
The statements and products referenced in this blog have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or any other governmental agency. The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. The information in this blog is intended for information purposes only. If you have any diagnosed medical condition we recommend you consult your qualified health care provider with specific questions before using any new dietary supplement.

31 July, 2012

What Caused My Stroke?

I had been wondering and researching the cause of my stroke.  I mean I am a swimmer, a runner, a sailor, a football player, a basketball player, a hiker, a matial artist, a tennis coach, a search and rescuer and a participant in all sorts of activities that were meant to keep me healthy.  I have always eaten well and healthy.  Not too much fast food.  Not a big soda drinker.  I did like beer and wine though.

But the fact is the warning signs were there.  I ignored them and I paid the price.  What were the warning signs.  As a child I was sickly.  I had allergies and asthma.  I also always sweated a lot.   I was thin as a child but bulked up as I got older and began to lift weights.

At the age of 45 years old I moved to Denmark where I lived for 8 years.  There for the first time in my life I developed high blood pressure, paralysis in my face and had suffered several sports related injuries in my foot.

Here is what I have been able to deduce from that history:
  1. My immune system was compromised due to vaccines as a child
  2. I did have extensive use of mercury amalgam in my teeth
  3. I probably developed food allergies and sensitivities especially due to wheat and other grains.
  4. Not realizing that food sensitivities could lead to asthma I became asthmatic as a child
  5. I continued to eat grains compromising my ability to absorb vital nutrients
  6. As an athlete I sweated a lot and lost more vital minerals
  7. I made the situation worse by not drinking enough clean water
  8. I continued to eat pastas, starches, potatoes, rice, corn, oats and sugary fruits like oranges
  9. I did not eat enough green vegetables and bitter foods opting for that sugary taste
  10. I rarely supplemented my compromised diet
  11. I had an episode after strong antibiotics where I had to reintroduce probiotics in the form of yogurt when my doctor refused to treat me for C. Albicans.
  12. When I moved to Northern Europe I did not realize how little sun exposure they had and I became deficient in vitamin D
  13. I estimate my deficiencies included vitamins A, B, C, D, E zinc, magnesium, selenium, chromium, vanadium, copper, omega 3 and omega 6
  14. At one point I had what appeared to be leaky gut syndrome and had the sense to take digestive enzymes which helped me
  15. My doctor gave me a shot of cortison and valium into my foot where I had a severe pain
  16. It was accidentally discovered that I had high blood pressure and I was given the usual medications for hypertension
  17. It resulted in erectile dysfunction which was ignored by my doctors until I insisted that they change the medicine
  18. About that time I was probably pre-diabetic and told that I did not have a sugar problem
  19. I actually had an insulin problem.  I was on my way to Type II Diabetes and did not know it
  20. There were other warning signs such as a snapped tendon in my thumb, paralysis of the face
  21. When I had the facial paralysis I believe it was misdiagnosed as Bells Palsy when it was actually a mini-stroke.  I was told there was nothing they could do.
  22. Interesting enough, my son had been given vaccines at the age of three and immediately went into convulsions and vomiting.  Since then he has had food allergies and chronic asthma resulting in hospitalization for a week.  The top child allergist in Denmark wanted to put him on daily doses of asthma medication.  I argued against and conducted a three month daily study of his breathing to prove that the medication was not necessary.  As it turned out he did not need the medication.   His next round of vaccines was when he was six years old.  Half way through that round I decided to stop giving him vaccines because it did not make sense to me.  His asthma has never returned.  And his health has been excellent ever since.  He is now 16 years old.
  23. When I had been hospitalized because of the facial paralysis half of the people in the cardiac ward were athletic and like me puzzled by the breakdown of the cardiac system
  24. I moved to Spain partially because the weather is better and the food was supposed to be healthier.  As it has turned out the food in Spain is mostly GMO and they use extensive pesticides. Further, they and the rest of the EU have banned most beneficial vitamins, minerals and supplements.
  25. I have been told by my Spanish doctor and I know that this is a common belief amongst doctors that supplementation is a waste of money and time
Now you know why I am a Youngevity Associate.  Today, all my food is home made.  I never consume anything that has been packaged,  canned, boxed or manufactured.  I do not eat cooking oils,  starches, breads, potatoes, rice, cereals, wheat products, gluten, sweets, additives, artificial sweeteners, etc. I do not drink alcohol and I do not chew gum.  I do eat meat, farm eggs, raw milk, home made yoghurt, home made sauerkraut, buckwheat, millet, garden vegetables, fresh picked wild berries and grapes, parsley and cilantro.  I do take supplements.

