
The statements and products referenced in this blog have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or any other governmental agency. The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. The information in this blog is intended for information purposes only. If you have any diagnosed medical condition we recommend you consult your qualified health care provider with specific questions before using any new dietary supplement.

05 September, 2013

The Power Hour Newsletter Rournd Up -Willard Water

Join JOHN WILLARD JR. today as he discusses the benefits and science behind Willard's Water. Willard's Water has incredible benefits and should be used at the same time any supplements are taken to aid in absorption!

"Doc Willard's Wonder Water" - The "60 Minutes" program originally aired November 23, 1980. Click HERE to watch
To order Willard's Water please visit 24/7 or call 1-877-817-9829 Mon-Fri 8 to 4 PM Central Time.

For nearly four decades pet owners all over the world have been using Dr. Willard's Water to address a wide variety of ailments. In fact, most of the original work Dr. Willard performed using his Dr. Willard's Water involved helping local veterinarians and animals. In the early 1970's the first veterinarian to work with Dr. Willard on using Willard Water® to treat pets was Gene Wheeler, D.V.M., of Sturgis, South Dakota. After a long discussion with Dr. Willard, Dr. Wheeler agreed to perform some tests and the results were truly amazing.

What is Willard Water?
Dr. John W. Willard, Ph.D, invented Catalyst Altered Water (CAW) in the late 1960s and re-named his product "Willard Water" shortly after 60 Minutes aired a detailed story on Dr. Willard and his invention in 1980.
  Willard Water® is many things to many people, and is used in a variety of ways. What seems to be the common denominator is that Dr. Willard's Water® is a more efficient form of water. Technically, the molecular structure of H2O is altered by a catalyst. As a result, the Catalyst Altered Water (CAW) acts as a normalizer on all living things not in a healthy state. When consumed regularly, Dr. Willard's Water® can help assimilate nutrients more efficiently, increase enzyme activity and strengthen the immune system.

The following pages will explain in detail how Dr. Willard's actually works and the amazing story of its discovery:
In the decades since Dr. Willard invented his now famous Willard Water, people all over the world have found a variety of different applications for it.

Here are some of the most common applications:
How should Willard Water be diluted?
  • Willard Water CLEAR and ULTIMATE should be diluted: ¼ to ½ teaspoon to 8 ounces of water, tea, juice or other non-carbonated liquid (detox effects may be felt at higher dilution ratios so first time users are advised to use ¼ teaspoon and work their way up to ½)
  • Willard Water Dark XXX should be diluted: 3/4 teaspoon to 8 oz water, tea, juice or other non-carbonated liquid (detox effects may be felt at higher dilution ratios so first time users are advised to use ¼ teaspoon and work their way up to ½)

Click here for the results of an analysis conducted by the Food and Drug Administration that lists all of the minerals found in Willard

"Doc Willard's Wonder Water" - The "60 Minutes" program originally aired November 23, 1980. Click HERE to watch

Related Articles:

Dr. Willard's Products available at The Power Mall:
* White Paper: Catalyst Altered Water: A Briefing by the Subcommittee on Health and Long-Term Care of the Select Committee on Aging" by the U.S. House of Representatives, Ninety-Sixth Congress (second session). 

To order Willard's Water please visit 24/7 or call 1-877-817-9829 Mon-Fri 8 to 4 PM Central Time.

Visit to check out the new Plant Catalyst   

DAVID LITT of Purium will join to discuss the new Purium Power Shake flavor along with the Million Mom Movement going on. He will also discuss the dangers of processed food. Joining David will be
WILLIAM BURKE who will share is health and weight success on the 10-Day Transformation pack and how he broke his addiction to caf
**To order Purium Prodcuts please visit 24/7 or call 1-877-817-9829 Mon-Fri 8 to 4 PM Central Time or go to
To support and order through Williaim, please visit: 

Purium puts in the best!

