospitals are less efficient than a private office. And, as I have pointed out, physicians are considerably less productive when working for a salary, as opposed to fee-for-service. This was an entirely predictable outcome.

Yet, health planners behind the Affordable Care Act pinned their hopes for cost containment on exactly this consolidation occurring. The act promotes Accountable Care Organizations; groups of “providers” and administrators who will assume financial risk for caring for patients assigned to them, by accepting a lump-sum payment to cover all their medical needs.

Accountable Care Organizations are the latest version of managed care, and will have similar problems. They will have a strong financial incentive to cherry pick healthy patients; those with serious problems will end up in emergency rooms and hospitals, where care is much more costly.

This brings us to the most recent article from the New York Times, which shows that when hospital emergency rooms and physician practices adopt electronic health records, reimbursements for physician services go way up.

Wait a second. Isn’t the EHR the magic wand that is somehow going to result in huge efficiencies and cost savings? Well, not exactly. It seems doctors and hospitals are able to use the EHR to “enhance” documentation of patient encounters and services provided, which entitles them to “up-code” and receive higher reimbursement from third party payers.
This game dates back to 1990 when Medicare adopted the “resource-based relative value scale,” a complex Stalinist system devised by Harvard PhD William Hsiao. It was an attempt to codify physicians’ work product based on time, effort, degree of training, patient complexity and other factors.

The “relative value units” for any given intervention would then be multiplied by a fixed number to assign a dollar value for that work.
To obtain reimbursement from Medicare under the RBRVS, doctors had to learn to code their encounters appropriately. (Yes, we had to take time away from our practices to attend ridiculous coding seminars). To bill for a “Level 5 office visit,” for example, a detailed history, system review and physical exam had to be performed and documented.
Of course, this is not always needed, even in complex patients, and the time required for documentation detracts from the quality of the encounter. The RBRVS was an absurdity and hastened the medical profession’s march down the road to serfdom. Rather than oppose this intrusion, the American Medical Association colluded with the government to make it a reality.

With cuts and freezes, physician reimbursement under Medicare has shrunk to Medicaid levels and will decline further under the ACA. Payment in many instances barely covers the cost of providing care. Yet, doctors up-code at their peril. For years, the government has conducted random audits of private physicians, group practices and hospitals, looking for claims with inadequate documentation in the medical record. Huge monetary settlements have been extorted based in differing interpretations of arcane regulations. The EHR provides templates and boilerplate text to automate documentation and can be a bulwark against such audits.

In addition to effects on billing and payment, rigorous studies of actual implementation of health information technology show no cost savings or improvement in health outcomes, according to another WSJ article.

The Affordable Care Act is an experiment in top-down social engineering of an extraordinarily complex field encompassing one sixth of our economy. It is destined to fail and will be expensive beyond belief, in dollars, lost opportunity and in misery. If only the free market were given a chance to deliver quality care at reasonable cost. In the few areas of health care where it has been allowed to flourish, it has done just that.

Richard Amerling is a nephrologist practicing in New York City. He is an associate professor of clinical medicine at Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, and the director of Outpatient Dialysis at the Beth Israel Medical Center. Amerling is the author of the Physicians’ Declaration of Independence.

Stay out of the health care game.  Get serious about your health and do not get caught in the health care trap.  Learn how to remain healthy.  Use Youngevity.  Learn more here

High ORAC Triple Treat Chocolate

24 September, 2012

Its Cheaper To Be Healthy

We do not shop at the supermarket any more.  Why?  Because it is cheaper to eat healthy.  All of the food in the supermarket is poisonous.  We call it food just to be nice.  Actually when people buy grocery store food they are wasting their money because most of that food has no nutritional value.  It is far cheaper to eat healthy than to waste money on junk.

It breaks my heart watching the foods people choose knowing that it will eventually make them sick and require pharmaceutical medicines making them sicker.  I hear every day well meaning people suffering from the high cost of foods while I know those foods are a complete waste of time.

There really is no reason to go to a supermarket. You should not eat processed foods.  We ourselves do not eat food in a bag, box or can.  We do not eat foods packaged in plastics or that have cartoon characters on the outside or with persuasive pictures on the packaging. We do not eat cooking oils, no grains, no store bought breads and no pasta.  We do not drink beer, wine, pop or juice.  We do not eat cereals, potatoes, rice or any GMO vegetables and fruits.  We do not drink sugary drinks that come in weird unnatural colors and flavors.  We do not eat frozen stuff.