How does my story compare to yours? Tell me your story.  I want to know what happened to you.  Please write and let me know about you.

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Healthy Start Pack

30 July, 2012

ASAP - Rapid, Natural and Permanent Weight Loss

Sugar Burner or Fat Burner?

Houston we have a problem.  Never have I seen so many fat and sickly people before.  I do not just mean a few pounds over weight.  I mean mega pounds.  I mean obese.  Let me do you a favor.  Let me introduce you to ASAP from Youngevity.  All you do is put three drops of ASAP under your tongue and your body resets its natural metabolic regulator to convert fat to fuel.  Clients are reporting remarkable results with no side effects.  Again, Dr. Wallach comes up with a natural product that is not a drug or synthetic formulation.  When taken with the other Youngevity products you will be healthier than ever before.

Two primary rules for loosing weight safely is to reduce or eliminate excessive fast burning carbohydrates from the diet and turn the body into a fat burner not a sugar burner.  This is done by eating slow burning carbohydrates such as vegetables and avoiding things like processed foods such as pastas, breads, grains, sugary desserts, etc.

Our bodies are programed by the foods we eat.  The average American used to eat one half pound of sugar per year.  Now we eat more than 4 pounds of sugar in that same time frame this does not include sugar in other forms such as sugary fruits, fruit juices and manufactured foods.  (Corn sugar or what is known as High Fructose Corn Syrup is a major cause of diabetes, cancer, heart disease, stroke and obesity.)

Modern foods are engineered to make you continue eating beyond what your body requires.  The satiating part of the brain is being manipulated so that the normal signals of when to stop eating do not work properly.  In addition, the body craves the minerals and vitamins it lacks.  This usually leads to obesity, diabetes, cancer, heart disease and stroke.  To make matters worse the soils upon which we grow our food and animal feeds are depleted of necessary nutrients due to chemical farming techniques.  Unfortunately, the chemicals in food used to make the foods appear, taste and smell healthy are also unhealthy and further confuses your natural health pathways.  If you think I am exaggerating just look around you and see how many fat, sick and dying people there are.

The most obvious sign of ill health is weight gain.  But what if we could reverse that effect by reducing your weight to a normal level while getting you healthier?   What if we could reprogram the body so that you only ate what your body really needed without hunger or cravings?  Imagine being able to turn your food into energy instead of fat.  Wouldn't it be great to be healthy, trim, fit and stay younger longer without drugs, surgery and dangerous chemicals?  You can.  ASAP is a 100% natural, safe and effective means of achieving this.  Check out the videos below to hear how real people accomplished the previously impossible task.

Contact me here to take control of your weight again and get healthy while you are doing it.  I want to see your health needs met and you as fit and healthy as you were meant to be with out disease or illness.  My Associate number is 100910989.  We deliver worldwide.

Get you Youngevity Products Here 

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See these testimonies from my fellow associates:

What happens in stroke

There are different kinds of strokes.  The stroke I had was similar to the Ishemic Stroke below.  The warning signs of stroke according to the American Stroke Association:

numbnessSudden numbness or weakness of the face, arm or leg, especially on one side of the body
confusionSudden confusion, trouble speaking or understanding
trouble-seeingSudden trouble seeing in one or both eyes
dizzinessSudden trouble walking, dizziness, loss of balance or coordination
headacheSudden, severe headache with no known cause
Ishemic Stroke (Thromotic and Embolic)

Transient (mini) Stroke

Hemorrhagic Stroke
  1. Get
    immediate medical attention.  If someone has one or more of these warning signs do not delay.  Phone 911 immediately.  There are some drugs that can reduce the amount of brain injury if administered within the first few hours.

    Read this newsletter to learn more and here.

    Healthy Start Pack

28 July, 2012

The complete Dr. Wallach lecture on "Dead Doctors Don't Lie"

The Dr, Wallach Story

Why Athletes Die Younger

Dr. Joel Wallach, is known as the Mineral Doctor.  Not only is he a physician he is also a veterinarian and a pathologists.  He has written dozens of books, performed thousands of autopsies and published more than 75 peer reviewed papers.

Dr. Wallach is also the founder of Youngevity.

In this 4 minute clip Dr. Wallach explains why  atheletes do not live long and how if you workout you had better supplement your diet effectively.  As a survivor of Stroke this information is critical to your recovery.  Contact me here if you wish to obtain these specially formulated products from Dr. Wallach.

