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23 October, 2012

L. Argenine

One of the greatest discoveries ever to positively impact the health of people on this planet was the discovery of Nitric Oxide (NO) and its affect on the body.  The benefits of NO are tremendous.  But one of the biggest challenges facing the health establishment was not only in identifying this important nutrient but learning how to introduce it effectively into the body as a supplement.

Nitric Oxide is a gas.  That means its longevity in the body whether from food or in the cells themselves is very short.  During that time it must be absorbed and allowed to trigger the cells and in particular the blood vessels and the neurons to react to it and cause its life saving effect to take place.  This trigger mechanism must take place within a few seconds.  This means that Nitric Oxide can not be bottled and taken as a pill or a liquid.

One of the ways that NO has been used in the past is by having the body convert L. Argenine into Nitric Oxide.  But this mechanism is not 100% efficient and there are a number circumstances which will affect the conversion of L. Argenine to Nitric Oxide.

A unique feature of Nitro Xtreme, available from Kyani, is that the proprietary all natural blend of plants and berries which  converts the drops to NO in the mouth instead of the gut.  The enzymes and bacteria in the mouth cause the release of the Nitric Oxide where it can then be inhaled, absorbed through the blood vessels under the tongue and swallowed.  The benefits are absolutely amazing.  Within seconds the Nitro Xtreme or Nitro Fx, a less concentrated form, is absorbed into the circulatory system and on its way to vital organs, peripheral blood vessels and other systems in the body.  For this reason Nitro Xtreme and Nitro Fx only require a few drops per dose.

The benefits of Nitric Oxide are plenty.  Here are just a few of them:

  1. Reversal of high blood pressure or Hypertension.  It is estimated that 29% of the adult population or 43 million Americans have high blood pressure.  The worldwide incidence of the disease is similar.  In his book "No More Cardiovascular Disease", Nobel Laureate, Dr. Louis Ignarro, Ph.D.  states that high blood pressure is a cardiovascular disease and that Nitric oxide will reverse both arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis.
  2. Atherosclerosis is caused by plaque, fatty acid and calcium build up in the arteries is removed by Nitric Oxide.
  3. Hardening of the arteries is reversed into flexible healthy arteries by Nitric oxide.
  4. Coronary artery disease is reversed by Nitric Oxide.
  5. Diabetes and all of its accompanying and devastating symptoms can be improved by Nitric Oxide including reestablishing circulation thus avoiding amputations.
  6. Cardiovascular disease may be reversed by Nitric Oxide.
  7. Nitric Oxide has been named the "Molecule of Life" and was awarded the  The Nobel Prize in 1992,  The scientific team who did the ground braking research reciived the Nobel Prize in 1998 .
  8. The danger of Stroke can be eliminated by the use of Nitric Oxide.  Stroke is to the brain what a heart attack is to the heart.   It is damage caused to the tissue because of a lack of oxygen carrying blood flow.
  9. Dr. Joseph Prendergast was award the "Father of the Year" by the American Diabetes Association because his patients did not have one stroke in seventeen years through the use of L. Argenine, a precursor of Nitric Oxide and other nutritional supplements.
  10. Nitric Oxide has been associated with Cancer remediation when accompanied by other substances.  Further, studies on this possibility are underway.
  11. Nitric Oxide has Anti-aging properties.
  12. Sexual performance is improved as the Nitric Oxide improves circulation.
  13. There have been reversals of Macular Degeneration which is often associated with poor circulation due to age and diabetes.
  14. Improved Brain Function such as dementia and Alzheimers is associated with the use of Nitric Oxide and the increased blood flow that it produces.
  15. The use of Nitric Oxide improves immune function.
  16. Nutrients and medicines can be absorbed more readily with the use of NO.
  17. Muscle and bone strength are improved by using Nitric Oxide due to the increased circulation and more oxygen getting to the tissue.
  18. Increased circulation means improved wound healing.
  19. Mood swings are improved as the body performs better and the sluggishness and mental fog associated with old age and illness are eliminated.
  20. Metabolism is improved as the body is performing more efficiently.  As a result the conversion of calories to energy is more complete and less storage of calories as body fat can take place.
  21. Those who suffer from migraine headaches will see an improvement as blood circulation is increased.
  22. Neuropathy often times associated with poor circulation and Diabetes will improve.
  23. Nitric Oxide will also improve the symptoms of Fibromyalgia, Athritis. Osteoporosis  lower cholesterol.  Urination problems, Athletic Performance, Heart and Lung Performance, Kidney Function, Respiration, Stress reduction,Menopause problems, etc.
  24. The list of benefits goes on
Until recently the primary source of Nitric Oxide as a supplement was by taking L. Argenine.  Recently, some of the drawbacks of this pathway became obvious.  L. Argenine is still a viable method of obtaining Nitric Oxide.  However, the biochemical conversion of L.Argenine into Nitric Oxide can result in a less than optimal conversion.

L. Argenine is used by the body to do more than make Nitric Oxide.  It is also used in the production of lean muscle as well as other important uses by the body.  Once the body is under stress or functioning in an unhealthy condition L.Arginine may be diverted for the other processes and away from Nitric Oxide production.  But first the L. Argenine must be absorbed.  There is some indication that as a person begins to get older his ability to convert L.Arginine into Nitric Oxide becomes impaired.  All of this means that the person will have less and less NO available for use by the body as he ages.

If there has been damage to the blood vessels this will also reduce a person's ability to make NO.  It is safe to assume that most people living in the Westernized World have some damage to their blood vessels.  Only those in peak shape can assume that they are able to convert L. Argenine into Nitric Oxide.  Even in the best of condition it is estimated that the conversion from L.Argenine into Nitric Oxide is 60% at best.

For this reason Kyani has developed Nitro Xtreme and Nitro Fx.  These two products are not dependent on the ability to absorb L.Argenine in the digestive tract.  Instead the products are place under the tongue where they can be readily absorbed and go to work as soon as possible repairing important bodily systems regardless of the condition of the user.

L-arginine is a basic amino acid.  It competes with other basic amino acids in the human gut.  As as result there is a 60% loss in the oral dose.  What is left can result in bloating, gas and diarrhea.  The remaining 40% is then handled by the liver, where it is broken down into substances other than NO such as ornithine, urea, proline, and agmatine.  Certain enzymes require L. Argenine.  In the end, only about 1% of the L-arginine taken by mouth is actually converted into NO.

According to a recent article by Dr. Dr. Joseph Giacalone, MD,  This means that large doses of L.Argenine must be taken because of its inefficient use by the body.  Taking large doses of L-arginine is a metabolic problem.

"L-arginine is a positive regulator of the arginase enzyme system,* which siphons off excess L-arginine that could have been converted to NO and instead produces other chemicals.  L-arginine also has a negative feedback system with Nitric Oxide Synthase (NOS), the enzyme involved in NO production. This feedback system works in such a way that, when large doses of L-arginine are consumed, the efficiency of the NOS enzyme is reduced. When the NOS enzyme efficiency is reduced, NO production is reduced, and a chemical known as ADMA, (asymmetric dimethyl arginine) a potent inhibitor of the NOS enzyme, is produced, further decreasing the NOS efficiency.  These findings told that, even though L-arginine improved circulation initially, it was not a sustainable solution. And these aren’t the only problems in the case against L-arginine."

 L. Argenine has many benefits.  But there is a product available that has none of the potential problems associated.  It is 100% absorpable, is all natural from plants and puts the NO right where it needs to the blood stream.

Get more information about Nitro Xtreme and the other Kyani products here (ID: 638448)

Nitro Fx (Nitric Oxide, the Molecule of Life)

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