*Warning: The following video uses foul language and is not suitable for children

What we do eat is unsalted butter, organic meat occasionally, dried fruits and nuts, organic foods, fresh organic farm eggs.   We eat home made yogurt, home made sauerkraut, soups, broths, and vegetables.  We eat organic millet, buckwheat, quinoa, spirulina, organically grown salads.  We consume organic cold press flax seed oil.  We also eat sweet potatoes.

We make our own breads and pancakes.  We use home made jam instead of fake syrup.  For birthdays we make our own cakes  and cookies.  We grind up carob to make a chocolate like treat.  We use freshly squeezed lemon juice in our water.

For protein we eat whey protein.  We eat wild fish.  Himalayan Salt and wild foraged fruits like pomergranate, figs, blackberries, grapes and carob.  We do eat spices but no ketchup unless we make it ourselves.

Do you have any idea how much money we save by not eating pizzas, sandwiches, hot dogs,  snacks and cereals?  And what about all the condiments we don't use?  Not only are we healthier and not fat at all.  We have more money to spend on things we really like.

We supplement our diets with Beyond Tangy Tangerine (BTT) from Youngevity which has 115 plant derived minerals  and other products.  We also take apple cider vinegar to help with digestion.  We do take extra Magnesium, Calcium, Selenium, B1 Thiamin, Niacin, B Complex, Vitamin E (all 8 forms) and Vitamin C.  Because of this we feel great and look great.  Our kids are never ill and neither are we.

So the next time you hear about food prices going up think of us and the fact that those prices do no affect us at all and they do not have to affect you.

Learn more about Youngevity products here .

Healthy Start Pack

21 September, 2012

Fruit Can Make You Sick

Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) is caused from eating too much fructose.  Unlike glucose, fructose is processed in the liver instead of the cells themselves.  An excessive intake of fructose will overwhelm the liver and cause the excess to remain in the small intestines.  Fructose allowed to remain in the small intestines promotes cancer as well as other maladies.

It is also possible to develop "Fructose Malabsorption Syndrome" (FMS) resulting in, "Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth" (SIBO).  At present 100 million Americans are dealing with FMA.  This condition leads to mental health problems such as depression anxiety, memory problems, brain fog, bipolar syndrome, etc. as well as every other disease known to mankind.  Among these are heart disease, diabetes, cancer, hypertension, arthritis, leaky gut syndrome, diarrhea, Crohn's disease, diverticuli and an assortment of skin diseases such as acne, psoriasis and eczema.  As the liver is tasked with a number of digestive and detoxifying duties the added burden of excessive fructose processing may lead to Fatty Liver Disease.

Paleolithically speaking, the human body evolved having to process far less sugar and fructose than it does today.  In history people ate very little fructose compared to today.  Today people eat almost 100 pounds of pounds of fructose per year.  Yet the body has not evolved to handle that much fructose.  Additionally, much of our foods such as soda pop, snack foods and manufactured foods are filled with high fructose corn syrup now called corn sugar.

As a result, a disaster has been unfolding as high fructose corn syrup has crept into our diets.  This coupled with other additives have seriously compromised the health of our population.  High Fructose Corn Syrup is basically found in manufactured foods and fast foods.  These foods lead to inflammation and many other serious issues not the least of which is the poor absorption of "Branch Chain Amino Acids".  BCAA's let the brain know when to stop eating.  Without them you will be compelled to eat more specifically targeting sugary food and other wrong foods having lots of sugar like junk food, fruit juices and manufactured foods..

In addition, FMS leads to poor absorption of protein.  It is well known that proteins are the building blocks of the body.  Without protein absorption the body falls apart.

Stay away from foods that use high fructose corn syrup which leads to a cycle of illness.  It is also recommended that you avoid sugary fruits.  In times gone by fruits were natural and not designed to be loaded with fructose.  Today's fruits have less nutrition and much more fructose.  They are bred specifically to make them bigger and sweeter.  The consequences of this unnatural diet are dire.

