
The statements and products referenced in this blog have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or any other governmental agency. The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. The information in this blog is intended for information purposes only. If you have any diagnosed medical condition we recommend you consult your qualified health care provider with specific questions before using any new dietary supplement.

30 August, 2012

Get Your 20,000 ORAC Points per Day

If you are not getting at least 20,000 ORAC points per day you will be sick.  What is an ORAC score?

Oxygen radical absorbance capacity

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) is a method of measuring antioxidant capacities in biological samples in vitro.

A wide variety of foods has been tested using this method, with certain spices, berries and legumes rated highly in extensive tables once published by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), but these were withdrawn in 2012 as biologically invalid,[3] as no physiological proof in vivo exists that the free-radical theory is valid. Consequently, the ORAC method, derived only in in vitro experiments, cannot be interpreted as relevant to human diets or biology.

Ok, this is what is meant by misinformation.  In this example the USDA tries to neutralize the understanding that free radicals cause cell damage by claiming that there is no evidence that free radicals exist in vivo .  This could lead one to conclude that Free Radical damage to cells is invalid. 

Below are just a few of the thousands of peer reviewed studies that seem to contradict the USDA position on the "Free Radical Theory".  You can look these articles up at and
  • Mitochondria as sources and targets of damage in cellular aging.

  • Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L.) extracts on hydrogen peroxide- and lipopolysaccharide-treated RAW264.7 macrophages.

  • Mechanisms for countering oxidative stress and damage in retinal pigment 

 Basically, free radicals exist in our environment.  If not neutralized by anti-oxidants they will silently do damage to our cells, organs, and blood vessels leading to "mysterious" diseases which appear to come from no where and for which "there is no known cure".

False.  Oxidative Stress is a well known, well documented phenomena.  The way to protect yourself from Oxidative Stress is to take in 20,000 or more ORAC points per day.  As your antioxidants are used up you must replace them.  Failing to do so will result in degenerative disease.

The question is why would the USDA attempt to obscure this important clue to disease and disease prevention?

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