Charlotte Gerson, founder of The Gerson Institute and the world's leading authority on Gerson Therapy, along with her son Howard Straus,
join The Power Hour to speak on the therapy developed by her father,
Max Gerson, M.D. The Gerson Therapy is a safe, natural treatment
developed by Dr. Gerson in the 1920's that uses organic foods, juicing,
coffee enemas, detoxification and natural supplements to activate the
body's ability to heal itself. Over the past 60 years, thousands of
people have used the Gerson Therapy to recover from so-called
"incurable" diseases such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease and
arthritis. Charlotte is truly inspiring and encouraging. This is a must
listen to program for anyone looking to learn the Therapy to treat
themselves or help a loved one.
An abundance of nutrients from copious amounts of fresh, organic juices
are consumed every day, providing your body with a super-dose of
enzymes, minerals and nutrients. These substances then break down
diseased tissue in the body, while coffee enemas aid in eliminating
toxins from the liver.
The Gerson Diet
Are you thinking of following the Gerson Therapy?
Juicer Recommendation:
* Defeating Obesity, Diabetes and High Blood Pressure by Charlotte Gerson
* Dr. Max Gerson: Healing The Hopeless by Howard Straus (the grandson of Max Gerson).
* The Gerson Way Healing Booklet Series
* The Gerson Miracle
* Dying To Have Known
* "The Beautiful Truth"
All available online at at or calling 877-817-9829.
HIV vaccine infects 41 volunteers, vaccine trials canceled
(NaturalNews) Yet another "experimental" vaccine for HIV has proven to be even more dangerous than the virus itself. At least 40 men participating in a taxpayer-funded government study entitled "HVTN 505 clinical trial," which began in 2009, were recently found to have contracted HIV from the vaccine itself, prompting an immediate end to the deadly trial.
Protection against West Nile Virus and spraying residues
(NaturalNews) There are some simple solutions for protecting
yourself from the West Nile Virus contracted from mosquito bites.
Keep a little jar of Calcium Bentonite Clay mud on hand at all
times and apply topically as soon as bitten. The clay will draw out
the venom and virus. Keep reapplying until the redness and itching
is gone.
>> Get your TLC Dry Powder Clay 1 lb from The Power Mall today!
Dr. Sherry Rogers, M.D. What she would do with a cancer diagnosis. Sherry Rogers, M.D. - Leading National Toxicology Expert
Article of discussion: (Wall Street Journal) Diabetic Kids' New Regimen : Push for Early Insulin Shots for Many Children Highlights Growing Cases of Type 2
Dr. Sherry Rogers on cell membrane repair:
New Book: How to Cure Diabetes
Product of Interest: Detox Cocktail
Detox Cocktail protects the body in a wide range of ways. It revs up
detoxification of environmental chemicals, guards against a heart
attack or blood clot, and cleanses the gut, protects our genes, and
boosts cancer killing cells. (Order individually or order the complete
Detox Cocktail at the very bottom of this page).
TOTAL WELLNESS NEWSLETTER -- This referenced monthly newsletter will keep you up to date on new findings. ORDER HERE or order by calling 1 (800) 846-6687
Depleted Uranium, Diabetes, Cancer And You
Alan Cantwell, MD - Recently I received an intriguing email claiming that the rapidly increasing worldwide epidemic of diabetes was caused by depleted uranium (DU). As a medical doctor I never heard of such an idea. Every physician knows that radiation can lead to cancer, but the DU and diabetes connection seemed ludicrous.
91 percent of Celestial Seasonings' 'all natural' teas found to have dangerous levels of pesticides (NaturalNews) A damning new report on Celestial Seasonings' line of 'all natural' teas reveals that 91 percent of the teas sampled contained pesticide levels that exceeded U.S. federal limits. Ten out of 11 tea varieties, including Antioxidant Blood Orange and Sleepytime Kids Goodnight Grape were found to have excess pesticides.
Home made mosquito repellent - This product also works well on ants and fleas and is free from chemicals that poison the body.... This is excellent to repels fleas on pets too.
Benefits of Activated Charcoal: Medicine of the Egyptians and Greeks
Natural Society - Activated charcoal, known as carbon, is used as a detox agent to absorb heavy metals and toxins, but the health benefits of activated charcoal continue.