Increasing your intake of protein and taking probiotics of about 80 billion units per day will have a positive impact.  The craving for sweets will be reduced and the body can have a chance to heal.  Supplementation of plant derived, readily absorbed minerals and vitamins available from Youngevity will help to maintain health and reverse symptoms.

Stabilize your health by taking plant derived 90 vital minerals and vitamins.  

Learn about Younevity Here

Healthy Start Pack

How My Doctor Almost Killed Me

A few years ago I was in my living room drinking a glass of water.  I noticed that the water was leaking out of my mouth and down my shirt.  It was at that moment that I realized my left side of my face was paralyzed and I immediately went to my local hospital.  I rode my bike there.

In the emergency room the attending physician informed me that I had very high blood pressure and that they would have to keep me for observation.  While in the hospital they began to give me medications to lower the blood pressure.  I was there for a week.  They also did an MRI scan and made the diagnosis  that I had Bells Palsey, a mysterious disease that came out of nowhere, most likely from a virus.  I was told there was nothing they could do, they said.

After being in the hospital for a week I insisted on going home and they allowed me to release myself and gave me several prescriptions for blood pressure lowering drugs telling me that I would have to take those drugs for the rest of my life although it was not known why or how I had gotten high blood pressure in the first place.

Faced with so many illogical mysteries I began my quest to get to the bottom of these "mysterious" diseases.

Through my research I found out that those medications were very dangerous and that they were heart medications.  I even read that death came to those taking those medications for more than 6 months statistically speaking.

Over these years I have researched all I could to learn about those medicines and to understand why would someone recommend these dangerous drugs to me, a guy who runs and bikes and walks on a daily basis.  I have since learned that these medicines lower the blood pressure by stopping the heart and blood vessels from doing what they were designed to do.  I further learned that if you did not have a heart condition before taking the medicine, that in time you would most likely end up with one and could die.

One doctor told me that although my blood pressure had dropped to 130 / 90 he wanted to double my medication.  When I asked him why he told me that this "protocol" is what he did with all his patients.  I had seen his patients.  They looked like death in the waiting room.  We soon parted company.  Or in the words of Dr. Glidden, I "fired" my doctor.

Not only did I become breathless and dizzy from taking the pills, I also lost my libido and suffered from depression.  Whereas before I could go for a jog around the local park, I could barely walk around the park.

Obviously, something was wrong.

My investigation took several years and I have since learned that my high blood pressure was a symptom of an underlying problem.  Instead of the doctors finding what the underlying problem was they just simply tried to hide the symptom while poisoning me and risking my life.

I asked a good friend of mine who is a registered nurse why did I have high blood pressure?  His answer. Because I was black.  Since I know that there is no such thing as a "black" person in nature, I knew that these mysterious answers amounted to saying that they had no idea why I was sick and they had no idea how to make me well.

Thankfully, I discovered from quite a few experts in alternative health that most likely I was vitamin and mineral deficient and that this was the underlying reason for the high blood pressure. It seems that today's foods are empty in nutrition so while you think you are eating healthfully you are actually starving yourself and you will breakdown.  My case was just one of millions of people affected.  In fact, my case was accelerated because of the habit of exercising and losing vital minerals and vitamins through my sweat.

Added to these circumstances was that I was eating the wrong foods which: 1. increased micro-inflammation in my blood vessels; 2. compromised my ability to absorb nutrition; 3. compromised my immune system; 4. caused an adrenal response due to a mishandling of sugar in the body thus raising the blood pressure.  To further add insult to injury, it turns out that the medicines prescribed to lower high blood pressure further depleted my minerals and vitamins and further compromised my ability to absorb vital nutrients.

I could correct this problem by supplementing my diet and staying away from food triggers.  I could eat the correct foods and stay away from the bad.  At that time I was eating bread, pasta, cakes and cookies, grain especially barley, rye, wheat and oats, potatoes, rice, food additives, manufactured food products such as frozen fish and frozen meat, mayonnaise, cooking oils, wine and beer which may have aspartame or other artificial sweeteners.

Not only was I eating the wrong things but I was in an environment full of free radicals made up of plastics, chemicals and electronic devices such as cell phones, computer monitors, wifi and cell phone towers on almost every block.

