
The statements and products referenced in this blog have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or any other governmental agency. The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. The information in this blog is intended for information purposes only. If you have any diagnosed medical condition we recommend you consult your qualified health care provider with specific questions before using any new dietary supplement.

28 July, 2012

The Basics: You have to have the right nutrients to recover

You have to have the right nutrition if you want to recover from Stroke.  This is best achieved by regular supplementation with the right building blocks.  Remember, you have to not only retrain your body, but you must rebuild your brain.  But first you must correct dietary problems and recover from the nutritional deficiencies which led to the stroke in the first place. Beyond Tangy Tangerine has 90 essential vitamins and a slew of other minerals and trace minerals that help your body to rebuild.  I know after researching this product thoroughly that BTT will meet all your basic nutritional needs.   For specific issues and deficiencies other products will help round out your particular supplementation. Lets start with the basics.  Be sure to consult with a qualified health care practitioner.   If you have bloating, gas, diarhea, constipation or other digestive issues they must be addressed in order to be sure that you are able to absorb your nutrition.   Never stop taking your medication without consulting a doctor first.  Contact me or order any of the Youngevity products online.  Be sure to use my associate's number so that I can get the credit for your purchase.  100910989.  The most cost effective way to order Youngevity products is on auto-ship.  I can help you with your order. The basic problem for all degenerative illness is inflamation.  Therefore, you must cut out foods that may lead to inflamation.  You also must cut out insulin spiking foods such as:
  1. No grains such as wheat, barley, rye
  2. No gluten.  You must eat gluten free.
  3. No breads, pasta, pizza ,cakes, pastries , manufactured foods
  4. No cooking oils such as vegetable oils (except for coconut oils and fresh olive oil which is protected from sunlight and oxygen and kept in the refrigerator.)
  5. No fried foods what so ever
  6. No rice, potatoes, corn products, oats, cereals, starches, fructose, sugar
  7. Never use artificial sweeteners or additives
  8. Do use Probiotics, yoghurt, sauerkraut, fermented foods 
  9. Do use butter not margerine
  10. Do not eat low fat labeled foods
  11. Do eat 3 cups of fresh vegetables per meal per day
  12. Use whey protein for your daily protein needs and eat more eggs.
  13. Do use Omega 3 and Omega 6  in the right ratio
  14. Use Celtic Sea Salt or Himalayan Crystal Salt not table salt
  15. Breath Deeply, Exercise and Meditate daily
  16. Walk daily; 3 miles per day if you can
  17. Supplement with "Beyond Tangy Tangerine"  
If you find yourself craving sweets, increase your protein.  If you find your self craving fats increase your Essential Fatty Acids. If you do this as specified above you will be on your way to recovery.  Get your Youngevity Products Here 

Healthy Start Pack

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