Apple and Grape Seed Extracts Reduce Carcinogenic Chemicals from Cooking Meat
Natural Society - After testing the effect of extracts from
apples, elderberries, grape seeds, and pineapples on the formation
of HCA's, researchers from the University of Hong Kong and Rutgers
University have found that apple and grape seed extracts can reduce
the formation of HCA by up to 70%.
VIDEO: Fast Food Burgers Oozing with Parasites and Ammonia
Natural Society - A recent analysis into several different fast food hamburgers found relatively little meat, and a whole host of other "stuff".
Ginger for type 2 diabetics: This power herb is scientifically proven to increase insulin sensitivity
(NaturalNews) Ginger may help increase insulin sensitivity in
patients with type 2 diabetes, according to the findings of a
recent study conducted by researchers from the Tabriz University of
Medical Sciences in Iran and published in the International
Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition.
>> Ginger at The Power Mall! Ginger Root Ground 1 lb, Essential Oil Ginger, Gingerol, Bragg Ginger and Sesame Dressing
Black is the new green: Discover the health benefits of black foods
(NaturalNews) One particular antioxidant from the dark side is the superstar anthocyanin. Anthocyanins are powerful phytonutrients, a type of flavonoid consisting of water soluble pigments that serve numerous functions in plants. The most concentrated natural sources of anthocyanins are purple, blue, red, and black whole foods including spices and seeds.
Now from the makers of the deadly cervical cancer vaccine: An MRSA superbug jab in the works
(NaturalNews) The woman responsible for developing the infamous
Gardasil vaccine for cervical cancer, which has seriously maimed or
killed tens of thousands of young girls since first being
introduced, is working on a new vaccine for antibiotic-resistant
methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), according to
new reports.
Bentonite Clay to Detox Pesticides, Heavy Metals and Harmful Pathogens
Natural Society - First used in ancient Mesopotamia, Bentonite clays are called living clays appropriately since they prolong life by detoxing the toxic burden in our bodies.
The Gerson Institute is a
non-profit organization located in San Diego, California, dedicated to
providing education and training in the alternative, non-toxic treatment
of cancer and other disease, using the Gerson Therapy.
The Gerson Therapy is a
safe, natural treatment developed by Dr. Max Gerson in the 1920's that
uses organic foods, juicing, coffee enemas, detoxification and natural
supplements to activate the body's ability to heal itself. Over the
past 60 years, thousands of people have used the Gerson Therapy to
recover from so-called "incurable" disease
s such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease and arthritis.
The Gerson Therapy is a
natural treatment that activates the body's extraordinary ability to
heal itself through an organic, vegetarian diet, raw juices, coffee
enemas and natural supplements.
With its whole-body approach
to healing, the Gerson Therapy naturally reactivates your body's
magnificent ability to heal itself - with no damaging side effects. This
a powerful, natural treatment boosts the body's own immune system to
heal cancer, arthritis, heart disease, allergies, and many other
degenerative diseases. Dr. Max Gerson developed the Gerson Therapy in
the 1930s, initially as a treatment for his own debilitating migraines,
and eventually as a treatment for degenerative diseases such as skin
tuberculosis, diabetes and, most famously, cancer.
The Gerson Therapy's
all-encompassing nature sets it apart from most other treatment methods.
The Gerson Therapy effectively treats a wide range of different
ailments because it restores the body's incredible ability to heal
itself. Rather than treating only the symptoms of a particular disease,
the Gerson Therapy treats the causes of most degenerative diseases:
toxicity and nutritional deficiency.
Throughout our lives our
bodies are being filled with a variety of carcinogens and toxic
pollutants. These toxins reach us through the air we breathe, the food
we eat, the medicines we take and the water we drink. The Gerson
Therapy's intensive detoxification regimen eliminates these toxins from
the body, so that true healing can begin.
Cancer patients usually have
difficult time digesting foods. Therefore eating a raw food health diet
is excellent. The weakened body can absorbs live foods consisting of
enzymes, vitamins, proteins, calcium's, and mineral that go right to the
cellular level. The Gerson Therapy is the pioneer for juicing and
coffee enema.