As a result, I was actually in a pre-type 2 diabetic state which was undiagnosed.  Yet the blood glucose tests at the hospital came back negative.  I was not aware of the oxidative stress caused by my environment and the need to offset it with anti-oxidants.  (As of 2012 the American FDA no longer publishes the ORAC scores of foods because in their words "the Free Radical Theory has not been proven in vivo".  What this means is that people will have no idea which foods to eat in order to offset the free radicals they are exposed to.)

My first trip to the emergency room was in 2004.  By 2010 I had had a stroke and once again the doctors missed the underlying condition leading to the stroke and the hypertension.  They treated me by trying to lower the blood pressure and failed to look at the cause.

Lucky for me I have become my own doctor and am now on a course of action that is designed to address the real problems.  Unfortunately, I have already had a stroke.  Why hadn't the doctors previously checked my insulin, my diet, my other symptoms and done a survey of the nutritional status of my body?  Would it have been safer for me and less expensive if the actual problems had been dealt with instead of prescribing dangerous medicines?  Taking the medications instead of fixing the underlying problem is a recipe for death.

We offer products from Youngevity that are designed to address the underlying issues of most diseases.  As it turns out there are over 900 illnesses and diseases which have been reversed simply by supplementing correctly.  I sure wish I had known this back in 2004.

Now you can avoid the complications I endured which helped to put my life in jeopardy.  Learn more HERE

Healthy Start Pack

17 September, 2012

Patient Beware!

Most people believe that the internet is the greatest development since the Gutenberg Printing Press.  The fact is the internet is often used to obsfuscate the facts so that you can not make an informed decision.  Case in point: NIACIN.

It is a well known fact that Niacin, Vitamin B3 can be used to lower blood pressure.  However, the medical establishment has gone out of its way to hide this fact from the public.  It is interesting to note that Niacin while having many benefits has virtually no side effects and exists in Nature.

The medical establishment is more comfortable with prescribed medicines which have huge side effects and actually will result in further sickness.  How has the medical establishment tried to push the public to their products and away from natural solutions?

  1. Monopolizing all eduction and information sources - What is known about Niacin comes from years of research.  The funding for that research is firmly in the hands of the medical establishment.  Medical students are barely taught if at all about alternatives to drugs and therefore are not likely to recommend nutritional approaches.  The use of Niacin, vitamin B3, to treat mental disorder, circulatory problems, high blood pressure and cholesterol is not a therapy recommended by most doctors.  Instead they prefer the drug therapy which happens to continue sickness and therefore, very profitable to the manufacturers.  Then there is Niacinamide which conveniently does not lower blood pressure.  Which do you think the medical establishment prefers, Niacin which does lower blood pressure or Niacinamide which does not lower blood pressure?
  2. Withholding vital research information which are not supportive of their monopoly - If  you look on the internet under "Niacin Overdose" you will see article after article about the risk of Niacin overdose.  That it is life threatening and if you suspect that you have overdose on Niacin you should immediately go to the emergency room.  The article blames the internet for people who try to use Niacin as a means of flushing the toxic effects of medicines out of their bodies.  How this has resulted in severe symptoms requiring hospitalization.  Further investigation via reveals that there was only one case in which a Schizophrenic man had taken 11,000 mg of Niacin and  had to go to the emergency room because of ... Low Blood Pressure.  Question: If a person were able to lower blood pressure by using Niacin why is it not used to lower pressure in hypertensive patients?  But you will see that no where in the popular literature is this potential mentioned.
  3. Confusing Issues - What is the difference between Niacinimide and Niacin?  What is the difference between Niacinimide and Nicotinamide?  What is Nicotinic Acid?  What is non-flush Niacin?  What is time release Niacin?  That is a lot of questions.  Few people can answer them including health care workers.  It is possible to ask for Niacin and be given Niacinamide as if they were the same thing.  They are not.  Niacinamide and Nicotinamide are the same thing.  They are a chemically altered form of Niacin.  Niacin is a naturally ocurring compound which lowers blood pressure by vasodilation.  Otherwise both Niacin and Niacinamide do the same thing.  Niacinamide does not lower blood pressure by vasodilation.  Niacin can turn into Niacinamide.  But Niacinamide can not turn into Niacin.  Nicotinic Acid is found in both Niacin and Niacinamide.  As a result of vasodilation caused by Niacin there can be what is called "the Niacin Flush".  This is a temporary flushing of the skin due to increased blood flow.  Time release Niacin means the Niacin is dissolved and released over time.  There is also a non-flush Niacin which has been treated chemically to avoid flushing.  By the way, Niacin deficiency can result in Pellagra, a wasting disorder.  Does this all sound confusing?  It is that confusion which is used by the medical establishment and the media to avoid the one thing that they do not want you to know.  Niacin can be used to lower blood pressure.  Sort of like not wanting the public to know how Marijuana can be used to treat a number of diseases.
  4. Warning of potential dangers caused by alternative treatments - On the internet case after case is mentioned to dissuade the public away from the idea that Niacin is an alternative to drug therapies.  How much is this effort worth?  $Billions.  There are plenty of poorly written articles and websites which talk about the potential risk of liver toxicity and overdosing by Niacin.  Not one article in the mainstream media about the use of Niacin to lower blood pressure.  They all say that you should seek advice from a qualified medical practioner who as was mentioned above may not be aware that Niacin can be used to lower blood pressure.  The circle is complete.
  5. Offering fake alternatives which lead back to them - The internet is seen as a source of alternative news and information.  But in fact, if you use a search engine you will see hundreds of medical establishment blogs and websites that purport to be alternative but in fact lead back to the same medical establishment.  In one case the number one website was  Number two was  Both of these websites promoted the mainstream medical view.  The number three website referenced the number one and number two websites in its supposed alternative perspective which led back to the mainstream medical view.
A case can be made that the public is being kept in the dark for their own good.  However, at the root of this conspiracy is MONEY.  Huge amounts of MONEY.  The public's good is not the overriding concern.  What is the concern is profits.  As long as that is the case you can not expect that the information you are being given about your health is correct.