Purium is like discovering the perfect combination of an organic Farmers Market and a beachside smoothie bar.
They've mastered the art of phytochemistry (the rejuvenating benefits of plants). By studying the ancient arts of Chinese medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, Amazonian herbs, the shamanic healing arts of Native Americans and other traditional aboriginal practices, they've captured the most potent whole food plant extracts from around the globe to repair your body at the cellular level. These herbs have been revered for thousands of years for their purported ability to support the naturopathic principle that "the human body is capable of creating and supporting perfect health if given the proper tools." No other company has such a complete holistic approach to food and nutrition. Green foods are healing foods - they always have been and they always will be. If you are looking for one miracle product, look somewhere else... because we have dozens of them - cracked cell chlorella, red marine algae, organic spirulina, organic barley greens, organic kamut and many, many more! If you are looking for one miracle concept it's this - plants heal.

...and leave out the rest!

Even though artificial ingredients are often times cheaper, we will NEVER take short cuts with your health.
Here are just a few of the things you will NEVER find in Purium products:
  • Artificial colors
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Artificial flavors
  • Excipients and fillers
  • Excess sugar
  • Excess fat

Power Shake - NEW! Apple Berry Flavor (30 servings)
Purium's NEW Apple Berry Power Shake™ was created so that you can easily consume several superfoods all at once, thus saving you time and money. Contains 1 full serving each of Organic Kamut Blend, Spirulina, Rice Bran Solubles, Aktivated Barley, and Carrot Juice

Don't miss William's awesome testimony!

Read more about:

Book of Interest: The Green Foods Bible 
Everything you need to know about Barley Grass, Wheat Grass, Kamut, Spirulina, Chlorella and more.

Five practical ways to add kale to your diet
(NaturalNews) The benefits of kale are multitudinous; it possesses antioxidant properties and beneficial phytochemicals and also serves as an anti-inflammatory agent. When consumed on a regular basis, kale is believed to have the capacity to help lower cholesterol level and even prevent cancer.

Top 15 compelling reasons to use cardamom often and generously
(NaturalNews) Native to India and Sri Lanka, cardamom belongs to the ginger family and contains a cornucopia of beneficial volatile oils, vitamins and minerals. Ayurvedic medicine has recognized the merits of the spice for over 5,000 years, prescribing it for everything from digestive disorders to infectious illness to depression.

Cucumbers - Good for the body and other things
(NaturalNews) The cucumber is a very diversified fruit; not only can it do great things for the inside of our bodies, but it is beneficial for the body's exterior as well. Apart from being a fruit that is great to eat, the cucumber has other awesome uses. Many of the benefits of cucumbers are not well know, but they are truly amazing.

24 Apple Cider Vinegar Cures - An Incredible Natural Medicine Natural Society - Apple cider vinegar is truly amazing. Here are 24 apple cider vinegar cures for various issues.
Bragg Vinegar available at The Power Mall!

Chlorella: Superfood with Incredible Detoxing Capabilities
Natural Society - Chlorella seems to be an undervalued superfood, offering a lot of nutrition in very small servings. But chlorella offers even more than high nutritional value per gram. It is a powerful detoxification source.
Chlorella Chewable Tabs & Cracked Cell Chlorella Powder available at The Power Mall!

Ginger: Truly Among the Great Medicines of the World
Natural Society - An amazing beneficial herb, ginger root is not only good for cooking, it has been used for centuries as a powerful medicinal spice. Here are some benefits.
Ginger Root Ground 1 lb, Essential Oil Ginger & Gingerol all available at The Power Mall

Measles-Mumps-Rubella Vaccine Finally Linked to Autism in Multiple Court Cases Natural Society - A court has finally admitted that the scientific evidence is sufficient enough to prove that the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine could cause autism in children.

