Compost Made Easy
Mother Earth News - Never underestimate the power of letting stuff rot in a pile. There are loads of easy ways to compost - and we'll help you find the right methods for you.
Top 12 Strategies for Optimizing Your Health
Dr. Mercola - The vast majority of health problems are in fact responsive to appropriate lifestyle changes-the most important of which are covered in this article
Why turmeric is the fountain of youth and the key to vibrant health
(NaturalNews) A cohort of scientific studies published in recent years have shown that taking turmeric on a regular basis can actually lengthen lifespan and improve overall quality of life. * Power Mall products of interest: Turmeric Root Powder 1 lb & CurcuminX4000
Cancer Doctor Explains How Cooking with Turmeric Leads to Amazing Health Benefits Natural Society - As Dr. Sukumar said, the benefits of turmeric are many-from inflammation of the joints as is common in arthritis, to reduced cancer risk and the treatment of diabetes. But, not all sources of curcumin are equal. As Dr. Sukumar points out, your body can get the most benefits when you add it to your cooking. * Power Mall products of interest: Turmeric Root Powder 1 lb & CurcuminX4000
Magnesium rich foods reverse Alzheimer's disease
(NaturalHealth365) Researchers have found that magnesium plays an important part in protecting the aging brain's structure and function; it can rebuild ruptured synapses, and restore the degraded neuronal connections within the brain and help reverse memory lost. In fact, for many years, magnesium has been recognized as a key component to optimal brain function. * Power Mall products of interest: Magnesium Oil, Magnesium Gel, Magnesium(liquid supplement), Magnesium Powder, Magnesium Bath Crystals, Magnesium (tablets)
VIDEO: OMG, that really happens? The truth about trying to wash pesticides off produce Occupy Monsanto - Plants aren't just coated with pesticides, plants soak up pesticides; root vegetables in particular are vulnerable as well as fruits and veggies with thin "skins" as they lack the proper physical barriers needed for protection. No matter how much you wash them you can't get rid of the pesticides that are now throughout your
Why nightly snacks are unhealthy
(NaturalNews) It might seem harmless if you grab a bowl of cereal at night, but the fact is that it is better off if you eat that in the morning. New studies have shown that the human body is inclined to convert food consumed at night into fat and then converting it into energy during the daytime.
Quick and Clean: 40 Non-Processed Snacks That Meet Your Need For Speed Activist Post - In a society that is geared towards instant gratification, the problem with non-processed food is that it isn't "quick". One of the major reasons that people give for eating processed foods over whole foods is that "I needed something quick." Don't let your need for speed sidetrack your healthy eating habits.
Music Prompts Numerous Brain Changes Linked to Emotions and Abstract Decision Making Dr. Mercola - When you listen to music, much more is happening in your body than simple auditory processing. Music triggers activity in the nucleus accumbens, a part of your brain that releases the feel-good chemical dopamine and is involved in forming expectations.... Listening to music was found to lessen anxiety better than anti-anxiety drugs, and also has beneficial effects on premature babies.
Food investigations: Welch's fruit juice cocktails contain more corn than fruit: 80% water and high fructose corn syrup
(NaturalNews) If you buy fruit juices at your local grocery store, you
might notice the Welch's brand juices sold in refrigerated cartons.
Welch's calls them "refrigerated cocktails" and offers exotic-sounding
flavors like Strawberry Peach, Dragon Fruit Mango Cocktail and Orange
Pineapple Apple.
Information contained here comes from "The Power Hour" News Blast which can be subscribed to for free at . "The Power Hour with Joyce Riley" is a three-hour syndicated radio broadcast Monday through Friday, 7-10 AM CST. Listen Live at or
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