>> Charlotte Gerson explains the necessity of coffee enemas in Healing the Gerson Way:
The Gerson diet is entirely
organic and vegetarian. The diet is naturally high in vitamins,
minerals, enzymes, micro-nutrients, and extremely low in sodium, fats,
and proteins. The following is a typical daily diet for a Gerson patient
on the full therapy regimen:
Thirteen glasses of fresh, raw carrot/apple and green-leaf juices prepared hourly from fresh, organic fruits and vegetables.
Three full vegetarian meals, freshly prepared from organically grown fruits, vegetables and whole grains. A typical meal will include salad, cooked vegetables, baked potatoes, Hippocrates soup and juice.
Fresh fruit and fresh fruit available at all hours for snacking, in addition to the regular diet.
To learn more about the Gerson diet, read about which foods are permitted and prohibited: Foods for the Gerson Diet (PDF)
Read our Get Started on the Gerson Therapy page to see the recommendations for beginning the Gerson Therapy.
YouTube - The Cancer Report (The Full Version)
- Excellent documentary on the Rockefeller Foundation and its
suppression of cancer cures and promotion of disease-causing agents, and
its unholy alliance with the FDA. The Gerson Therapy is given its due
as one of the "cancer cures" brutally and completely suppressed by the
FDA, AMA, ACS and Rockefellers.
Articles of Interest:
There are many different
types of juicers, however for cancer patients, the Norwalk Juicer is the
best because it uses hydraulic press.
Call (800) 643-8645 or (479) 770-0130 for any sales or warranty related questions.
Gerson Institute contact information:
Toll Free | (888)443-7766 | US and Canada |
(800)838-2256 | US Only | |
San Diego | (619) 685-5353 |
fully educated about the Gerson Therapy is the first step
toward reclaiming your health. To learn more about how the
Gerson Therapy works check out these available books & DVDs
from The Power Mall:
* Defeating Arthritis, Bone and Joint Diseases by Charlotte Gerson * Defeating Obesity, Diabetes and High Blood Pressure by Charlotte Gerson
* Dr. Max Gerson: Healing The Hopeless by Howard Straus (the grandson of Max Gerson).
* The Gerson Way Healing Booklet Series
* The Gerson Miracle
* Dying To Have Known
* "The Beautiful Truth"
All available online at at or calling 877-817-9829.
You have the power to heal yourself. And the Gerson Institute can give you the tools and show you how!
HIV vaccine infects 41 volunteers, vaccine trials canceled
(NaturalNews) Yet another "experimental" vaccine for HIV has proven to be even more dangerous than the virus itself. At least 40 men participating in a taxpayer-funded government study entitled "HVTN 505 clinical trial," which began in 2009, were recently found to have contracted HIV from the vaccine itself, prompting an immediate end to the deadly trial.
Liver Cleanse Diet: 11 Ways to Support the Bodys Fat and Toxin Processing Wonder
Natural Society - The liver is essential for so many things, but
most importantly, it is one of the most vital internal organ to
support weight loss and help us to detox from the millions of
poisons in our air, water, and soil. It is essential to include
detoxifying foods every single day to naturally have a liver
cleanse diet.
Dr. Sherry Rogers
has all the right stuff: an M.D. and membership with the prestigious
American Board of Family Practice and a Fellowship with the even more
prestigious American College of Allergy and Immunology. However, as it
turned out, the finest and most useful part of her education commenced
when she found herself to be a fellow E.I. (Environmental Illness)
patient entering a fellowship with the vast majority of all patients,
everywhere. The overwhelming research evidence is rapidly forcing
standard medicine to understand that the epidemic diseases of our time
(cancer, asthma, the autoimmune diseases, neurological and psychiatric
illness) are the price we pay for a civilization built without
forethought about its consequences for human health.
Dr. Rogers
lectures on her original scientific material worldwide, as well as
giving advanced courses for physicians. She developed the Formaldehyde
Spot Test and published her mold research in three volumes of the Annals
of Allergy. She has published chemical testing methods in the
National Institutes of Health Journal, Environmental Health
In addition, she has published multiple scientific articles, authored 14 books including her most recent, "How to Cure Diabetes!", Is Your Cardiologist Killing You?", "The High Cholesterol Hoax," "The High Blood Pressure Hoax", "Detoxify or Die" and "Pain Free."