Harmful if swallowed - The dangers of food irradiation
(NaturalNews) Radiation is a carcinogen, mutagen and teratogen," Dr. Geraldine Dettman, a Brown University safety officer, points out. "At doses of 100,000 rads on fruits and vegetables, the cells of the fruits and vegetables will be killed, and most insect larvae will be destroyed, but fungi, bacteria and viruses growing on the fruit and vegetables will not be killed . . . They will be mutated, possibly leading to more virulent contaminants."

Move Over, Roundup: USDA Approves 2nd Generation GMOs That Can Withstand Even Deadlier Herbicide (Activist Post) The USDA has just approved a new generation of GMOs for use with more deadly herbicides than the toxic glyphosate that currently taints farms across America.

Moderate chocolate consumption is linked with decreased stroke risk in men (NaturalNews) The scientific community has released yet more good news about the health benefits of chocolate - moderate consumption may reduce the risk of stroke in men. Earlier studies have shown this delectable food reduces the risk of stroke in women, as well as enhances the health of the heart and brain in both sexes. This latest word of cheer gives male chocolate lovers one more reason to indulge in this treat, as long as they do not overdo it.

(NaturalNews) You've heard it before, but it's true: Green tea, one of the most studied substances in recent history, really does help improve your memory.

Some scientists say that without cutting meat consumption in half, the planet is heading for a crisis (NaturalNews) It isn't often that people are willing to take dietary advice from someone whose field of specialty isn't found in the health sciences. However, recently, some scientists have been growing more vocal about dietary recommendation that have less to do with personal health, and more to do with the planet's struggle to meet the needs of all of its passengers.
Surprise, surprise: Soft drinks cause behavioral problems in young children, research proves (NaturalNews) It is safe to say that the link between soda consumption and health conditions like diabetes and weight gain has been clearly established by a plethora of scientific research published in recent years. But what has not necessarily been fully recognized or understood is how consuming soft drinks affects the behavioral normalcy of children, particularly young children -- that is, until now.

Coconut oil halts tooth decay by attacking the bacteria that cause it (NaturalNews) If health authorities are going to remain insistent upon lacing the water supply with additives to thwart tooth decay, then they really should be using all-natural coconut oil rather than fluoride chemicals, based on the findings of a new study. Researchers from the Athlone Institute of Technology (AIT) in Ireland have found that coconut oil effectively inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria that can cause cavities and mouth infections, without causing any harmful side-effects.   

16 Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms - Signs of Low Magnesium Levels
Natural Society - Some of your health issues may be magnesium deficiency symptoms. Here are 16 signs of a magnesium deficiency.    

Deadly Drug Given to Women to Increase Milk Supply
Gaia Health - What risks are worth taking for the benefits of a drug? If you think doctors ask that question before prescribing, take a look at drug metoclopramide, prescribed to increase nursing mothers' milk supply, even though it's deadly and causes birth defects & permanent neurological damage.

Information contained here comes from "The Power Hour" News Blast which can be subscribed to for free at . "The Power Hour with Joyce Riley"  is a three-hour syndicated radio broadcast Monday through Friday, 7-10 AM CST.  Listen Live at or

We at World Health Team are pleased to offer three powerful products to help you maintain health: Youngevity, Kyani and One World Whey.  Scientific data is available which indicates that the products we offer can be helpful.

The Naturopathic Healer

Go to:  

The Naturopathic Healer Forum

The Naturopathic Healer Website to order

  Tip #1: Buy Organic
  Tip #2: Look for Non-GMO Project Seal
  Tip #3:  Avoid at-risk ingredients
  Tip #4: Download the Shopping Guides

Processed foods often have hidden GM sources (unless they are organic or declared non-GMO). The following are ingredients that may be made from GMOs.

Artificial Hormone-free Brands' Guide- Click on your state below to download a PDF document of dairy products sold in your area that are free of artificial bovine growth hormones.

Fluoride Action Network - Broadening public awareness about fluoride:

Vaccine Information: National Vaccine Information Center:

Think Twice Global Vaccine Institute:

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