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16 November, 2012

Men, Get the Lace Off Your Bra - Estrogen (Part 1)

Please note that this post is based on a recent radio broadcast from Naturopathic Pharmacist Ben Fuchs.  You can listen to him week days at on Genesis Communications Network.  This post in no way is intended to diagnose, treat, cure or counsel you.  If you have a medical symptom you are advised to consult with your qualified medical practitoner.  This post is for your information and entertainment only.

This posting is sponsored by the World Health Team, distributors for Kyani International and Youngevity.  Order your Kyani products for chronic illness recovery and high sports performance here .  Order Youngevity products including the Beyond Tangy Tangerine and the "Mighty 90" essential nutrients here.

(Part 1)

Estrogen is a stress management hormone. Men can make about as much Estrogen as women.  Men can make up to 55 picograms per mililiter of Estrodiol.  Women can make up to 60 picograms per mililiter of Estrodiol when they begin their menstral cycle rising to 300 to 400 picograms per mililiter as their menstral cycle progresses.  Thats about a quarter of a teaspoon of Estrogen in the whole bodily volume of blood.  On average men and women produce about the same amount of Estrogen. This tiny amount of Estrogen can have an enorrmous impact on health.

It would be wise to think carefully about exposing yourself to Estrogen at any level.  Estrogen is similar to Cortisol, Adrenalin or Prolactin which is associated with helping women produce milk when they have had a baby. Estrogen is associated with inflammation, migraine headaches, hypertension, anxiety, autoimmune disease, clotting and activation of the Immune System.  Estrogen is a known carcinogen.  It can suppress growth and repair of the body.  It can interrupt reproduction.  It will cause emotional and mental problems.  It will slow down the thyroid.  Estrogen is one of the main causes of Hypothyroidism which is the third point in the "Triangle of Disease" which means it can lead to every other disease including Cancer and in particular Breast Cancer and Heart Disease.  It also leads to a breakdown in collagen and connective tissue.

Estrogen is processed by the liver.  If you have any liver problems, gallbladder problems or an intestinal problem or have had your gallbladder removed your risk for Estrogenic toxicity is increased significantly.  One out of three adults has "Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease".    Further, since probiotics or good bacteria in the gut play such an important role they will be critical if you are dealing with any kind of an Estrogenic problem.  Probiotics help detoxify Estrogen if you have a problem with your gut and if you have SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth) caused by consuming too much sugar and fructose.

Indications of Estrogen Dominance is if you have a round bottom, thick hair, large breasts and large hips, If you are a man and have a lot of fat around the pectoral muscles your odds for Estrogenic problems increase. This can have serious consequences.

As if this were not enough to worry about, Estrogen will make you fat.  Up to 2/3 of the 30 Million head of cattle in the U.S. are fattend with illegal doses of Estrogen.  Yet there are 30 million prescriptions issued in America per year for Estrogen therapies.  That is over 2 Billion Dollars in America alone associated with the of Estrogen product sales.  Estrogen is big business. But its consequences can be devastating for the individual.

Estrogen is made in fat cells and Estrogen will make fat cells.  If you are dealing with health issues that are associated with Estrogen such as Breast Cancer, Uterine Cancer and Prostate Cancer your number one move against the disease is to lose  body fat.    Body fat is an Estrogen producing factory.  The more body fat you have the more Estrogen you are making.  

If you are having problems in the bedroom Estrogenicity is one of the main reasons why sexual performance and desire is reduced.  Nothing will make a man less sexual, less manly, less viral than excess Estrogen. The same is true of women who lose their sexual vigor or libido as they age.  Estrogen levels rise as people get older regardless.  If you are carrying around a lot of body fat, eating soy products, using plastic bottles and containers, eating meats and fish that have hormones added to increase their sizes, if you eat a lot of processed food, legumes, beans, peanuts, milk from cows which were given hormones or hormone laden water you could be exposing yourself to harmful levels of Estrogen.

Before the 1960's Estrogen was respected as a very powerful stress hormone.  It was associated with disease.  But then in the 1960's a book was released call "Feminine Forever" by Dr. Robert Wilson.  He made the case for Estrogen as a "Youth Hormone".  Published in 1962,  Dr. Wilson hypothesized that the pharmaceutical use of Estrogen could completely eliminate the pains and discomforts associated with Menopause.  Dr. Wilson called Menopause a disease.  He thought that Estrogen was the cure for the disease.  Dr. Wilson based his claim on one single study that was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association which involved 300 women.  Dr. Wilson also neglected to reveal that he was on the payroll of and funded by the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer which gained to profit tremendously from the sale of Estrogen medications.

Estrogen is intimately involved with bodily responses to stress such as vasodilation as in the case of Rosecia in the skin, the vasodilation in the head causing migraine headaches, the vasoconstriction causing high blood pressure, the hyper-activation of the immune system, the activation of the inflammatory system that can lead to blood clotting, fibromyalgia, autoimmune diseases and even Cancer.  These maladies are all associated with the excess secretion of Estrogen.

Estrogen is an important emergency stress hormone.  It is great for short term management of stress.  But in the long term exposure to elevated levels of Estrogen is just as dangerous as long term exposure to Cortisol or any other stress hormone.  Stress hormones are designed to keep the body functioning during a survival threat.  In an emergency they will allow for an increase in energy and all the energy producing systems in the body.  But in the long term they will suppress growth, suppress repair and reproduction.  That is why Estrogen is used as a contraceptive. When the reproductive system is under the command of a stress hormone fertility will be decreased.  If a woman is trying to become pregnant but can't, chances are that she is dealing with elevated stress hormones.