Dr. Rogers believes man has neglected one fundamental
biological rule - to check and see if the organism is adapting to its
new environment. She contends we are the first generation to be
exposed to such an unprecedented number of chemicals. The work of
detoxifying this intensive chemical exposure causes serious
deficiencies. This maladaptation due to inability to adequately
detoxify the body has resulted in chronic disease. But Dr. Rogers
points out that disease is not a drug deficiency. The common goal of
her current research projects is to help people adapt naturally in
lifestyle changes and reverse chronic disease
Additional related articles:
membranes are damaged, there's a lot more missing than we can measure.
Fortunately, we know what many of these elusive items are. When
repairing the cell or mitochondrial membranes not only do you have to
repair the "bread" of the membrane sandwich (which is cod liver oil
usually),but it's imperative to repair the "meat" of the membrane
sandwich which is phosphatidylcholine. That's why a big scoop of HB-PC (Phosphatidyl Choline)
that is non-GMO, not loaded with laboratory reagent contaminants, in an
easy powder form and less expensive than our former recommendations) is
so crucial, at least a couple times a week." Source: Dr. Rogers on HB-PC PC Powder
As far as the multiple curable causes of diabetes
go, the #1 cause permeates 80% of our diet. Yet the FDA limit on this
#1 cause is 500 times higher than the dose that researchers use to
create diabetes. The good news is sometimes as little as pennies of
non-prescription nutrients (depending on the individual) can literally
cure diabetic nephropathy (kidney disease), prevent amputations, reverse
diabetic retinopathy, as well as reverse diabetes to the point of
needing no medications. Come and learn how to empower yourself (contains
well over 1000 references).
Regarding Cancer:
who have high blood pressure, arythmias, and congestive heart failure
are prescribed calcium channel blockers. These medicines fail to fix
the calcium channels that were damaged in the cell membrane. The
result of taking these medicines, according to Dr. Rogers,
is cancer, due to the fact that the gap junctional proteins in the
cell membrane are a major determinate in getting cancer. Dietary long
chain omega-3 fatty acids (i.e. 'cod liver oil') have protective
effects on coronary heart disease and breast cancer.
Also Check out Diseases of the 21st Century by Dr. Sherry Rogers, MD. After reading this book, you will understand the value of whole foods
Dr. Rogers includes the experiences of herself and others with the macrobiotic diet. These stories are highly motivating for addressing serious and even bizarre illnesses through whole foods diets, not just macrobiotics. Dr. Rogers describes macrobiotics and includes ideas for intermediate, partially macrobiotic eating.
Dr. Rogers includes the experiences of herself and others with the macrobiotic diet. These stories are highly motivating for addressing serious and even bizarre illnesses through whole foods diets, not just macrobiotics. Dr. Rogers describes macrobiotics and includes ideas for intermediate, partially macrobiotic eating.
Related Articles:
Dr. Rogers recommends purchasing a Pulse Oximeter to check your heart rate. ** Dr. Rogers states that you should be 98% or above
She also recommend a BNP test - BNP: An important new cardiac test
Books by Dr. Sherry Rogers:
* How to Cure Diabetes
* Detoxify or Die
* Pain Free in 6 Weeks
* Is Your Cardiologist Killing You?
* Depression Cured At Last
* Wellness Against All Odds
* No More Heartburn
* The Cure Is In The Kitchen
* The E.I. Syndrome
* You Are What You Eat
* Macro Mellow
* How to Cure Diabetes
* Detoxify or Die
* Pain Free in 6 Weeks
* Is Your Cardiologist Killing You?
* Depression Cured At Last
* Wellness Against All Odds
* No More Heartburn
* The Cure Is In The Kitchen
* The E.I. Syndrome
* You Are What You Eat
* Macro Mellow
And don't forget 5 years of Dr Sherry Rogers on TPH now on an Audio DVD!
All natural products discussed during today's broadcast, including The Detox Cocktail will be available online "24/7"at or by calling 1-877-817-9829 Mon-Fri, 8 to 4 Central Time.
All natural products discussed during today's broadcast, including The Detox Cocktail will be available online "24/7"at or by calling 1-877-817-9829 Mon-Fri, 8 to 4 Central Time.
Additional recommended supplements for health (by Dr. Sherry Rogers):
* Glycine
now for your complimentary copy of the Total Wellness newsletter! Also
mention The Power Hour with Joyce Riley and receive 15% off of your
subscription (this week only). CODE: P111P
Total Wellness newsletter is filled with informative tips and summary
information on disease prevention, nutritional awareness and what you
may not be able to learn elsewhere. She's frank and
straight-forward in her approach.
