I had been wondering and researching the cause of my stroke. I mean I am a swimmer, a runner, a sailor, a football player, a basketball player, a hiker, a matial artist, a tennis coach, a search and rescuer and a participant in all sorts of activities that were meant to keep me healthy. I have always eaten well and healthy. Not too much fast food. Not a big soda drinker. I did like beer and wine though.
But the fact is the warning signs were there. I ignored them and I paid the price. What were the warning signs. As a child I was sickly. I had allergies and asthma. I also always sweated a lot. I was thin as a child but bulked up as I got older and began to lift weights.
At the age of 45 years old I moved to Denmark where I lived for 8 years. There for the first time in my life I developed high blood pressure, paralysis in my face and had suffered several sports related injuries in my foot.
Here is what I have been able to deduce from that history:
- My immune system was compromised due to vaccines as a child
- I did have extensive use of mercury amalgam in my teeth
- I probably developed food allergies and sensitivities especially due to wheat and other grains.
- Not realizing that food sensitivities could lead to asthma I became asthmatic as a child
- I continued to eat grains compromising my ability to absorb vital nutrients
- As an athlete I sweated a lot and lost more vital minerals
- I made the situation worse by not drinking enough clean water
- I continued to eat pastas, starches, potatoes, rice, corn, oats and sugary fruits like oranges
- I did not eat enough green vegetables and bitter foods opting for that sugary taste
- I rarely supplemented my compromised diet
- I had an episode after strong antibiotics where I had to reintroduce probiotics in the form of yogurt when my doctor refused to treat me for C. Albicans.
- When I moved to Northern Europe I did not realize how little sun exposure they had and I became deficient in vitamin D
- I estimate my deficiencies included vitamins A, B, C, D, E zinc, magnesium, selenium, chromium, vanadium, copper, omega 3 and omega 6
- At one point I had what appeared to be leaky gut syndrome and had the sense to take digestive enzymes which helped me
- My doctor gave me a shot of cortison and valium into my foot where I had a severe pain
- It was accidentally discovered that I had high blood pressure and I was given the usual medications for hypertension
- It resulted in erectile dysfunction which was ignored by my doctors until I insisted that they change the medicine
- About that time I was probably pre-diabetic and told that I did not have a sugar problem
- I actually had an insulin problem. I was on my way to Type II Diabetes and did not know it
- There were other warning signs such as a snapped tendon in my thumb, paralysis of the face
- When I had the facial paralysis I believe it was misdiagnosed as Bells Palsy when it was actually a mini-stroke. I was told there was nothing they could do.
- Interesting enough, my son had been given vaccines at the age of three and immediately went into convulsions and vomiting. Since then he has had food allergies and chronic asthma resulting in hospitalization for a week. The top child allergist in Denmark wanted to put him on daily doses of asthma medication. I argued against and conducted a three month daily study of his breathing to prove that the medication was not necessary. As it turned out he did not need the medication. His next round of vaccines was when he was six years old. Half way through that round I decided to stop giving him vaccines because it did not make sense to me. His asthma has never returned. And his health has been excellent ever since. He is now 16 years old.
- When I had been hospitalized because of the facial paralysis half of the people in the cardiac ward were athletic and like me puzzled by the breakdown of the cardiac system
- I moved to Spain partially because the weather is better and the food was supposed to be healthier. As it has turned out the food in Spain is mostly GMO and they use extensive pesticides. Further, they and the rest of the EU have banned most beneficial vitamins, minerals and supplements.
- I have been told by my Spanish doctor and I know that this is a common belief amongst doctors that supplementation is a waste of money and time
How does my story compare to yours? Tell me your story. I want to know what happened to you. Please write and let me know about you.
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