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Healthy Start Pack

The Basics: You have to have the right nutrients to recover

You have to have the right nutrition if you want to recover from Stroke.  This is best achieved by regular supplementation with the right building blocks.  Remember, you have to not only retrain your body, but you must rebuild your brain.  But first you must correct dietary problems and recover from the nutritional deficiencies which led to the stroke in the first place. Beyond Tangy Tangerine has 90 essential vitamins and a slew of other minerals and trace minerals that help your body to rebuild.  I know after researching this product thoroughly that BTT will meet all your basic nutritional needs.   For specific issues and deficiencies other products will help round out your particular supplementation. Lets start with the basics.  Be sure to consult with a qualified health care practitioner.   If you have bloating, gas, diarhea, constipation or other digestive issues they must be addressed in order to be sure that you are able to absorb your nutrition.   Never stop taking your medication without consulting a doctor first.  Contact me or order any of the Youngevity products online.  Be sure to use my associate's number so that I can get the credit for your purchase.  100910989.  The most cost effective way to order Youngevity products is on auto-ship.  I can help you with your order. The basic problem for all degenerative illness is inflamation.  Therefore, you must cut out foods that may lead to inflamation.  You also must cut out insulin spiking foods such as:
  1. No grains such as wheat, barley, rye
  2. No gluten.  You must eat gluten free.
  3. No breads, pasta, pizza ,cakes, pastries , manufactured foods
  4. No cooking oils such as vegetable oils (except for coconut oils and fresh olive oil which is protected from sunlight and oxygen and kept in the refrigerator.)
  5. No fried foods what so ever
  6. No rice, potatoes, corn products, oats, cereals, starches, fructose, sugar
  7. Never use artificial sweeteners or additives
  8. Do use Probiotics, yoghurt, sauerkraut, fermented foods 
  9. Do use butter not margerine
  10. Do not eat low fat labeled foods
  11. Do eat 3 cups of fresh vegetables per meal per day
  12. Use whey protein for your daily protein needs and eat more eggs.
  13. Do use Omega 3 and Omega 6  in the right ratio
  14. Use Celtic Sea Salt or Himalayan Crystal Salt not table salt
  15. Breath Deeply, Exercise and Meditate daily
  16. Walk daily; 3 miles per day if you can
  17. Supplement with "Beyond Tangy Tangerine"  
If you find yourself craving sweets, increase your protein.  If you find your self craving fats increase your Essential Fatty Acids. If you do this as specified above you will be on your way to recovery.  Get your Youngevity Products Here 

Healthy Start Pack

My Story From The Beginning

We take so much for granted.  Since I had that stroke I learned to appreciate the opportunity to tell my family and friends how much I love them.

It was September 10th, 2010,  about 2 p.m.   My family knew something was wrong before I did.  I stood there in the kitchen doorway with a glass in my hand.  It slipped from my hand and I was unable to get my mouth to form the words.  I thought I must be day dreaming.  Then the room began to spin.  I lost my balance and used the wall to hold myself up.  Rather than regaining my steady balance I became more unstable but calm.  My children asked  me if I was ok.  I could barely say yes.

I said I needed to wash my face and take it easy.  But I could not make it to the bathroom down the hall.  My wife offered me a seat but I continued to stand not realizing that I was paralyzed.  A few minutes later I accepted the fact that I was in trouble and needed help.

My kids and wife rushed to my side and offered to get me an ambulance.  I naturally declined.  But I could not talk.  I could only wave my hand.  A minute longer I was asking for the ambulance once I realized that this was more than a passing thing.

Where I lived in Spain was one block away from the health clinic and the ambulance station.  5 minutes later a golf cart arrived with the ambulance driver.  I climbed down the steps under my own power.  Greeted the driver in Spanish and was taken up the hill a block away.  My friend and wife was right there with me.

I went into the ambulance under my own power and laid on the stretcher.  It was an amazing site to see what appeared to be a giant of a man laying in such a small space.  My feet were almost out the door.  (I am really not that tall.  But compared to most Spaniards I am tall.)

Instead of speeding me off to the hospital I was interviewed by a nurse and my vital signs were taken.  I can only guess that they found I had elevated blood pressure and no other outwardly symptoms.  I could not speak.  I was tongue tied.  Then the female doctor came out from the clinic and examined me more thoroughly.  I think she thought I was having a heart attack.  I was injected with something and given a couple of pills.