Alan Cantwell, MD - Recently I received an intriguing email claiming that the rapidly increasing worldwide epidemic of diabetes was caused by depleted uranium (DU). As a medical doctor I never heard of such an idea. Every physician knows that radiation can lead to cancer, but the DU and diabetes connection seemed ludicrous.
91 percent of Celestial Seasonings' 'all natural' teas found to have dangerous levels of pesticides (NaturalNews) A damning new report on Celestial Seasonings' line of 'all natural' teas reveals that 91 percent of the teas sampled contained pesticide levels that exceeded U.S. federal limits. Ten out of 11 tea varieties, including Antioxidant Blood Orange and Sleepytime Kids Goodnight Grape were found to have excess pesticides. - This product also works well on ants and fleas and is free from chemicals that poison the body.... This is excellent to repels fleas on pets too.
Benefits of Activated Charcoal: Medicine of the Egyptians and Greeks
Natural Society - Activated charcoal, known as carbon, is used as a detox agent to absorb heavy metals and toxins, but the health benefits of activated charcoal continue.
VIDEO: Fast Food Burgers Oozing with Parasites and Ammonia
Natural Society - A recent analysis into several different fast food hamburgers found relatively little meat, and a whole host of other "stuff".
>> Ginger at The Power Mall! Ginger Root Ground 1 lb, Essential Oil Ginger, Gingerol, Bragg Ginger and Sesame Dressing
Black is the new green: Discover the health benefits of black foods
(NaturalNews) One particular antioxidant from the dark side is the superstar anthocyanin. Anthocyanins are powerful phytonutrients, a type of flavonoid consisting of water soluble pigments that serve numerous functions in plants. The most concentrated natural sources of anthocyanins are purple, blue, red, and black whole foods including spices and seeds.
Bentonite Clay to Detox Pesticides, Heavy Metals and Harmful Pathogens
Natural Society - First used in ancient Mesopotamia, Bentonite clays are called living clays appropriately since they prolong life by detoxing the toxic burden in our bodies.
Blog Editor's Note: This blog is not intended to diagnose, treat
or cure any medical condition. If you have any symptom and before
taking any supplements consult with your qualified physician.
Information contained here comes from "The Power Hour" News Blast which can be subscribed to for free at . "The Power Hour with Joyce Riley" is a three-hour syndicated radio broadcast Monday through Friday, 7-10 AM CST. Listen Live at or
We at World Health Team are pleased to offer three powerful products to help you maintain health. Scientific data is available which indicates that the products we offer can be helpful.
Go to:
The Naturopathic Healer Forum
The Naturopathic Healer Website to order
Artificial Hormone-free Brands' Guide- Click on your state below to download a PDF document of dairy products sold in your area that are free of artificial bovine growth hormones.
Fluoride Action Network - Broadening public awareness about fluoride:
Vaccine Information: National Vaccine Information Center:
Think Twice Global Vaccine Institute:
State to State Vaccination Exemption Forms
Courtesy of "The Power Team" of Youngevity
Information contained here comes from "The Power Hour" News Blast which can be subscribed to for free at . "The Power Hour with Joyce Riley" is a three-hour syndicated radio broadcast Monday through Friday, 7-10 AM CST. Listen Live at or
We at World Health Team are pleased to offer three powerful products to help you maintain health. Scientific data is available which indicates that the products we offer can be helpful.
Go to:
The Naturopathic Healer Forum
The Naturopathic Healer Website to order
Tip #1: Buy Organic
Tip #2: Look for Non-GMO Project Seal
Tip #3: Avoid at-risk ingredients
Tip #4: Download the Shopping Guides
foods often have hidden GM sources (unless they are organic or
declared non-GMO). The following are ingredients that may be made from
Artificial Hormone-free Brands' Guide- Click on your state below to download a PDF document of dairy products sold in your area that are free of artificial bovine growth hormones.
Fluoride Action Network - Broadening public awareness about fluoride:
Vaccine Information: National Vaccine Information Center:
Think Twice Global Vaccine Institute:
State to State Vaccination Exemption Forms
Courtesy of "The Power Team" of Youngevity
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