All disease is cell disease according to naturopathic pharmacist Ben Fuchs. In this mind blowing article we will talk about the disease process and the root of the matter. We will discuss the "Triangle of Disease" and the four conditions which must be met to maintain health.
There is a place for heroic medicine. If you are in a car accident and break your arm you need to be patched up. This is entirely different than if someone claims to be an expert on "chronic " disease. By chronic or degenerative disease we mean the body is always in the state of becoming, of changing. You are either building up or you are breaking down. It depends on the environment that the cells are in. By environment we mean both outside the body and within the body. To the degree that we can maintain a safe environment our health or our sickness will be existent or not.
The concept that by medication, radiation or surgical procedures are necessary for health is a ridiculous idea. The body heals itself. Nothing else will heal you. Our job as sentient beings is to maintain that environment both within the body and outside. Sometimes this is easier said than done. This means that we must supplement our diets correctly. There is no way that the average person can intake and absorb all the nutrients necessary to maintain health. The idea that there is a pharmaceutical solution is preposterous. Not even running 100 miles a day will make a sick body well. We must intake and absorb the vital nutrients necessary to build and maintain health. Dr. Joel Wallach has determined that there are 90 vital vitamins and minerals necessary in the right form and amounts to be healthy. Without them breakdown is inevitable.
The Triangle of Health - The triangle of health are the three axis in which most diseases get their foothold. They are 1. Digestive / Immunity System; 2. Thyroid / Adrenalin; 3. Lymphatic System. The three axis are not equally responsible for disease. In fact, the digesting system is the beginning of most disease. Actually, all the axis play a role in the overall health of the person. But we must understand where the assault on the normal functioning of the body comes from.
There are only a few places where provocateurs can enter the body. The skin is a complex organ which is designed to prevent the entry of antagonistic pathogens while allowing the body to "breathe". The eyes, nose and ears as well as other openings used for waste all have a means of protecting the body. By far the mouth where digestion begins and takes place is the site of entry for most problematic agents.
One of the biggest problems with vaccines is that by injecting them they go right into the blood stream without having to clear the immune system of the digestive tract. A similar problem exists with the blood / brain barrier as it relates to toxins. For example the reason that chewing gum is so poisonous is because the saliva allows the aspartame to flow directly into the brain where the most damage can be done.
Not only are things getting in through the mouth but nutrients are prevented from being absorbed in the digestive tract. The stomach may become deacidified. Substances can keep the villi from absorbing nutrition and even damage the microscopic hairs of the villi such that other nutrients are unable to absorbed. Bacteria call H. Pylori can proliferate causing more problems. Yeast called Candida Albicans can over proliferate and may lead to serious diseases. There are millions of pathogens, viruses, bacteria and parasites that can overwhelm the gut and lead to one of the 15,000 or so diseases listed in the World Health Organization database.
Cancer that "Emperor" of all Disease occurs when cells grow disorganized and uncontrollably. Cancer may be found any place in the body. While we have yet found a means to halt the spread of Cancer, scientist and researchers know what causes it and are able to provide some clues on how to protect oneself from becoming a victim.
Low oxygen or hypoxia is the most likely cause of Cancer. Cancer cells prefer the environment of low oxygen and sugar or fast burning carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, cereal, grains and starches.
Hypoxia is a major cause of breakdown and inflammatory disease. It also is a major cause of immune dysfunction and Cancer. Low oxygen impacts health at the cell level and in particular the cell membrane. Cancer cells are anaerobe cells meaning that rather than metabolizing sugar using oxygen they actually metabolize sugar by fermentation in an atmosphere where oxygen is rare. Please reference Dr. Otto Warburg, Nobel Laureate, published in the Journal of Science in 1956. (Those seeking more information may also click here). Oxygen has its first implication in health with respiration. It is through this means that oxygen gets into the blood. According to Dr. Warburg, first cells suffocate then they become cancerous. Cells become cancerous in two stages. First they become injured and can not respirate and second there is a long struggle by the individual cells to retain their structure.