Health Freedom and food freedom are our only rights that can protect us  from the selfishness of the medical establishment.  Without it we will forever be tied to them as slaves.  Perhaps this is the reason why in Europe 5000 supplements have or will be banned in the near future.  Will that happen in America too?  Already certain supplements have been targeted for elimination such as Vitamin B6.  A necessary nutrient for the nervous system.

Even a bogus article published by researchers at Stanford University concluded that there was no difference in nutrition between organic vegetables and Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO).  What was bogus was that the comparison criteria were so narrow that any true nutritional difference would not be seen.  Further, producers of vegetables have successfully lobbied to not require that GMO foods be labeled.

Potential patients had better beware when relying on the Medical Expedition for information.  Obviously, the motivation is something other than the health of the patient.

Learn more Here

Healthy Start Pack

15 September, 2012

Dangerous Dilemma

I want to tell  you a story.  It is about me.  But I am not the point of the story.  You are the point of the story.  See if you can learn from what I am about to tell you.

I had a stroke in 2010.  Thankfully, it did not kill me.   There is no real treatment for stroke.  Stroke is the result of a problem with the cardiovascular system.  I could have just as well had a heart attack.  If blood flow is interrupted to vital organs you will have a stroke, heart attack, kidney failure or even cancer.  Blood flow is the only means of bringing oxygen to the organs.  In my case blood flow was temporarily cutoff to the brain.  Brain damage resulted and I became paralyzed.

I have had amazing recovery since then thanks to my heros and the information they gave me regarding supplementation.  I did not fall for the false belief that there was a treatment for stroke and instead I began to work on:
  1. Reversing the cause of the stroke
  2. Healing the damage caused by the stroke
  3. Strengthening my cardiovascular system
I should say that my doctor did not do one thing to help me do these three things.  Instead he prescribed dangerous medications that would only make my condition worse.  Not only would these medication have covered up my symptoms but they would have added to what was wrong in the first place.  It seems that medications are more about profits than health.