When the body goes into stress mode and stress hormones are released wild excessive growth and storage of fats can be the results as in cancer and obesity.  Insulin is also a hormone.  When excessive amounts of insulin are introduced into the body perhaps due to too much fast burning carbohydrates like potatoes, rice, grains, pasta, corn and sugar this can lead to a weakening of the pancreas, growth of wild disorganized cells, inflammation, obesity and the failure of the body to respond to the hormone, as in the case of Type 2 Diabetes, among other things.

There is just one kind of Cortisol and Adrenalin.  But there are multiple forms of Estrogen. In fact, Estrogen is actually a family of chemicals all of which have a chemical shape.  Chemicals are about the shape.  In the same way a key must have a certain shape to fit a lock, so do chemicals have to have a certain shape to unlock certain bodily functions.  In nature there are lots of chemical "keys" that have an Estrogenic shape.  For example there is a chemical found in nature called "Isoflavones".  Isoflavones are Estrogenic.  They have an Estrogen like shape.  They therefore, can stimulate an Estrogen response in the body.  Isoflavones are found in beans, legumes, nuts, seeds and peanuts as well as berries.  In other words eating peanuts can increase the Estrogen activity and stress responses in the body.

Many plants use this Estrogen shape (phyto-estrogens) as a defense against predators.   Animals that eat Isoflavones in plants will not grow, repair or reproduce.  Plants use phyto-estrogens for chemical warfare and they are found in everything from flax seeds to collard greens.  Phyto-estrogens have their proper place in our diets.  But the cumulative effect of too much Estrogen can be harmful.

If you are dealing with an Estrogen issue you will want to be careful about consuming foods that contain high levels of these Estrogenic compounds.   Not only are phyto-estrogens found throughout nature there are many artificial chemicals that mimic Estrogen too. Estrogen mimicers are found in lots of plastics for example that use the same chemical key.  Bisphenol A (BPA) is one such plastic that utilizes artificial estrogen.  Plastic wraps, plastic bottles and plastic packaging are sources of the compounds known as xenoestrogen.  . Xenoestrogens are found in skin care products, as well as sun screens.  This is why you should never use a chemical sun screen. (Distinct from sunscreens are sun blocks).  Many preservatives such as paraben are also based on xenoestrogens.   Fragrances are xenoestrogenic. 

People also voluntarily expose themselves to Estrogen through birth control pills and other prescription drugs.  People use hormone replacement therapy.  Even tap water may contain excreted Estrogen.

Initially, Estrogen will cause cells to function at a higher rate.  But over time this excess artificial stimulation will result in oxygen deprivation which means cell suffocation.  Cell suffocation is one of the four deadly behaviors for a cell.  The other three are: Toxification, Starvation and Dehydration.  The suffocation of the cells will lead to death of the cell or the cell will divide and grow wildly out of control.      Anytime there is uncontrolled growth you must consider the possibility that excess Estrogen is present.

It also turns out that many signs of aging such as hyper pigmentation, formation of blood clots, formation of fibroids, inflammation and immune system imbalances are the exact same signs of excess Estrogen.  A case could be made that Estrogen, in addition to being a stress hormone may also be an aging hormone.

The nutrients that will protect you from Estrogen will not only protect women but men too. Estrogenicity is a male problem as much as it is a female problem.  It causes feminization in men, impotence, even prostate cancer.     Weight gain is another Estrogenic issue.  What are the nutritional strategies that can be used to protect men and women from Estrogen exposure.   re are a number of natural nutritional things you can do to protect yourself from excess Estrogen:
  1. Vitamin E (mixed Tocopherols) - It protects the membranes of cells among other things.  All disease is cell disease.  Keeping the Cell Membrane intact is very important to health. Vitamin neutralizes cancer causing agents.  This is especially important for the skin, the heart, the brain, the liver, the breasts, the prostate.  Vitamin E protects against excitotoxins.  Vitamin E promotes fertility.  It is Anti-Estrogenic, Anti-oxidant, Anti-Cancer,  Vitamin E is not easy to get from food.  You must supplement.  Kyani Sunset is an excellent source of Tocotrienols.  You need 400 IU of vitamin E per day according to Pharmacist Ben Fuchs.  Vitamin E should be taken with fats, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Alpha Lipoic Acid and Selenium.  They work together.
  2. Turmeric - Tumeric is a herb similar to ginger and the basis for Curcumin.  It is a Bioflavinoid. it is full of Antioxidants and Anti-Cancer substances.  It is great to deal with Nasea of any kind.  Blocks Cancer agents from getting into the body.  Blocks radiation, bacteria, Estrogen dependent Cancers, excitotoxins, dangerous chemicals, pollution, etc.  Your fat absorption must be working properly in order for these Phytonutrients to work.  Take them with digestive enzymes, apple cider vinegar and lots of vegetables.  Youngevity makes a products call "Cell Shield" in which Tumeric is a key ingredient.
  3. Reduce your exposure to Estrogen in the foods like dairy, fish, soy, peanuts, lentils, chickpeas, oats, grains, , plastics, cosmetics, sun screens, tap water and other source.
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