In the book, "Cancer Step Outside the Box" by Dr. David Gregg, Md., page 84, "Cancer does not cause cells to turn anaerobic but rather it is stabilized anaerobic respiration that is "the single" cause that turns normal cells that depend on aerobic respiration into cancer cells. (
Hypoxia (low levels of oxygen) which results in gene mutation tumor angiogenisis is regarded is the central factor of tumor progression and metastases , The Journal of Molecular Cancer, January, 2003.
According to Dr. Warburg, there is only one common cause of Cancer. That common cause is the irreversible injury of respiration.
The four conditions which must be addressed and kept in balance in order to maintain health are: 1. Dehydration; 2. Starvation; 3. Suffocation; 4. Toxification. As you can see from the above, suffocation is the leading cause of Cancer. But there are things you can do that are simple and effective in reducing the possibility of getting Cancer:
- Breathe deeply from the belly slowly without holding the breath. Do this several times per day.
- Decrease the use of anything that will increase inflammation such as foods on the list of foods to avoid especially micro-inflammation.
- Move your body. A rebounder is probably the best equipment for health.
- Keep the lymphatic system moving by moving your muscles
- Drink lots of water.
- Eat Less Food / Restrict Your Calories
- Supplement the body with the Mighty 90 nutrients from Youngevity.
- Use anti-oxidants and phytonutrients.
- Drink your food / nutrition rather than eating solid foods
- Get some Sun (Vitamin D3)
Oxygen delivers electricity to a cell. A Cancer cell that has been suffocated and robbed of oxygen. That is why the Nitro Xtreme from Kyani is so important because it increases the flow of blood which contains oxygen to the periphery of the body.
Cancer takes a long time to develop. By the time a person shows up with Cancer usually the person has been abusing the body for decades. Cancer cells are in fact your own cells gone bad. Things that "kill" Cancer cells are things that in fact kill you. The way to handle Cancer cells is by creating an environment where Cancer cells can not live.
You must keep inflammation under control. Inflammatory processes act to block oxygen from entering a cell. Micro-inflammation is at the cell level. It is usually a defensive response to an activated immune system. This means that you must stay away from foods that activate an immune response. It is not so much that certain foods cause Cancer. It is more that certain foods cause and inflammatory response that leads to cell suffocation. Which leads to deficiencies in oxygen which is the single most cause of Cancer.
Keeping fluids moving in the body, exercise, staying away from proinflammatory foods. Sugar is probably the most proinflammatory food. Blood clotting, thick blood, thrombosis and coagulation are huge risk factors for the formation of Cancer. Tumors are a direct result of clotted or coagulated blood. The Lymphatic system is responsible for moving waste and toxins. When the Lymphatic system becomes clogged inflammation may result blocking oxygen from certain cells suffocate and are turned into Cancer cells.
Drinking more water is extremely healthful in stopping Cancer. Vegetable juices also serve to help keep the blood flowing. Beyond Tangy Tangerine (BTT) from Youngevity is another great source of anti-Cancer nutrients. The Clemson Study about Beyond Tangy Tangerine confirmed that BTT killed Cancer cells in a petri dish.
Cancer cells live in an environment of toxicity, starvation and suffocation. It is the environment that must be manipulated and controlled to prevent or eliminate Cancer. The Nobel Laureate, Robert Beck who wrote a book where he states that Cancer can be reversed.
Killing tumor cells is not killing Cancer. To end Cancer reign as the Emperor of Disease you must change the environment in which Cancer is created and can thrive to an environment hostile to Cancer. Such an environment would me on the micro or cellular level and consist of oxygen, proper nutrients for health and movement of fluids in the body.
Blog Editor's Note: This blog is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any medical condition. If you have any symptom and before taking any supplements consult with your qualified physician.
Information contained in this article is a summary of a recent program from Naturopathic Pharmacist Ben Fuchs. You can listen to his one hour syndicated radiio program "The Brightside" Monday through Friday, 8 - 9 AM PST. Listen Live at or
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