He prescribed 5 types of medication.  Each of these came with severe side effects which guarantee a life time of suffering and eventually death.  Among the side effects are:  Cancer, Diabetes, kidney Failure, Heart Failure, Stroke and High Blood Pressure.  The drugs he prescribed are:
  • Aspirin - To supposedly thin my blood.  Aspirin is a Nonsteroidal Antiinflammation Drug (NSAID).  Aspirin is known to cause gastrointestinal bleeding, ulcers, decreases renal blood flow, leads to renal dysfunction, liver toxicity, various cardiovascular problems,  Cerebral Hemorrhaging, Hypertension, acute Congestive Heart Failure.  In a recent publication the following caution stated: " “The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warns that people using NSAIDs may have a higher risk of having a heart attack or stroke.” “Even at normal NSAID dosages, people with compromised kidney function can develop NSAID toxicity” .
    “Adverse effects of NSAIDs cause 103,000 hospitalizations and 16,500 deaths per year in the United States”.
    “In patients with such a history, however, use of NSAIDs (aside from low-dose aspirin) was associated with more than 10-fold increase in heart failure” .
    ” You may as well wear a sign, ‘Please kill my kidneys’”,
  • Calcium Channel Blocker
  • Ace Inhibitor
  • Beta Blocker
  • Statin
All of the above drugs are designed to prevent the cardiovascular system from doing what it is designed to do.  Further they lead to deficiencies of various nutrients which is why I had high blood pressure in the first place.

It was not  high blood pressure that caused the stroke.  In fact, the stroke is further evidence that the real problem was mineral and vitamin deficiency.  But still the modern medical establishment would rather prevent the heart from beating, the kidneys from functioning and poison the brain than to admit that a problem is simply diet and vitamin deficiency.

Obviously, I do not subscribe to the modern medical model.  In order to heal the brain damage, reverse the causes of the stroke, avoid another stroke or worse and strengthen the cardiovascular system you must correct the diet and supplement the diet with the correct forms of vitamins and minerals.

Here is the problem.  In Europe and soon in America supplementation is slowly being phased out.  At the moment there are 300 supplements necessary for health banned in Europe with another 5,000 supplements to be banned in the coming years.  I personally need Niacin.  Not Niacinamide.  Not Nicotinamide.  I need basic Niacin (B3).  It is still available in Europe but the cost is over $40 dollars and I can find no one where I live who can order it for me.  In other words it is not available here.

Here is the dilemma.  Do I ween myself off of the cancer causing, heart attack causing, diabetes causing, alzheimmer causing, hypertension causing medications and hope to find niacin or do I continue taking the medicine knowing it is killing my heart, kidneys, pancreas and brain?  What would you do?  What will you do?

One other point.  There is so much disinformation and misinformation on the internet and the news that without real guidance the average person has no chance to understand the health issues at stake.  I believe this is done deliberately so that the scam can continue.

I hope you have learned from this story.  When your doctor tells you, you must take drugs you had better find another way.

Contact me here for the most cutting edge natural health solutions.

Healthy Start Pack

12 September, 2012

Eat It Raw !!

According to Dr. Dan Junkers he recommends Raw Heart, Raw Lung Flax Lignan, Apple Cider Vinegar to reverse serious health issues.   Raw Heart has 3 vital enzymes that can repair the heart.  Raw Lung are also very useful to repair the lungs.  For Adrenal health Dr. Junkers recommends Raw Adrenal Glands.

All of these items can be ordered from the Power Mall here.

 Dr. Junkers also recommends Lemon Water to help alkalize the body.   Lemon Water has been successfully used to alkalize blood and urine.  In an alkalized body cancer and pathogens can not survive.  It also increases the ph of the body and raises oxygen levels.

The leaves of the Goji Berry have 80% of the nutrition the body needs for health.  You can actually grow your own.  The leaves can be used in various dishes.

Youngevity for health here

Healthy Start Pack

06 September, 2012

High Blood Pressure Causes and Natural Approaches

Life Style Choices

According to the CDC (Centers For Disease Control), there are 100 million sufferers of high blood pressure in America.

What exactly is normal blood pressure?  In years gone by normal blood pressure was defined as any reading under 160 / 90. Then it was lowered to 140 /85 and today any reading under 120 / 80 is considered normal.  Most agree that a constant reading above 150 / 90 would be considered Hypertensive.

But numbers do not mean healthy or not healthy.  Most people who have heart attacks have normal numbers for Cholesterol, Blood Sugar, Weight even Blood Pressure.  Health is more a matter of the body's environment which either promotes wellness or illness.  The numbers in and of themselves do not tell the whole story.  They only indicate that there is a problem.