She got the paddles out just in case and we were off in the ambulance to the ... clinic in a nearby town.  My wife rode shotgun.  I live in a mountain top village the road is dangerously curvey with shear drop offs along the way.  We can see the North African coast from our town.  Along the way my bladder let go and I needed to "void".  The doctor handed me a regulation size urine flask and I was to magically use it in front of her while laying on my back going down a windy road.

Would you believe I did not get one drop of urine into that bottle?  About this time I started to become motion sick.  But was able to keep my lunch down.  I realize then that I may be near death and that I may never see my children or family back home again.  I would not say I was scared.  But I was more bewildered about how I could be riding in an ambulance and basically paralyzed.

20 minutes later , approximately 45 minutes from when I first had the attack I arrived in the next town over.  They don't have a hospital either.  I was rushed into the clinic and met by a team of nurses who looked at me as if I were a specimen from Africa.  I was not sure if they were going to help me or mug me.  They attempted to block my wife at the door from coming into the examination room.  Larisa is not that big.  She is about 5'4'', 100 pounds.  But they knew she meant business and let her in.

More questions and an examination and I was transferred to another ambulance and on my way to the big hospital in a nearby city.  Only this time my wife was not allowed to go.  The back story is that they had tricked my wife by telling her that transport to the hospital would be arranged for her separately.  After the ambulance carrying me had left she was put outside the clinic and forced to panhandle bus fare to the hospital on her own.

Upon my arrival at the hospital I was somewhat out of it.  I was wheeled into their version of intensive care, put on a blood pressure cuff, given a few injections and set up for a drip feed.  No one said much to me and I was left alone with a supplemental oxygen tube near my nose.  Larisa showed up fifteen minutes later as if by magic.

Her visitation lasted about ten minutes and then visiting hours were over.  I was alone again.  The situation was so hilarious I almost broke out laughing although I realized that most of the people were so ill and trying to get comfortable.  An hour later I was wheeled to have an MRI scan of my brain.  The machine was old, antiquated and falling apart.  But I was put in front of 30 other people all needing a scan so I did not dare complain.

I was told later by a doctor that I had had a stroke.  That they could see I had had others.  That my blood pressure needed to come down.  And that I would be taken to a ward as soon as my blood pressure had been lowered sufficiently.

It took about 12 hours to get the pressure lowered to the level they wanted.  But I still had to wait for a bed to open up.  I really hate to criticize but this was probably the filthiest hospital I had ever seen other than that time I had accompanied a friend to a hospital when I was in Africa.

The next day, I was wheeled up stairs and placed into a two man room.  I was stripped, sprayed with disinfectant, catherized and placed into bed where I was expected to remain until I could be taken home.  Twice a day a doctor would walk by and ask me to move my arms and legs.  It felt like trying to move a stone with your mind.  My speech was garbled.

My wife visited me every day and brought me healthy food from home.  Later she would steal a wheelchair and take me outside to get some fresh air.  We would sit there next to the smokers puffing in the fresh air while they many of whom were chemo patients got their fix.

I was in the hospital for 2 weeks.  During that time they tried to convince me that I was paralyzed.  I never believed them for one minute.  The nurse would say, "you can not walk".  I would say "yes I can and I am going to play tennis soon".  They just laughed and said "sure you are".   A few times I would try to get out of bed when no one was around and ended up on the hard hospital floor.  The funny part was that I could not get up and had to wait there until the nurses stumbled on my sprawled body.

At one point they tried to put the rails on the bed to keep me in the bed and my wife told them to move the rails and that I would walk if I want to.  Notice that they did not ask me.

Anyhow, the time came for my rehabilitation to begin.  They suggested that they would roll my bed through the hospital to take me down to the rehab room.  I was horrified.  Imagine me in a bed being rolled down the hall, down the elevator and back.  I said no way was I doing that.  What were these people thinking?  I am a human being not a side of beef.

One last little story.  I had to have a nephrologist look at me.  He could not give me a definite time of his visit.  He just so happened to come while my wife and I were out getting some fresh air.  Boy was he mad.  I was supposed to stay in my room waiting for his majesty to arrive I guess.  After that he curtailed his examination of me because of my cavalier attitude.

Two weeks to the day I was put into a taxi and sent home and owed the hospital 7000 Euros for the visit.

I am looking forward to getting to know you and reading your stories. Perhaps we can share a few health strategies including my new venture, Youngevity.  Tell me your story here. If you allow me I would be happy to publish it.

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