More importantly than "what is high blood pressure?" is "why do people have high blood pressure?"  Like most degenerative diseases such as diabetes or cardiovasular disease or even cancer you must realize that at any given moment you are on the way to or the way from disease.  It is a matter of what Pharmacist Ben Fuchs refers to as "net build up or net breakdown".  He says, "either you are in the black or you are in the red".

By the time a doctor gives you a diagnosis you have probably been moving towards that state of unhealth for some time.  There is no magical line that says, "you have diabetes" for example.  Sugar management problems or blood pressure problems or cardiovascular problems will have had to be affecting you for some time before  you actually reach the so called diagnosis.

Rather than focusing on how much you weigh, it may be better to focus on health.  When you are healthy the weight, the blood pressure, the sugar count, the cholesterol will come down.  The point of the exercise is not to bring numbers down.  It is to be healthy.  The numbers come down on their own because that is the natural state of the body.

It is said that we all are carrying cancer in our bodies at any given time.  It is our immune systems that prevent us from becoming sick with cancer.  Our objective is to have an immune system that is well enough to prevent the spread of cancer.  The body does this automatically if given the nutrients it needs.

Unfortunately, the belief that health must be created by taking drugs which can not heal the body has been promulgated and the rather naive society has accepted this false idea.  The statistics for health are astounding not because the world is somehow less healthy but because the misunderstanding about the body's natural mechanism to remain healthy has been so promoted through the media and this reliance on drugs rather than nutrition.

The result of the belief that drugs heal people and the failure to understand that the body heals itself has devastated our society.  In the words of Suzanne Borho, doctoral candidate in Naturopathic Health "...way too many sick people in our country, as I noted when I was home just this past August.  Everyone with the exception of a very few looked angry, stressed, tired, no energy, hunched over, and the majority with weight issues.  Three in five are said to contract cancer in their lifetimes.  Diabetes, heart disease, autism, neurological disorders, depression, dementia...all of these are rampant in our society, and this NEED NOT BE THE CASE!  We know the answers to these problems, and we can fix them!".

What causes high blood pressure?  High Blood Pressure is caused by a range of things including poor circulation,  blocked or clogged arteries, micro-inflammation of blood vessel walls, not enough oxygen, oxidative stress, nutritional deficiency, heavy metal toxicity, over active adrenal response, diabetes, renal failure, infection and more.

Just because a patient is taking medications to lower blood pressure does not mean that the causes of the high blood pressure have been dealt with.  This can have dangerous consequences.  Think of a modern car when the red trouble light comes on on the dashboard.  You may be able to override the warning light.  But that does not mean that the engine problem  has been fixed.

The human body is the same.  You can lower the number but that does not mean the problem has been solved.  If you continue without changing the behavior you will have more complications.  It is important to address the underlying problem regardless of taking blood pressure pills.

Generally high blood pressure is a stress response.  When the body perceives that not enough oxygen is getting into the cells it goes into a stress response by tightening and causing elevated pressure in the vascular system in an attempt to bring more oxygen to the cells.  This is done through the sympathetic nervous system as part of the fight or flight response.  (The parasympathetic nervous system controls the rest and digest response.)  In cases where this stress response is chronic it can lead to chronic high blood pressure which comes with its own set of complications.

Just as a fever is indicative of an infection so is high blood pressure indicative of an underlying problem.   Finding the cause of the high blood pressure or heart disease or cancer or what have you is the key to healing the body, correcting the problem and preventing a worsening condition.

In the World Health Team we work with the "Triangle of Disease"; Digestion / Immune System, Sugar Management System or Adrenal Response / Lymph systems.  By far the usual underlying cause of disease can be traced to the Digestion / Immune System.

At the root of all disease is usually a vitamin or mineral deficiency.  Either that deficiency exist because the food is deficient itself in nutrients or there is some form of malabsorption issue.  Either way, vital nutrients are not getting into the body and / or substances such as undigested food, viruses and toxins are getting in to the body.  The point is that the body is unable to operate the way it was designed.

One of the reasons that vaccines can be so devastating to the body specifically the immune system and can cross the Blood / Brain barrier relatively easily is that by injected a foreign or synthesized substance directly into the blood stream the digestion / immune system is by-passed and there is little or no chance to destroy the foreign invaders before they can cause damage.  For those children or adults who have been given a vaccine their bodies' natural defenses have been circumvented and once compromised and without the correct nutritional environment either through eating and drinking properly or avoiding immune attacking substances such as inflammation causing foods, food additives, synthesized and unnatural substances, drugs and pathogens there is little that can be done to unravel the circumstances of an illness or disease.

A bi-product of digestive issues is that the wrong things may be entering the body such as allergens, toxic substances, pathogens, etc.  The net result can be a body which does not function well and a response to the problem by raising  the blood pressure.

What role does cholesterol play in high blood pressure? A direct link has not been shown between cholesterol and high blood pressure.  In fact, cholesterol is made by the liver and is necessary for life.  However, excessive cholesterol may be in response to cell damage caused by oxidative stress, inflammation causing foods, a compromised immune system, poor digestion, toxic substances, etc.

When there is damage to a blood vessel, usually an artery, cholesterol may accumulate to prevent a rupture of the vessel.  Overtime this accumulation may begin to block the damaged artery thus raising the overall blood pressure.

Another cause of high blood pressure is micro-inflammation.  This may be caused by oxidative stress or foods and substances that get into the circulation.  The swelling of the blood vessels may also lead to high blood pressure.

What are the non-drug methods of reducing blood pressure to normal?
  1. Practice the square of health: breathe, nutrify, move and relax
  2. Deep breathing
  3. Drink plenty of clean water
  4. Vitamin C
  5. Vitamin E (8 forms: Tocotrienols and Tocopherols)
  6. B Complex 
  7. Vitamin D
  8. Niacin
  9. Magnesium
  10. Calcium
  11. L. Argenine
  12. Taurine
  13. Choline
  14. CoQ10
  15. Alpha Lipoic Acid
  16. Phosphatidyl Serine 
  17. Cod liver oil
  18. Essential Fatty Acids (Omega 3, Omega 6)
  19. Selenium
  20. Light exercising
  21. Avoid inflammation causing foods
  22. Avoid food additives
  23. Avoid toxic substances such as plastic
  24. Do not eat Sodium Chloride
  25. Do eat Potassium 
  26. Detoxify the body
  27. Take antioxidants
  28. Alkalize the body to a normal ph
  29. Eliminate digestive problem foods
  30. Reduce weight
  31. Reduce calories
  32. Avoid sugar
  33. Eat less food
  34. Eat more protein (whey protein)
You can also read Dr. Sherry Roger's books, "The Cholesterol Hoax" and "Is Your Cardiologist Killing You" (Icky) to learn more about this.

Get Your Beyond Tangy Tangerine Here 

Healthy Start Pack

03 September, 2012

World Health Team - Hall of Fame

There is no shortage of challenges in today's world.  Evil tries to confuse issues.  The members of the World Health Team "Hall of Fame" are people we feel have distinquished themselves and had a direct impact on the health of mankind.  Please take the time to get to know these dedicated persons.

In no way are the all the thousands of men and women who have contributed to the well being of the people.  But these are the ones who have had a direct impact on me.  These heros are protecting use with the truth.

Dr. Hulda Clark

Ms. Suzanne Borho

Dr. Lorraine Day

Mr. Ian Farrar

Dr. Cass Ingram

Pharmacist Ben Fuchs

Ms. Louise L. Hay

Dr. Peter Glidden

Dr, Lorraine Hurley

Dr. June Green

Dr. Russell Blaylock

Robert and Anne Redfern

Dr. Elaina George

Mr. Earvin "Magic" Johnson

Dr. Patricia Jordan

Mr. John Newcombe

Ms. Joyce Riley

Dr, Sherry Rogers

Dr. Norm Shealy

Ms. Sharon Stone

Mr. Udo Erasmus

Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor

Ms. Mary Tocco
Dr. Tennant

Dr. Terry Wahls

Dr. Joel Wallach

Vincent Finelli

Dr. Abbas Qutab

Dr. Barrie Tan

Dr. Clair Francomano

Dr. Thomas Burke

Get your full spectrum nutrition here

Healthy Start Pack